328 research outputs found


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    海面风不仅是驱动上层海洋运动的主要动力,其能量也是维持海洋表层流动的主要机械能来源。为了分析南海表层流风能输入的变化,用SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)(1901—2010)资料估算了风向南海表层流(表层地转流+表层非地转流)的能量输入。结果表明,风向南海表层流、表层地转流和表层非地转流输入的能量总体均呈减少趋势, 110年间分别减小了约56%、65%和49%。导致风能输入减小的最主要因素是风应力的减弱(减小了35%)。由于南海受季风系统的控制,风向表层流及其各成分输入的能量呈现出显著的季节性变化。冬季风能输入最强,高值区位于南海西部及北部区域,呈一个显著的\"回力镖\"状结构。这些结果对深入认识南海环流具有理论意义。国家自然科学基金项目(41676021、41541040、91228202);;近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室开放课题(MELRS1608)~

    Succession of phytoplankton community in exalted shrimp ponds during culture process

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    通过对湛江东海岛北寮村和庵里村各2个高位虾池养殖过程的浮游植物演替和主要理化因子进行调查,研究浮游植物群落的演替过程对高位虾池的健康养殖的影响。结果表明:4池共检出浮游植物7门76属140种;对虾生长正常的北寮高位虾池演替优势种主要有螺旋环沟藻、椭圆扁胞藻、海链藻、湖泊束球藻密胞变种、裸甲藻、卵囊藻、微囊藻、锥形斯克里普藻、色球藻和尖尾蓝隐藻等,而对虾发病的庵里高位虾池演替优势种主要有铜绿微囊藻、柔弱布纹藻、咖啡形双眉藻、小席藻、卷曲鱼腥藻、水生集胞藻、衣藻、尖尾蓝隐藻和螺旋环沟藻等,北寮正常虾池浮游植物种类(包括优势种)较对虾发病的庵里虾池多而复杂;对虾生长正常池优势种的演替快而门类交替,而对虾发病池呈现硅藻到蓝藻优势的演替;对虾生长正常池浮游植物密度随养殖过程延伸呈上升态势,而对虾发病池浮游植物密度初期增加病害后下降;养殖过程浮游植物密度与主要理化因子的相关关系不显著;对虾生长正常的北寮高位池多样性指数与均匀度高于对虾发病的庵里高位池,而优势度却较低。水体理化因子变化平缓,浮游植物有较高的多样性指数和均匀度、较低的优势度对于稳定虾池养殖水环境有重要作用。An investigation was made on the succession of phytoplankton community and the main physical and chemical factors of water body in exalted shrimp ponds in Beiliao and Anli villages of Donghai Island,Zhanjiang during culture process,with the influence of the succession on the culture process analyzed.A total of 140 species of phytoplankton belonging to 76 genera and 7 phyla were identified.The dominant species in the two ponds with normal shrimp growth in Beiliao village were Gyrodinium spirale,Platymonas elliptica,Thalassiosira sp.2,Gomphosphaeria lacustris var.compacta,Gymnodinium sp.1,Oocystis sp.,Microcystis sp.,Scrippsiella trochoidea,Chroococcus sp.,and Chroomonas acuta,while those in the two ponds with shrimp disease occurrence in the process of culture in Anli village were Microcystis aeruginosa,Gyrosigma tenuissimum,Amphora coffeaeformis,Phormidium tenue,Anabaena circinlis,Synechocydtis aquetilis,Chlamydomonas sp.2,Chroomonas acuta,and Gyrodinium spirale.The phytoplankton species,including dominant ones,were more abundant and complex in normal ponds than in disease-affected ponds.In normal ponds,the dominant species succeeded rapidly and alternated in phyla,while in disease-affected ponds,only Bacillariophyta species were replaced by Cyanophyta species during the succession.The phytoplankton cell density increased during the culture process in normal ponds,but decreased after a temporary increase at early culture stage in disease-affected ponds.No significant relationships were observed between the phytoplankton cell density and the main physical and chemical factors in the ponds during culture process.The diversity and evenness of phytoplankton species were higher in the normal ponds in Beiliao than in the disease-affected ponds in Anli,while the dominance degree of species was in reverse.The mild variability of water body's physical and chemical factors as well as the high diversity and evenness but low dominance degree of phytoplankton species played important roles in keeping aquatic environment steady and healthy during the culture process in exalted shrimp pond.广东省自主创新重大科技资助项目(2007A032600004

