334 research outputs found

    Research on the Improvement of Medical Disputes Handling Mechanism

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    目前医疗纠纷频见报端,医患关系日愈紧张,已成为影响社会和谐与稳定的一个重要因素。现行医疗纠纷的解决途径主要有协商、第三方调解以及诉讼这三种方式。让已产生争议的医患双方平心静气坐下来协商达成一致的意见,或者寻求第三方从中斡旋调解成功有一定的难度,因此诉讼应该是解决医疗纠纷最常见的方式。但无论是患方还是医方都对诉讼相当不信任,究其原因在于医疗纠纷领域缺乏专门性的统一的法律规范,导致此类案件的审理呈现“多元化”的发展趋势,适用哪个法律、采用哪种鉴定程序、对证据如何采信等更多是取决于主审法官的个人观点。细细研究我国现行医疗纠纷领域的法律制度,就会发现它存在法律规范效力层级低、缺乏针对性、存有诸多法律空...Frequency of the current medical malpractice published in the paper side, the physician-patient relationship are becoming ever more tense, has become that affect social harmony and stability in an important factor. Existing medical dispute resolution approaches are mainly consultation, third-party mediation and litigation of these three methods. So that has generated controversy between doctors an...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:X200612018

    Construction of Criminal reconciliation system in china

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    刑事和解制度也称为被害人—加害人调解模式,是起源于西方国家的一种新的刑事思潮,是修复性司法的主要形式之一,是指在犯罪发生后,经由调停人的帮助,使加害人与被害人直接商谈、协商、解决刑事纠纷。其目的在于恢复加害人与被害人的和睦关系,并使加害人改过自新,复归社会。本文对刑事和解制度的含义和模式进行简单阐述,分析刑事和解制度与相关概念的区别,阐明其与传统司法模式比较的优势、局限所在,论证我国引入刑事和解制度的必要性,结合当前我国在司法实践中适用刑事和解制度遇到的法律障碍和理念障碍,提出了结合我国的司法实际构建刑事和解制度的基本设想。全文共分四章:第一章介绍刑事和解制度的含义和模式,分析刑事和解制度与相...Criminal reconciliation system, also called victim-injurer conciliation,a new criminal trend of thoughts which comes from western countries,is one form of renovating justice. It indicates that, after crime, victim and injurer solve dispute with face-to-face negotiation or consult under the help of mediator. Its purpose is to recover friendly relationship between victim and injurer and what’s mor...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20040807

    Study of self-aggregated nanoparticles of N-stearic acid-O-carboxylmethyl chitosan derivatives and the primary application as the novel carriers of drugs

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    两亲性聚合物在水性介质中能通过自组装方式形成纳米胶束,该类胶束具有独特的核-壳结构及体内长循环和主体稳定等特点;且由于具有增强渗透滞留效应(EnhancedPermeabilityandRetentionEffect,EPR),该类聚合物胶束能在肿瘤病变部位富集,实现对肿瘤组织的“被动靶向”作用,将其作为抗肿瘤药物载体,是提高药物疗效,降低药物毒副作用的有效策略之一。O-羧甲基壳聚糖(O-carboxylmethylchitosan,CMC)是一种水溶性壳聚糖衍生物,保留了壳聚糖生物相容性好、可生物降解、无免疫原性、无毒性等独特优点,将其疏水改性后形成两亲性壳聚糖,具有两亲性质,在一定条件下能...Amphiphilic conjugate have received increasing attention because they can form self-aggregated nanoparticles. In the aqueous phase, the hydrophobic cores of polymer ric nanoparticles are surrounded by hydrophilic outer shells. Thus, the inner core can serve as a nano-container for hydrophobic drugs. The nanoparticles can accumulate and extravasate within tumor tissue due to the prolonged circulati...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_高分子化学与物理学号:2072006015328

