381 research outputs found

    [論文] 高麗時代の遺跡から出土する中国陶磁器の状況と特徴 : 韓国出土品を中心として

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    高麗は初期から中期まで宋・遼・金との持続的な交流があり,後期には元と交流した。こうした状況によって,その時々の中国の多くの文物が高麗に流入し,とりわけ相当量の中国陶磁器が高麗の全域で消費される傾向がみられる。中国陶磁器は高麗の全時期のなかでも,とくに高麗中期の遺跡から出土する。出土の地域と遺跡の性格を探ると,京畿道・忠清道・全羅道・慶尚道・済州地域で確認されており,宮城・官庁関連遺跡・寺刹(寺址)・建物址・墳墓,全羅・忠清地域の海底などである。器種別の出土の様相を探ると,青磁は越州窯産・龍泉窯産が確認されており,五代末~北宋代の越州窯産から,北宋~元代と編年されるものまで及ぶが,宋代のものが大部分である。白磁は北宋・南宋代の定窯産・景徳鎮窯産が最も多く,このほか磁州窯産や福建・広東の窯の製品が少量確認される。とりわけ高麗中期には12~13世紀代の景徳鎮窯産青白磁の出土量が多く,発見地域も広範囲にわたる。黒釉は福建の建窯・建窯系・吉州窯・磁州窯産のものが確認されており,そのほか磁竈窯・鈞窯産のものもある。高麗時代の陸上遺跡(韓半島本土の遺跡)から出土する中国陶磁器の特徴をいくつかに整理すると,以下のとおりである。第一に,中国陶磁器の流入は高麗中期に集中し,なかでも青磁が非常に少なく,中国陶磁器の大部分を占めるのは白磁である。福建・広東地域産のやや質が劣る白磁類が少量あり,比較的に品質が良い定窯産・景徳鎮窯産白磁が主として消費されたことがわかる。当時,高麗の内部で白磁に対する消費欲求が高かったことと比較して,質的に優れた白磁の製作が困難な環境であった。このため,主に高麗白磁の代替品として消費されたものであり,上流層が富や実力を誇示するための手段と認識して専有・使用したものとみられる。第二に,中国青磁は一部の地域では少し確認される程度であるが,当時の高麗は象嵌青磁をはじめとして,質的に優れた青磁を製作しており,相当量の高麗青磁が中国に輸入されたことは,寧波・杭州などの最近の出土事例によっても知ることができる。したがって,高麗の窯業の状況を反映して,青磁の需要が白磁よりも低かったと考えられる。第三に,済州島では中国陶磁器は寺刹・官衙址・城郭・祭祀遺跡・生活遺跡などで出土しており,龍泉窯青磁が最も多く,次いで景徳鎮窯青白磁が多い。このほかにも越州窯青磁,定窯白磁,福建同安窯青白磁,江蘇宜興窯と河北磁州窯の褐釉瓶なども発見された。済州島では,高麗の陸上遺跡で発見される頻度が非常に低い福建産白磁,江蘇または河北の褐釉磁器,浙江龍泉窯青磁がいくつかの遺跡で大量に発見されており,同時期の陸上遺跡における中国陶磁器の出土の様相とは,やや異なる傾向をみせることがわかる。これは済州島が中日海上交通における中継拠点としての役割を果たしたためであるとの見解もあるが,今後,もう少し綿密な分析と研究が必要であろう。第四に,泰安馬島海域と新安黒山島海域では,韓国の陸上遺跡からは出土事例がほとんどない中国陶磁器が発見された。これらの海域で中国陶磁器が発見されたのは,当時の宋・日本間の貿易ルート上に位置するためだとみるべきなのか,宋・高麗間の貿易ルート上に位置するためだとみるべきなのかは,いくつかの見解がある。筆者は,韓国の陸上遺跡で中国南方産の陶磁器が部分的に出土するという様相にもとづき,宋・高麗間の貿易過程で沈水したものが発見されたものと考える。ただし,今後,より詳細な研究によって明らかになることを期待したい。The Goryeo Dynasty had constant trade with the Song, Liao, and Jin Dynasties in its early and middle periods and with the Yuan Empire in its late period. Against this backdrop, a variety of Chinese objects of each period were introduced to the Goryeo Dynasty. In particular, a great deal of Chinese ceramics were distributed throughout the territory of the Goryeo Dynasty. Although they had been imported throughout the Goryeo period, many were found in sites of the mid-Goryeo period. An analysis of the distribution and characteristics of these sites indicates that Chinese ceramics were excavated from the ruins of palaces and government buildings, temples (and their remains), the ruins of buildings, and tombs in Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, Jeolla, and Gyeongsang Provinces and the Jeju Region and from the bottom of the sea in the Jeolla and Chungcheong Regions. According to an analysis of types of ceramics, the discovered celadons were produced at the Yuezhou kilns and the Longquan kilns, ranging from Yuezhou ware dated to the end of the Five Dynasties period to the Northern Song period to porcelains dated to the Northern Song period to the Yuan period, though most of them were produced during the Song period. The white porcelains were mostly produced at the Ding kilns or the Jingdezhen kilns during the Northern and Southern Song periods, and a few were made at the Cizhou kilns and other kilns in Fujian and Guangdong. In particular, celadon and white wares produced at the Jingdezhen kilns from the 12th to 13th century account for most of the ceramics discovered from sites of the mid-Goryeo period across South Korea. In