274 research outputs found

    Research on Anti-monopoly Legal Regulation of Excessive Pricing Behavior

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    本文以反垄断法律对超高定价行为之规制为主题,通过分析法律规范与执法实践理清我国反垄断法对超高定价行为的态度与规制现状;运用国际比较的方法介绍欧盟及美国在超高定价问题上所持的不同立场并总结经验;在剖析欧盟实践经验的基础上,结合规制超高定价的必要性分析及争议焦点分析,探讨我国在规制超高定价过程中可能面临的困境,并就此提出完善反垄断法律制度的构想。 本文由引言、正文和结语组成,其中正文部分分为四章。 第一章主要梳理我国反垄断法律有关超高定价行为的规定及相关反垄断执法实践,分析行政垄断中的超高定价、自然垄断中的超高定价、经济垄断中的超高定价,探讨超高定价的消极影响,总结我国规制超高定价的理论基础。...This paper takes aim at the regulation of excessive pricing in the anti-monopoly law. By analyzing the enforcement practice and legislation of law, we can sort out the attitude and the status of China's anti-monopoly law. By using the method of international comparison, this paper introduces the differences between the European Union and the United States in the regulation of excessive pricing and...学位:法学硕士院系专业:知识产权研究院_知识产权法学学号:3252015115450

    Design and Implementation of Hospitalization Information Management Information System for a Hospital

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    随着信息化技术的飞速发展,越来越多的行业开始使用信息化管理系统来提高工作效率。在医疗卫生系统中,信息化技术的使用已经深入到医院管理与医疗业务的各个层面。从简单的电子病历、电子影像X光片,到复杂的远程医疗会诊、全民医保等,都极大的提高了医院的工作效率,改善医疗质量,节约大量成本。近年来,医院门诊和住院人数快速增长,医院住院部不断扩建改建,医疗管理部门也越来越重视医院住院这一与老百姓密切相关的医疗业务。传统的医院住院部门管理方式方法、技术和理念已经不再适合飞速发展的医疗行业。住院管理信息系统是医院信息系统的重要组成部分,其中包括了病人的入院登记管理、住院床位管理、住院病人管理等相关业务,能够更好的...With the rapid development of information technology, more and more industries started using information management systems to improve efficiency. In the health system, the use of information technology has penetrated into all aspects of hospital management and medical services. From simple electronic medical records, electronic imaging X-rays, to complex remote medical consultation, universal hea...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323165

    Characterization and Usage of the Solid Residue from Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste

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    城市生活垃圾是一种非均质的多组分混合物,与单一物质不同,其组成和性质随着地域、季节的不同有很大差异。垃圾问题是目前困扰城市生活的一大难题,如何处理好垃圾问题,寻求一种科学的垃圾处理技术,是多年来的科研攻关难题。热解技术凭借其无害化、减量化和资源化等优势,越来越受到人们的重视。热解得到的气态和液态物质可以直接作为能源使用,但是得到的黑色固态残余物因其成分复杂,尚未得以广泛利用。 本论文通过热重、元素分析、EDS、XRD等检测方法对固体残余物进行分析,发现组成十分复杂,含有十多种元素,其中碳含量达到30%。主要成分除碳以外还有氧化硅、氧化钙和碳酸盐等无机物,达到40%~50%,金属氧化物(包括氧...MSW (Municipal solid waste) is a kind of heterogeneous multi-component mixture and its components change depending on regions and seasons. The worsening MSW problem has aroused people's wide attention. The pyrolysis technology of MSW mixtures has advantages in terms of decontamination, reduction and recovery, so it catches much eyes. The usage of the black solid residue remains to be explored at t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:2052008115163

    Design and Implementation of Campus Security Management Platform for Primary and Secondary Schools Based on RFID