    Determination of Serum Voriconazole Concentration by HPLC

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    目的建立测定人血清中伏立康唑浓度的高效液相色谱法,用于临床该药的治疗药物浓度监测。方法采用乙腈沉淀处理血清样品,采用高效液相色谱紫外检测法测定。以硝西泮为内标,色谱柱为HyPErSIl OdS柱(200 MMx4.6 MM,5μM),流动相为25 MMOl/l磷酸二氢钾缓冲液-乙腈(32∶68),流速为1.0 M l/MIn,柱温为35℃,波长为256 nM。结果伏立康唑质量浓度在0.3~12μg/M l范围内与峰面积比线性关系良好(r=0.999 3),低、中、高质量浓度回收率分别为(105.0±3.6)%,(101.9±3.3)%,(101.1±3.4)%;日内、日间精密度的rSd均小于5%,定量限为0.3μg/M l。结论该方法简便快速、准确,适用于伏立康唑血药浓度的临床监测。Objective To establish a HPLC method to determine the concentration of voriconazole in human plasma for its clinical application in the curative drug concentration monitoring.Methods The serum sample was performed the precipitation treatment by actetonitrile, then HPLC- UV was adopted for detection.With nitrazepan as the internal standard, the chromatographic column was the Hypersil ODS columm( 200.0 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm), the mobile phase was 25 mmol / L potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer solution-acetonitrile( 32 ∶ 68).The detection wavelength was at 256 nm with a flow rate of 1 m L / min and the column temperature of 35 ℃.Results The concentration of voriconazole in the range of 0.3-12 μg / mL( r = 0.999 3) showed the good linearity.The recovery rates of low, middle and high concentrations were( 105.0 ± 3.6) %,( 101.9 ± 3.3) % and( 101.1 ± 3.4) %, respectively.The intra- day and inter- day RSD were both less than 5%.The limit of quantitation was 0.3 μg / m L.Conclusion The established method is fast,accurate and suitable for the determination of blood voriconazole concentration

    Preparation of Morphology-Tuned γ-MnO_2 and Catalytic Performance for the Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Toluene

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    通过在回流法制备流程中引入CTAb(十六烷基三甲基溴化铵)、PEg6000(聚乙二醇6000)及P123(聚环氧乙烷-聚环氧丙烷-聚环氧乙烷三嵌段共聚物)等表面活性剂对γ-MnO2催化剂进行形貌控制,同时采用X射线衍射(Xrd)、扫描电镜(SEM)、n2吸附(bET)、热重分析(TgA)、O2程序升温脱附(O2-TPd)以及H2程序升温还原(H2-TPr)等技术对不同形貌γ-MnO2的结构、氧脱附及还原性能进行表征,并考察了其在常压和无溶剂条件下甲苯选择性氧化反应体系的催化特性.同时,对于陈化时间对形貌的影响作用进行了考察.结果表明:不同形貌的γ-MnO2的氧化还原特征及催化活性存在显著差异,其中在经PEg6000进行修饰的γ-MnO2中含有较多的阴离子空位及混合价态,因此有助于分子氧在表面的活化,具有较高的表面比活性;而经P123进行表面修饰的γ-MnO2成晶结构规整、比表面积大,对甲苯液相直接氧化反应则表现出最佳的质量比活性,甲苯转化率达18.1%,含氧化合物总选择性为87.4%,其中苯甲酸的选择性达到73.2%.Introducing surfactants including hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB),macrogol 6000 (PEG6000),and poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) triblock copolymer (P123) into the refluxing aqueous crystal nucleus slurry yielded morphology-tuned microcrystalline γ-MnO2.γ-MnO2 and the influence of surfactant modification were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM),N2 adsorption (BET),thermogravimetry analysis (TGA),O 2 temperature programmed desorption (O2-TPD),and temperature programmed H2 reduction (H 2-TPR).Surfactants led to differences in γ-MnO2 morphology,surface area,oxygen desorption behavior and reducibility.The effect of reflux time on catalyst morphology is discussed.The catalytic performance of γ-MnO2 during the solvent-free atmospheric oxidation of toluene was evaluated.PEG6000 modified γ-MnO2 exhibited the highest catalytic activity judging by surface area because of a greater mixed valency and more anion vacancies.The greatest mass specific activity was obtained for P123 modified γ-MnO2 with the largest surface area.Optimized reaction conditions yielded an 18.1% toluene conversion,and 87.4 and 73.2% total selectivity and selectivity for benzoic acid,respectively.国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)(2010CB226903)资助~