addition, black-glazed ceramics were excavated, including Jian wares, Jian series, Jizhou wares, Cizhou wares from Fujian, Cizao wares, and Jun wares. Moreover, the following paragraphs describe the characteristics of the Chinese ceramics excavated from terrestrial sites of the Goryeo Dynasty (within the Korean Peninsula).First of all, most of the Chinese ceramics found in the Korean Peninsula were imported during the mid-Goryeo period. There were a few celadon wares, but most of the imported ceramics were white wares. Among them, there were a few lower-grade wares produced in Fujian and Guangdong, but the main imports of the Goryeo Dynasty were higher-quality white wares produced at the Ding kilns and the Jingdezhen kilns. Compared to the high demand for white ceramics in the Goryeo Dynasty at that time, the domestic supply of high-quality white wares was very limited. Therefore, Chinese white wares were imported as substitutes for Goryeo white porcelains, owned and used by upper classes to demonstrate their wealth and power.Secondly, Chinese celadon wares were found only in parts of South Korea, but the Goryeo Dynasty had produced high-quality celadon wares, including inlaid celadons, and exported them to China at that time, as indicated by recent archaeological excavations in Ningbo and Hangzhou. This situation of the Goryeo ceramic industry would account for the lower demand for celadons than for white wares in the Korean Peninsula.Thirdly, in Jeju Island, Chinese wares were excavated from the ruins of temples, government buildings, fortresses, ritual sites, and livelihood sites. Most of the Chinese wares unearthed in the island were Longquan celadon wares, followed by Jingdezhen white wares. Archaeological excavations in the island also unearthed Yuezhou celadon wares, Ding white wares, bluish white wares produced at the Tongan kilns in Fujian, and brown-glazed bottles produced at the Yixing kilns in Jiangsu and at the Cizhou kilns in Hebei. In addition, some archaeological excavations in the island unearthed a number of white wares from Fujian, brown-glazed wares from Jiangsu and Hebei, and Longquan celadon wares from Zhejiang though they were rarely found in other terrestrial sites of the Goryeo period, which makes an interesting contrast between the island and the peninsula. Some studies assumed that this was because Jeju Island had served as a transit point for maritime trade between China and Japan, though further studies and a more detailed analysis are needed to confirm this assumption.Fourthly, underwater archaeological excavations near Ma Island in Taean County and Heuksan Island in Sinan County unearthed Chinese ceramics rarely found in terrestrial archaeological sites in South Korea. There is an argument whether these underwater archaeological findings are attributed to trade between the Song Dynasty and Japan or trade between the Song Dynasty and the Goryeo Dynasty. Given the fact that ceramics made in South China have been found in terrestrial archaeological sites in South Korea, the author assumes that the Chinese ceramics retrieved from these underwater sites are products that were lost at sea while they were transported from Song China to Goryeo. Further studies are expected to elucidate details


