1,632 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Community Power Management System

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    随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活质量也提出了更高要求,智能小区就是在这样的背景下快速进入人们的生活视野。作为智能小区信息化系统的重要组成部分,电源管理和控制扮演着确保家庭用电安全、节约电力资源的角色。本课题以智能小区电源管理为研究对象,讨论其设计和开发方案。论文工作内容包括: 1、基于对业务流程和功能需求的详细分析,设计了系统的总体功能结构、软件架构和网络架构,并给出了系统数据表及关系的设计。 2、详细设计了基础数据管理模块,该模块为电源管理功能的正常运行提供数据支撑和相关配置,包括受控设备管理、控制单元管理、受控关联创建、受控关联维护等子模块。 3、详细设计了电源控制和电源维修管...As people living standard unceasing enhancement, people's life quality is also put forward higher requirements, intelligent village is under the background of the fast into the vision of people's lives. As an important part of intelligent village informatization system, power management and control play a ensuring the safety of electricity, the role of saving electricity. This topic in intelligent...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323177

    Design and Implementation of Materials Fine Management Information System for Guizhou Tobacco

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    贵州烟草行业迫切需要建立健全烟叶收购仓储调运以及内部专卖管理监督的标准业务模型;迫切需要建立烟叶收购、调运自动预警机制及实时监控机制;迫切需要充分运用信息技术进行数据挖掘、智能分析、实时展示、尽早预防与及时纠正,为实施烟叶收购、仓储、调运的精细化管理提供全过程全覆盖的信息化管理平台。 为此贵州烟草物资精细化管理信息系统主要研究工作为:(1)对每户烟农的售烟过程进行实时监管,并分析出现的异常行为;(2)对烟叶收购中出现的空合同和开具假码单等违规、违纪行为进行实时监管,(3)对烟叶收购建立关键控制指标实时预警手段;对基层站点的调运情况进行实时监管。文章采用文献搜集法进行研究。搜集物资管理、烟草设...Guizhou tobacco industry urgent need established sound tobacco acquisition warehouse transportation and internal monopoly management supervision of standard business model; urgent need established tobacco acquisition, and transportation automatically warning mechanism and the real-time monitoring mechanism; urgent need full using information technology for data mining, and intelligent analysis, an...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323113

    Research on the Revenue recognition of Fitness Industry——Based on Company A

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    随着我国经济迅猛发展,人民生活水平不断提高,全民健身意识不断加强,健身开始成为一种潮流,相应的,健身房的数量也如雨后春笋般遍地开花。健身行业的发展吸引了大量的资本介入,但是因为健身房企业特殊的预付制经营模式,所以无论资本介入目的是财务投资还是产业整合,资本方都十分关注健身房企业的财务处理方式,而预付制模式下如何进行会计核算仍然是目前资本界尚在讨论的问题,不同的健身房企业往往根据其经营情况采取不同的财务模型,最终导致不同的健身房企业得到的财务数据缺乏数据上的可比性。健身房企业的会计处理特殊性,主要是因为其成本类型、服务性质、对外交易等方面与其他行业存在一定的差异,所以在现行会计准则下,收入的确认...With swift and violent development of economy, people’s living standard has been constantly improved and people’s consciousness of fitness increases continuously. Fitness has become a trend. However, as the standard part of fitness industry, the number of fitness centers spring up. Development of fitness industry attracts large amount of capital. Nevertheless, due to the special advance-payment bu...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:1842014115063

    An Empirical Examination on the Impact of Interest Rate, Stock Index and Commodity Index on RMB Exchange Rate -- Based on VAR-GARCH(1,1)-BEKK Model

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    自2001年12月我国正式加入世界贸易组织以来,我国的市场经济得到了很大发展,对外贸易也不断扩大,人民币汇率也越来越市场化;与此同时,以香港离岸人民币市场为代表的人民币离岸市场也得到了很大的发展,人民币也更加国际化。人民币不断深入的市场化和国际化,使得汇率对我国经济的影响进一步加大,对于人民币汇率的研究也更加有意义。 本文选取人民币汇率、利率、股指以及大宗商品价格指数作为研究对象,通过构建VAR模型,实证检验了他们之间的相互关系。首先,本文研究了在岸与离岸市场人民币即期汇率价差与利率、股指以及大宗商品价格指数之间的相互关系,我们发现在岸与离岸市场的人民币利率差值与人民币即期汇率价差之间有着很...Since December 2001, China formally joined in the World Trade Organization, China's market economy has greatly developed, international trade has also been increasing and the exchange rate of RMB is more and more marketization. At the same time, Hongkong's offshore RMB market, as the representative of the RMB offshore market, has greatly developed and the RMB is more international. With the market...学位:金融硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融硕士学号:2772014115277

    Real-time identification of time-varying structures and integration with vibration control based on extended Kalman Filter with unknown inputs

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    建筑结构的参数识别与损伤诊断是结构健康监测领域中的一项重要课题。在过去的数十年内,业内许多专家与学者给出了理论各异的,基于结构振动响应的参数识别与损伤诊断方法。然而,这其中的许多方法,大都是针对于时不变系统的。但在重大荷载发生时(如高烈度地震等),结构单元发生损伤,它的物理参数(如刚度等)在荷载作用中是随时间变化的。为了实时地捕捉这一变化,结构健康监测系统应该具备在线地识别时变结构参数的能力。 因此本论文在第二章,在前人基础上得到了基于改进的自适应卡尔曼滤波的时变系统在线识别方法。与现有文献相比,该方法利用了自适应因子来反映结构参数的变化,能够仅在结构响应数据部分已知的情况下,在线地识别结...Structural identification and damage detection are significant subject in Structural health monitoring(SHM) technology. In the past few decades, different experts and scholars have come up with different theories and methods of Structural identification and damage detection based on structural vibration response. While, many of these identification methodologies are mostly aimed at the time-invari...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_结构工程学号:2532014115177

