66 research outputs found

    Forward Osmosis Membrane Principle and Its Application Were Reviewed

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    正向渗透是一项新型的利用半透膜两侧溶液渗透压差作为驱动力的膜分离技术。文章介绍了正向渗透膜分离技术的原理和影响因素,对其在各个领域(包括海水淡化、废水处理、橙汁浓缩、水袋)的研究进展进行了综述。现有的研究表明,可用于正向渗透工艺的膜不同于常规的反渗透膜,需要从膜结构开发适合的膜组件;采用nH3和CO2制备提取液是目前研究中具有应用前途的方式之一,具有产水率高且易于分离浓缩的优点。Forward osmosis(FO) is a novel membrane separation technique which utilizes osmotic pressure differential as the driving force and themechanism features of forward osmosis process are introduced.The research progress in seawater desalination,orange juice concentrate,wastewater treatment,water bag is also reviewed.The research shows that FO membrane is different from RO membrane.Appropriate FO membrane should be developed by consideration of the membrane structure.The processing ammonia and carbon dioxide to prepare draw solution is one of the most promising processes,because of the high water flux and being easily separated

    Electrodeposition of Active Platinum on Stainless Steel

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    采用低毒、较缓和条件下预处理不锈钢基底 ,在电沉积过程中引入超声波振荡技术 ,并筛选出最佳电流密度组合进行电沉积 ,制备出与基底粘结牢固、析氢电催化性能高的不锈钢镀铂电极。从电极的双层电容值可推出电极活性的改善主要归因于表面粗糙度的增加。The substrate of stainless steel was pretreated under low toxic and moderate conditions. Ultrasonic agitation technology was employed in the process of electodeposition. In addition, the optimal combination of current densities was selected. As a result, platinum plated stainless steel electrode which not only was adherent to the substrate but also possessed excellent electrocatalyticproperty for HER was prepared. It can be deduced from the measured values of the double layer capacity of the electrode that the improvement of the electrode activity was mainly due to the increase in surface roughness of the electrode.厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室资助!课题 ( 950 1


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    正负地形可通过源汇过程对水、土资源进行再分配,影响着山区的人口分布,有待深入研究。获取正负地形数据,运用6个指标和多元逐步回归方法,分析贵州高原山区正负地形特征及其对人口分布的影响。研究表明:①贵州高原山区的正负地形结构异质性明显。蚕食度、深切度、平均粗糙度比、形状指标、匀度指数、破碎度的平均值分别为1.07、371m、 1.01、3.40、325和3.34。表明正地形被负地形蚕食明显、切入深度大,正、负地形的粗糙度基本相当,正负地形景观斑块呈现形状不规则、面积不均匀的破碎状态。6个正负地形指标中,匀度指数的变异性最大,变异系数为90.43%;平均粗糙度比的变异性最小,变异系数为1.06%。②贵州高原山区的人口分布不均匀性突出。人口累积达到40%时,累积面积百分比为14%;人口累积达到80%时,累积面积百分比约为50%;余下50%的面积则只积累了约20%的人口。③6个正负地形指标中,蚕食度和深切度是影响人口分布的主要因素。蚕食度通过影响土地承载力决定了人口的集聚水平,与人口密度呈正相关关系。深切度通过影响人居环境的地质灾害风险决定了人口的集聚水平,与人口密度呈负相关关系。研究成果为研究地形条件的人口影响提供补充,并为贵州高原山区人-地关系协调和土地可持续管理提供参考。国家自然科学基金(41761003,41867001,41661081)教育部人文社会科学研究项目(18YJC850010)贵州省普通高等学校科技拔尖人才支持计划(黔教合KY字[2018]042

