11 research outputs found

    ケツエキ カイロヨウ チューブ ニオケル カソザイ ノ ケツエキ テキゴウセイ : ヒト ケツエキ ニオケル ケントウ

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    A window-gate for echo canceller of DMT ADSL

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    [[abstract]]A window-gate for the echo-canceller of a discrete mufti-tone asymmetric digital subscriber line system is presented. This modification can significantly improve the convergence of the echo-canceller in the startup training procedure as well as the re-synchronisation in splitter-less operation.[[note]]SC

    Study of Nanoimprint Fabrication Method for Nanowriter Optical Head

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    本文之目的在於運用奈米壓印微影技術實現奈米直寫儀的光學頭製作。奈米直寫儀採用通過次波長週期性結構所造成異常光學穿透與指向性現象的光學頭,產生非透鏡方式傳播之奈米聚焦光束,以建構具有高穿透能量且光束發散角度小的曝光設備,有效提升系統的解析度。鑒於傳統製程之成本甚高,本研究選擇高輸出、低成本的奈米壓印微影製作奈米直寫儀之光學頭,以祈能提供另種相對便宜的奈米結構製作方法。 模具製作之良窳筱關奈米壓印微影成果之品質,本研究使用電子束直寫儀定義奈米圖案,再操作電感耦合電漿蝕刻機將結構轉移至三吋矽晶圓,最後成它a使用熱壓成型機壓印三吋晶圓範圍的奈米圖形陣列。舉凡電子束微影設計圖案之概念及曝光顯影的參數選用、電感耦合電漿蝕刻所遭遇問題探討、依據材料性質搭配熱壓設備調整壓印時之狀態等,皆於文中依序討論。The objective of this thesis is on the fabrication of optical heads for nanowriters using nanoimprint lithography. Nanowriters focus light by sub-wavelength periodic structures, in which extraordinary optical transmission and directional beaming phenomena occur. The phenomena exhibit high energy transmission and small divergence angle so that nanometer light beams can be induced without using optical lens. Consequently nanowriters can provide better exposure resolution than conventional laser writers. Because the cost for optical heads is high with conventional fabrication methods, nanoimprint lithography, a high-throughput, low-cost method, is chosen to make nanowriter optical heads. Let is hoped that such a fabrication process can provider an economical alternative for mass production of optical head. The quality of a mold greatly affects the results of nanoimprint lithography. This work uses e-beam writer to define nano-patterns and then manipulates ICP to transfer structures to 3-inch silicon wafers. Finally hot embossing machine is utilized to imprint nano-pattern arrays on 3-inch wafer. The related details are discussed in this work. The discussions include: some conception of e-beam lithography patterning design and parameters of exposure and develop, the problems during ICP etching, adjusting imprint status by material properties and hot embossing equipment.目錄 誌謝 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅰ 中文摘要 ………………………………………………………………Ⅲ 英文摘要 ………………………………………………………………Ⅳ 目錄 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅴ 圖目錄 …………………………………………………………………Ⅶ 表目錄 …………………………………………………………………Ⅸ 第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究動機 …………………………………………………………1 1.2 科技競爭 …………………………………………………………3 1.3 未來發展 …………………………………………………………8 第二章 文獻回顧及原理 ……………………………………………9 2.1 奈米壓印微影 ……………………………………………………9 2.2 蝕刻 ………………………………………………………………13 2.3 異常的光學穿透 …………………………………………………20 第三章 實驗方法及流程 ……………………………………………27 3.1 光學頭設計 ………………………………………………………27 3.2 電子束微影 ………………………………………………………30 3.2.1 設計元件 ………………………………………………………30 3.2.2 光阻塗佈 ………………………………………………………31 3.2.3 電子束曝光 ……………………………………………………32 3.2.4 顯影 ……………………………………………………………34 3.3 圖形轉移 …………………………………………………………39 3.4 奈米壓印微影 ……………………………………………………47 第四章 實驗結果與分析 ……………………………………………53 4.1 電子束微影 ………………………………………………………53 4.2 圖形轉移 …………………………………………………………60 4.3 奈米壓印微影 ……………………………………………………68 第五章 結論與未來展望 ……………………………………………71 5.1 改良方式 …………………………………………………………71 5.2 結論 ………………………………………………………………73 5.3 未來展望 …………………………………………………………75 參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………81 圖目錄 圖1.1 光源波長趨勢與LSI最小特徵尺寸比較圖 …………………6 圖1.2 Intel 微影技術發展藍圖……………………………………6 圖1.3 次波長微影技術發展趨勢圖…………………………………7 圖1.4 2003年 ITRS 對微影技術的預測……………………………7 圖1.5 光學微影設備價格趨勢圖……………………………………8 圖2.1 奈米壓印微影與步進快閃式壓印微影比較圖………………12 圖2.2 等向性、非等向性蝕刻示意圖………………………………16 圖2.3 氣體比例與偏壓對乾蝕刻的影響……………………………16 圖2.4 STS電感耦合電漿蝕刻機製程腔體架構 ……………………19 圖2.5 STS電感耦合電漿蝕刻機製程參數對蝕刻速率影響 ………19 圖2.6 表面電漿電場分佈示意圖……………………………………26 圖2.7 使用光柵耦合表面電漿的架構………………………………26 圖3.1 以GSolver分析入射光進入光學頭後遠場時的傳播角度 …29 圖3.2 以OptiFDTD模擬近場之光強分佈……………………………29 圖3.3 ELS-7500EX 電子束微影設備操作流程示意圖 ……………36 圖3.4 電子束微影之近接效應示意圖………………………………36 圖3.5 旋轉塗佈光阻使用參數………………………………………37 圖3.6 電子束掃描方式示意圖………………………………………37 圖3.7 電感耦合電漿蝕刻機操作介面………………………………45 圖3.8 Bosch process深蝕刻示意圖 ………………………………45 圖3.9 以不同解析度之設備觀察相同蝕刻條件的結果……………46 圖3.10 奈米壓印微影設備……………………………………………50 圖4.1 以電子束直寫儀刻寫光柵……………………………………57 圖4.2 以電子束直寫儀刻寫同心圓…………………………………58 圖4.3 ECA參數設定與操作介面圖 …………………………………59 圖4.4 ICP蝕刻參數與設定介面 ……………………………………62 圖4.5 以SEM觀察ICP蝕刻成果改進歷程……………………………63 圖4.6 以SEM觀察ICP蝕刻成果剖面圖Ⅰ……………………………64 圖4.7 以SEM觀察ICP蝕刻成果剖面圖Ⅱ……………………………65 圖4.8 以SEM觀察ICP蝕刻成果剖面圖Ⅲ……………………………66 圖4.9 以SEM觀察ICP蝕刻成果剖面圖Ⅳ……………………………67 圖4.10 以原子力顯微鏡觀察奈米壓印微影成果……………………70 圖5.1 三維模具製程示意圖…………………………………………77 圖5.2 應用三維模具量產奈米直寫儀光學頭示意圖………………78 圖5.3 雙面對稱結構之光學頭製程示意圖…………………………79 圖5.4 懸臂結構製程示意圖…………………………………………80 表目錄 表3.1 ELS-7500EX曝光效能技術規格表……………………………38 表3.2 奈米壓印微影相關參數整理…………………………………5

