272 research outputs found

    People Counting Method Based on Digital Image Processing and Its Application

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    随着我国人口的不断增长,城市化步伐的不断加快,人数统计在公共安全和商业、交通、旅游等各项事业的有序发展中显得越来越重要。自动化的人数统计方法因为可以全天候地运行且可实时地提供突发情报而备受青睐。计算机视觉和图像处理技术的发展客观上使得这种应用更加简单、有效。基于图像处理的人数统计方法,在国内很少发现,而国外则主要采用立体摄像机、多摄像机获取图像,工作站进行处理的方式,采用的计数方法为跟踪法,采样频率较高,一般为每秒30帧。文中提出了一种新的人数统计方法,该方法满足实时性、有效性要求,且可较好地排除环境的干扰。本文的创新点之一就是采用了非跟踪法代替跟踪法。每秒中只需采样3至4帧,甚至更少,获取图...With the constant growth of the population of our country and the constant quickening of the urbanization pace, people counting is more and more important to public safety and the ordered development of every undertaking such as commerce, traffic, tourism. The automatic method of people counting is favored for it can be operated all–weather to offer the sudden happening information real-timely. Th...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院电子工程系_通信与信息系统学号:20023002


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    Immunohistochemical Study of Serotonin in the Digestive System of Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 应用免疫组织化学方法对锯缘青蟹消化系统的 5- HT分泌细胞的形态和分布进行了观察 .结果表明 :5- HT阳性细胞形态多样 ,多数为卵圆形 ,少数为柱形 ,多边形或具有较长的胞突 .消化道各段均有 5- HT阳性细胞 ,中肠密度最高 ,食道次之 ,贲门胃、幽门胃和后肠较低 .5- HT阳性细胞多数位于固有膜和粘膜下层 ,少数散布于肌层 .肝胰腺也具有 5- HT阳性细胞 【英文摘要】 The morphology and distribution of serotonin(5 HT) immunoreactivity in the digestive system of Scylla serrata were investigated. 5 HT immunoreactive cells had various forms: the majority were oval, while the minority were columnar, irregular in shape, or having long processes. 5 HT immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the digestive tract, with the highest density in the midgut, the second in the esophagus, and a low density in the stomach and hindgut. Most of the 5 HT immunoreactive c...福建省重中之重“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”资助项


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    The Resources and Protection of Psammophilous Vegetation on Coasts in Xiamen Guanyinshan, Fujian Province

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    作者简介:黄雅琴(1984-),女,福建三明人,硕士,研究实习员,从事海洋、海岸带生物与生态研究。E-mail:[email protected] 注:李荣冠为通讯作者。E-mail:[email protected]厦门观音山海岸沙生植被资源丰富,有维管束植物135种,分属于42科113属。但是比较23年前的历史调查数据,鬣刺(Spinifex littoreus)、盐地鼠尾粟(Sporobolus virginicus)等沙滩防风浪固沙护岸先锋植物近乎绝迹。为了改变当地仅存的次生植被现状,应当对残存风水林与灌草丛加强保护,利用海岸沙生植被营造沿海防护林体系,充分发挥其生态效益,达到改善环境条件、有效抗御自然灾害的目的。[英文文摘]There are abundant plant resources of psammophilous vegetation on the coast of Xiamen Guanyinshan, including 135 species of vascular plants belonging to 42 families and 113 genera.Compared with the historical investigation data twenty-three years ago, the pioneer plants like Spinifex littoreus, Sporobolus virginicus and others are nearly extinct. In order to change the secondary vegetation status on the coast, the remnant forest and shrub should be protected strengtheningly. And the coastal protection forest system should be constructed on the basis of coastal psammophilous vegetation, thus to improve the environment condition and effectiveness against natural disasters.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905008


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    采用活体注射和体外培养方法 ,进行生物胺调控雌性锯缘青蟹生殖神经内分泌的研究。结果表明 ,锯缘青蟹于实验的第 1天 ,第 5天 ,第 1 0天 ,分别注射 1 0 0 μl剂量为 1 μg/g体重的 5羟色胺 (5 HT)、章鱼胺 (OA)和多巴胺 (DA) ,第 1 5天解剖 ;其中 5 HT对卵巢发育具有显著的促进作用 ,OA和DA的作用不明显。离体条件下 ,将脑、胸神经团、视神经节分别与卵巢小块进行联合培养 ,每个实验组分别加入PBS与 1 μg/g体重的5 HT、OA、DA、HA(组胺 )和NE(去甲肾上腺素 ) ,发现卵巢发育的促进作用与 5 HT刺激了脑和胸神经团的分泌活动有关 【英文摘要】 The possibility that biogenic amines affect ovarian development in the female mud crab, Scylla serrata, was investigated. Females were administered 1μg/g body weight of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)?octopamine (OA) or dopamine (DA) on days 1, 5 and 10 and were sacrificed on day 15. Crabs given 5-HT showed significant increases in ovarian index and oocyte size over the concurrent controls, while OA and DA did not significantly affect either the ovarian index or oocyte size. In vitro study indicates that none ...福建省重中之重“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”项目资助 1 998— 2 0 0 2年;; 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目资助 ,2 0 0 1 0 3 84 0 1 0


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    国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 0 3 0 0 2 69

    Determination of Trace Metal Elements in Crude Oils by Microwave Digestion-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Assisted with Organic Solvent

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    李景喜( 1980 - ) ,男,山东临沂市人,研究实习员,从事分析化学研究。E-mail: jxli@fio.org. cn。[中文摘要]建立了二氯甲烷溶剂辅助微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定原油中V、Cr、Fe、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mo、Co、Pb等16种微量金属元素。研究表明,用CH2Cl2分散原油样品,以浓HNO3-H2O2为消解体系,采用CEM微波消解系统消解样品,各元素线性关系良好,相关系数≥0.9995;检出限可达ng/L;方法精密度较高,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=3)<5.0%;回收率为92%~110%。以w(Ni)/w(V)与w(Fe)/w(V)比值为变量参数对不同原油样品进行聚类分析,表明国内与国外不同地区原油样品中各金属元素含量差异较大。[英文文摘]A method for determination of V,Cr,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,Mo Co,Pb,etc in different crude oils was established by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry assisted with organic solvent microwave digestion.The oil sample was digested by microwave using HNO3-H2O2 as oxidant after dispersing in organic solvent(CH2Cl2).The results showed that the detection limits of the method reached ng/L level for sixteen elements.The linear correlation of the method was preferable with the correlation coefficient of better than 0.9995. The recoveries of the method were in the range of 92% ~ 110% with the precision of less than 5.0% RSD (n=3).The ratios of w(Ni)/w(V) and w(Fe)/w(V) were distinct in different crude oil samples from oversea and domestic,and the index can be used to the cluster analysis for differencing the crude oil samples.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资助(2010G23);海洋公益性行业科研专项资助(200705011);海洋溢油鉴别与损害评估技术重点实验室开放基金资助(200920

    In vitro study of neuroendocrine regulation over the testicular development in mud crabs Scylla serrata

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    The reproductive endocrine activities of neuroendocrine organs and androgenic glands (AG) in male Scylla serrata were investigated with co-incubation technology. In vitro studies show that: (1) the AG in Stage Ⅲ can significantly accelerate the development of seminiferous tubules and spermic matu- ration; (2) the brain, thoracic ganglia and optic ganglia have no direct influence over the testicular devel- opment; (3) the brain and thoracic ganglia can significantly promote the growth of the AG cells and hig...This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30300269) and the Fujian Province Key Foundation Re-search Program (1998-2002)