13 research outputs found


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    Design and Implementation of the Integrated Business Management System for One Construction Consulting Compan

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    近年来,信息技术发展日趋成熟,信息技术在各领域的应用越来越普遍,工程咨询行业作为推动国民经济发展的重要行业也正向着信息化领域迈进。作为在海南全面推进国际旅游岛建设背景下飞速成长起来的中小工程咨询企业,某建设咨询公司与我国大多数中小企业一样,受企业管理者和工作人员认识不到位、管理模式和制度上的缺陷、长期资金缺乏以及投资结构不合理等因素影响,信息化建设滞后,公司的管理方式仍以人工管理为主,由此造成工作效率低下、竞争力不足、可持续发展受阻。为帮助解决公司管理中的一系列问题,开发一套适合公司自身实际和发展需要的业务综合管理系统十分必要。 基于上述背景分析,本文从企业的实际业务需求出发,设计和实现了一...In recent years, the development of information technology has become more and more mature and is becoming more and more common in all fields. The engineering consulting industry as an important industry to promote the development of national economy is also moving towards informatization. As a small and medium-sized engineering consulting firm that has been developing rapidly in the background of...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323186

    Hydrometallurgical Purification of Metallurgical-Grade Silicon under the Ultraviolet Radiation

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    实验研究了40W紫外光照射下湿法酸洗提纯冶金级硅后,Al、fE两种主要金属杂质的含量变化,并与普通无光照实验进行了对比分析。采用EMPA、ICP对纯化产品进行表征。实验结果表明,在相同反应时间下,以非氧化性酸和Hf酸作为酸洗液,紫外光照射下fE和Al的残留量比无光照条件下分别减少了41%和16.4%,纯度已接近无紫外光照下利用氧化性酸和Hf酸酸洗的结果。同时发现以氧化性酸和Hf酸作为酸洗液,紫外光照射下fE和Al的残留量比无光照条件下也有明显下降,所降程度根据不同氧化性酸酸洗液而不同。Metallurgical-Grade Silicon has been purified by acid agents such as HCl,HF,and HNO3 under ultraviolet radiation in this experiment.The change of impurity content in Fe and Al has been researched,which is compared with that of hydrometallurgical purification without ultraviolet radiation.The experimental results show that even without assistant of oxidative acids,the removal ratio of the main impurities Fe and Al are increased by 41% and 16.4% respectively under ultraviolet radiation,and its purity has already approached to that of leached by oxidative acids and HF.In this paper,influ-ence of different kinds of acids on concentration of the main impurities is also researched under ultraviolet radiation