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    最近几年,校园安全问题逐渐凸显,事故不断发生,已然成为社会热点,受到了党和政府的高度重视。将RadioFrequencyIdentification(RFID)技术应用于中小学校园安全管理,构建基于RFID的中小学校园安全管理信息平台。通过该平台不仅可以促进学校更加高效的管理学生,加强学校与家长的互动与沟通,还能使家长实时的获取孩子在校的地理位置,了解其进出校园的具体时间,对接家长与学校监护学生的责任范围,以此来提高校园的安全管理水平,为后续的校园信息化管理奠定基础。 RFID技术是一种通过无线电讯号识别目标并读写相关数据的无线通信技术,其识别无需在特定目标和识别系统之间建立光学或者机械接触...In recent years, accidents happened in campus and university more and more frequently. As a result of that, campus security has become a social hot topic, causing the great attention of government. However, it is available that applying the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to campus security management, building the campus security management platform based on RFID. For one thing, ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432011115228

    Victims of the System: Chancery as the State Apparatus in Bleak House

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    在狄更斯的小说《荒凉山庄》中,一个很清晰的主题便是对19世纪50年代英国大法官庭(Chancery)的控诉和批判。大法官庭作为法律的王权机构,代表的是上层王权贵族阶级的利益,给其管辖的底层市民生活方方面面都造成了巨大的负面影响,尤其是遗产继承法这一问题特别突出。本文结合马克思主义学派的文学理论,以法国马克思主义哲学家路易斯•阿尔都塞的文章“意识形态与意识形态国家机器(研究笔记)”为理论依据,就大法官庭的控制进行分析,着重对法的性质加以讨论,阐述法律是一部破坏性的国家机器,且这部国家机器对牵涉其中的人物的控制具有二元性的特点,从而对《荒凉山庄》中大法官庭这一中心主题有更好的理解。 ...In Dickens’s novel Bleak House, there is a very clear stand against Chancery of the 1850s’ England. At that time, Chancery was a royal institution in British society. Under Chancery’s jurisdiction, litigants suffered bankruptcy and exhaustion during its complicated legal process of inheritance succession. This M.A. thesis focuses on the Chancery subject in Bleak House. The theoretical base of this...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:1202010115262

    Analysis About Bank Anti-money Laundering monitoring system

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    经济全球化和科技的快速发展,使金融犯罪活动变得更加复杂,我国的违法洗钱活动也较为严重。当前,洗钱已成为危害我国金融稳定和经济运行的主要因素。我国的反洗钱活动经过了初期的学习和调整,依据本国实际,探索具有中国特色的反洗钱模式。通过建设反洗钱监测系统等技术手段加强对银行数据监控,提高反洗钱的高效性和有效性。 随着我国反洗钱工作的开展,各银行相继开发了银行反洗钱监控系统,但都存在不足和缺陷:一是系统面向的数据源复杂多样,不同的平台提供的数据类型和数据属性存在较大差异;二是对可疑交易的数额没有标准的量化过程,只是凭借人行规定的交易数额靠人工进行监测;三是客户资料和交易数据仅通过存储实现,使得规则推理...Under the rapid globalisation of economy and development of scientific technology, financial crime has become increasingly diversified and money laundering activities are on the rise. Currently, money laundering has become the main source of detriment to the financial stability and economic functionality of China. China has underwent fundamental adjustment period pertaining to anti money launderin...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123035

    Compatibility Torsion Study of Reinforced Concrete Spandrel Beam

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    在混凝土框架中,边梁因变形协调而发生协调扭转,其弹性协调扭矩值主要取决于边梁扭转线刚度与楼面梁弯曲线刚度之间的比值;混凝土开裂后,由于钢筋混凝土结构的非线性性能,以及构件开裂后其扭转刚度与弯曲刚度退化速率的不同,边梁的弹塑性协调扭矩值难以准确计算。为了便于指导工程设计,我国混凝土结构设计规范[1]明文规定:“对属于协调扭转的钢筋混凝土构件,受相邻构件约束的支承梁的扭矩宜考虑内力重分布。”并在条文说明中给出了弹性协调扭矩的最大调幅系数可取0.4。然而在工程实际中,按上述方法设计仍然常常出现抗扭钢筋超筋。 为了解决这一问题,本文在对模型的试验结果进行收集、整理及统计分析的基础上,采用非线性有限元...Spandrel beam appears compatibility torsion because of compatibility deformation in reinforced concrete frame, its elastic torque lies on the ratio of spandrel beam torsional stiffness and floor beam bending stiffness. After concrete beam cracks, spandrel beam plastic torque is hard to be calculated because of the nonlinear character of reinforced concrete structure and the difference of degraded ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院土木工程系_结构工程学号:20043501

