318 research outputs found


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    对广东湛江红树林自然保护区范围内和周边区域的外来植物互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的生长分布进行了实地调查。结果显示,雷州半岛东、西海岸均有互花米草的分布,总面积达12.6 hm~2,徐闻海安新港码头是互花米草在中国大陆分布的最南端。调查发现,互花米草和乡土红树植物的生态位重叠,虽然致密的红树林内未见互花米草的生长分布,但互花米草比乡土红树植物更耐淹水,表现为在光滩前沿低潮位仅有互花米草的分布。鉴于互花米草在雷州半岛分布范围广、生境类型多样、扩散增长迅速的现状,建议对互花米草应采取\"早发现,早清除\"的治理措施,并开展跟踪监测,及时掌握互花米草的扩散动态。国家自然科学基金项目(31770464

    Salt balance mechanism in mangroves

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    热带、亚热带海岸潮间带的红树林生态系统处于海洋、陆地和大气的动态交界面,作为独特的海陆边缘生态系统在维持海湾河口生态系统的稳定中起着特殊的作用。生长在潮间带高盐环境中的红树植物,经长期的自然选择和进化适应,在生理生化及形态方国家自然科学基金资助项目(30200031);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0410001


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    Design and measurements of the high gradient accelerating structures

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    The purpose of this thesis was to study on design and measurements of the high gradient accelerating structures. After introducing the main parameters to characterize Linacs we explained the application of the periodic accelerating structure. Then we studied TW accelerating structure operating at K-band frequency in order to linearize longitudinal space phase to increase beam brightness in the framework of the Compact Light XLS project in order to produce hard x-ray. We estimated group velocity as a function of frequency both analytically and numerically. Analytical results have a good agreement with the numerical results. The main parameters such as shunt impedance, quality factor (Geometric factor) and R/Q independently from the operating frequency for the TM010, TM110 and TM011 for a single cylindrical “pill-box” have been determined analytically as they provide accurate model for the accelerating structures. In order to characterize a normal conducting high accelerating structure with maximum gradients operating at X-band with extremely low probability of RF breakdown, an electroformed SW structures has been fabricated and characterized by SLAC and INFN with collaboration of other institute around the world at 11.424 GHz, coated with Au-Ni. We designed a gold plate RF high gradient structure operating at the X- band coated with Au-Ni. Bench measurements have been performed in the Department of SBAI of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. The Slater method for the SW cavity has been employed in order to quantify the electric field inside the structure. Comparing the results with the results exposed from HFSS we report the features that have been quantified, showing good agreement. We continued working on the perturbation effect due to the aperture coupled between a waveguide and a cavity but for our application in SW multi-cell high gradient accelerating structure we studied on theoretical approach for reflection coefficient calculation in a SW cavity coupled to a waveguide. One method was based on circuit theory in which we found the overall Q of a resonant circuit for a cavity coupled to an external waveguide containing the RF generator. Q calculation led to the determining of the shunt impedance and consequently the reflection coefficient calculation. Comparison of the results shows a good agreement with the numerical results carried out by using the numerical code, HFSS. Another method of reflection coefficient calculation has been accomplished. We applied the modified Bethe’s theory presented by Collin and developed by De santis, Mostacci and L.Palumbo for TM01 mode cavities coupled by a small hole with a thickness size comparable to the wavelength. The amplitudes of forward and backward waves due to polarizabilites have been determined and we found equations for reflection and transmission coefficients. We demonstrated that our equation for reflection coefficient calculation is an analogous of the reflection coefficient obtained by Collin for TE10 using the circuit theory

