1,298 research outputs found

    Study on Comprehensive Income

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    收益是财务会计理论的核心概念之一,传统收益是以历史成本、实现——配比和稳健原则为基础,来反映企业的经营业绩,适应了工业时代的经济环境和报告受托责任的会计目标。然而,随着经营环境的迅速变化,企业不断产生新的、非传统的收益来源,传统收益确定模式受到了极大的冲击,已难以反映企业经营的实际状况。因此,各国纷纷研究对传统利润表的改进措施,美国、英国以及国际会计准则委员会在这一领域取得了巨大的成就。我国于06年颁布的新会计准则及09年公布的《财政部关于印发企业会计准则解释第3号的通知》虽然体现了全面收益的思想,但并没有建立明确的全面收益准则。随着近年来的政治、经济、文化环境不断变化,新的会计准则与国际趋同...Income is one of core concepts in financial accounting theory, and the traditional Income determining pattern, which bases on historical cost principle, revenue realization—matching principle and conservation principle, reflects the operation performance of the business enterprises. It adapts to the industrial age of economic environment and accounting target of reporting the entrusting responsibi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752008115129

    PIC Compatible MCU's Circuit Analysis and Design

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    随着微电子技术的飞速发展,作为电子系统核心的集成电路。一直遵照着摩尔定律在发展,集成度方面,已经能在单芯片上集成几百万、上千万晶体管。同时,芯片的功耗越来越低,工作速度越来越高。如今在单芯片上集成一个系统,即所谓的系统芯片(SOC)已成为可能。集成电路业进入系统芯片时代后,在芯片设计中采用IP核(知识产权)是设计发展一个必然选择,基于IP核复用的自顶向下的设计可提高设计效率,节省人力和满足面市时间的要求。 基于IP的设计的关键显然是各种性能优异、方便重用的IP核。IP核可分为硬核、固核和软核。其中的硬核依赖特定的工艺库,目前主要来源是外国的IP专业供应商,设计服务公司和代工厂。而软核是一个仅...With the development of microelectronics technology, the core of electronics system, Integrated Circuits, have made great progress to integrate millions of transistors in a single chip with lower power consumption. It’s possible to build a system in a single chip to construct so call System On Chip (SOC) today. In order to improve the efficiency and shorten the time for new products to enter into ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院电子工程系_无线电物理学号:20013000

    A Study on Loan Pricing based on EVA in the Commercial Banks

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    从人民银行2004年底放开商业银行人民币贷款利率上限至2011年央行工作会议将稳步推进利率市场化改革作为“十二五”规划重点工作,期间,我国的金融市场环境发生了巨大变化。外资银行的全面进入给国内商业银行带来了不仅仅是市场竞争的加剧,更多的是经营理念上的冲击。许多银行都开始向“以客户为中心”、以资本增值为目标的经营理念转变,探索建立有效的成本约束机制、风险管理机制和绩效评价机制,但由于风险意识不足、信息基础差、发展起步晚等诸多历史原因,价值管理理念的实践还未真正带来我国商业银行综合实力的提升。贷款定价能力是综合实力集中体现,它取决于企业的盈利预期、风险考量、资金成本及运营成本等诸多因素,还需要结合...During the period from the end of 2004 when the People's Bank commercial bank lending rate release from ceiling to 2011 the central bank conference will steadily deregulate interest rates market-oriented reforms as a "second Five Year Plan" focus, China's financial market environment has changed dramatically. The change that Foreign banks full access to the domestic commercial banks brings not onl...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115112

    The Research of Interferences Mitigation Algorithms for Wireless Repeaters

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    随着通信技术的发展,无线中继在现有系统以及未来的分布式协同通信系统与网络中起着重要的作用。在同频同时收发的情况下,覆盖天线信号容易反馈至施主天线,造成系统的自激振荡。而且中继系统一般输出功率较大,因而容易受到功率放大器等设备非线性效应的影响,产生带内失真和带外频谱扩展,对邻近信道产生干扰。因此,中继技术在获得覆盖和容量增益的同时,往往也产生了新的干扰源,导致了更复杂的干扰结构。其中反馈自激和带外泄漏是两种主要的干扰源,论文采取的抑制方法是自适应噪声抵消和基于数字预失真的功放线性化技术。 本文包含反馈干扰抵消和带外抑制算法研究两大部分。其中的反馈干扰抵消部分主要针对最小均方(LMS)算法收敛速...With the development of communication technology, wireless relay systems play an important role in existing and future distributed cooperative communication systems and networks. Signals from service antenna are apt to feed back to donor antenna in the case of working on the same frequency and same time, which causes the system into self-oscillation. Furthermore, due to their large output power, w...学位:工学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_通信与信息系统学号:2332007015387

    The research of Luo Zhenyu’s thought of emphasizing agriculture and Agriculture practice (1896---1911)

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    罗振玉是我国近代著名的国学大师,同时还是一位农学家,其从事农学活动达十五年之久,开拓了近代中国的农学,为中国近代农业发展史上不可不提及的重要人物。 甲午战争翌年,罗振玉与友人在上海发起创办了近代中国历史上第一个农学学术团体——务农会、刊行了第一份农学期刊——《农学报》,并编纂了第一部农学百科全书——《农学丛书》,在当时社会产生了很大影响,受到了朝野广泛的关注。此外,他还亲自参与了诸多具体的农学实践及农学教育活动,并逐渐形成了富有特色的重农思想体系。本文在述及罗振玉其人其事的基础上,主要对罗振玉重农思想的主要内容和具体的兴农实践活动进行系统的梳理和分析归纳。 罗振玉的重农思想是在晚清大变局的...Luo Zhenyu was a famous master of ancient Chinese literature search, At the same time, he was an agronomist and leaded the agricultural modernization of China. He engaged in agricultural activities for fifteen years. Luo Zhenyu is an important figure who could not be ignored when we research the agriculture modernization. In the year of 1896, Luo Zhenyu and his friends founded the China’s first a...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:1032009115187

    The Development of Naval Education in Late Qing Dynasty and its Influence on Examination System

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    清末,中国面临西方文明的强烈冲击,近代海防意识逐渐形成,海军建设成为国防之重,海军的近代化教育模式得到推崇,科举制度因此受到一定程度的冲击,中国传统的教育模式走向近代化与此有着密切的关联。In late Qing Dynasty,China underwent the influence of western culture.The modern coastal awareness gradually came into being,the coastal construction became the key part of national defense and the modern naval education was valued,which have influenced the examination system to some extent