Research on Anti-monopoly Legal Regulation of Excessive Pricing Behavior


本文以反垄断法律对超高定价行为之规制为主题,通过分析法律规范与执法实践理清我国反垄断法对超高定价行为的态度与规制现状;运用国际比较的方法介绍欧盟及美国在超高定价问题上所持的不同立场并总结经验;在剖析欧盟实践经验的基础上,结合规制超高定价的必要性分析及争议焦点分析,探讨我国在规制超高定价过程中可能面临的困境,并就此提出完善反垄断法律制度的构想。 本文由引言、正文和结语组成,其中正文部分分为四章。 第一章主要梳理我国反垄断法律有关超高定价行为的规定及相关反垄断执法实践,分析行政垄断中的超高定价、自然垄断中的超高定价、经济垄断中的超高定价,探讨超高定价的消极影响,总结我国规制超高定价的理论基础。...This paper takes aim at the regulation of excessive pricing in the anti-monopoly law. By analyzing the enforcement practice and legislation of law, we can sort out the attitude and the status of China's anti-monopoly law. By using the method of international comparison, this paper introduces the differences between the European Union and the United States in the regulation of excessive pricing and...学位:法学硕士院系专业:知识产权研究院_知识产权法学学号:3252015115450

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