    Effect of virtual power plant scheme on the supply and demand sides based on the techno-economic analysis

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    北九州市立大学博士(工学)This research proposed a comprehensive method for analyzing the feasibility of using a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to benefit both the plant and demand sides. First, the energy-saving potential of a VPP composed of a photovoltaic and energy storage system was explored. Second, the economic performance of the VPP was evaluated based on a payback period and total life cycle cost analysis. Then, considering the imbalance of the benefits between the demand and plant sides, cooperative game theory was applied to explore the cooperation potential. The influence of government subsidy policies on both the plant and demand sides was a simultaneous concern. Finally, the profit of the alliance, comprising both the demand and plant sides was allocated, based on the Shapley value. This study highlights the excellent energy-saving potential from implementing a VPP. This research provides policy guidance for the Japanese government to promote VPPs in the future.doctoral thesi

    Design and Research of CNC System for Turret Punch Press and Other Key Technology

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    冲裁成形加工以其效率高、成本低和易实现批量生产等优点,在五金行业中得到了广泛应用。集柔性制造单元理念的转塔冲床作为当今冲裁成形加工的先进制造技术手段之一,更得到了迅速发展。但是转塔冲床的核心技术——数控系统,目前仍然主要依靠国外进口,因此开展转塔冲床的数控系统的研究具有十分重要的意义。论文根据开放式数控系统技术理念,以PC+运动控制卡为核心,通过对转塔冲床冲裁薄板工件的工艺过程和加工特性分析,设计研发了转塔冲床的数控系统,并进行了外围控制电路设计。论文主要包括以下几方面的工作内容: 一、根据开放式数控系统的理念,分析讨论了当前数控系统的主要构成,确定了论文所采用的数控系统主体框架,详细地介绍...Machining of punching and shearing gets wide application for its high quality、low cost and easy access to mass production. Nowadays, as one of the advanced manufacture technology for punching and shearing,turret punch press, which integrates the thoughts of flexible manufacturing unit, develops more rapidly than ever before. But the key technology core of turret punch press- CNC system still depen...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械制造及其自动化学号:20042901

    The Research of News Management System of Nanjing National Government

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    摘要 一、研究的问题 本文研究南京国民政府的新闻管理制度,主要通过对南京国民政府新闻制度的分析,揭示南京国民政府新闻管理制度的特点及优缺点。分为六章,第一章是南京国民政府之前新闻管理制度概述;第二章是南京国民政府新闻管理政策;第三章是南京国民政府新闻管理机关;第四章是南京国民政府新闻管理法律法规分析;第五章是南京国民政府新闻管理制度内容;第六章是南京国民政府新闻管理制度的特点及评价。 二、创新之处和主要观点 1.指出南京国民政府新闻管理制度深受孙中山的革命程序论和以党治国思想影响,按照孙中山的革命程序论,南京国民政府新闻管理制度最终要走上宪政自由主义的道路。 2.用档案资料详细梳理了...Abstract A study on the problem In this paper, studying on the News Management System of Nanjing National Government, mainly through analyzing the News System of Nanjing National Government, which reveals the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the News Management System of Nanjing National Government. This paper is divided into six chapters: Chapter I is an overview about the News ...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院_专门史学号:1032011015386


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    实现分区管理是缓解城市群生态安全空间差异的有利途径。基于供求理论构建了生态系统服务供求关系动态模型框架,并利用供给与需求的象限区划表征闽三角城市群生态安全格局;在不同的尺度变换上,运用价值单量修正模型、INVEST生境质量模型、景观指数模型、生态韧性模型、熵权法等方法综合测度城市群生态系统服务供求水平,实现生态安全格局的分区化;引入环境库兹涅茨曲线理论解析区域生态安全格局现状和成因;数据分析借助Arc GIS可视化表示。研究发现:(1)闽三角城市群存在50%区域属于生态安全高供给失衡区,其中70%属漳州市境内;32.14%属于高需求失衡区,集中于市辖区与沿海地区;17.86%属于双维度失衡区;未存在单元位于双维度共赢区上。(2)区域生态系统服务供给颇佳而需求滞后,城市群东南沿海区域与周边区域格局差异明显,供给(需求)呈现由沿海向内陆梯次增(减)的空间分异规律。(3)城市群尚处于生态安全库兹涅茨曲线的\"两难阶段\",同时导致了城市群生态安全格局空间异质性的产生。国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0502901);;国家自然科学基金项目(41771500

    Broadcasting of Taiwan in the Early Postwar Years

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    本文在马克思主义唯物史观和方法论的指导下,综合运用传播学的相关理论,采用传统史学研究方法,以光复初期台湾的广播事业为研究对象,划分成三个阶段,对台湾广播事业在光复初期的接收与重建、宣传的指导思想和方针、以及宣传的具体方法等问题进行较系统深入的探讨。全文共包括前言、正文三个章节、结语和参考文献等组成部分。 第一章,前言。说明本文的研究的目的与意义,相关研究成果回顾以及本文写作的简要说明。 第二章,光复前的台湾广播。介绍日本殖民时期,台湾广播事业从起步到发展的基本情况。同时从文本的角度,分析抗战末期,国民党政府对台广播的的目的、内容和意义。 第三章,光复初期的台湾广播。这是本文论述的重点。国...Under instructions of Marxist historical materialism and Marxist methodology, with applications of theories on communication and conventional historiography, the paper, which is divided to 3 phrases, concerns Taiwan broadcasting enterprise in the early years after WWII as the study object. The Dissertation probes into rebuilding of broadcasting and guildlines, ideologies and specific methods of pr...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:台湾研究所_专门史学号:2562007115213