2,493 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Performance Appraisal Management System for Traffic Police Detachment

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    随着社会信息化建设的不断推进,无纸化的办公方式也得到了大力推广。但是,某市交通警察支队的绩效管理存在着很多问题,诸如传统管理效率不高,模式落后,部门协调不同步,绩效文档管理不合理等。虽然,如今的公安部门中大部分的人员都配备了计算机系统对绩效工作进行管理并且个人的计算机中的软件也相对独立,但是,由于不同部门的人员涉及到的工作内容、计划以及范围都不一样甚至有些还相差较大,因此,虽然在一定程度上缓解了绩效考核工作的效率低下情况,却没有根本的解决绩效管理存在的问题。开发一个集警务人员绩效考核、考核成绩统计以及考核信息管理为一体的绩效考核管理系统是十分必要的。 某市交通警察支队绩效考核管理系统主要采用...With the advancement of social informatization, the way of the paperless office has been promoted.City traffic police detachment of the performance management, however, there are many problems, such as traditional management efficiency is not high, the backward mode, coordinate departments are not synchronized, the performance of document management is not reasonable, etc.Now, though, most of the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323138

    Analysis on the rules of finance lease in the Bankruptcy procedure

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    融资租赁作为一种新型的交易方式,因其便捷、高效、低成本的优势在最近几年迅速发展壮大,在政府重视,民间积极的推动下,融资租赁业务在我国必将与中国经济一同高速发展。同时,由于立法的滞后,我国目前仍未出台一部统一的融资租赁法,目前对融资租赁的监管规定多散见于《合同法》、部门规章以及司法解释等规范性文件。当融资租赁中出租人和承租人面临破产清算的情形下,对融资租赁合同处理在法律规定上仍捉襟见肘。 本文第一章对融资租赁及破产进行了简要概述。第二章从融资租赁中租赁物的所有权归属出发,认为融资租赁系从英美法系的美国起源并发展,对融资租赁法律实质的理解应当从实用主义的角度出发,弱化大陆法系的物权观念,在个案分...Financing lease, as a new way to trade, because of its convenience, high efficiency, low cost advantage. In the last three years, it has been rapid developed, due to the government pay a great attention to financing lease and driven by nongovernmental force, financing lease business will certainly developed with the Chinese economy in our country. At the same time, due to the lag of legislation, o...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302014115024

    The inhibiting effects of Zotarolimus on allograft organ transplantation and mechanism research

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    目的:器官移植术后的免疫排斥反应严重制约着移植患者生活质量。目前临床上进行器官移植的患者大多需要服用免疫抑制剂维持治疗,长期维持用药不仅有较强的毒副作用,而且给患者生活带来了极大的不便。因此,新型免疫抑制剂研发和应用是解决器官移植术后免疫排斥反应的迫切需求。本实验中,我们首次将雷帕霉素衍生物佐他莫司应用于器官移植,研究佐他莫司的免疫抑制作用及其可能的作用机制。 方法:建立BALB/c到C57BL/6小鼠同种异体心脏移植模型,观察对照组和佐他莫司给药组小鼠心脏移植物生存期,通过心脏跳动时间探索佐他莫司是否可以延长移植物的生存期;通过体外淋巴细胞转化实验和体内混合淋巴细胞培养实验探讨佐他莫司是否...Objective: clinical organ transplantation postoperative immunological rejection is seriously restricting transplantation recipients’ life quality. Clinically, most patients treated with organ transplantation need maintenance therapy. Long-term maintenance of taking medicine will have a strong toxic and side effect, and long-term medication has brought huge inconvenience to patients’ life. Thus, or...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452014115353

    Cellulose acetate prepared with energy plant of miscanthus and screening catalysts

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    随着化石资源日益匮乏,利用生物质来代替化石资源受到全世界关注。本研究以能源植物芒草为原料,利用NaOH/H2O2水溶液体系进行预处理,制备出较高纯度纤维素。芒草纤维素经活化、酯化反应后制备出高取代度的芒草醋酸纤维素,并筛选出氯化铁为催化剂制备醋酸纤维素,同时对制得样品进行表征。 (1)以NaOH/H2O2水溶液体系对芒草生物质预处理,制得芒草纤维素。以芒草纤维素组分含量、固相得率和组分脱除率为指标对预处理温度、时间和次数进行了优化,得到的芒草纤维素的最佳制备条件:预处理温度70℃,预处理时间3h,预处理次数3次,制得芒草纤维素的纤维素、半纤维素和木质素含量分别为75.3%、17.3%、5.1...With the shortage of fossil resources, using biomass as a substitute for fossil resources became a hotspot of study. A procedure for synthesizing cellulose acetate with high degree of substitution from miscanthus biomass was developed and we also choose ferric chloride as a new catalyst to prepare cellulose acetate. The miscanthus biomass, miscanthus cellulose and cellulose acetate were characteri...学位:工学硕士院系专业:能源学院_能源化工学号:3242013115229