    Synthesis of a Novel TADDOL Type Chiral Ligand with a Binaphthyl Backbone

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    以3 羟基萘 2 甲酸甲酯4为原料,通过Cu(II)催化的酚氧化偶联、外消旋化合物的拆分和格氏反应等关键步骤,经7步反应以25%的总收率合成了一种具有手性联二萘骨架的新型TADDOL配体12,其光学纯度达到98%.The TADDOLs are a class of chiral ligands which have attracted considerable attention in recent years.They have been widely used in asymmetric synthesis as chiral ligands for a number of asymmetric reactions.The preparation of a novel TADDOL type chiral ligand 3 (Ar=Ph) with a binaphthyl backbone is reported in this paper.The synthesis of this novel ligand started from methyl 3-hydroxy-naphthyl-2-carboxylate 4 by Cu(II) catalyzed oxidative coupling under an oxygen atmosphere.Resolution of the coupled racemic binaphthyl 5 by diastereo-derivatization salt formation followed by basification and acidification afforded the binaphthyl diacid (R)-9 with over 98% ee as determined by optical rotation and compared with the reported data.(R)-9 was converted to its bis-methyl ester (R)-5 by treatment with diazomethane in quantitative yield.The bis-methyl ester was further protected on the phenol hydroxy group by treatment with (chloromethyl)methyl ether (MOM-Cl).Further reaction of (R)-10 with excess phenyl magnesium bromide afforded the tetraphenyl diol (R)-11 in 84% yield.Final removal of the MOM protection by treatment with p-toluenesulfonic acid gave the required ligand (R)-12 in 65% yield.This synthesis was achieved in seven major reaction steps with an overall yield of 25% and the optical purity of ≥98%ee.The application of this ligand for asymmetric reactions will be reported in due course.教育部留学回国人员基金(无编号


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    Effect of Nut Height on Tightening and Untightening of Pitch Difference Nut

