47 research outputs found


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    我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓泡状肝包虫种类的研究 II.西伯利亚棘球绦虫(Echinococcus sibiricensis Rauschet Schiller,1954)

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    目的Rausch and Schiller(1954)在美国阿拉斯加白令海峡St.Lawrence岛从北极狐(Alopex lagopus)和雪撬狗(sledge dogs)发现西伯利亚棘球绦虫新种(Echinococcus sibiricensis sp.nov.),但诸多学者认为E.sibiricensis Rausch et Schiller,1954是欧洲的多房棘球绦虫(Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart,1863)的地理株(或亚种)(Vogel,1957;Skrjabin and Abuladze,1964;Kumaratilake and Thompson,1982;Meyajaki,1991等)。于1985-2002年间,作者在我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓草场多年进行泡状棘球蚴(alveolar Echinococcus)病原的野外调查和实验室鼠类的人工感染试验,结果发现该地区同地点存在有北美西伯利亚棘球绦虫、欧洲多房棘球绦虫及苏俄多房棘球绦虫三种不同"地理株",而且三种成虫常混合感染于同一终宿主沙狐(Vulpes corsac)的体内,它们的幼虫期也存在于当地的布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)。2001年,作者再次检查当地沙狐151只,从中检出19只感染有泡状棘球绦虫成虫。含成熟虫体的13只阳性沙狐中,感染西伯利亚棘球绦虫有11只,其中2只单独感染此虫种,另9只还混合感染了欧洲多房棘球绦虫及苏俄多房棘球绦虫三虫种。在呼伦贝尔草原的泡状棘球蚴病原中,西伯利亚棘球绦虫是优势种,它在终宿主沙狐和中间宿主的感染率都高过其他虫种。本文着重介绍西伯利亚棘球绦虫的成虫子宫结构和它幼虫期在野外布氏田鼠及人工感染实验鼠体内的发育情况

    我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓泡状肝包虫种类的研究 III.苏俄棘球绦虫(Echinococcus russicensis sp.nov.)

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    在我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓草场流行有与在前苏联广泛分布的泡状棘球蚴其成虫具球形子宫相似的病原,过去称之为苏俄的多房棘球绦虫。我们在比较研究了它与欧洲的多房棘球绦虫的全程生活史的发育规律,及成虫和幼虫期的结构之后,发现两者之间有极大差异,认为不能再用多房棘球绦虫称呼之。最近,我们用内蒙古的苏俄型泡状棘球蚴人工感染4只羊羔,全部阴性不能发育,说明内蒙古的本虫种不同于所谓幼虫期可以在牛羊发育的"哈萨克亚种"。为了纪念前苏联学者最早发现和叙述本种成虫,兹暂定名为苏俄棘球绦虫新种(Echinococcus russicensis sp.nov.)


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    Defining kerogen maturity from orbital hybridization by machine learning

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    Kerogen is the primary material for oil and gas. Its maturity is used to determine the potential for hydrocarbon generation. Nowadays, kerogen maturity is mainly measured experimentally and characterized by its chemical composition. The fundamental reason for the change in its chemical composition during the maturation is the breaking and recombination of chemical bonds, manifested by the transformation in atomic hybridization based on quantum mechanics. While traditional methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, machine learning technique has been introduced to clarify the relationship between hybridization and maturity. A kerogen maturity prediction model based on hybridization is constructed. The average error of the predicted values is only 4.91%, and more than 87% of the test samples have an error of less than 10%. The results demonstrate that the model can accurately predict the maturity of kerogen. As the evolution of kerogen maturity increases the proportion of sp(2) hybridized carbons, the orbital hybridization maturity index (OrbHMI) is proposed. The chemical changes in the thermal evolution and pyrolysis mechanism of kerogen can be explained and understood more essentially by OrbHMI. The results provide a basis for guiding artificial maturation and pave a promising path toward studying the kerogen structure and predicting hydrocarbon generating potential

    Effect of GA_3 and Thiourea on Newly Developed Rhizome and Fibrous Root of Polygonatum sibiricum Redoute

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    为诱导无芽黄精根状茎产生不定芽,选择不同的化学物质进行诱导处理。结果表明,GA3处理效果明显,选用0.4 mg/L的GA3浸泡25 min对黄精根状茎不定芽的产生和须根生长有明显促进作用,高浓度抑制其生长;1%硫脲浸泡处理对黄精无顶芽根状茎萌发新芽和须根有明显的抑制作用

    Predicting the components and types of kerogen in shale by combining machine learning with NMR spectra

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    This study aims to develop a new method that combines machine learning with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra to predict the kemgen components and types. Kerogen is the primary hydrocarbon source of shale oil/gas, and nearly half of the hydrocarbons in shale are adsorbed in kemgen. The adsorption and hydrocarbon generation capacity of kerogen is directly related to its types, molecular components, and structures. Fruitful researches studying kerogen at the molecular level have been conducted. Unfortunately, these methods are complicated, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. Our method has the advantages of high-throughput prediction, high accuracy, and time savings compared with the existing methods. Additionally, this method simplifies the operations from repetitive trial and error. This study proposes a solution to convert non-uniform two-dimensional (2D) graph into a uniform one-dimensional (1D) matrix, which makes 2D graph data available for machine learning models. An automatic labeling platform is constructed that annotated over 22,000 groups of organic matter molecules and their NMR spectra. The results show that the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen element prediction accuracy reach 96.1%, 94.8%, and 81.7%, respectively. In addition, the accuracy of the three kerogen types is approximately 90% in total. These results reflect the excellent performance of the machine learning method. Therefore, our work provides an automated and intelligent prediction and analysis method, which is a powerful and superior tool in kerogen studies at the molecular level


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