767 research outputs found

    Discussion on the on-line automatic detection technology for the full-color LED module

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    目前LED显示屏存在色差或者亮度差异源于单个模组在生产环节过程中控制不到位导致。本文提出了一种LED全彩屏模组的在线自动检测系统,包含显示屏自动定位控制,现场检测分析亮度均匀性,色度分布,质量判定分档等关键技术。该系统有助实现显示屏标准化检测,提高显示屏亮度一致性,提高生产效率及产量。The existence of the color or the brightness difference in the LED display panel is because of that the control of a single module is not in place occurring during the process of production. This paper presents an on-line and automatic detection system for the full color LED display module, including the automatic positioning control of the LED display, the detection and analysis of the brightness uniformity and the color distribution, and the quality evaluation and the quality grading among them. This system can realize the standardized detection of the LED display, improve its brightness uniformity, and increase the production effi ciency and the yield.福建省产学重大科技项目(编号:2013H6024


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    Study on the Legal Safeguard System of Rural Water Environmental Security in China——Focusing on the New Environmental Protection Law

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    农村水环境安全是指农村水体的水量、水质能够满足其内部和周围环境系统的正常持续运转,并能保证农村居民基本生活与生产需要,保障农村可持续发展。然而,我国农村水环境形势并不乐观,严重威胁着农民的身体健康与生命安全。法律保障制度不完善是农村水环境不安全的重要原因。本文试图在剖析我国农村水环境安全及其法律保障制度现状的基础上,借鉴国内外先进经验和做法,提出完善建议,推进新环保法的有效实施,构建人与自然和谐发展的美丽乡村。 本文正文共分为四章:第一章阐述农村水环境安全法律保障制度的理论基础和我国农村水环境安全现状,从内涵、评价标准和定义三个方面对农村水环境安全这一概念进行剖析,从农民水环境权、环境正义和...Rural water environmental security refers to the quantity and quality of rural water can satisfy the normal running of the surrounding environment and internal system, guarantee rural residents’ basic life and production needs, ensure rural sustainable development. Rural water environmental situation in China is not optimistic. Imperfect legal system is the important reason. This thesis analyzes t...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_环境与资源保护法学学号:1362012115012

    Study on CCPIT’s Transformation and Development in the Perspective of New Public Service

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    当前,全球经济一体化向纵深方向发展,国际贸易综合实力已经成为一国经济实力的重要表现。在国际和国内新的经济形势下,如何促进我国国际贸易的可持续发展已成为我国亟待解决的一个重要课题。作为中国最大的国际贸易促进机构,中国国际贸易促进委员会(简称贸促会),成立于建国初期,在推动我国对外经贸发展、促进投资方面发挥了重要作用。但是,伴随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,贸促会在自身职能定位、服务企业功能、体制机制等方面显现出诸多问题,原有业务和组织框架也相对过时。本文尝试以新公共管理和新公共服务理论为指导,结合当下国家和企业发展需要,在党的十八大以来政府职能转变的背景下,分析贸促会职能演变的历史和现状,借鉴发达...Nowadays with the rapid development of economic globalization worldwide, the comprehensive strength in international trade has become the key economic performance indicator of one nation. Under the new economic situations at home and abroad, how to maintain the sustainable development of China in international trade has become an urgent and important issue. As China’s largest international trade p...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115043

    Preparation of Europium Doped Silicon Based Oxynitride Phosphor by Polymer-Derived Method

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    采用先驱体转化法制备含铕氮氧化物荧光粉。通过热分析结果确认聚碳硅烷与乙酰丙酮铕的聚合温度;通过对不同氮化温度之后样品碳含量的检测以及失重情况的分析,确认含铕聚碳硅烷的氮化温度;通过XRD结果确认最终的烧结温度。利用该方法初步制备出了铕掺杂硅基氮氧化物荧光粉,采用XRD、荧光光谱等手段分析所得荧光粉的结构与发光性能,所得的荧光粉在375 nm波长激发下,发射峰位于550 nm,基质相为α-Si_3N_4和β-Si_3N_4的混合相。Europium doped silicon based oxynitride phosphor was prepared by polymer-derived method.Thermal analysis results confirm the polymerization temperature of polycarbosilane with Eu(AcAc)3;the nitridation temperature was confirmed by the analysis of weight loss and carbon content;the final sintering temperature was confirmed by the XRD results.The Eu doped silicon based oxynitride phosphor was successfully prepared by this method.The structure and photoluminescence of this phosphor was analyzed by XRD and fluorescence spectra.The results show that the excitation peak was located at 375 nm,the emission peak was located at 550 nm,and the crystal structure was the mixture of α-Si_3N_4 and β-Si_3N_4


