411 research outputs found

    New Characteristics,New Problems and Countermeasures Research on the Development of Industrial Relations in China

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    国有企业改革以来,在建立产权明晰的现代化企业制度的同时,劳动关系作为一项配套性改革措施也向市场化转型。劳动关系作为社会经济领域的一项基础性关系,对于提高经济效率和维护社会稳定发展具有重要作用。然而,随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,在劳动关系市场化的过程中,劳动者与用人单位的矛盾冲突开始显现,因劳资问题而引发的大规模群体事件也时有发生,因而新时期的劳动关系问题非常值得关注。 本文根据政府关于劳动关系的宏观统计数据,对2000~2014年我国劳动争议数量的变化、劳动争议发生的原因、劳动争议处理方式、劳动争议处理结果等各项指标进行统计分析,得出近十多年来,我国劳动关系表现出以下新特点:第一,我国劳...Ever since the reform of state-owned enterprises, while a modern enterprise system with clear property rights is established, industrial relation as a supporting reform measure also experienced market transformation. Industrial relation, which is an important fundamental relation in the social and economic field, plays a vital role in improving the economic efficiency and enhancing the stable deve...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会保障学号:1392014115048

    Design and Implementation of Administrative Examination and Approval Management System Based on J2EE

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    随着我国经济体制的深入改革,地方政府的职能逐渐地由管理型向服务型转变,传统的地方政府管理方式发生较大变化,政府的行政审批效率逐渐变得越来越重要,传统的手工管理方式已经不能适应互联网时代的发展。加强电子政务的建设,开发行政审批管理系统对政府的建设与发展有重要的作用。行政审批管理系统能够增强政府的监管与服务能力,加快政府职能的转变、能提高政府的公众服务能力,因此开发行政审批管理系统对政府部门的管理、决策、服务等能力的提升有重要的意义。 本文基于J2EE架构,采用Java语言、JavaScript脚本技术、JSP技术和UML建模技术,以SQLServer2005数据库作为存储数据的工具,设计并实现...With the deep development of economic system reform, the functions of local government gradually changed from management to service, the traditional management patterns of local government changed greatly at all levels of government administrative efficiency becomes more and more important, the traditional manual management mode has already can't adapt to the development of the Internet era. Stren...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323046


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    Explanations from Anthropology for the Behaviors of Corporate Finance

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    在既有的公司治理和公司财务的研究中,关于高管特征研究的理论基础主要集中在高管人生经历可能形成的心理特征和性格特点上(Malmendieretal.,2011a,2011b,2015,2016)。但是,人类的生理和心理特征的形成既受后天因素影响,更主要是由先天条件所决定,人生经历固然能够形成相似的品格,但人类先天特征对人类群体的社会活动会产生更加重要的影响。从经济学的角度看,不论是投资者,还是公司高管,都是社会人,但他们首先是自然人;通常,在高管的诸多特征中,先天特征所传递的信息较为直接、迅速,是中小投资者在市场初期率先关注到的特征,并据此形成了基本的主观认知。因此,对这一特征的研究具有基础性意...According to research on corporate government and corporate finance, the fundamental theory of manager’s characteristics is that, both of personalities and characteristic of mentality result from lives experiences. Whereas, the evolution of phycology and personalities determined by innate cause and nurture factors. The investors are social beings, as well as human beings. Except for the characteri...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_财务学学号:3212011015356

    Does Social Emotion Affect Stock Return——The Evidence from Sina Weibo

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    利用新浪微博所反映的社会情绪,检验了社会情绪对我国股市收益的影响。研究发现:社会情绪与股市收益存在显著的正相关关系,而社会情绪波动与股市收益负相关;社会情绪本身虽然具有显著的周内特征和月度特征,但其对股市收益的影响仅具有显著的节假日效应和"小公司效应",不存在周内效应和月度效应;社会情绪较为低落时,股市收益对社会情绪波动的敏感度较高,极高涨的情绪与股市收益具有显著的正向关系,而极低落的情绪与股市收益无关。This study tests how the emotion affect China stock market, employing the social emotion generated from Weibo. We find that, generally, microblog emotion is positive with stock return, and fluctuation of microblog shows negative effect. Although microblog shows weekday and monthly effects, it only explains festival effect significantly, but no Monday and Friday effects. Furthermore, the sensitive of stock return and emotion fluctuation should be more pronounced in negative emotion environment. But in the extreme good or bad emotion circumstances, the positive emotion could gain stock return, the negative cannot. Otherwise, microblog emotion shows remarkable Small-Firm-Effect.国家自然科学基金重点项目(71232005);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(71402155)

    A study on the visual elements in book design

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    好的书籍是形式和内容的完美结合体,书籍设计的基础是版面设计,同时好的版面设计是视觉要素的完美结合体。怎样才能设计出完美的版面,这就要对版面设计要素的关系进行探讨。书籍版面设计并不是视觉要素的简单堆叠,而是需要精心的设计使得它们产生微秒的关系。事实上,我们读书的舒适感和愉悦感部分就源于这种微秒的关系。本书以书籍版面设计为研究的基本对象,在此基础上研究视觉元素的共生,视觉元素和版面设计的共生,版面与书籍的共生,并分别对版面中只存在单一视觉元素和版面中存在多种视觉元素是版面变化的可能性进行探讨,并希望通过视觉化的直观地呈现元素变化产生的各种版面变化,进而掌握各元素的特点,用于以后书籍设计实践当中。全...Good books are the perfect combination of form and content of the body, basic books design is the layout design, layout design and good is the perfect combination of the visual elements of the body. How to design a perfect layout will be carried out to explore the relationship of layout design elements. Simple stacking books layout design is not the visual elements of the relationship, but need to...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_设计学学号:1862012115325

