239 research outputs found

    Screening and Cloning the Heavy Metal Tolerance-associated Genes in Avicennia marina (Forsk.) under Cadmium stress by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization

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    白骨壤(Avicenniamarina)作为红树林的先锋树种,广泛分布于海岸河口的低潮带,其独特的生物学和生态学特性为探索红树植物对重金属耐受性的分子机理提供了最佳的研究对象。红树林生态系统虽然承受大量重金属污染物胁迫,但对重金属污染物却表现出很强的耐受性和抗性,其中白骨壤对重金属的耐受性较其他红树植物更为突出。本研究以红树植物白骨壤为材料,研究重金属污染物镉(Cadmium)胁迫下的白骨壤幼苗基因表达差异,寻找与重金属耐受性相关的候选基因,并为红树植物的基因组研究建立相关的基因文库。 生长9个月的白骨壤幼苗,用含2ppmCdCl2的Hoagland营养液培养,分别取0d、1d、3d、7d和...The halophytic Avicennia marina (Forsk.) is useful for the study of molecular mechanisms behind heavy metal pollutant tolerance in mangrove trees. Although mangrove ecosystems receive a number of pollutants from their related drainage and rivers, they possesses a great tolerance for heavy metal pollution. Avicennia species is thought to exhibit greater metal accumulative and tolerance properties t...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生态学学号:2162011015397

    The Study on China’s Fiscal Decentralization and Economy Growth

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    本文通过扩展柯布——道格拉斯型生产函数建立起计量经济学模型,并运用了我国1994年进行分税制改革以来的相关数据,在进行单位根检验和协整检验的基础上对我国财政分权与经济增长之间的关系进行了研究,得出的结果是1994年以后的财政分权与经济增长之间存在着负显著的关系,反应了我国目前财政分权状况与经济发展需求不一致的情况。 在第二章中主要分两个阶段对建国以来的财政体制演变进行了介绍,并分析了不同时期财政体制改革对经济发展产生的影响,试图找出分权改革与经济增长之间的内在逻辑。 第三章通过对柯布——道格拉斯生产函数进行扩展,建立起了增长模型用于计量经济学分析,对回归方程中经济增长、财政分权、资本积累、...By expanding Cobb--Douglas production function, and applies to the relevant data based on China's reform in the tax system from 1994, I establish an econometric model to study the relationship between China's fiscal decentralization and economic growth in this paper. The result is that the relationship between China's fiscal decentralization and economic growth is significant and negative. This re...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_公共经济学学号:1432005130086


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    Analysis and design of constant-current control chip for driving high-power LED

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    随着全球能源短缺,节能减排要求不断提高的时代背景之下,各国都在大力发展绿色照明产业。LED照明作为一种新型节能、环保技术,迅速成为政府和企业聚光的焦点。由于LED发光效率高,从生产过程到使用过程几乎全无污染,使用寿命却延长数十倍,成为近年来全球最具发展前景的高新技术之一,半导体照明技术正在改变照明技术百年的历史。 虽然LED的优势非常明显,但是也有其缺点存在:均一性差。这就给LED驱动提出了较高的要求,为了解决LED的这一缺点,恒流驱动是最理想的选择。由于LED光源的应用场合非常广泛,所以,针对不同的要求设计出不同性能的驱动控制器成为业内市场的发展趋势。 本文在介绍了LED的各项特性,行业...Due to the shortage and urgent requirement of energy conservation, each country is promoting the green lighting application.LED ,as a new energy-saving and environment-protecting technology, performs a role so irreplaceable that government and corporations all focus on it. And LED has high light-emitting efficiency, almost pollution-free from the manufacture to use up and tens of times than usual ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_集成电路学号:2312009115268

    The Improvement and Implement of Performance Appraisal System of Manager in Railway Sector

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    如何加强站段管理,提高站段长绩效考评的实效性成为南昌铁路局企业经营管理的一项重要课题。文章从铁路传统管理模式入手,分析了站段长绩效考评现状,评估者在考评实施过程中的重要作用,对如何提高考评者的素质,提高考评实施的准确性和科学性提出了建议。文章将平衡计分卡和铁路管理实践相结合,架构起站段长考评指标的空间体系,提出考评指标的地球模型,并重新确定了生产型站段长绩效考评体系。第一章介绍了铁路传统三级管理模式和站段长绩效考评实施过程中存在的问题。第二章介绍了平衡计分卡在铁路管理中的运用和局限性,并提出了绩效考评的地球模型。第三章分析了站段长岗位要求,对站段长绩效考评指标进行了选择,并确定了各项指标的权重...How to improve the railway sector management and increase the validity of the manager’s performance appraisal system is an important task for Railway Bureau Nanchang Branch. The paper starts with introducing the traditional railway management and describes the status quo of sector manager performance appraisal, and analyses the important effect of appraiser. The paper gives advice on how to improv...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20021517


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    A BiCMOS-based bandgap reference circuit with high PSRR and precision

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    介绍了一种bICMOS工艺制作的高电源抑制比和高精确度的带隙基准电压源,其输出电压为1.2 V,在-40℃--80℃范围内有较好的温度特性,温度漂移系数为9.8x10-6℃-1。采用电压负反馈原理和减少耦合电容的方法,使电路具有高的电源抑制比,并且电路结构简单,匹配性好。采用HSPICE工具对电路进行了仿真,验证了设计的正确性。该电路能广泛用于在电源环境恶劣的场合下工作的集成电路中。This paper describes the design of a bandgap reference circuit with high Power Supply Rejection Ratio(PSRR) and high precision.The circuit can output a reference voltage of 1.2 V and bears a temperature coefficient of 9.8×10-6 ℃-1 between-40 ℃ and 80 ℃.The circuit features high PSPR,simple circuit structure and excellent matching performance by using a negative-feedback loop and reducing the coupling capacitance.The correctness of the circuit design is verified through the simulation in Hspice.The circuit can be widely used in the integrated circuits working under harsh power environment


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