    CaO as a Solid Base Catalyst for Transesterification of Soybean Oil

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    用不同的前驱物合成了三种CaO催化剂,并以X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、程序升温脱附(TPD)等方法加以表征.这些CaO被用作大豆油(SBO)经酯交换制取脂肪酸甲酯(FAME),即生物柴油的催化剂,由方解石制备的氧化钙(Cal(N))表现了最好的SBO酯交换活性.检测发现CaO的酯交换活性与它们的碱性强度密切相关,当暴露于CO2气氛下,显著降低了CaO的酯交换催化活性(Raman光谱测试显示当置CaO于常温空气中,其表面形成的CaCO3和Ca(OH)2将阻止CaO继续参与SBO的酯交换反应).CO2的毒化颇受制于CaO前驱体种类,Cal(N)比来自文石的CaO(即Ara(N))有更好的抗CO2毒化能力;这些受损的CaO催化活性可部分复原.提出了CaO催化剂受CO2毒化及其再生的机理,同时讨论了SBO酯交换活性相到底是CaO固体表面,拟或溶解了的CaO的问题.Three different calcium oxide catalysts were synthesized from different precursors and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD). They were used as catalysts in the transesterification of soybean oil (SBO) for the production of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), namely biodiesel. Calcium oxide from calcite (Cal(N)) showed the highest activity towards the transesterification of SBO. The transesterification activity of CaO was found to be highly related to the basicity of the catalysts. The catalytic activity of CaO greatly decreased when CaO was exposed to CO2. (Raman spectroscopic studies demonstrated that the formation of CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 on the surface of CaO when CaO was exposed to room air prevented CaO from participating in the transesterification of SBO). The degree of poisoning was highly dependent on the type of precursors with Cal(N) more resistant to CO2 poisoning than CaO from aragonite (Ara(N)). Deactivated CaO catalysts could be partially regenerated. A mechanism was proposed to explain the poisoning and regenerating processes. Furthermore, whether the solid phase of CaO or dissolved CaO was the active species in the transesterification of SBO was also investigated.教育部生物质能源重大项目(教技司(2007)29号文);; 固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室资


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    利用有限元软件 ,采用三维线性静态方法 ,对常用的 12 7mmIEU钻杆在常见的 11种蚀坑类型下的应力分布进行了计算。计算结果显示钻杆管壁常见蚀坑的应力集中系数在 1 5~2 5之间 ,拉伸和弯曲载荷作用下蚀坑应力分布基本一致 ,弯曲载荷的分析完全可以采用拉伸载荷结果来替代。对一系列的计算结果通过最小二乘法拟合出蚀坑应力集中系数随蚀坑深度和宽度的数学关系表明 ,拟合曲线与计算结果有非常好的一致

    Preliminary estimate for the contaminations fluxes from Jiulong River to the sea

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    河流污染物入海通量的研究是研究海水污染的内容之一。本文对目前常用的河流污染物通量估算方法进行了分析,根据九龙江的水文水质监测数据,选择高锰酸钾指数与NH3-N作为代表性水质监测项目,利用各种估算公式进行污染物入海通量估算,对估算结果进行比较发现部分公式适用性较好。估算结果表明,2003年九龙江污染物入海通量CODMn大约为21 000 t/a,NH3-N大约为2 500 t/a。根据与其他研究结果的对比,探讨了河流污染物入海通量估算的特点,对不足之处作了说明。 【英文摘要】 Study of the contaminations fluxes from river to the sea is part of the research of marine pollution.The popular calculation formulas of contaminations fluxes in river were analyzed.According to the flow and water quality monitoring data in Jiulong River,COD_(Mn) and NH_3N fluxes were calculated by the different formulas.The calculation results show that some formulas are effective.In 2003,the COD_(Mn) fluxes from Jiulong river to the sea was about 21 000 t/a,and the NH_3-N fluxes was about 2 500 t/a.Compar...福建省青年科技人才创新项目(2005J065


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    Preliminary biogeochemical budget in Jiulong River Estuary

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    按照LOICZ的模拟指南 ,九龙江河口区采用单箱模型模拟其生物地球化学元素的通量。结果表明 ,九龙江河流输入进河口系统的DIP通量为 2 .81× 10 7mol/a ,交换流带入河口区DIP通量为 10 .93× 10 7mol/a ,因此 ,净沉淀量为 8.0 5× 10 7mol/a。九龙江河流输送进河口系统的DIN通量为 73.47× 10 8mol/a ,它远高于DIP的通量。因此 ,此河口区系统内部有 7.6 6× 10 8mol/a的差额才能达到平衡。The LOICZ biogeochemical element budget model was tested in Jiulong River Estuary, the result indicated that riverine input ot DIP is 2.81×10 7mol/a, and the DIP of 10.93×10 7mol/a of mixing flow is significantly larger than to DIP from river and residence flow, so the net internal sink of DIP totals 8.05×10 7mol/a across the system. The DIN input from river is 73.47×10 8mol/a which is much larger than the DIP from residence flow and mixing flow. The internal sink of △DIN, is 7.66×10 8mol/a in order to balance the river input.国家教育部博士点专项基金资助项目 (19990 38411


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    以甲苯为溶剂,采用自制茂金属催化剂、助催化剂三异丁基铝[Al(iBu)3]和三苯碳四(五氟苯基硼)[Ph3C]+[B(C6F5)4]-催化乙烯与1-辛烯共聚,探究了聚合温度和1-辛烯浓度对乙烯-1-辛烯共聚反应以及共聚物结构与性能的影响。结果表明:当聚合温度从100℃升高到150℃时,催化活性下降,共聚物相对分子质量持续降低,其分布则变宽,熔融温度和结晶度均上升;当1-辛烯浓度从0升高到1.2 mol/L时,催化活性显著增大,共聚物相对分子质量分布变宽,熔融温度和结晶度均下降