586 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Wenzhou Comprehensive Control and Grid Management Information System

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    城市的可持续发展,离不开城市良好的基础设施建设,基础设施建设越完善,城市的发展也会更加和谐。在新的社会形势下,城市在不断发展与壮大,但与之相匹配的城市基础设施建设还处于一个相对缓慢的进程。加上近年来我国对人口政策的放宽,使得城市中长住居民与流动人口的数量激增,这就给基层职能部门的管理带来了挑战,原有的规章制度与办事方法已经无法满足新形势下对社会综合治理的需求。 本文以温州市综治信息管理为研究对象,通过采集基层职能部门的工作、业务需求,同时听取多方意见后,开发了市综治网格化信息管理系统,旨在解决传统工作模式下,基层职能部门工作上遇到的大量问题,提高整体工作连续性,并实现各级职能部门间的有效沟通...With the sustainable development of the city, the city is in good infrastructure construction, the more infrastructure construction, make the city more peace,the development of the city will become more harmonious. Today under the new social situations, the city develop constantly and grandness, but to match the urban infrastructure construction is still in a relatively slow process. And more,th...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323050

    Research on Culturaanges of Nuo Opera from Its Ranges of Performance Space

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    傩戏这一古老的传统文化形式至今还保留在我国许多地方,其表层目的是驱鬼逐疫、除灾呈祥,而内涵是通过仪式活动达到阴阳调和、风调雨顺、五谷丰登和天下太平。根据理查德.谢克纳对戏剧表演空间范围的划分,傩戏可分为埃及式、巴厘式、墨西哥式等几种表演空间范围。同时,从傩戏表演空间范围的变化可以看出其文化的变迁。Nuo Opera,an ancient form of traditional culture,is still lived in many places in our country.Its surface objective is to expel the ghosts and plague,to eliminate disasters for luck and safety,while its deep meaning is,through ceremonies,to pray for the harmony of Yin and Yang,favorable weather,a good harvest,and a peaceful world.According to the division of the ranges of opera performance space by Richard Schechner,Nuo Opera can be divided into several ranges of performance space such as Egyptian style,Paris style,and Mexican style and so on.Meanwhile,the cultural changes of Nuo Opera can be made clear from the changes of its ranges of performance space


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    A Research on the Cash Flow Management of M Company

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    众所皆知,现金是公司资产中变现能力最强的资产,是企业的宝贵资源,是企业的血液,是企业前进的根本动力。现金流是企业现金汇集的动态反映,现金的性质和功能主要也是通过现金流来体现,现金流管理的好坏直接影响了企业经营的好坏。当前经济形势错综复杂,航空公司经营需要面对很多挑战,如何控制成本,保持盈利,财务管理上需要不断精细化,而建立和完善科学合理的现金流管理体制是其中一个相当重要的环节和必要的手段。 本文结合理论研究和案例研究,通过阅读大量的文献资料,同时搜集整理内部资料。根据获取的资料,在财务管理、投、融资管理和风险管理等理论指导下,分析了航空公司现金流特点及行业特殊性,阐述了M公司现金流发展历程和...As everyone know, cash is the most liquidity of assets in the company assets, which is a valuable resource, the blood of the enterprise, and the fundamental driving force for enterprise forward. Cash flow is the dynamic reflection of the cash pooling with the enterprise, The nature and function of cash is reflected by the cash flow, Cash flow management affects the business performance directly. A...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115107