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    目的利用斑马鱼为模型进行黄酮类药物筛选,以期发现促进胰岛β细胞增生的药物。方法对生长5 d的斑马鱼胚胎进行黄酮类药物处理,并进行β细胞计数,筛选出能够促进β细胞数量增加的药物,并进一步分析其促进β细胞增加是源自于已有β细胞的复制或前体细胞的分化。结果淫羊藿素(Icaritin)能够增加胰岛β细胞的数量,并明显促进β细胞的复制。同时,我们发现有几个黄酮类化合物具有降血糖的作用。结论淫羊藿素能够明显促进β细胞的自我复制从而促进β细胞的增生。国家自然科学基金(No.81670709);;福建省自然科学基金(No.2017J01145);;中央高校基本科研业务费(No.20720170104、20720180044

    Expression of Fusion Protein of Parathyroid Hormone and Transferrin N-terminal Half-molecule in Pichia pastoris

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    利用重叠PCR技术将PTH(parathyroidhormone,甲状旁腺激素)基因与TFN(transferrinN_terminalhalf_molecule,转铁蛋白N端半分子)基因在体外融合,融合基因克隆至真核表达载体pPIC9中,转化毕赤酵母GS115。转化子经甲醇诱导后,融合蛋白得到了表达并分泌到发酵上清液中。经SPSepharoseFF阳离子交换层析、PhenylSepharoseFastFlow疏水层析纯化获得了纯度大于95%的PTH_TFN样品。Westernblot分析及腺苷酸环化酶实验证明融合蛋白中的PTH具有与抗PTH抗体结合能力及刺激腺苷酸环化酶的活性,铁饱和实验证明融合蛋白中的TFN和单独的TFN具有相同铁结合能力。因而TFN可望作为PTH的天然运输载体。The fused gene (PTH_TFN) of parathyroid hormone (PTH) gene and transferring N_terminal half_molecule (TFN) gene was amplified by multiple PCR and inserted into pPIC9 vector. The recombinant plasmid pPIC9_PTH_TFN was transformed into Pichia pastoris GS115 by PEG. After methanol induction, the target protein was expressed in fermentation supernatant at high level.The fused protein PTH_TFN with purity being higher than 95% was finally obtained after purification through two_step chromatography : SP Sepharose Fast Flow and Phenyl Sepharose Fast Flow.Western blot analysis and adenylate cyclase assay proved that the fused protein exhibited the bioactivity to stimulate cAMP synthesis and the ability to bind Fe ~3+ in the Fe ~3+ saturation study as the recombinant TFN did indicating that TFN could be used as the transcellar carrier of PTH.国家高技术研究与发展项目基金资助(No.2004AA215172)。~

    Over One Hundred Year Sedimentary Record of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Andaman Sea, Malaysia

