96 research outputs found

    Political Factors in the Production of Environmental News —— A Case Study on the Issue of Panyu Municipal Solid Waste Incineration

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    新闻生产社会学主张对新闻内容的制作过程进行社会学分析,新闻生产的过程受多重因素影响,政治因素作为社会建制的代表,始终与媒介机构有着多重关联。分析政治因素对环境新闻建构的影响方式与表现形式是环境新闻生产影响因素研究的重要内容。近年来,在城市垃圾焚烧厂选址建设的问题上,政府与民众产生了诸多分歧,新闻媒体对该议题进行了大量报道,社会各界也高度关注,本文聚焦于探讨垃圾焚烧这一环境议题中,政治因素对新闻报道的建构有无影响,又如何呈现在新闻文本中。故选取《南方都市报》、《新快报》、《番禺日报》与《广州日报》四份报纸中关于番禺垃圾焚烧议题的报道为研究对象,以“政治因素”为分析切入点,运用内容分析方法,以期考...Sociology of news production focuses on the sociological analysis of the production process of news content,News production process is often affected by many factors, Among which, political factors, as the representative of the social system, have multiple associations with the media system. In recent years, The government and people have obvious divergence in the site selection and construction o...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_人口学学号:1452013115048

    Two Issues on Quality Education in Universities

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    当前推进大学素质教育,既要加强专业教育与通识教育的整合,又要在强调创新能力培养的同时,不忘提升人文素养的初衷。Carrying forward the reform of quality education in universities,we should pay more attention to the integration of specialized education and general education,emphasize the training of creative competence,and never neglect the cultivation of the humane quality,which is the original purpose of quality education

    Construction of Harmonious Society and Development of Educational Philanthropy——China Needs More Educational Philanthropists like Tan Kah-kee

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    尽管中国不乏陈嘉庚先生这样杰出的教育慈善家,但与美国等西方发达国家相比,我国教育慈善事业整体发展显得乏善可陈。在当前中国积极构建和谐社会并具备了大力发展教育慈善事业的条件下,我们要汲取陈嘉庚先生致力于教育慈善事业的精神力量,让陈嘉庚式的教育慈善家不断涌现。China has such an outstanding educational philanthropist as Tan Kah-kee.However,in comparison with western advanced countries like U.S.,China is much insufficient in the development of educational philanthropy,even if at present China has economic and political strength to develop educational philanthropy.To construct a harmonious society,China should carry forward the spirit of Tan Kah-kee and make effort to advance the development of educational philanthropy

    On the Educational Sovereignty and National Cultural Security during the International Exchanges of Higher Education

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    在当今全球化时代,随着高等教育国际交流的日益增多,我国的教育主权和国家文化安全面临着潜在的挑战。历史和比较研究告诉我们,面对问题,我们应该保持一种审慎的质疑态度而非盲目乐观的态度,要警惕外国在与中国开展高等教育交流的背后存在着的经济利益和政治文化用心,防止国家主权的旁落、让渡、转移,要采取平视对话和差异互动的文化交流模式,坚持文化自觉和学术自立,确保国家文化安全。In the era of globalization,the international exchanges of higher education dramatically increase,which will potentially threaten our educational sovereignty and nation's cultural security.By the historical and comparative study,we can find that facing the challenges,we should not take a blind optimistic attitude but a critical one,and be on guard against the economical,political and cultural intentions of foreign countries,and make sure that our educational sovereignty not be trespassed and succeeded by others.For the sake of our nation's cultural security,we should take a model of equal dialogue,and insist on cultural consciousness and academic independence

    Study and realization on attitude measurement of moving objects based on machine vision

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    机器视觉测量技术是一种近年来新兴的非接触测量技术,具有精度高、速度快、技术先进等优点,已广泛应用于机器人、自动控制、精密仪器等领域。 对于姿态测量精度要求较高的运动目标,研究基于机器视觉的动态物体姿态参数的测量具有重要意义和应用价值。本文针对悬挂式运动物体和旋转式运动物体,探讨机器视觉姿态测量技术,并应用于悬挂式飞行器模型单目视觉姿态测量和双目汽车四轮定位参数测量,其中四轮轮定位参数测量的研究成果已产品化。 本文的主要工作和成果如下所述。 首先,对动态目标姿态测量理论进行了研究。根据被测物体在运动过程中的特点,给出了描述刚体姿态的三种表达方式;结合摄像机成像模型,详细阐述了求解平面或空间...Machine vision measurement technology, a new non-contact measurement technology in recent years, with the advantages of high precision, speed, advanced technology, has been widely used in robotics, automatic control, precision instruments and other engineering fields. High precision attitude measurement for moving objects, pose parameters measurement studies based on machine-vision has an impor...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械工程学号:1992010115274

    Higher Education of China Should Take a Characteristic Road

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    “2 0 0 4年高等教育国际论坛”围绕“特色、个性、人才强国”的主题进行研讨,达成了“中国高等教育只有科学定位,办出特色,培养出更多具有鲜明个性的各类高级专门人才,才能真正担负起人才强国战略所赋予的历史使命”这一共识。s international forum of higher education focused on the theme of characteristics,personality and a powerful country with talents and the common understanding was reached.That is only by orientating scientifically,running characteristically and cultivating more and more talents of high quality,personality and creativity,can Chinese higher institutions of learning shoulder the historical task entrusted by the strategy of propelling China to be a power country of opulent human resource

    A Comparative Study on Faculty Development of General Education in the Universities between the United States and China

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    现代大学通识教育,不仅被誉为打造美国精英、奠定美国共同文化基础的基本机制,而且正成为提升中国高教质量、塑造中国现代文明性格的重要内驱力。已有经验表明,无论是对美国的大学而言,还是对中国的大学来说,师资都是影响通识教育成败的关键。然而,与通识教育课程研究备受关注不同,通识教育教师研究则较受冷落,缺少系统深入地研究。对通识教育教师研究的不受重视,已间接成为制约通识教育发展的瓶颈问题之一。为此,本论文从中美比较的视角,围绕“为什么需要优秀的通识教育教师”、“中美大学通识教育教师的现状如何”、“优秀的通识教育教师具有哪些基本特征”、“怎样去培养优秀的通识教育教师”等问题,进行系统阐述、深入分析、全面总...General education in modern universities is not only known as the basic mechanism, which cultivates the elite of the United States and lays the foundation of American common culture, but also becoming the important internal driving force to improve the quality of Chinese higher education and shape the character of China’s of modern civilization. Experience shows that, either for the Universities i...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:B20031700


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    中国有通识教育传统吗? 对此的回答有持肯定观点的, 也有持否定观点的, 且各有各的理由。在此情况下, 改变形式逻辑思维惯性, 以辩证思维来实现两种观点的融合与会通是适宜的选择

    Academic Salon: the Home of Spirit and the Source of Innovation

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    沙龙是知识分子活动的制度化环境之一,学术沙龙也因此成为知识分子的精神之家和创新之源。在中外大学和学术发展史上,曾出现过不少著名的学术沙龙,一批当时的学术精英活跃在沙龙上,与此同时大量学术新锐在沙龙的熏陶下走向成熟,一些重要的创新性思想与学术成果孕育诞生。Salon is one of the institutional forms of activities for intellectuals, and academic salon becomes consequently the home of spirit and the source of innovation for intellectuals.In the history of academic development and universities in China and abroad,there were many famous academic salons,and a group of academic elites appeared in those salons.Under the influence of academic salons,a large number of immature scholars grew up and lots of important academic innovations came forth.厦门大学“985工程”;; “中国特色高等教育体系”项目的研究成果之