
Observation of Surface Plasmon-coupled Directional Fluorescence Using Thin Iron Films


【中文摘要】表面等离子体耦合定向荧光 (Surface plasmon coupled directional fluorescence, SPCDF)是新近发展起来的一种表面增强荧光检测技术,其原理可理解为表面等离子体共振吸收的逆过程.目前,应用于SPCDF检测的表面金属层多集中于金和银两种金属 .将研究基底扩展到其它金属 , 探讨新基底下的检测特性已成为研究热点. 本文报道了以纳米铁膜为基底的 SPCDF检测方法.以荧光素和卟啉为例 , 探讨了 SPCDF信号的特性, 在固定角度下检测了荧光素 -卟啉双荧光团体系的 SPCDF信号 , 并应用于全血样品的分析 .【Abstract】The observation of surface plasmon-coupled directional fluorescence(SPCDF) on thin iron films was presented. SPCDF from thin iron films was p-polarized with a directional emission angle of 70°. Fluorescein and meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine(TPPS) were used as a model system of dual fluorophores. Using 25 nm thin iron films,the SPCDF signals of the two fluorophores were observed at a fixed angle just by one scan. The SPCDF signals of Fluorescein and TPPS added to whole blood were identified clearly,eliminating the background interference of blood effectively. Thin iron films have been proven to be new materials for SPCDF detection,promoting a new mode to observe the enhanced fluorescence signals of different fluorophores by one scan. They should be useful for tracking the labled systems of multi-fluorophores in biological applications

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