    Adaptive management of aquatic germplasm reserves

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    针对我国水产种质资源保护区在现行管理模式下普遍存在的资源难以恢复、保护效果不明显等问题,基于生态系统管理的理念,借鉴国内外有关自然保护区适应性管理研究实践经验,探索水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理。水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理可分为模式建立和反馈两个阶段,包括问题识别、目标制定、方案设计与实施、动态监测、绩效评估、反馈与调整等过程,以全面提升保护区对外界环境变化的不确定性和复杂性的快速反应能力。并以福建长乐西施舌资源增殖保护区为例,分析该保护区的管理现状,探索适应性管理模式的构建与应用。There were some common issues of the current management model in domestic Aquatic Germplasm Reserves( AGRs),such as the difficulty of resources recovery and the insignificant efficiency of protection.An Adaptive Management( AM) framework of AGRs was constructed according to the theoretical researches and practices of Ecosystem-based Management( EBM) and Adaptive Management both in domestic and foreign nature reserves.The AM framework of AGRs could be divided into two stages as model establishment and feedback: the former included problem identification,strategic planning,program design and implementation,while the later comprised of dynamic monitoring,performance evaluation,feedback and adjustment.The practice of AM framework could strongly enhance the rapid response to the uncertainty and complexity of external environment of AGRs.Furthermore,the Changle Xishi Tongue( Coelomactra Antiquata) Resource Enhancement and Protected Area was used as an example to analyse the current situation of management in AGRs and explore the construction and application of adaptive management model.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905019;201005012


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    The application and research of the aircraft flexible fixture

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    主要研究气动、液压与电传技术在航空制造业中装配工艺中的应用。对研制出数控机床气动柔性夹紧系统,及其在飞机上零件加工上的应用进行了详细论述,包括柔性系统的机构组成、工作原理及PlC控制系统。该技术的突破为我国飞机数字化加工装配提供了参考价值,并将促进航空制造业的跨越式发展。The application of the pneumatic,hydraulic and power transmission for assembly process and equipment in aviation manufacturing industry is study.A novel type of CNC Aircraft Flexible Fixture machine system has been made out,and applied in manufacturing the aircraft parts.The system is including in architecture of the composition,working theory,PLC control system.It has a great signification of the manufacturing technology for aircraft digital processing,manufacturing and assembling,and promoting the developing of aircraft manufacturing

    The Applications of POAP Ni 2+ Films ModiFied Electrode as Sensor For Alcohol

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    POAP-nI2+膜电极对乙醇氧化表现出优越的电催化活性.乙醇氧化电流受到膜厚、膜中镍离子浓度、活化时间、电解质PH值及温度等条件的影响.选择合适的条件,可得到乙醇浓度与响应电流的线性关系.POAP-nI2+可构成较理想的乙醇传感器,其线性范围、检测下限、响应时间及抗干扰能力等主要特征参数均达到实用要求POAP Ni 2+ Films modiFied electrode can electrocatalyzes signiFicantly the oxidation of alcohol.the modiFied electrode can be used as the electrochemical sensor For the detection of alcohol.But the oxidation of alcohol is eFFected by the thickness of Films、the concentration of nickel ion in Films、pH of electrolyte,as well as temperative.All of those conditions have been studied in order to achieve stable response current during the oxidation of alcohol, and the relation between concentration and current has been made.At last the major characteristic parameters, such as the low limitation of concentration、the response time、the ability of antiinterFerence et al,have been discussed

    The Impact of Mariculture on the Marine Ecosystem and Studies on Bioremediation

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    海水养殖业的迅速发展对海域生态系统产生了一系列的严重影响,本文综述了海水养殖带来的营养盐污染及沉积环境变化、药物使用污染、对天然生物的影响等问题.对于海水养殖造成的问题,有着多种治理方式,基于养殖生态系统的生物修复,是近年来新兴的安全有效的修复方法.本文介绍了微生物修复、大型海藻修复、贝-藻修复、人工湿地修复等生物修复方法及其研究进展.随着研究的不断深入,治理的方式也越来越多,但要想从根本上解决海水养殖带来的污染及影响,基于生态系统的海水养殖管理乃是实现海水养殖业可持续发展的关键.The development of mariculture has brought serious problems to the marine ecosystem,including water eutrophication,impacts on the sediment,chemical pollution,and other impacts on marine organisms.Some methods has been developed to solve the problems during recent years,especially the methods of bioremediation,including using microorganisms,marine plants,shellfish-aquatic plants,and constructed wetlands,which have advantages of safety and effect.In conclusion,to achieve sustainable development of mariculture,we should manage the fishery not only using traditional methods but basing on ecological principles


