49 research outputs found


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    目的利用斑马鱼为模型进行黄酮类药物筛选,以期发现促进胰岛β细胞增生的药物。方法对生长5 d的斑马鱼胚胎进行黄酮类药物处理,并进行β细胞计数,筛选出能够促进β细胞数量增加的药物,并进一步分析其促进β细胞增加是源自于已有β细胞的复制或前体细胞的分化。结果淫羊藿素(Icaritin)能够增加胰岛β细胞的数量,并明显促进β细胞的复制。同时,我们发现有几个黄酮类化合物具有降血糖的作用。结论淫羊藿素能够明显促进β细胞的自我复制从而促进β细胞的增生。国家自然科学基金(No.81670709);;福建省自然科学基金(No.2017J01145);;中央高校基本科研业务费(No.20720170104、20720180044

    Characteristic and Application of Convolutional Codes

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    用卷积码的活性距离来分析卷积码的性能是随着分析Turbo码的性能而开始的,卷积码的活性距离是自由距离的扩展,它主要是由一个参数来决定的,即活性距离的斜率α。在对卷积码的活性距离进行简要介绍后,主要针对应用α对编织卷积码进行优化作出了探讨,指出了卷积码的活性距离α是分析用卷积码作为成员码的组合编码性能的重要参数。这对优化用卷积码作为成员码的组合编码,降低其编码复杂性有重要作用,也对推动该类组合码的应用有较高的价值。最后给出了仿真结果。The active distance of the convolutional codes is used to analyse the performance of the convolutional codes with the turbo codes was discovered.The active distence of convolutional codes is the extension of the free distance,and it is determined by the parameter α,viz.the slope of the active distance.The active distance of the convolutional codes are presented in this paper.This paper discusses how to optimize woven convolutional codes.It also points that the parameter α is important to analyse and optimize the performance of combinational codes with covolutional codes as the component codes,which also sinplize the encoding complication. This promotes the application of combined codes.Finally the simulation results are shown.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60272005);; 重庆邮电学院青年教师基金资助项目(2005-29


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    Zooplanktonic diversity in the western Pacific

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    西太平洋区是全球海洋生物种源中心,许多类群的最高物种多样性都出现于该区域,因此,在该区开展种类多样性的研究不仅重要和必要,而且具有在跨国尺度上进行综合管理和相互合作的迫切性。本文在西太平洋的浮游动物样品鉴定分类、编目、文献资料整理和分析的基础上,记录和编入西太平洋10个浮游动物类群2,658种(含亚种),隶属于206科675属,其中水螅水母类99科251属697种,栉水母类12科22属59种,浮游软体动物14科35属86种,介形类8科89属416种,桡足类51科156属908种,糠虾类4科58属202种,磷虾类2科8属56种,十足类8科22属105种,毛颚类5科8属48种,被囊类5科26属81种。The western Pacific region has been operating as a centre for the origin of marine biodiversity: the richest diversity of many marine taxa was found in these waters.Therefore,biodiversity research and con-servation efforts in this area are necessary in order to promote the integrative and international management of this resource.The present work is a compilation of numbers of all the families,genera and species of ma-jor taxa of zooplankton known in the western Pacific Ocean(106°–150°E,0°–44°N).In all,2,658 zooplank-tonic species(including subspecies) belonging to 206 families and 675 genera have been recorded from taxonomic identifications and literature,99 families,251 genera and 697 species belong to the Medusozoa,12 families,22 genera and 59 species to the Ctenophora,14 families,35 genera and 86 species to the pelagic Molluscs(Pteropoda and Heteropoda),8 families,89 genera and 416 species to the Ostracoda,51 families,156 genera and 908 species to the Copepoda,4 families,58 genera and 202 species to the Mysidcea,2 fami-lies,8 genera and 56 species to the Euphausiacea,8 families,22 genera and 105 species to the Decapoda,5 families,8 genera and 48 species to the Chaetognatha,5 families,26 genera and 81 species to the Tunicata.908专项“中国海洋生物种类名录和图谱”(908-ZC-II-02)和908专项海洋生物样品库;科技部基础工作专项“我国和邻近西北太平洋海洋生物物种编目和分布图集编制”(2006FY220700

    <p>Aerodynamic performance of a bio-inspired flapping wing with local sweep morphing</p>

