59 research outputs found

    An Improved Fuzzy Connected Image Segmentation Method Base on CUDA

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    已有的模糊连接并行算法CUDA-k FOE未考虑线程块边缘点同时更新所引发的竞争问题,导致计算结果出现少量误差.由于医学图像处理对精度的要求很高,为了解决边缘点计算误差的问题,基于CUDA-k FOE提出一种修正迭代算法.首先分析了CUDA-k FOE算法在线程块边缘产生竞争的原因;然后讨论了边缘点亲和力的所有可能的传递路径,以及由此造成的出错情况;最后提出二次迭代修正算法,将第一次迭代得到的所有边缘点转入第二次的修正迭代步骤,从而修正第一次迭代中错误的亲和力值.采用3组不同规格的CT序列对肝脏血管进行分割实验,并选用3个不同的种子点进行算法验证,结果表明,文中算法的计算结果与串行版本一致,解决了CUDA-k FOE算法的计算误差问题.A paralleled CUDA version of k FOE(CUDA-k FOE)was proposed to segment medical images. CUDA-k FOE achieves fast segmentation when processing large image datasets. However, it cannot precisely handle the competition of edge points when update operations happen by multiple threads simultaneously, thus an iterative correction method to improve CUDA-k FOE was proposed. By analyzing all the pathways of marginal voxels affinity and their consequently caused results, a two iteration correction scheme is employed to achieve the accurate calculation. In these two iterations, the resulted marginal voxels from the first iteration are used as the correction input of the second iteration, therefore, the values of affinity are corrected in the second iteration. Experiments are conducted on three CT image sequences of liver vessels with small, medium, and large size. By choosing three different seed points, final results are not only comparable to the sequential implementation of fuzzy connected image segmentation algorithm on CPU, but achieve more precise calculation compared with CUDA-k FOE.国家自然科学基金(61001144;61102137;61301010;61327001

    Exploration of the Practical Training Program for Materials Science and Engineering Students

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    实践教学是材料专业人才培养的重要环节,实践教学体系是提高实践教学质量的重要保障。厦门大学材料学院紧紧围绕应用型、复合型、创新型人才培养目标,注重学生“五种能力“的培养,改革和创新材料科学与工程专业的实践教学体系,促进了学生的创新能力与实践能力的提高。Laboratory experience is vital to the students for the specialty of Materials Science and Engineering.We have devoted to produce talented scientists,highly qualified engineers and competent administrators through providing excellent education programs,innovative laboratory experiences,up-to-date facilities,leading-edge researches,and important industrial partnerships.The students are offered five levels laboratory and field trainings during their college study to improve their capability on solving practical problems and creating novel techniques and materials

    Application of 5S management method on the materials science & engineering experimental teaching and personnel training

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    将5S管理方法引入材料科学与工程实验室建设与实验教学管理中。通过建立5S推行组织、确定试运行实验室的方法学习5S管理模式,以点带面,建立逐步在整个实验教学中心、在学生培养中推行5S管理的方法。The 5S management method is introduced into material science and engineering laboratory construction and experimental teaching management.By establishing an implementation organization, determining the test run laboratory, the 5S management mode is studied.And then fan out from point to area, it's gradually set up in the whole experiment center.It's also implemented during the personal training of the students in the university.教育部“十二五”国家级实验教学示范中心:厦门大学材料科学与工程专业实验教学示范中心(教高厅函[2012]13号); 教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划:厦门大学材料科学工程(教高厅函[2013]38号); 教育部第二批高等学校特色专业建设点:材料科学与工程(教高函[2007]31号); 福建省本科高校专业综合改革试点:材料科学与工程专业(闽教高[2012]41号

    Construction an Opening Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Platform for all Students in the University

