802 research outputs found

    The Life and Works of George Carter Stent

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    Many English-Chinese dictionaries have been compiled since the publication of Robert Morison\u27s A Dictionary of the Chinese Language. Among these dictionaries, George Carter Stent\u27s A Chinese and English Vocabulary in The Pekinese Dialect stands out with a number of unique features. G. C. Stent came to China in the 1860s as a guard for the new British Legation. He translated many works of Chinese literature into English, and published three dictionaries. Unfortunately, at the present very little research about Stent\u27s life and work has been undertaken. There are many questions still to be answered, such as Stent\u27s family and educational background, his motivation for learning Chinese, and his experience studying the language and so on. This paper investigates Stent\u27s life, then looks at the influence of his life experiences on his understanding of Chinese

    The study on Business Model of H TPL Service Provider

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    随着我国第三方物流市场竞争日趋激烈,一些第三方物流企业开始向规模化和专业化服务延伸,出现了一批专业领域领先企业,H公司是其中之一。作为从一家小型货运代理公司成功转型为快速消费品行业有一定品牌影响力的第三方物流公司,通过对H公司商务模式进行研究不仅可以为其进一步发展提供理论支持,也能够为中小型第三方物流企业商务模式创新与转型提供可以借鉴的经验。 本文将介观商务模式理论作为理论工具,结合资料分析和访谈调查对H公司的商务模式进行了详尽的案例分析。文章首先对H公司进行了概述。随后对H公司所处平台环境、伙伴环境、客户环境和顶板环境进行了详细的研究。在此基础之上,根据核心界面要素分类对H公司商务模式核心...With the increasingly fierce competition in third party logistics market of China, profit margins of homogenization and standardization service of the third party logistics industry are falling day by day. Some enterprises of the third party logistics begin to extend to scale and specialization service, such as providing personalized services of purchasing, distribution, logistics and financial ac...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_物流工程学号:1772009115092

    Research and Design of Teaching- Resarch management System Based on Ajax Technology

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    随着计算机和网络技术的不断发展,基于B/S结构的Web应用得到广泛应用,正逐渐成为各类应用信息系统市场的主流。为了有效地实现Web应用程序更快速、更便捷服务的目标,在目前基于Java应用平台开发Web应用的技术基础上,结合Ajax技术框架来构建Web应用系统,已成为一种高效且广泛应用的开发方式。 本文描述教学和科研管理系统的研究与设计。教学和科研管理系统是一个面向广大师生的开放型系统,搭建一个基于互联网的教学与科研资源共享平台,便于大学教师的教学科研管理以及师生间资源共享。该系统选用Ajax技术框架进行开发,并部署在Java应用平台上,后台数据存放在mysql数据库上,实现了课件的上传、下载...With the development of computer and internet technologies, web-based applications with the Browser/Server mode has wide range used which is a main product of information system.In order to achieve the target of Web progress more fast and facility, exploitation technologies which based on Java platform combines with Ajax technology framework is consider as more efficiency one. The devising of te...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823021

    Interest-Rate,Inflation Targeting and China’s Business Cycle

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    20世纪90年代以来,货币政策实践和相关理论研究都发生了显著变化。在实践方面,许多国家开始放弃盯住汇率或货币供应量目标,而转向一种新的货币政策框架——通货膨胀目标制(InflationTargeting,IT)。在这种政策框架下,多数国家实现了低而稳定的通货膨胀和持续的经济增长,使得这种政策制度备受中央银行家和经济学家的推崇。在理论方面,新凯恩斯主义(NewKeynesian)理论框架已经成为货币政策分析的主流框架,这种分析框架综合了凯恩斯主义和真实经济周期理论的研究成果,成为支持通货膨胀目标制度实践的基本理论。由于新凯恩斯主义理论框架具有明确的最优化基础,从而和现代宏观经济学的发展方向相一致...Since the 90s of the 20th century, both practice and research of the theory of monetary policy have undergone significant changes. In practice, many countries are beginning to give up the monetary policy of exchange-rate-targeting or money-supply-targeting and transfer to a new monetary policy framework. In this policy framework, most countries have achieved low and stable inflation and sustained ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院宏观经济研究中心_西方经济学学号:1722007015391

    Element Labeling Strategies and Nanoparticles Based Phosphoprotein Enrichment and Quantification

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    蛋白质可逆磷酸化调控的细胞信号传导在人类疾病尤其是癌症的产生和转移过程中起着主要作用。对磷酸化蛋白质进行系统的定量分析对于疾病的研究和早期和愈后诊断有着重要的意义。目前磷酸化蛋白质定量分析最常用的是分子质谱,通过引入不同的同位素标签从而实现定量。但是这些定量标签都是没有特异性的,它们可以与几乎所有的蛋白发生反应。因而在对磷酸化蛋白质分析之前需要对磷酸化蛋白质进行选择性富集,而且基于分子质谱的定量方法得到的主要是相对定量的信息。随着生命科学的发展,相对定量已经难以满足研究的需要,发展磷酸化蛋白质绝对定量技术已经迫在眉睫。电感耦合等离子体子质谱(ICP-MS)具有灵敏度高、线性范围宽、背景干扰小、...Cell signaling regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation has a significant role in human diseases, most notably cancer. Quantification of phosphoproteins during pathological process can provide important information for pathogeny, early diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. Molecular mass spectrometry (MMS) has been widely used in quantification of phosphoproteins. However, stable-isotope tag...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_分析化学学号:2052010115151

    Studies on Iltani's Letters: Translation and Analysis

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    卡腊那是公元前19-18世纪存在于两河流域北部台拉发尔地区的古国。上世纪70年代,在此出土了一批楔形文字泥板文献。这批楔形文字泥板中的两百多件是卡腊那城邦王后伊勒塔尼的书信。本文在释读这批书信的基础上,从家庭、政治和经济几方面分析伊勒塔尼王后的社会角色与地位。 本文主要分为三部分。 第一章,在家族—家庭层面上分析:伊勒塔尼扮演着家族成员供养者、奴仆调派者等角色;在家庭关系中,处于服从的地位。 第二章,在政治—宗教层面上分析:伊勒塔尼在政治宗教事务中,是一个十分活跃的王后。 第三章,在经济—社会层面上分析:伊勒塔尼广泛参与社会经济各个领域的管理工作,扮演了社会生产的实际组织者和执行者...Karana is a city-state of the ancient Mesopotamia during 19-18th century BC, which located present Telafar in the north of Iraq. In 1970s, some cuneiform tablets were excavated there. About two hundreds of them were the letters by Iltani the queen of Karana. On translating and comprehending the letters, the article covered the queen Iltani’s social role and status in the family, politics and econo...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_世界史学号:1022005130013