Higher Education of China Should Take a Characteristic Road


“2 0 0 4年高等教育国际论坛”围绕“特色、个性、人才强国”的主题进行研讨,达成了“中国高等教育只有科学定位,办出特色,培养出更多具有鲜明个性的各类高级专门人才,才能真正担负起人才强国战略所赋予的历史使命”这一共识。s international forum of higher education focused on the theme of characteristics,personality and a powerful country with talents and the common understanding was reached.That is only by orientating scientifically,running characteristically and cultivating more and more talents of high quality,personality and creativity,can Chinese higher institutions of learning shoulder the historical task entrusted by the strategy of propelling China to be a power country of opulent human resource

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