    Analysis and Design of Management Information System of Electric Power Enterprise

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    随着信息技术的深入发展,信息技术已应用到各行各业,电力企业管理信息系统是专门用于电力企业各级部门之间以及机关内外部之间办公信息的收集与处理、流动与共享、实现科学决策的具有战略意义的信息系统。它的总体目标是:“以先进成熟的计算机和通信技术为主要手段,建立一个电力企业专用的办公信息系统,实现整个电力企业内部的信息交换,建立高质量、高效率的电力通信网络,为领导决策和机关办公提供服务,实现机关办公现代化、信息资源化、传输网络化和决策科学化”因此,一个合适的应用系统平台,可以大大提高电力事业企业工作效率,促使电力企业办公正规化、现代化。因此,设计电力企业管理信息系统十分必要。 论文应用软件工程思想和信...With the further development of information and technology,the information and technology has been applied to all the fields. The management informationsystem of electric power enterprise is specially used for departments of electricpower enterprise, as well as the external and internal of organ of information collection, information processing, information flowing and information sharing,a in...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123068

    Preparation of Superhydrophilic Films and Study on the Superhydrophilic Mechanism

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    超亲水表面因其自清洁、防雾等特点,受到研究者们的广泛关注,在工农商业等方面具有重大的应用价值。其中含Si和Ti等物质的超亲水表面更是研究与开发的热点问题。 本论文从超亲水机理的研究出发,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备出具有超亲水性能的SiO2薄膜、TiO2薄膜、Si-Ti复合薄膜和掺杂型TiO2薄膜。用动态光散射仪(DLS)对溶胶的粒径大小进行测定,通过紫外-可见分光光度计(UV-vis)、接触角测定仪(CAM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)分别对薄膜的透光率、亲水性、粗糙度进行表征,并通过对甲基橙紫外光降解实验对薄膜的光催化性质进行表征。论文的研究内容可分为三个部分: 第一部分,即为本论文最主要的研究内...Superhydrophilic surface gains extensive attention owing to its excellent properties such as self-cleaning and anti-fogging. At present, research and application of superhydrophilic surface composed by Si and Ti etc is a hot topic in the research areas of superhydrophilic surface. According to the mechanism of superhydrophilicity, SiO2, TiO2, SiO2-TiO2 composite oxide and doped TiO2 films with su...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052010115161

    The Impact of US Financial Crisis on East Asia Real Economy

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    美国次贷危机自2007年初爆发以后,迅速蔓延至全球主要经济体。这场危机不但对美国经济造成了致命的打击,同时亦为其他国家和地区的经济发展带来巨大的挑战。这对于与美国保持着紧密联系的东亚来说尤为如此。 危机后东亚实体经济受到了美国金融危机的严重影响。东亚各个国家受此次金融危机冲击的领域和程度各不相同,但总体上经济都出现了一定幅度的下滑。新加坡、泰国、马来西亚和日本是重灾区。尽管金融危机冲击的形式可能多种多样,但国际贸易和国际投资应该是影响实体经济最重要的两个传播渠道。东亚经济体的出口和FDI均受到不同程度的打击。比较美国1980年以来四次经济衰退对东亚实体经济的影响发现,东亚国家GDP增长率,出...After the breakout of US Sub-Prime Crisis, Crisis has been spread rapidly to world’s major economies. The Financial Crisis has not only posed serious harm on the real economy of US, but also brought great challenge to the economic development of other countries and region, especially Eastern Asia economies. East Asia real economy has been seriously affected by the United States Financial Crisis...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_世界经济学号:1572007115077

    Robot Paths Planning Algorithms based on 2.5-Dimensional Environment and Machine Implement

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    随着信息科技的快速发展,人类的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。通过智能科学在生活中的普遍应用,人们可以随时享受智能科学带来的方便和快捷。在智能科学中,最具有代表性的就是机器人学的发展,为了让机器能够具有人一样行为、动作、思想情感等,人们首先要求机器人应该具备基本的人类的行为。具备类人的自主的行为动作、识别物体、概念思考等。其中,导航发挥了重大的作用,因此,导航是机器人类人化发展的一个重要研究基础。 机器导航技术包含三个方面:环境地图的获取和表示、机器人的路径规划、机器人定位和行为动作。其中机器人路径规划是核心内容。路径规划就是机器人根据对环境信息的了解与分析,找出一条从当前位置到达目标点的路径。本...With the rapid development of modern science of technology, the lives of human beings are in an era of huge earthshaking changes. Today, we can engage in the convenience supplied by the science of artificial intelligence (short in AI). But, in the field of AI, the standing development is the Robotics. For the purpose that robots come out with the same motions, performance and intelligence, as well...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院智能科学与技术系_计算机应用技术学号:3152008115334