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    Birds and bats frequently reconfigure their wing planform through a combination of flapping and local sweep morphing, suggesting a possible approach for improving the performance of micro aerial vehicles. We explore the effects of combined flapping and local sweep morphing on aerodynamic performance by employing a bio-inspired two-jointed flapping wing with local sweep morphing. The bio-inspired wing consists of inner and outer sections, which flap around the root joint (shoulder) and the midspan joint (wrist), respectively. The aerodynamic forces and the unsteady vortex structures are evaluated by numerically solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The results show that combined flapping and local sweep morphing can significantly enhance the aerodynamic performance. In particular, the average lift coefficient is 1.50 times greater than that of simple gliding with single local sweep morphing. Combined flapping and local sweep morphing also have a relatively high pitch moment and shift the aerodynamic center position backward, producing advantages in terms of maneuverability/agility and stability. We find that the vortex structures associated with the combined motion feature midspan vortices, which arise from the leading-edge vortices of the inner wing and contribute to the enhanced aerodynamic performance. We show that the kinematics of combined flapping and local sweep morphing can be further optimized if the midspan vortices are captured by the outer wing. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.& nbsp;& nbsp

    Distribution characteristics and interannual variation trend of the content of petroleum hydrocarbons in the central part of Meizhou Bay

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    于2006~2008年间2次对湄洲湾中部海域水体中石油类含量进行了调查,发现2006年该海域水体石油类含量为9.27~78.91μg/dM3,平均含量为28.12μg/dM3;2008年湄洲湾中部海水石油类含量为8.36~23.34μg/dM3,平均含量为15.10μg/dM3.在垂直方向上,其石油类含量的分布较为复杂,不过大体呈现出表层低、底层高的特征.结合前人的调查结果,得出1992~2008年湄洲湾中部海域水体中石油类含量的年际变化趋势虽时有波动,但总体较为平稳.1997年湄洲湾水体中石油类的平均含量为23.70μg/dM3,而近几年对该湾的调查结果与10A前的比无太大增高.这可能是湄洲湾良好的水体交换条件所造成的.Two investigations were conducted to evaluate the content of petroleum hydrocarbons in the central part of Meizhou Bay in 2006 and 2008.The 2006 investigation found the content to be 9.27~78.91μg/dm3,with an average content of 28.12 μg/dm3.The 2008 investigation found the content to be 8.36~23.34μg/dm3,with an average content of 15.10μg/dm3.Additionally,the vertical distribution of petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations was rather complex,but generally lower in the surface layer and higher in the bottom layer.The results of the present study combined with those of previous studies indicate that,although the petroleum hydrocarbons content fluctuated annually from 1992 to 2008,overall it was stable.In 1997,the average content of petroleum hydrocarbons in Meizhou Bay was 23.70 μg/dm3,and a recent survey did not show a significant increase.This was likely due to effective water exchange in Meizhou Bay.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2006J0143

    Research on the Distributed Characteristics of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Surface Seawater of Meizhou Bay

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    2005年1月~11月,分4个航次对湄洲湾海区石油烃及相关环境因子进行调查,分析湄洲湾海域石油烃的污染状况,探讨石油烃在湄洲湾表层海水中的季节分布,以及与叶绿素a、溶解无机氮、溶解无机磷等环境因子的关系.结果表明,湄洲湾表层海水石油烃的质量浓度呈现春夏季高,秋冬季低;水平分布呈现湾外高,湾内低的特点,变化范围为4.10~341.99μg.L-1,平均值为37.20μg.L-1.湄洲湾表层海水石油烃的质量浓度与叶绿素a、溶解无机氮、溶解无机磷等环境因子存在较好的线性关系,相关系数分别达到0.651 7,0.953 2,0.858 4.湄洲湾水体的氮磷比为17.51,有利于石油烃的降解.Four cruises of investigations were carried out on petroleum hydrocarbon(PHC) and environmental relatively factors in sea area of Meizhou Bay from January to November in 2005.The pollution of PHC in sea area of Meizhou Bay was analyzed,as well as the seasonal distribution of PHC in surface seawater and the relationship between PHC and environmental factors including chlorophyll-a(Chl-a),dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN),dissolved inorganic phosphate(DIP),et al.The results indicate that,the concentration of PHC in surface seawater of Meizhou Bay is high in spring and summer and low in autumn and winter.The horizontal distribution of PHC in Meizhou Bay is in high level outside and in low level inside.The range of PHC is from 4.10 to 341.99 μg·L-1 and the average value is 37.20 μg·L-1.There exit a good linear relationship between PHC and Chl-a,DIN,DIP,and the relative coefficient reached 0.651 7,0.953 2,0.858 4 respectively.The value of N/P in Meizhou Bay is 17.51,which is appropriate for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(D0610020);; 福建省专项科研项目(2005021477

    Lift of a bio-inspired flapping wing with a dynamic trailing-edge flap in forward flight

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    Unlike the tail of a bird, regarded as a separately controlled aerodynamic surface, the membrane tail of a bat is operated as a dynamic trailing-edge flap. We investigate the effects of a dynamic trailing-edge flap on unsteady lift by numerically solving the Navier-Stokes equations around a bio-inspired flapping wing. The peak of the lift coefficient in the downstroke is considerably affected by the phase difference between the dynamic trailing-edge flap and the elevation. A quasi-steady formula is proposed to model the effects of phase difference on lift. The model is consistent with numerical results and experimental observations