37 research outputs found

    Development of Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission Imaging System

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    摘 要 表面等离子体耦合发射荧光法(SurfacePlasmonCoupledEmission,SPCE)是利用激发态的荧光团和金属表面等离子体的近场耦合作用而建立起来的一种新型表面增强荧光技术。作为一种新型荧光技术,SPCE具有角度定向、高度偏振、波长分辨、距离依赖和背景抑制等独特性质,其与光学成像技术的联用,在SPCE机理研究、蛋白质免疫分析和生物组织成像等领域方兴未艾,具有广阔的应用前景。本论文致力于研制表面等离子体耦合发射荧光成像系统,并在此基础上开展相关研究。论文分为六章: 第一章绪论。该章首先阐述了SPCE的原理、荧光发射性质、SPCE光谱的发展现状及其在分析检测领域中的应...Abstract Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission (SPCE), a novel surface enhanced fluorescence technology based on the near-field interaction of excited fluorophores and surface plasmons located on metallic surfaces, has attracted increasing attention due to its unique characteristics, including directional emission, high polarization, spectral resolution, distance dependence and background suppression....学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_分析化学学号:2052007015357

    四种鲍45S rDNA在染色体上的比较定位

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    为了研究皱纹盘鲍、西氏鲍、绿鲍和杂色鲍等4种鲍的核型特征,实验利用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)技术比较定位了上述4种鲍的45S rDNA位点。皱纹盘鲍中约83%的中期细胞均检出2对45S rDNA位点,分别位于13号和16号染色体的长臂端部。西氏鲍中约75%的中期细胞均检出3对45S rDNA位点,分别位于6号染色体短臂端部、14号和17号染色体长臂端部。绿鲍中约85%的中期细胞均检出3对45S rDNA位点,分别位于4号、6号和8号染色体长臂的端部。杂色鲍中约65%的中期细胞均检出3对45S r DNA,位点,分别位于3号、4号和12号染色体短臂的端部。此外,4种鲍均有少数中期相的45S rDNA位点数高于众数,这提示,除了明确的45S rDNA位点外,4种鲍可能均有若干个不稳定的45S rDNA位点。实验结果丰富了鲍细胞遗传学研究资料,同时为鲍的遗传育种研究提供了基础数据。国家自然科学基金(U1605213)~

    四种鲍45S rDNA在染色体上的比较定位

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    为了研究皱纹盘鲍、西氏鲍、绿鲍和杂色鲍等4种鲍的核型特征,实验利用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,,FISH)比较定位了这4种鲍的45S rDNA位点。皱纹盘鲍中,约83%的中期细胞检出2对45S rDNA位点,分别位于13号和16号染色体的长臂端部。西氏鲍中,约75%的中期细胞检出3对45S rDNA位点,分别位于6号染色体短臂端部、14号和17号染色体长臂端部。绿鲍中,约85%的中期细胞检出3对45S rDNA位点,分别位于4号、6号和8号染色体长臂的端部。杂色鲍中,约65%的中期细胞检出3对45S rDNA位点,分别位于3号、4号和12号染色体短臂的端部。此外,4种鲍均有少数中期相的45S rDNA位点数高于众数,这提示除了明确的45S rDNA位点外,4种鲍可能均有若干个不稳定的45S rDNA位点。研究结果丰富了鲍细胞遗传学研究资料,为鲍的遗传育种研究提供了基础数据


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    Observation of Surface Plasmon-coupled Directional Fluorescence Using Thin Iron Films

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    【中文摘要】表面等离子体耦合定向荧光 (Surface plasmon coupled directional fluorescence, SPCDF)是新近发展起来的一种表面增强荧光检测技术,其原理可理解为表面等离子体共振吸收的逆过程.目前,应用于SPCDF检测的表面金属层多集中于金和银两种金属 .将研究基底扩展到其它金属 , 探讨新基底下的检测特性已成为研究热点. 本文报道了以纳米铁膜为基底的 SPCDF检测方法.以荧光素和卟啉为例 , 探讨了 SPCDF信号的特性, 在固定角度下检测了荧光素 -卟啉双荧光团体系的 SPCDF信号 , 并应用于全血样品的分析 .【Abstract】The observation of surface plasmon-coupled directional fluorescence(SPCDF) on thin iron films was presented. SPCDF from thin iron films was p-polarized with a directional emission angle of 70°. Fluorescein and meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine(TPPS) were used as a model system of dual fluorophores. Using 25 nm thin iron films,the SPCDF signals of the two fluorophores were observed at a fixed angle just by one scan. The SPCDF signals of Fluorescein and TPPS added to whole blood were identified clearly,eliminating the background interference of blood effectively. Thin iron films have been proven to be new materials for SPCDF detection,promoting a new mode to observe the enhanced fluorescence signals of different fluorophores by one scan. They should be useful for tracking the labled systems of multi-fluorophores in biological applications

