The research of Luo Zhenyu’s thought of emphasizing agriculture and Agriculture practice (1896---1911)


罗振玉是我国近代著名的国学大师,同时还是一位农学家,其从事农学活动达十五年之久,开拓了近代中国的农学,为中国近代农业发展史上不可不提及的重要人物。 甲午战争翌年,罗振玉与友人在上海发起创办了近代中国历史上第一个农学学术团体——务农会、刊行了第一份农学期刊——《农学报》,并编纂了第一部农学百科全书——《农学丛书》,在当时社会产生了很大影响,受到了朝野广泛的关注。此外,他还亲自参与了诸多具体的农学实践及农学教育活动,并逐渐形成了富有特色的重农思想体系。本文在述及罗振玉其人其事的基础上,主要对罗振玉重农思想的主要内容和具体的兴农实践活动进行系统的梳理和分析归纳。 罗振玉的重农思想是在晚清大变局的...Luo Zhenyu was a famous master of ancient Chinese literature search, At the same time, he was an agronomist and leaded the agricultural modernization of China. He engaged in agricultural activities for fifteen years. Luo Zhenyu is an important figure who could not be ignored when we research the agriculture modernization. In the year of 1896, Luo Zhenyu and his friends founded the China’s first a...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:1032009115187

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