    越境する親密性 ー東アジアの紹介型国際結婚とグローバルな家族

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    京都大学新制・課程博士博士(文学)甲第22909号文博第855号新制||文||699(附属図書館)京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻(主査)教授 落合 恵美子, 教授 松田 素二, 准教授 安里 和晃学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of LettersKyoto UniversityDGA

    Toxic Effects of Potassium Permanganate on Perch Lateolabrax maculates

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    为给中国花鲈(lATEOlAbrAX MACulATuS)养殖的病害防治提供理论数据,研究了高锰酸钾对中国花鲈鱼苗和幼鱼急性毒性,检测了暴露于不同质量浓度高锰酸钾中,幼鱼肝脏的谷胱甘肽(gSH)和丙二醛(MdA)含量以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOd)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷丙转氨酶(gPT)和谷草转氨酶(gOT)活力。结果表明:高锰酸钾对中国花鲈鱼苗24和48H的半致死浓度(lC50)分别为4.1和3.3Mg·Ml-1,安全浓度为0.6Mg·Ml-1,对幼鱼24和48H的半致死浓度分别为4.5和4.0Mg·Ml-1,安全浓度为0.9Mg·Ml-1。暴露在高锰酸钾中濒死幼鱼的肝脏呈空泡状坏死。幼鱼在不同质量浓度的高锰酸钾中暴露48H,肝脏的gSH和MdA含量以及SOd、CAT和gOT活力对高锰酸钾胁迫敏感,而gPT活力则不敏感,高锰酸钾胁迫伤害了中国花鲈幼鱼的抗氧化系统和肝脏组织。In order to provide reference data for the disease control of the cultured Chinese perch(Lateolabrax maculatus),the acute toxicity of potassium permanganate to the perch fry and juvenile was investigated in this study.The levels of GSH and MDA,and activities of SOD,CAT,GPT and GOT in the juvenile liver were determined in response to exposure to different potassium permanganate concentrations.The results show that the LC50 for fry exposed to potassium permanganate were 4.1 mg·L-1(24 h)and 3.3 mg·L-1(48 h),respectively,and the safe concentration was 0.6 mg·L-1;the LC50 for juveniles exposed to potassium permanganate were 4.5 mg·L-1(24 h)and 4.0 mg·L-1(48 h),and the safe concentration was 0.9 mg·L-1.Lytic necrosis of the liver tissue of agonal individuals exposed to potassium permanganate was found.After exposure to potassium permanganate at different concentrations for 48 h,the levels of GSH and MDA,and activities of SOD,CAT,GPT and GOT in the juvenile liver changed sensitively,while activity of GPT did not show sensitive change,to potassium permanganate stress.Potassium permanganate stress damaged the antioxidative system and the liver tissue of juvenile Lateolabrax maculates.福建省莆田市科技局项目[2009N15(5)

    Spatial sampling method for crop acreage based on remote sensing in hilly area in Minhou County,Fujian Province

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    以福建闽侯县作为研究区,采用传统抽样(简单随机抽样、系统抽样、分层抽样); 、空间抽样(空间随机抽样、空间系统抽样、空间分层抽样)等方法对研究区农作物种植面积进行样本抽选、总体推算及误差估计,结果表明: 1 500; m*1 500; m格网为最优抽样单元尺寸,空间分层抽样方法的相对误差为3.86%,变异系数为6.03%,抽样成本为6.03,抽样效率高.与传统抽样方法相比,空间; 抽样方法显著减少样本容量,节约调查成本.Traditional sampling methods of simple random sampling,systematic; sampling,stratified sampling,and spatial sampling methods of spatial; random sampling,spatial system sampling and spatial stratified sampling; were applied to conduct sample extraction,population extrapolation and; error estimation in crop acreage in Minhou County. The results showed; that spatial stratified sampling had the highest sampling efficiency; with 1 500 m*1 500 m square grid as the optimal sampling unit size. And; relative error,variation coefficient and sampling cost was 3.86%,6.03%; and 6.03,respectively. Compared to traditional sampling method,spatial; sampling method significantly reduced sampling size and saved cost.全国统计科学研究项


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