    Can Mandatory Minimum Information Disclosure Regulation Reduce Fraudulent Behaviors in Information Disclosure ——Research Based on Signal Model

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    真实的信息披露对金融市场的有效运行至关重要,但由于信息不对称,市场中 普遍各种欺诈性行为,如会计丑闻等等。这些欺诈性行为给正常的市场秩序带来破 坏,造成资源的错误配置和社会福利的损失。应对欺诈性行为的一种措施是政府规 制。金融市场中,一种常见的规制措施是强制性信息披露规制。这一规制的目的是 为了增加市场中的信息披露水平,是减少信息不对称,保护投资者利益的一种常见 机制。然而,即便存在繁多的规制,欺诈性行为仍不断发生。不管是实践上还是理 论上,规制的有效性和必要性都广受质疑。本文利用信号博弈模型,试图说明规制 和欺诈性行为之间可能存在的关系。本文的结果发现,强制性的最低信息披露没有...Information disclosure is vital to efficient transactions in market, yet there are many fraudulent behaviors, like accounting scandals. Those fraudulent behaviors cause damage to the normal market orders and inefficiency,misallocation of resources. Government reg- ulation on information disclosure is a regular mechanism to protect investors’ interest by increasing the amount of information in ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:2902009115149

    Influence of different blood Glu cose control programs on prognosis and blood Glu cose in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage after operation together with stress hyperglycemia

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    目的 探讨不同血糖控制方案对脑出血术后应激性高血糖患者预后及血糖的影响。方法 采用回顾性研究方法将2015年6月~2016年5月入住我院重症医学科的52例脑出血术后应激性高血糖患者根据血糖控制方案的不同分为A组(n=25)和B组(n=27),A组采用静脉单次推注,B组采用持续静脉泵注。比较两组的28 d生存率、格拉斯哥预后评分、血糖达标率、达标时间、血糖监测次数、低血糖发生率、血糖水平和血糖变异度指标的差异。结果 两组的28 d生存率、血糖达标率、达标时间、低血糖发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。A组的格拉斯哥预后评分显著高于B组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。A组的血糖监测次数显著少于B组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。A组的血糖最大值(Glu_(max))和血糖差值(Glu_(dif))均显著小于B组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论静脉单次推注胰岛素能够改善脑出血术后应激性高血糖患者的神经功能预后,可以降低入ICU后血糖最大值和血糖差异。Objective To investigate influence of different blood glucose control programs on prognosis and blood glucose in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage after operation together with stress hyperglycemia.Methods A retrospective study was conducted,and 52 patients with stress hyperglycemia after cerebral hemorrhage in our hospital from June 2015 to May 2016 were divided into group A (n=25) and group B (n=27) according to different blood glucose control programs.Group A was treated with intravenous bolus injection,and group B was treated with continuous intravenous pump.The 28 d survival rate,the Glasgow outcome score,the blood glucose compliance rate,the standard time,the fre- quency of blood glucose monitoring,the incidence rate of hypoglycemia,blood glucose levels and blood glucose variabili- ty indexes were compared between the two groups.Results There was no significant difference in 28 d survival rate,the blood glucose compliance rate,the standard time,the incidence rate of hypoglycemia between the two groups (P〉0.05). The Glasgow outcome score in group A was significantly higher than that in group B,with significant difference (P〈 0.05).The number of blood glucose monitoring in group A was significantly less than that in group B,with significant dif- ference (P〈0.05).The Glu., and Glu~f in group A was significantly less than that in group B,with significant difference (P〈O.O5).Conclusion Intravenous single bolus insulin injection can improve the prognosis of nervous function in pa- tients with intracerebral hemorrhage after operation together with stress hyperglycemia,and can reduce the maximum blood glucose and blood glucose difference after ICU.广东省东莞市医疗卫生类科技计划一般项目(2015105101220