44 research outputs found


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    Extraction of active components from the fungus Botrytis cinerea and their attraction to the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus

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    Transformation of enhanced green fluorescent protein gene in Paecilomyces lilacinus mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    为了实现增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因(EgfP)在生防真菌淡紫拟青霉9410菌株中的转化,借助中间质粒PCdnA3.1(-)构建nPTⅡ-EgfP融合基因的表达载体PuPngT,然后采用根癌农杆菌介导的转化法将EgfP基因转化到淡紫拟青霉9410菌株中。PCr检测和SOuTHErn blOTTIng分析结果表明,EgfP基因以单拷贝形式整合到淡紫拟青霉9410的基因组中。荧光显微镜观察结果显示,转化子在488nM光源的激发下能产生绿色荧光。这些结果说明EgfP基因已成功转化至淡紫拟青霉9410菌株并获得表达。这些工作可为淡紫拟青霉在不同条件下的防效评价、环境安全评价等提供新的途径和方法。The main aim of this study was to transform the enhanced green fluorescent protein gene (egfp) into biocontrol fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 9410.We constructed the expression vector pUPNGT of the fusion gene nptII-egfp using pcDNA3.1(-) as a helper plasmid.The egfp gene was then transformed into P.lilacinus strain 9410 via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation.PCR and Southern blotting analysis showed that the egfp gene was integrated into the genomes of the tested transformants and the integration manner was single-copy.The transformants could generate green fluorescence when they were excited by 488 nm blue laser.These results indicated that the egfp gene had been successfully transformed into P.lilacinus 9410 and expressed in the tested transformants.Our work may provide a new approach to assess environmental safety and practical biocontrol efficacy of P.lilacinus under different conditions.福建省重点项目(No.2008N01050731)资助---


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    Analysis of Differential Proteins Between Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus Using Two Dimensional Polyacryamide Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry

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    松材线虫是造成松树萎蔫病的病原,对松林威胁很大。其近似种拟松材线虫与松材线虫在形态学上极其相似,却不具致病性。所以,松材线虫和拟松材线虫的快速检测至关重要。应用双向电泳联用质谱技术,研究松材线虫和拟松材线虫的蛋白差异,并对差异蛋白进行MAldI-TOf/MS分析以及数据库鉴定,共鉴定了45个差异蛋白,其中松材线虫22个、拟松材线虫23个。不仅为松材线虫和拟松材线虫的准确鉴定打下基础,差异蛋白的进一步研究可望揭示松材线虫的致病机理。The plane-parasitic nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is the causal agent of pine wilt disease,which is the most serious conifer disease in the world.However,it is difficult to differentiate isolates of B.xylophilus from the closely related species B.mucronatus,which is not pathogenic to pine trees.So it is very important to distinguish B.mucronatus from B.xylophilus rapidly.The author applied the two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to study the proteomics of the two nematodes,and had obtained 45 differentiate proteins,22 of which were from B.xylophilus and others were from B.mucronatus.The results supplied new insights into the rapid identification of B.xylophilus the virulence of B.xylophilus.国家自然科学基金“‘检测管’诱引松材线虫的机理研究”(30470234


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    寄生在牛羊肝脏的双腔吸虫在国内各农牧区中形成流行区的有中华双腔吸虫(Dicr-ocoelium chinemis Tang et Tang,1978)、矛形双腔吸虫(D. lanceatum Stiles et Hassall,1896)及扁体矛形双腔吸虫亚种(D. lanceatum platynosomum Tang et al., 1980)它们在国内分布及危害情况曾有介绍(唐崇惕等,1980)。矛形双腔吸虫在国内有很大的分布区,也曾有人体病例报道。本吸虫的生活史虽已经阐明(Noller,1928;Voget,1929;Neu

    The Discuss About the Scientific Name and Their Chinese Name of Bursaphelenchus

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    鉴于在国内Bursaphelenchus学名的中文名被写成"伞滑刃线虫",作者指出其确切的中文名应当是伞真滑刃线虫,同时,指出其所隶属的Bursaphelenchinae应叫做伞真滑刃亚科,而不应叫做"伞滑刃亚科".此外,该亚科下的另外2个属,Parasitaphelenchus应叫做寄生真滑刃属,而不应叫做"寄生滑刃属",Rhadinaphelenchus应叫做细杆真滑刃属,而不应叫做"细杆滑刃属".Whereas the name of Bursaphelenchus in chinese was written as"Bursaphelenchoides"by some of Nematologists in China,the author pointed out that the accurate name must be "Bursaphelenchus" in Chinese,and one of Bursaphelenchinae belonged to the genus must be "Bursaphelenchinae" and not be "Bursaphelenchoidinae".Moreover,the two another genera under the subfamily,the accurate name of Parasitaphelenchus must be "Parasitaphelenchus" and not be "Parasitaphelenchoides",one of Rhadinaphelenchus must be "Parasitaphelenchus" and not be "Parasitaphelenchoides"

    Development of Studies on Pinewood Nematodes Diseases

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    Email : cs. pan. xmu@ 163. com松材线虫病引发严重经济损失和重大生态灾难,受到各国重视,成为检疫对象,我国疫区已扩大到14省市,致死松树5亿多株,毁林30多万hm2,损失上千亿元.各国在该病的基础研究方面有一些进展,但防控方面仍困难重重.我们从病原和防治这两方面开展研究,在检测手段和防治方法上进行创新,研制了松材线虫早期诊断检测管(简称检测管)、快速分离器I型和II型、疫木处理器及松墨天牛高效引诱剂、基于检测管的松材线虫病早期诊断体系、基于快速分离器的松材线虫快速检测体系、检测松墨天牛携带线虫情况的新技术、用雾化分离器高通量检测松墨天牛带虫情况等新技术,其中6项技术成果已经在生产实际中应用并开始推广.同时鉴定并描述了十几种寄生松树的线虫.国家自然科学基金项目(30470234);福建省重点项目(2008N01050731);福建省发改委小发明小创造项


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