    Surface Plasmon-coupled Emission of Multicolor Quantum Dots

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    E-mail: [email protected][中文文摘]以巯基小分子为配体水相合成CdTe量子点,通过调节回流时间调控其粒径大小.由于量子点的宽谱激发特性,在蓝光(473 nm)或绿光(532 nm)条件下,纳米金属薄膜表面不同发射波长的CdTe量子点均可被激发而与金属表面等离子体发生耦合相互作用,从而在棱镜一侧发出高度定向的偏振荧光,其荧光特性与样品厚度密切相关.表面等离子体耦合荧光发射法(SPCE)具有波长分辨性质,不同颜色的量子点在不同角度定向发射,发射波长越长,角度越小.720nm和630 nm量子点的自由空间发射荧光光谱呈现交叠,然而,基于SPCE的波长分辨性质,我们通过改变检测角度避开光谱重叠,在棱镜一侧的43o和51o处分别得到了两种量子点的SPCE荧光单峰.量子点是SPCE在多通路、高通量检测应用中荧光物种的理想选择.[英文文摘]Aqueous CdTe quantum dots(QDs) were synthesized employing thiols as stabilizing ligands and their emission wavelengths could be tuned by controlling the reflux time.Surface plasmon-coupled emission(SPCE) properties of multicolor CdTe QDs were studied by using a laboratory-built multifunctional spectrofluorimeter.To fabricate a CdTe QDs-doped complete film onto the surface of continuous thin metal films,CdTe QDs were spin-coated at 3000 r/min with poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) solution of various concentrations.For SPCE measurements, the spin-coated slides were attached to a semi-cylindrical prism made of fused silica with a refractive-index-matching fluid and then positioned on a precise rotary stage that allowed for excitation and emission observation at any angle relative to the vertical axis of the stage. For excitation, we used the reverse Kretschmann (RK) configuration and the incident light was normal to the sample interface. The spectra were measured using a monochromator equipped with a photomultiplier tube. The experimental results showed CdTe QDs located nearby continuous thin metal film could be excited using either blue (473 nm) or green (532 nm) laser as a result of their broad excitations and their emissions resulting from the surface plasmon coupling were strongly directional, highly polarized and closely related to sample thickness. Because of the wavelength-resolution property of SPCE, CdTe QDs with different emission wavelengths were found to emit at different fixed angles, longer wavelengths corresponding to smaller angles. The free space emission spectra of 720 nm and 630 nm CdTe QDs in a mixture were overlapped and could not be separated at any detection angle. However, owing to the unique wavelength resolution ability of SPCE, the spectra of 720 nm and 630 nm CdTe QDs were obtained at 43° and 51º on the prism side, respectively. The determination of each component of the mixtures of CdTe QDs was achieved by changing the detection angle to avoid spectral overlap. Therefore, QDs are ideal fluorophores for SPCE in high-throughput, multiplex analysis application.国家自然科学基金(Nos.21127005,20975084); 国家973计划(No.2013CB933703); 教育部博士点基金(No.20110121110011)资

    Community of benthic macrofauna on sandy intertidal zone in Chinese Horseshoe Crab Reserve in Pingtan island,China

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    2015年7月底,在平潭岛中国鲎(Tachypleus; tridentatus)保护区沙质潮间带进行了大型底栖动物调查。结果表明,在山岐澳和坛南湾沙质潮间带未发现鲎的幼体和成体,证实中国鲎在山岐澳和坛; 南湾已经面临濒危的境况。山岐澳潮间带的大型底栖动物物种数、物种多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(J)和丰度指数(d)均高于坛南湾潮间带的大型底栖动; 物物种数、物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰度指数,而山岐澳潮间带的大型底栖动物栖息密度和生物量低于坛南湾潮间带的大型底栖动物栖息密度和生物量。两个; 海湾大型底栖动物群落的差异与肋(虫昌)螺(Umbonium; costatum)分布有关,坛南湾潮间带栖息着高密度的肋虫昌螺,而在山岐澳潮间带肋(虫昌)螺很少。AZTI's海洋生物指数(AMBI)和多变量海; 洋底栖生物指数(M-AMBI)值证实山歧澳和坛南湾沙质潮间带生态环境均属于受轻度扰动状态。山岐澳主要受海水养殖的影响,吊养的生物和浮筒减缓了水动; 力,导致山岐澳潮间带低洼区表层为泥质沉积物。坛南湾是旅游区,潮间带受人为踩踏较多。At the end of July 2015 , the benthic macrofauna were investigated in; sandy intertidal zone in Chinese Horseshoe Crab Reserve in Pingtan; island. The results showed that both the larvae and adult of Chinese; horseshoe crab were not found in sandy intertidal zone in Shanqi bay and; Tannan bay. It was confirmed that Tachypleus tridentatus stayed in an; endangered situation in the two bays. The species number, species; diversity index (H'),evenness index (J) and a-bundance index (d) of; benthic macrofauna in Shanqi bay were all higher than those in Tannan; bay,while the density and biomass of benthic macrofauna in the; intertidal zone of Shanqi bay were lower than those in Tannan bay. The; difference of benthic macrofaunal community between Shanqi bay and; Tannan bay was related to the distribution of Umbonium costatum . The; density of Umbonium costatum was high in Tannan bay,but it was few in; Shanqi bay. The values of AZTI' s Marine Biotic Index ( AMBI) and; Multivariate Marine Benthic Index (M-AMBI) showed that the ecological; and environmental status both in Shanqi bay and Tannan bay were slightly; disturbed. The mariculture was the key factor in Shanqi bay,because the; suspending aquatic organisms and floats retarded hydrodynamic force led; to muddy sediment in lower intertidal zone in Shanqi bay. Tannan bay is; a tourism region, where has more artificial tread than Shanqi bay.海洋公益项目; 国家自然科学基金面上项目; 厦门大学2015年大创资助项

    Miniaturization of surface plasmon coupled emission spectrofluorimeter and its performance analysis

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