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    Juvenile Fish Diversity in Shankou Mangrove Reserve and Their Recruitment to the Fishery Resources

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    于2010年4,10月,2011年1,5和7月对广西山口红树林区内稚幼鱼4个季节5个航次的采样数据进行分析.红树林缘潮滩和红树林内潮沟采样工具分别为定置张网及鱼笼.共采获稚幼鱼40种,隶属于8目24科,所有种类均为硬骨鱼类.红树林区各季节优势种变化较大.林缘潮滩优势种分别为:春季(4和5月)为前鳞鲻(MugIl OPHuySEnI)和花鲈(lATEOlAbrAX JAPOnICuS);秋季(10月)为印度小公鱼(STOlEPHOruS IndICuS);冬季(1月)为前鳞鲻;夏季(7月)为短吻鰏(lEIOgnATHuS brEVIrOSTrIS)和斑鰶(CluPAnOdOn PunCTATuS).林内潮沟优势种分别为:春季(4和5月)为眶棘双边鱼(AM-bASSIS gyMnOCEPHAluS)和斑鰶;秋季(10月)为短吻鰏;冬季(1月)为前鳞鲻和纹缟鰕虎鱼(TrIdEnTIgEr TrIgOnOCEPHA-luS);夏季(7月)为犬牙细棘鰕虎鱼(ACEnTrOgObIuS CAnInuS).以质量计算不同季节MArgAlEf种类丰富度指数d,SHAn-nOn-WIEnEr多样性指数H′以及PIElOu均匀度指数J,潮滩平均值分别为d=1.83,H′=1.5,J=0.53;潮沟指数分别为d=1.63,H′=1.46,J=0.58.本研究表明山口红树林生态系统内稚幼鱼H′偏低.通过分析鳀科、鲱科以及鲻科鱼类在本研究区域内具有较为典型的生境转移现象,可以认为山口红树林区具有支撑近海鱼类育幼和摄食的作用,同时,该林区内稚幼鱼对当地渔业资源具有补充作用.The data were collected through juvenile fish surveys in Shankou Mangrove Reserve in April,October 2010 and January,May,July 2011 respectively,which covered 4 seasons year-round.33 and 28 species were found at the mudflat and creek of Shankou mangrove area respectively,all the species were bony fish.The dominant species varied with seasons.The dominant species in the mudflat were Mugil ophuyseni and Lateolabrax japonicas in spring(April and May);Stolephorus indicus in autumn(October),M.ophuyseni in winter(January),Leiognathus brevirostris and Clupanodon punctatus in summer(July).The dominant species in the creek were Ambassis gymnocephalus and C.punctatus in spring;L.brevirostris in autumn;M.ophuyseni and Tridentiger trigonocephalus in winter;and Acentrogobius caninus in summer.Species biodiversity indices of the juvenile fish were calculated.The species richness D,Shannon diversity index H′ and evenness index J were 1.83,1.5 and 0.53 at the mudflat and 1.63,1.46,0.58 at the creek respectively.Compared with other mangrove areas,the biodiversity indices of juvenile fish were lower in Shankou mangrove area.By analyzing habitat shifting of Engraulidae,Clupeidae and Mugilidae,it could be concluded that Shankou mangrove provided nursery area and shelters for the juvenile fish,which played an important role of recruitment to local fishery resources.海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(200905019-6;201005012