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    In the authors’ previous researches, it is found that the bolt nut connections having pitch difference can realize both fatigue life improvement and anti-loosening performance successfully. The most desirable pitch difference for improving the fatigue life is relatively smaller than the most suitable pitch difference for improving anti-loosening performance. In this paper, the effect of the nut height on the tightening and untightening of the pitch difference nut is investigated experimentally and analytically. It is found that the suitable pitch difference range for anti-loosening can be reduced with increasing the nut height. Therefore, the larger nut height may realize both anti-loosening performance and high fatigue strength. / 本論文では,ナット高さを大きくしたピッチ差付きナットの締結力とトルクの関係を3次元FEM解析により求め,実験結果と比較して,ナット高さの緩み止め性能への影響を明らかにする.その後,疲労強度への影響についても考察し,緩み止め性能と疲労強度向上の両立できるナット高さを提案する

    Effect of Nut Height on Prevailing Torque in Screwing Process of Pitch Difference Nut

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    著者の以前の研究は、ピッチ差のあるボルトナット締結体が疲労強度と緩み止め性能を向上させることを明らかにした。 しかし、疲労強度向上に最適なピッチ差と緩み止め性能向上に最適なピッチ差は異なる。そこで本論文では、ナット高さを高くすることで、両者の向上を同一のピッチ差範囲で実現させることを目的とする。The authors’ previous studies revealed that the bolt nut connections having pitch difference may realize fatigue life improvement and anti-loosening performance. However, the suitable pitch difference for improving the fatigue life is relatively smaller than the suitable pitch difference for improving anti-loosening performance. In other words, there is no pitch difference improving both fatigue life and anti-loosening performance. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of nut height on the anti-loosening performance is newly considered. The results show that the most suitable pitch difference for anti-loosening performance can be reduced by increasing the nut height. This nut height may realize both anti-loosening performance and high fatigue strength


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    著者の以前の研究は、ピッチ差のあるボルトナット締結体が疲労強度と緩み止め性能を向上させることを明らかにした。 しかし、疲労強度向上に最適なピッチ差と緩み止め性能向上に最適なピッチ差は異なる。そこで本論文では、ナット高さを高くすることで、両者の向上を同一のピッチ差範囲で実現させることを目的とする。The authors’ previous studies revealed that the bolt nut connections having pitch difference may realize fatigue life improvement and anti-loosening performance. However, the suitable pitch difference for improving the fatigue life is relatively smaller than the suitable pitch difference for improving anti-loosening performance. In other words, there is no pitch difference improving both fatigue life and anti-loosening performance. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of nut height on the anti-loosening performance is newly considered. The results show that the most suitable pitch difference for anti-loosening performance can be reduced by increasing the nut height. This nut height may realize both anti-loosening performance and high fatigue strength

    Age‐related change in gait efficacy and predictors of its decline: A 3‐year longitudinal study

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    Aim: This study aimed to calculate the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for a modified Gait Efficacy Scale (mGES) over 3 years and to clarify the predictors of mGES decline. Methods: In total, 87 community-dwelling older adults were enrolled in this 3-year longitudinal study. The mGES, fall history and physical function (chair stand frequency, open-eyes one-leg stand, open-close stepping test, walking speed, walking endurance [shuttle stamina walk test] and physical activity) were assessed at baseline. After a 3-year follow-up period, the mGES and Global Rating of Change Scale were assessed. The MCID was calculated using anchor-based methods, with the Global Rating of Change Scale as an anchor. The participants were classified into the decline and keep groups based on whether the changes in the mGES were greater than the MCID. A logistic regression analysis was conducted using the mGES as the dependent variable and physical characteristics, fall history, and physical function as independent variables. Results: The MCID for the mGES over 3 years was -7.38 points. A logistic regression analysis identified low open-close stepping (odds ratio, 0.87; 95% confidence interval, 0.782-0.985; P = 0.027) and the shuttle stamina walk test (odds ratio, 0.974; 95% confidence interval, 0.949-1.000; P = 0.049) as predictors of the mGES decline. Conclusion: These findings suggest that a change of 7.38 points in the mGES was clinically significant and that poor agility and walking endurance can predict future decline in the mGES. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 90-94


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    In the authors’ previous researches, it is found that the bolt nut connections having pitch difference can realize both fatigue life improvement and anti-loosening performance successfully. The most desirable pitch difference for improving the fatigue life is relatively smaller than the most suitable pitch difference for improving anti-loosening performance. In this paper, the effect of the nut height on the tightening and untightening of the pitch difference nut is investigated experimentally and analytically. It is found that the suitable pitch difference range for anti-loosening can be reduced with increasing the nut height. Therefore, the larger nut height may realize both anti-loosening performance and high fatigue strength.本論文では,ナット高さを大きくしたピッチ差付きナットの締結力とトルクの関係を3次元FEM解析により求め,実験結果と比較して,ナット高さの緩み止め性能への影響を明らかにする.その後,疲労強度への影響についても考察し,緩み止め性能と疲労強度向上の両立できるナット高さを提案する