364 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Community Pension Service Platform Based on Android

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    随着科学技术的发展、经济水平的提高、医疗技术的进步,人们的生活质量逐渐提高,人口老龄化的趋势也日趋明显。伴随人口老龄化产生的是老年人的养老问题。与此同时,以信息通信技术为核心的新一轮科技革命方兴未艾,正在推动着人类经济社会生活的方方面面发生着根本性变革。如何基于移动互联网及智能终端设备开发各类移动业务和信息服务系统成为当前新的应用研究的热点。 本文将移动互联网及智能终端技术运用于养老服务,用信息化手段为老人建立一个菜单式的社区智慧养老平台,通过服务商与社区工作站的联合,为老人提供安全、优质的服务,解决老人社区养老这一热点民生问题。 在本文中首先是结合国内外养老服务体系现状和老年群体的养老需...With the development of science and technology, the improvement of economy, the progress of medical technology, people's quality of life gradually increase, the aging of the population trend is obvious. With an ageing population is elderly pension problem. At the same time, information and communication technology as the core of the new technological revolution beginning, is driving the economy al...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323074


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    近年来,国内外环保法规日益严格,对燃料柴油的硫含量要求越来越高,全球多个国家和地区陆续要求使用硫含量低于10 mg/kg的柴油或无硫柴油。与此同时,国内外对加氢精制催化剂的研究日益成熟,已开发出多种可以生产超低硫柴油的精制催化剂


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    渣油加氢装置因运行初期和末期的反应温度不同导致轻油收率不同,该文针对装置运行初期轻油产量较少的问题,用Aspen plus进行模拟计算,讨论在低转化率下改变分馏塔的操作,以达到节能降耗、降低柴汽比的目的

    Research and Implementation of Dynamic Simulation Technology in 3-Dimensional Blooming Process

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    虚拟现实(VirtualReality,简称VR)技术是计算机高新技术的集成,被认为是21世纪可能使社会发生巨大变化的几大技术之一。它通过多项高新技术的更高层次的综合,创造了一个比真实还要真实的虚拟世界。植物的仿真是虚拟现实的一个研究方向,广泛地应用于植物学研究、农业生产、园艺展示等方面。 植物仿真在国内外有很多研究成果,且多以植物生长过程仿真为主,特别是农作物的生长过程仿真,一般都采用L-System系统或分形算法。对于花开过程的仿真国内外都比较少人研究,更没有比较完善的软件产品。为了让人们能真实地领略花开放的那一美丽瞬间,我们运用数字化技术——即虚拟现实技术,通过计算机对花开过程等进行仿...The technology of VR (Virtual Reality) is the integration of high-tech computers and is considered to be one of the several technologies that will make the society of the 21st century tremendous changes. It creates a virtual world that is more real than the reality through a higher integration of a number of high technologies. The simulation of plants is one of the researches of VR and is widely u...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200523001


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    A Study on Employment Effects of Fiscal Expenditure Structure:Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence

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    文章以Barro(1990)的内生经济增长模型为基础,将社会保障支出和科教文卫支出分别引入效用函数和生产函数中进行理论上分析,探究财政支出结构对就业的理论效应,同时利用中国1997-2014年的省级面板数据进行计量分析,以此验证理论模型所得到的推论。结果表明:从长期来看,科教文卫支出与社会保障支出对就业都具有显著的促进作用;从短期来看,科教文卫支出对就业的短期效应非常明显,而社会保障支出对就业的短期效应并不显著。另外,研究还发现技术进步对就业的影响不论在长期还是短期都不显著。Based on the endogenous economic growth model of Barro(1990),this paper incorporated social security expendi-ture and science,education,culture and public health expenditures into utility function and production function respectively,and then explored the theoretical effects of fiscal expenditure structure on employment. Moreover,this paper employed provin-cial-level panel data of China to make a quantitative analysis,so as to verify the inferences of theoretical model. The resultsshow that: In the long run,both two types of expenditures have a significant role in promoting employment. In the short term,science,education,culture and public health expenditures have a significant short term effect on employment,which is differ-ent from social security expenditure. In addition,the study also finds that the effect of technological progress on employment isnot significant whether in the long term or in the short term.国家社会科学基金重大项目(10ZD&036);; 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(14YJA790082