    Mechanistic Analysis of Immunomodulation by Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Mice

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    背景:间充质干细胞是具有自我更新能力和分化能力的组织细胞前体细胞,能够分化为一系列的间质细胞,包括成骨细胞、成软骨细胞、脂肪细胞、肌细胞和内皮细胞等。细胞治疗是再生医学发展的一个重要分支。越来越多的研究发现,间充质干细胞能够修复组织损伤,达到一定治疗效果。因此,间充质干细胞被视为天然组织工程材料的重要种子细胞,具有广阔的应用前景。此外,间充质干细胞具有负性免疫调节能力。在体外共培养条件下,间充质干细胞能够抑制免疫细胞功能,包括抑制T细胞反应,抑制树突状细胞的成熟和抗原提成,抑制B细胞激活和增殖,降低自然杀伤(naturalkiller,NK)细胞的增殖和毒性,促进调节性T细胞(regulato...Background:MSCs are usually defined as a group of progenitor cells that are capable of differentiating into a number of mesenchymal lineages such as osteogenesis, chondrogenesis, myogenesis, adipogenesis and endothelial cell. Cell theraphy is an important branch of regeneration medicine. Increasiong data show that MSCs act therapeutic effect by reparing tissue damage. Stem cells are deemed as the ...学位:理学博士院系专业:医学院_生理学学号:2452012015395

    [研究ノート] 平壌楽浪地区出土『論語』竹簡の歴史的性格

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    平壌楽浪地区貞柏洞364号墳から出土した『論語』竹簡は,1990年に初元4年楽浪県別戸口簿木牘や「公文書抄本」と共に発見されたが,2009年に至るまで,その詳細な学術的な情報がなかったため研究対象になりえなかった。本稿は,まず貞柏洞364号墳出土の『論語』竹簡の基礎的なデータが公表に至る経緯を明らかにし,そのうえで,貞柏洞364号墳の性格や遺物から被葬者の性格を検討し,被葬者が現地出身の楽浪郡属吏であることを裏づけた。また,貞柏洞364号墳に副葬された『論語』竹簡については,発掘当初に撮影された2枚の写真と,さらに発掘に関わった機関の証言に基づきつつ,出土した『論語』竹簡は,写真での確認は先進31枚(557字),顔淵8枚(144字)に止まるが,元来,先進篇・顔淵2篇の全文120枚程度が存在したと推定される。被葬者と関わって重要な『論語』竹簡のテキストとしての特徴は,竹簡への書写は,章句の冒頭に黒点を示したり,章句の末尾を余白にしたりして章句と章句の間を区分させ,『論語』の文章を連続して記述していない点にある。中原の読書人とは異なり章句の冒頭を明示し,章句の末尾を空白にして文章の切れ目を明確にしたのは,そのようなテキストの読者のリテラシーの能力を反映していたと見ることができる。貞柏洞364号墳の被葬者が平壌地域の在地の伝統を継承する人物である事実を踏まえれば,貞柏洞364号墳出土『論語』竹簡は,朝鮮半島における漢字文化の受容を検討する際の重要な定点的な資料になりえる。A bamboo strips edition of the Lunyu ( Analects of Confucius; hereinafter referred to as the “bamboo-strips Analects”) was excavated from Chongbaek-tong Tomb 364 in Nangnang District of P\u27yongyang ( the former Han Chinese Commandery of Lelang) in 1990, along with the wooden tablets of Household Registration of Lelang Commandery in the Fourth Year of Chuyuan and the Official Abstracts of Documents, though the lack of detailed academic information prevented research until 2009. This paper describes how the basic data of the bamboo-strips Analects unearthed from Chongbaek-tong Tomb 364 were disclosed and then identifies the occupant of the tomb as a local subordinate official of Lelang Commandery by examining the characteristics of Chongbaek-tong Tomb 364 and the artifacts unearthed there. Moreover, according to the two pictures taken at the time of the excavation and the statements of the excavating organization, this article suggests that the bamboo-strips Analects unearthed from Chongbaek-tong Tomb 364 originally consisted of Xian Jin and Yan Yuan chapters (the 11th and 12th chapter of the bamboo-strips Analects, composed of approximately 120 strips in total) , though only 31 strips ( 557 characters) of Xian Jin chapter and eight strips ( 144 characters) of Yan Yuan chapter can be seen in the pictures.The bamboo-strips Analects is characterized by its writing style that the paragraphs are separated and segmented by a bullet at the beginning and a space at the end. This is considered to reflect the literacy of the occupant of the tomb; unlike readers in central administration, he seems to have been able to distinguish the beginning and end of each paragraph. Given that the occupant of Chongbaek-tong Tomb 364 was an ordinary person in the P\u27yongyang region, the bamboo-strips Analects excavated from the tomb can be an important historical source that can provide fixed-point information to examine how the Chinese character culture was accepted in the Korean Peninsula

    Special Feature 1 The 9th East Asian Humanities Forum "Reconstruction of the Humanities in East Asia"

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