    A Parallel Algorithm for Fresnel Tomography

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    摘要:与射线层析成像相比, Fresnel 层析成像考虑波频率的影响, 具有较高的分辨率,但所需的存储 空间和计算量更大,因此提出了Fresnel 层析成像的并行算法1 把大型层析反演方程组的求解,转化成 对其中的各个方程进行相互独立的计算,避免了大型系数矩阵的存储问题;把一个Fresnel 带的正演和 反演计算放在一个进程,不同Fresnel 带的计算相互独立进行,不需要信息传递,达到了极高的并行度; 从进程之间没有通信, 仅当从进程计算结束后,在主进程与各从进程之间有少量的数据传递,使通信开 销达到了极小的程度1 应用MPI 在Linux PC 集群环境下实现了该算法,实际测试表明,该算法具有较 高的并行度和加速比.Abstract  In cont rast with ray2based t raveltime tomography , Fresnel tomography account s for the band2 limited nature of seismic waves and gives the higher resolution tomograms1 Because Fresnel tomography demands much computer memory and much running time , a parallel algorithm for it is proposed1 The tomographic inversion is t ransformed to resolving respectively a series of single equation in light of backprojection principle , each equation corresponding to a Fresnel zone1 The forward and inverse computation concerning a Fresnel zone is allocated to one process and is independent of other processes1 Then the storage and calculation of the large2scale mat rix in the tomography are avoided1 No message delivers between the slave processes , and only a little of data delivers between a master process and the slave ones1 By using the portable message passing interface standard (MPI ) for the communication , the computing code of the algorithm is implemented on Linux system , which allows to dist ribute the work on several PCs connected via standard Ethernet in an in2house network , and greatly expands the applicability of Fresnel tomography1 The test s on the synthetic and observed seismic t ravel time data show that this parallel algorithm has a good performance on Linux PCs1基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40774065) ;福建省自然科学基金项目(2006J0044

    New Materials of Plants in Fujian Province (Ⅰ)

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    在泉州湾植物调查时,发现福建省被子植物分布新记录5种(含变种),分别是:盐地碱蓬SuAEdA SAlSA、座地猪屎豆CrOTAlArIA nAnA VAr.PATulA、沙地叶下珠PHyllAnTHuS ArEnArIuS、肉叶耳草HEdyOTIS STrIgulOSA和佛欧里画眉草ErAgrOSTIS fAurIEI。标本存放于厦门大学植物标本馆(Au)。During the course of investigating the plants in Quanzhou bay,four newly recorded species and one newly recorded varieties of Angiosperm were found.They are Suaeda salsa,Crotalaria nana var.patula,Phyllanthus arenarius,Hedyotis strigulosa and Eragrostis fauriei.The voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Xiamen University(AU).海洋公益性行业专项经费项目(200705029、200905009-1


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    目的:系统评价2型糖尿病病人用沙格列汀治疗与心衰风险的相关性。方法:检索中文科技期刊全文数据库(维普)、万方数据-数字化期刊群、中国期刊全文数据库(中国知网)、PubMed和Cochrane library建库至2017年12月的相关文献。按Cochrane系统评价法筛选沙格列汀致心衰的所有随机、对照临床试验(RCT),将纳入的文献进行数据提取和质量评价后,应用RevMan 5.3软件进行meta分析。结果:共纳入11篇文献,meta分析结果显示:沙格列汀致心衰的风险高于对照组,差异有统计学意义[RR=1.20,95%CI(1.02,1.42),P=0.03]。进一步研究发现,5mg/d沙格列汀单药或联合治疗致心衰的风险高于对照组,差异有统计学意义[RR=1.24,95%CI(1.05,1.46),P=0.01];2.5、10mg/d沙格列汀无论单药或联合治疗致心衰的风险与对照组比较均无显著性差异[2.5mg/d沙格列汀RR=0.69,95%CI(0.31,1.55),P=0.37;10mg/d沙格列汀RR=0.18,95%CI(0.02,1.67),P=0.13]。结论:使用5mg/d沙格列汀治疗可增加心衰风险,而其他剂量的沙格列汀均未发现增加心衰的风险。沙格列汀治疗2型糖尿病的远期安全性需进行更多大样本、高质量、长期随访的RCT加以验证

    The growth of Kandelia candel seedlings in mangrove habitats of the Zhangjiang Estuary in Fujian Province,China