    Study on "Tian Yuan Net Media Focus" Venture Project

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    “天元网络分众”项目是在洞悉中国网络广告市场发展机会和存在的问题的基础上,创新性的一个整合经营众多中小网络广告资源的全新商业模式的项目计划。本项目引入“传媒分众”的广告理念,借鉴“分众传媒(FOCUSMEDIA)”的成功经验,为当前中国网络广告市场尚未获得充分开发的众多中小网络广告媒体资源创造一个公平实现价值的网络广告媒体智能经营管理平台,并通过技术创新、产品创新和渠道创新,将兼顾受众、广告主、媒体多方利益的网络广告产品推向市场,为广大客户提供集网络广告方案策划、网络广告投放实施、网络广告效果跟踪反馈优质网络广告解决方案。 全文共分七个部分为风险投资者全面介绍“天元网络分众”的风险项目计划。...“Tianyuan Web-based Targeting Distribution” (Short as Tianyuan WTD) is a new online business solution. Inspired by the huge success of ‘Focus Media’, WTD is designed to integrate fragmental online resource into one platform, to discover a new level of commercial opportunity through a manageable distribution algorithm applied to utilise and maximise the combine value of small and medium ISPs. One i...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20011502

    Research for Local Government Influence to Industry Upgrading--Take Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province as an Example

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    目前,有关地方政府对产业升级作用的文献并不多见,但是在实践中,地方政府行为对产业升级的影响是显而易见的。本文以政府经济职能理论为基础,通过对地方政府在产业升级中作用的台州经验的理论抽象,重点阐述地方政府对产业升级作用的内在机理;以此为基础,本文也尝试构建合理地方政府行为的理论框架和实践框架。 本文的可能创新之处主要有三个方面:第一,在传统的政府经济职能理论框架下,引进制度变迁和经济发展阶段两个变量,使分析更接近中国的现实;第二,对地方政府行为模式给出三个更加接近现实的基本假定,在此基础上,揭示了道德风险、认知的滞后性和价值取向的不适应性可能是导致政府行为“诺思悖论”的直接原因;第三,通过对政...There is rare literature on local government influence to industry upgrading in the present world. However, the influence is obvious. In this paper, based on the government's economic function research literature, internal mechanism of government influence to industry is especially discussed by theory abstraction from Taizhou experience on promotion of industry upgrading. On this basis, the ration...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200615607

    The Research of Feature-based Parametric Garment Human Body Modeling

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    当前,随着互联网和电子商务迅速发展,合体制衣(MTM)生产模式以及网上虚拟试衣已经成为今后服装业发展的趋势,服装行业个性定制生产蕴藏着巨大的市场商机。目前,服装个性定制生产亟待解决的问题是如何解决三维人体个性化建模及其与服装CAD的结合,这一问题引起了各国研究机构和服装行业的极大关注与兴趣,也成为研究热点之一。传统的个性化三维人体建模方法存在数据量大,处理过程复杂,不适合Web应用的不足。本文针对这些不足,对服装三维人体建模方法进行了研究,提出了一种基于特征的服装三维人体参数化建模方法。主要内容如下: 1、根据人体测量学和人体解剖学、美学等原理,结合人体表面特征点和特征线的分布,将特征设计与...In recent years, with the repaid development of the internet and e-commerce, the garment MTM manufacture and the virtual try-on become the future trend of the garment industry. The individualized customization of garment industry have huge commercial opportunities. Currently, the problem that urgent to be resolved in the invidualized customization industry is how to model 3D individualized an...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432006115265


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