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    粘结滑移性能的数值分析是钢筋混凝土结构研究的热点,该文在总结现有粘结滑移本构关系的基础上,采用分离式思想在OpenSees中建立粘结滑移精细化分析模型,并通过拉拔试件与RC梁构件的数值分析研究梁中钢筋与混凝土的粘结滑移作用,同时考虑箍筋量对构件滑移分布的影响。经过该文分析可知,该数值分析模型具有一定的合理性,能较准确的反映出粘结应力、滑移等分布的规律;通过梁构件数值分析可知,其整体性能受到粘结性能、钢筋滑移量大小及箍筋配置等的影响,箍筋的配置对构件局部滑移会产生一定的影响,但对滑移的整体分布影响并不显著。Many scholars have done a lot of research on bond-slip behavior in reinforced concrete structures. Besides experiments, numerical analysis is also important. In this paper, on the basis of summarizing bond-slip models nowadays, a refined model in OpenSees according to the method of discrete model is built and then the bond-slip behavior between rebar and concrete is studied through analyzing a pull-out specimen and RC beam component. The influence of stirrup on bond stress and slip distribution is considered. From the analytical results, it is found that the numerical model is reasonable to reflect the bond stress and its change law. At the same time the phenomena of beam simulation show that many factors have effects on its whole performance such as the bond stress, slip of rebar and ratio of stirrups which can affect the bond-slip distribution. The stirrups affect the slip in part of the beam but in general it has little effect.国家自然科学基金项目(51261120376,91315301-12


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    太宰治『黄金風景』Translations Chinese(Simplified) 简体中


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    大型复杂土木工程结构在地震作用下失效破坏可能由部分关键构件严重损伤破坏导致,而大部分构件仍处于弹性或小变形状态。该类结构的地震损伤和破坏全过程分析涉及超大规模系统强非线性动力分析,目前尚缺乏能很好兼顾效率和精度的计算理论,基于此,该文提出一种新型高效且实用的弹塑性数值子结构理论和计算方法,将大型复杂结构系统的大规模非线性计算问题转化为整体结构适度规模的线弹性分析和数量与规模均较小的局部隔离子结构非线性分析,其中,线弹性整体结构刚度矩阵的集成及LU三角分解仅需进行一次,大大提高计算效率;少数屈服构件的子结构非线性分析采用精细化有限元模型或不同类型单元模型,精确模拟构件局部损伤破坏机理,有效提高结构整体的计算精度。最后通过对一榀平面钢筋混凝土框架结构进行地震动力弹塑性数值子结构方法分析,验证其高效性与精确性。During the seismic process of earthquakes, larger-scale civil engineering structures might fail due to the serious damage to some key structural members, whereas most structural components might remain elastic and experience small deformation. It is a challenging task to simulate the behavior of such structural systems due to the trade-off between computational efficiency and numerical accuracy. This paper presents an efficient and practical elastoplastic numerical substructure method, in which the whole structural seismic analysis is divided into linear elastic analysis of a master structure and nonlinear analysis of limited numbers of small-scale substructures, to balance the computational efficiency and numerical accuracy. During the linear elastic analysis of the master structure, the formation and LU triangular decomposition need to be done only once as the equivalent stiffness matrix remains constant, resulting in high computational efficiency of the master structure. Rational or refined models can be used in substructure systems to model the local damage mechanism, improving the numerical accuracy of the whole structure. Seismic analysis of a reinforced concrete frame structure is performed to verify the novel numerical substructure method.国家自然科学基金项目(51261120376;91315301-12


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    该文以钢筋混凝土低延性框架结构为分析对象,总结该类结构及相关构件数值分析研究现状;基于桁架模型研究柱及节点组合体等关键构件的精细模型化思路与方法,并分别采用试验予以验证;以此为基础,借助在Open Sees软件中开发的数值子结构方法及平台,以汶川地震中严重受损的多层钢筋混凝土框架结构为对象建立精细化数值子结构模型,通过局部构件的精细分析研究其在强震作用下的抗震性能及失效模式。经该文研究表明采用桁架模型建立易于发生脆性破坏的柱及节点组合体等关键构件的精细化模型合理且准确;选择数值稳定且更适用的精细化模型与数值子结构平台分析涉及不同类型且易发生脆性破坏的低延性结构更具优势;针对低延性框架,不宜采用位移角限值作为结构性能评估的唯一判断依据,在分析中需考虑未达到目标位移前结构可能发生的脆性破坏模式。This paper firstly provides a short summary on the current research status on the numerical studying of low-ductility reinforced concrete (RC) frames and their related components, such as columns and joint subassemblages. Then detailed numerical modeling approaches of these key components using a truss model are provided and evaluated using several experiments. Finally, a numerical substructure method (NSM) developed in OpenSees is employed to build the detailed substructure model for analyzing a damaged RC frame subjected to Wenchuan Earthquake, and its aseismic performance and failure mode are studied in a detailed way according to the local performance. This study indicates that: the truss model performs well in simulating the nonlinear behaviors of columns and joints, especially to predict the brittle failures; numerical substructure method has great advantages, such as good numerical stability and applicable refined models, to study the performance of low-ductility RC structures; from the analytical results ofdarnaged RC frame, it can be found that displacement or inter-story drift should not be the only criterion to evaluate the low-ductility structures, and instead the possible brittle failures must be considered in the aseismic analysis.国家自然科学基金项目(51261120376,91315301-12