2,770 research outputs found


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    Design and Implementation of Fixed Assets Management Information System for a Bank Branch

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    随着我国信息化技术的提升,以及被广泛应用于我国各行各业,信息化管理的优势和特点已经逐步体现,并日益明显。原有的手工管理和业务操作已经完全不能适用于当前日益复杂的资产管理。将资产管理和信息化技术融合起来已经成为当前固定资产管理的走向。引进先进的技术,将手工新增修改固定资产管理、资产折旧核算等内容利用计算机技术进行处理,能够极大的提升管理效率,降低管理成本,节约劳动资源,达到该支行固定资产的规范化管理的目的。 论文从固定资产管理的背景以及国内外研究现状,随后通过对固定资产管理流程和需求的分析和设计,得出本系统需要实现的几大必备功能,主要是进行用户账号权限控制的用户登陆管理模块,然后是用于存放固定...Of ascension, along with the information technology and is widely used in all walks of life in China, the advantages and characteristic of information management system has been gradually, and has become increasingly apparent. The original manual management and business operations has been completely unable to apply to the increasingly complex asset management. The asset management and information...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323062

    The Design and Implementation of Human Activity and Crowd Behavior Analysis System in Video Surveillance

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    近年来,视频监控系统广泛应用在人们日常生活的多个领域中,如企业与居家安防、刑侦、银行监控、医院和交通流量监控等。但是,现有的监控系统只是事后取证的手段,缺乏智能化的事件发现和报警。人体行为和人群行为监控是视频监控的核心,智能化行为判定能够为人们提供及时可靠的实时信息,对异常事件做出快速反应。因而,视频监控中人体人群行为分析具有重要的现实意义。本文主要完成视频监控中人体行为和人群行为的分析,主要工作如下: (1)人体行为主要针对于人体运动行为,运动行为获取运用了前景检测和目标跟踪算法。在深入研究了VIBE算法和帧间差分算法之后,本文提出了改进后的前景检测算法。在此基础上,使用直方图匹配优化的压...In recent years, video surveillance system are used in the areas of people's daily life, such as enterprises and home security, criminal investigation, monitoring banks, hospitals and traffic monitoring. However, the existing monitoring system is only using to obtain evidence after the accident, lacking intelligent event detection and alarm. Human activity and crowd monitoring is the core of video...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:2302013115320

    [[alternative]]The Clinton Administration's China Policy

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    [[alternative]]The Security in East Asia after the 911 Incident

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    The Power Transition Theory and Sino-US Relations

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    [[sponsorship]]中華民國國際關係學會[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺


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    [[alternative]]Competition or Cooperation? --- The Sino-US Relations after the September 11th Incident

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    計畫編號:NSC94-2414-H032-004研究期間:200508~200607研究經費:323,000[[abstract]]布希政府上台後,對華戰略產生極大的變化。自剛上任時將中國視為「戰略競爭 者」,到九一一事件後又尋求中共對反恐的支持與合作。在反恐階段,中國既支持美國 對阿富汗的戰爭,也曾消極抵制美國對伊拉克的軍事行動,但在處理北韓核武問題,北 京又積極促成六方會談的召開以和平解決。美國藉由反恐在亞太地區的外交與軍事擴 張,則被中國視為對其進行軟圍堵,並採取行動加以反制。 本研究之目的即在於探討九一一事件後美中關係的發展,以釐清此一關係的本質, 究竟雙方是真誠的合作亦或戰略的權宜之計,並探討雙方的戰略意圖與作為,及此一互 動關係對於亞太安全及台灣國家安全的影響。在國際關係理論上,既有霸權與新興強國 的互動關係及影響,向為學者關注的議題,相關的理論包括現實主義取向的霸權穩定 論,權力平衡論及權力轉移論,藉由此一案例的研究,亦可檢驗這些理論的適用性。本 研究將探討自九一一事件至布希政府第一任任期結束的美中互動關係,所採取的研究方 法為歷史研究法及文獻分析法。 The Bush Administration』s strategy toward China has gone through a drastic change. In the beginning of this administration, it considered China as a strategic competitor. It then sough for China』s support and cooperation after the September 11thIncident. During the antiterrorist war period, China has supported the U.S. for its war against Afghanistan but later passively opposed to U.S. military action against Iraq. Then on the North Korean nuclear crisis. Beijing has helped to organize the Six-Part Talks to solve it peacefully. In the meantime, China has considered that the U.S. adopted a strategy of soft containment against it by increasing American military and diplomatic influence around its neighboring area. China has also adopted measures to counteract this strategy. This research project intends to explore the Sino-US relations after the September 11th Incident with an aim to discover the real meaning of this relations, their strategic thoughts and actions, and the relations』impacts on Asia-Pacific security and Taiwan』s national interest. The current hegemony and its relations with the rising strong state has long been an important subject to international theory. Related theories including the hegemonic stability theory, balance of power theory and power transition theory. By conducting this research, I hope to examine the explanatory power of those theories. The research project will use historical study method and documentary analysis method.[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    2007 Vol. 16

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