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    [摘要]:采用GCPMS 分析研究了马来西亚海域安达曼海兰卡威岛邻近海域沉积物柱样(WC02) 中多环芳烃(PAHs) 组成与含量的 垂直分布特征, 结合210Pb定年, 重现了该海域近百年来PAHs 的沉积历史( 1898~ 2004 年) . 研究表明, PAHs 在整个沉积剖面( 0 ~ 56 cm) 的含量介于1312~ 6011 ng# g- 1 之间( 平均值2814 ng# g- 1) , 所分析的PAHs 中以菲、萘、等化合物为主, 与当地周边海 域相比污染程度较轻. 在20 世纪20 年代以前, 沉积物中多环芳烃含量较低, 基本代表当地环境的本底值, 即多环芳烃主要来 源于天然物质的输入; 20 年代以后PAHs 的总量有所上升, 并在20 世纪60 年代和80 年代出现了2 个峰值, 表明这段时间内多 环芳烃的陆源输入特征比较明显, 也反映了人类活动在20 世纪20 年代后开始对该海域产生一定的影响. 采用母体、高低环 PAH 比值对沉积物柱样中PAHs 的来源进行分析, 表明该海域沉积物受到燃料不完全燃烧产物污染为主、并伴有石油类污染, 这与马来西亚西海域周边地区的人类活动( 工农业生产、进出口、海上活动等) 密切相关, 同时也受到马六甲海峡繁忙的海上 交通运输影响. 对沉积物柱样污染历史进行分析, 表明PAHs 含量的阶段性变化与该地区不同时期的人文活动和社会经济( 国 内生产总值) 的发展状况密切相关, 较好地反映了人类活动对环境的影响.[Abstract]:Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a sediment core collected from Langkawi Island of the Andaman Sea, Malaysia were determined by GCPMS, the vertical variations of concentration and distributions of PAHs were investigated. In combining with 210Pb2dating, the PAHs sedimentary record in the last 100 years was reconstructed and their possible sources were also discussed. The EPAH concentration ranged from 131226011 ng#g- 1 in the whole sedimentary section ( 0256 cm) with the dominant compounds of phenanthrene, naphthalene and perylene. The sediments contaminated to a lesser extent comparing with the surrounding waters. Before the 1920s, the concentrations of PAHs were considered to be the background level, which was implied from the natural inputs. The historical records of PAHs in the core showed that two distinct peaks which represented the input time of 1960s and 1980s, respectively, inferred that there were some relatively dramatically land2based inputs, and human activities leaded a clear impact to these waters during these periods. Furthermore, PAHs diagnostic ratios indicated that PAHs in the core sediments were mainly of pyrolytic origin ( combustion) , accompanied with minor petroleum origin. These were related with agriculture, industry, ocean import and export, and shipping activities in the surrounding regions. Meanwhile as the vital communication line, the marine transportation of the Strait of Malacca had influenced the environmental quality of the Andaman Sea. Meanwhile, based on the sedimentary record, PAHs concentrations were found to correlate positively with humanism activities and socioeconomic development (Gross Domestic Production) in the surrounding regions.国家自然科学基金项目( 20777060) ; 国家海洋局海洋三所 科技项目( 海三科2007021


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    利用大肠杆菌表达系统可溶性表达人乳头瘤病毒18型(HPV18)L1蛋白,经过纯化和重组装过程获得HPV18病毒样颗粒(VLPs),研究其免疫原性和诱发中和抗体生成的水平。首先,提取HPV18的基因组DNA,通过PCR扩增获得HPV18 L1基因片段,将其插入pTrxFus表达载体,在大肠杆菌中可溶性表达HPV18 L1蛋白;其次,通过硫酸铵沉淀、离子交换层析和疏水相互作用层析获得高纯度的HPV18 L1蛋白,而后透析去除预先加入的还原剂DTT,使HPV18 L1蛋白自发组装成VLPs;最后,通过动态光散射技术和透射电子显微镜鉴定HPV18 VLPs的大小和形态,利用假病毒细胞中和实验评价HPV18 VLPs在实验动物体内的免疫原性和中和抗体生成水平。结果表明,HPV18L1蛋白可以在大肠杆菌表达系统中以可溶形式表达,经过纯化的HPV18 L1蛋白可以自发组装成为半径约为29.34nm、与HPV病毒外观相似的VLP。该VLPs在小鼠体内的中和抗体半数有效剂量为0.006μg,在兔及山羊体内诱导中和抗体滴度高达107。总之,本研究利用原核表达系统可简便高效地获得具有高度免疫原性的HPV18 VLPs,为HPV18预防性疫苗的开发奠定了基础,具有重要的应用意义


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    目的探讨学校流感暴发疫情的最佳控制方式,为制定停课标准提供参考。方法通过SEIAR模型对流感暴发疫情隔离和停课效果进行分析。结果本起流感暴发疫情基本再生数R0为7.6180,无干预措施下疫情会持续20天,1 169名学生和教职工(99.74%)会感染流感。第5~10天开始隔离措施,疫情持续时间介于35~44天,第10天开始隔离感染人数是第5天开始隔离的6.9倍。与单独采取隔离措施相比,停课1天、3天、5天、7天可以减少4.51%~10.92%、13.41%~29.31%、19.46%~45.40%和24.82%~57.47%的感染人数,持续时间并没有太大变化;停课14天疫情持续时间都会明显下降,感染人数下降33.43%~65.52%。结论隔离措施越早实施对疫情控制效果越好,显性感染人数达到20%以上时可以停课,出现重症或死亡病例时要将停课时间延长