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    厦门大学材料科学与工程实验教学中心是2012年教育部批准建设的国家级专业实验教学示范中心。该实验教学中心针对不同学科、不同层面的学生,开设面向本专业的A类专业实验课程、面向校内相关理工科专业的B类材料基础实验课程以及面向全校各专业的C类材料通识实验课程。通过分层次、分体系的实验课程设置,教学科研协同发展和校企联合培养的实验教学模式,以及智能化管理系统的建设,实现实验室对全校师生的开放,全面提高实验中心的辐射示范作用。Materials science and engineering experimental teaching center of Xiamen University is an national professional teaching demonstration center, which was approved to construct by the education Ministry in 2012. According to the knowledge background and different requirement of the students in the university the experimental teaching center offers three level experimental courses: Course A is for the students in material college, which contains many specialized materials experiments; Course B is for the students major in science and engineering in the university, which contains basic materials experimental courses; Course C is for all students in the university, which contains general study materials experimental courses. Through the three level course settings and relevant teaching methods, as well as a controlled, visualized and intelligent management system, the center orderly opening to the students comes true. It is benefit to improve the role of radiation and demonstration of the center

    Six-ring alkaloid compound as well as preparation and application thereof

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    本发明涉及抑菌剂领域,具体地说是一种海藻内生真菌来源的天然六环生物碱类化合物及其制备方法和在抑菌方面的应用。具体结构式如(I)所示,其制备方法为将海藻内生真菌杂色曲霉(Aspergillus versicolor)DL‑29接种于真菌培养基中发酵培养,发酵产物经分离纯化后,即为式(I)所示的六环生物碱类化合物。本发明获得的生物碱类化合物,经抑菌活性实验得出化合物的最小抑菌浓度可达2微克/毫升

    Carbamate compound as well as preparation and application thereof

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    本发明涉及抑菌剂领域,具体地说是一种海藻内生真菌来源的天然氨基甲酸酯类化合物及其制备方法和在抑菌方面的应用。具体结构式如(I)所示,其制备方法为将海藻内生真菌杂色曲霉(Aspergillus versicolor)DL‑29接种于真菌培养基中发酵培养,发酵产物经分离纯化后,即为式(I)所示的氨基甲酸酯类化合物。本发明获得的生物碱类化合物,经抑菌活性实验得出化合物的最小抑菌浓度可达4微克/毫升

    The invention relates to a method for measuring behavior parameters of sports animals

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    本发明属于动物行为学技术领域,尤其涉及一种运动动物的行为参数的测定方法。包括如下步骤:步骤一:对运动动物连续拍摄,获得运动动物在不同时间点的位置图片;步骤二:将获得的运动动物在不同时间点的位置图片生成延时影像, 并绘制运动动物运动轨迹;步骤三:根据运动轨迹得到延时影像中运动动物运动速度;步骤四:根据延时影像时间和对运动动物连续拍摄时间比例,得到运动动物在运动容器中的实际运动参数,其中,步骤四的计算运动动物在运动容器中的实际运动参数方法为,获取延时图像和动物运动实际图像之间的延时系数,并基于延时图像,获取动物在延时图像中的运动速度,计算延时系数和延时图形中的运送速度乘积,即为动物的实际运行速度


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    Seaweed bromo sesquiterpenoids and its preparation and use

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    本发明涉及杀虫剂和真菌抑制剂领域,具体地说是一种海藻溴代倍半萜类化合物及其制备和应用。具体结构式如(I)所示,其制备方法为将海洋红藻复生凹顶藻(Laurencia composita)干燥并粉碎,然后用有机溶剂提取和萃取,得到粗提物;粗提物进行硅胶柱层析,用有机溶剂进行梯度洗脱,将以洗脱液体积比15-10∶1梯度洗脱下的组分进行分离纯化得目标化合物(I)。本发明所得溴代倍半萜类化合物,经杀虫活性实验得出化合物在100微克/毫升时对卤虫的致死率为87.7%,半数致死浓度为37.0微克/毫升,同时该化合物还具有较好的抗真菌活性