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    通过福建漳江口红树林自然保护区内8个样方24个小样方人工种植600个秋茄胚轴,在3a时间内对秋茄胚轴建立、幼苗生长以及环境因子进行定期观测。研究结果表明:林缘空地的秋茄生长状况良好,白骨壤林内最不利于秋茄幼苗的生长。潮位、盐度、底质土壤理化因子不是造成该样地各样方间秋茄幼苗生长差异的主要原因。动物取食、光照状况以及种间竞争是限制秋茄生长的主要环境因子。秋茄胚轴在长根前易于随潮水漂走,底质土壤中白骨壤致密的根系抑制了秋茄胚轴的定植,导致白骨壤林内秋茄幼苗漂走的数量最多。昆虫和螃蟹等动物的取食是导致林内已经固着生长的秋茄幼苗大量死亡的最主要原因,而林外被取食的幼苗个体极少。此后秋茄幼苗能否继续成长,主要取决于幼苗所接受到的光照条件。3a后,在荫蔽的树冠下,秋茄幼苗无法存活;而在林外,秋茄幼苗已经长成幼树。在林外滩涂上迅速生长的互花米草,也将影响秋茄幼苗的更新和生长。 【英文摘要】 To evaluate the establishment and early growth of the mangrove species Kandelia candel in the intertidal zone,and to develop a better understanding of biotic and abiotic factors influencing the regeneration of its seedlings,we conducted a field experiment in Zhangjiang Estuary in Fujian.Different positions along the intertidal gradient were selected from 20 m to 120 m horizontal distance down the shore,including eight sampling sites in the mangrove areas.Equal numbers(75) numbers of mature propagules of K.c...国家自然科学基金资助项目(30200031);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0410001)~

    Structural analysis and lightweight study for the five-axis grinder bed

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    以五轴联动工具磨床的床身为研究对象,分析了磨床在极限位置使用情况下床身的静态特性,找到了床身变形最大区域。通过自由模态分析和约束模态分析,得到床身各阶模态的振动特点,并从最大变形区域中选取一点进行谐响应分析,预测床身的持续动力特性。根据分析结果,找出薄弱环节,在保证床身动静态特性不降低的基础上对床身进行轻量化研究,最终减重7.73%,节省了材料与成本。With the five-axis grinding machine tool bed as the research object, the maximum deformation region can be found after analyzing the static characteristics in the use of the grinder limit positions.Through free modal and constraint modal analysis, the vibration characteristics of each order of the bed can be seen and a point in the maximum deformation region is selected to carry out the harmonic response analysis to predict the sustainable dynamic characteristic.According to the results of analysis, find out the weak areas in the bed and conduct the lightweight optimization on the condition of no reduction of static and dynamic characteristic of the bed.And finally, it reduces 7.73% of materials and prime costs.数控国家科技重大专项(2010ZX04001-162

    Design and implementation of the energy management and intelligent monitoring system of a zero energy consumption house

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    针对2013中国国际太阳能十项全能竞赛比赛规则及零能耗建筑的特点,结合比赛地点山西大同的气候数据,给出了厦门大学参赛作品,零能耗小屋Sunny InSIdE的能源管理与智能监控系统设计方案。以光伏建筑一体化理论为基础,设计15.25kW光伏并网发电系统,并用相关软件对能耗平衡进行了模拟验证。以三菱PlC为核心,构建了能源管理与智能监控系统,分析了不同条件下空调、相变及遮阳系统的控制策略,并给出具体实现方法。According to the rules of the Solar Decathlon China 2013 and the characteristics of zero energy consumption house, combining with the climate data in competition city—Datong Shanxi, an energy management and intelligent monitoring system for the zero energy consumption house called Sunny Inside from Xiamen University was born.A 15.25kW photovoltaic grid connected power system was designed based on building integrated photovoltaic theory, and used relevant simulation software to test energy balance property.An energy management and intelligent monitoring system was constructed based on Mitsubishi PLC, analyzed the control strategy of heating ventilation and air conditioning, phase-change material and shading system under different conditions, and gave a concrete realization method