18 research outputs found

    Studies on degradation mechanism of niclosamide ethanolamine salt Ⅰ Determination of niclosamide ethanolamine salt in photolysis solution

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    目的了解氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐(nES)在水体中的光解规律。方法实验室配置PH5的0.05μg/Ml、PH7的0.5μg/Ml和PH9的2.5μg/MlnES溶液,采用氙灯光源作为模拟日光照射,照射后0、0.5、1、2、4、8、16、24、48、72、96H采集光解液,高效液相色谱法测定光解液中nES含量,同时设无光照对照试验,计算其半衰期。结果在氙灯光光照条件下,nES快速降解,8H3种PH值的nES溶液下降率分别为83.4%、78.8%和41.3%,24H下降率分别为92.1%、88.5%和95.8%。nESPH5半衰期为8.98H,PH7为10.34H,PH9为9.16H;无光照条件下放置12d溶液浓度稳定。结论nES可在水中快速光解。Objective To understand the photolysis mechanism of niclosamide ethanolamine salt(NES) in water body.Methods NES was formulated into solutions of pH 5(0.05 μg/ml),7(0.5 μg/ml) and 9(2.5 μg/ml),respectively.The xenon gas lamp was used as the simulated sunlight.After 0,0.5,1,2,4,8,16,24,48,72,96 h of the illumination,the photolysis solutions were collected to determine the amount of NES by using the high-performance liquid chromatography method(HPLC),and the experiment without illumination was also set as the control.The half-life was calculated.Results Under the illumination of xenon gas lamp,the NES degraded rapidly.The degradation rates were 83.4%,78.8% and 41.3%,respectively for 8 h,and 92.1%,88.5% and 95.8%,respectively for 24 h.The half-life of NES was 8.98 h for pH 5,10.34 h for pH 7,9.16 h for pH 9.The solution could keep stable for 12 d without illumination.Conclusion Photolysis of NES can occur quickly in water.江苏省自然科学基金(BK200602

    Studies on degradation mechanism of niclosamide ethanolamine salt Ⅱ Isotopic tracing and determination of photolysis end-product

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    目的观察同位素示踪技术解析氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐(nES)在水体中的稳定性及测定光解终产物CO2的变化。方法实验室配制PH5的0.05μg/Ml、PH7的0.5μg/Ml和PH9的2.5μg/MlnES溶液,采用氙灯光源作为模拟日光照射上述nES溶液,照射8、16、24、32、40、48H和72H后,分别测定nES溶液在光解管顶的气态样品,采用gASbEnCHⅡ进样针插入直接分析;液体样品则取2.5Ml注入用高纯氦吹过的密封顶空样品瓶中,用加酸泵滴加无水磷酸,30℃超声反应1H,再插入gASbEnCHⅡ进样针进行分析;与dElTAPluS/XP稳定同位素质谱仪联用测定光解产物CO2的量及碳稳定同位素。结果在氙灯光光照条件下,PH70.5μg/Ml和PH92.5μg/MlnES溶液的光解,随光照时间的增加,CO2的量也增加,并呈线性增长,72H时其产量接近nES的实际产量。同位素结果显示,随光照时间的增加,CO2的碳同位素值逐渐变负,72H时接近nES原药的碳同位素值,为-25.36±0.11,光降解已接近完全。而PH50.05μg/MlnES溶液的光解,随光照时间的增加,CO2的量也在增加,但其产量超出了nES的实际产量;同位素结果显示,随光照时间的增加,产出CO2的碳同位素值逐渐变负,但在光照16H后其产CO2的碳同位素值比nES的碳同位素值偏负。结论 nES能够在水中快速光解,终产物为CO2。Objective To analyze the stability of niclosamide ethanolamine salt(NES)in water and determine the changes of CO2,the photolysis end-product,by using the isotopic tracing technique.Methods NES was formulated into the solutions of pH 5(0.05 μg/ml),pH 7(0.5 μg/ml)and pH 9(2.5 μg/ml),respectively.The xenon gas lamp was used as the simulated sunlight.After 8,16,24,32,40,48,72 h of the illumination,the gas samples of the NES solution on the top of photolysis tube were determined by using direct insertion of GasBenchII needle.For liquid samples,2.5 ml NES solution was added into a sealed empty bottle,which was treated with high pure helium,and then anhydrous phosphoric acid was added.After ultrasonic reaction at 30 ℃ for 1 h,the GasBenchII needle was inserted for analysis.The amount of CO2 and carbon isotopic value were determined by using the GasBenchII needle combined with isotopic mass spectrometer.Results Under the illumination of xenon gas lamp,the NES solutions of pH 7 and pH 9 occurred photolysis,with the increase of illumination time,the amount of CO2 increased,showing a linear increase.At 72 h,its yield approximated to the active output of NES.The isotopic tracing results showed,with the increase of illumination time,the carbon isotope value of CO2 turned to be negative gradually,and approximately reached to the carbon isotope value(-25.36±0.11‰)of NES active ingredient at 72 h when the photolysis approximated to be completely finished.For the photolysis of pH 5 NES solution,with the increase of illumination time,the amount of CO2 increased,however,its output was more than the active output of NES.The isotopic tracing results showed,with the increase of illumination time,the carbon isotope value of CO2 turned to be negative gradually.However,after illumination for 16 h,the carbon isotope value of CO2 was more negative than that of NES.Conclusions The photolysis of NES can occur rapidly in water,and the end product is CO2.江苏省自然科学基金(BK200602);江苏省卫生厅项目(X200504

    Electronic Band Structure of GaAs/Al_xGa_(1-x) As Single Quantum Well in Periodic Magnetic Field

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    为了研究外磁场对量子阱中电子的能带结构的影响 ,采取了一种简单的可解析求解的模型 ,研究了周期性磁场下的 Ga As/ Alx Ga1 -x As单量子阱中电子的能带结构 ,发现在周期性磁场的作用下 ,在 z方向上的能量是分立的量子化能级 ,而原来在 x- y平面内连续的能级分裂成分立的一系列许可带 ,但是在 x方向上能量仍然是连续的 ,同时对其能带的特点和形成机制进行探讨In order to investigate the effect of an external magnetic field on electronic band structure of quantum wells, we employ a simple solvable model to investigate electronic band structure of GaAs/AlxGa1-x As single quantum well in a periodic magnetic field. Through careful study, we find that under the periodic magnetic field, the energies of z direction are certain quantum energy steps, and the energies of xy plane which are continuous originally are divided into various permissive bands, but the energies of x direction are still continuous. Meanwhile, the characteristics of electronic band structure and its formative mechanism are discussed.福建省自然科学基金资助项目!(E991005


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    为了提高非圆齿轮的测量精度,提出了一种非圆齿轮齿面的三维测量方法。根据非圆齿轮啮合原理,建立非圆齿轮的齿面模型,完成了非圆齿轮的三维实体建模。为了比较真实地反映齿面的几何形状信息,提出了一种利用截交线对齿面进行等弧长采样的方法,对非圆齿轮齿面进行网格化划分。以椭圆齿轮为例,通过Einscan-SP扫描仪得到非圆齿轮的三维实体模型,利用Geomagic Qualify软件进行体模型与理论模型的对齐,并对对齐的齿面进行网格化划分得到非圆齿轮齿面的三维误差值。此方法消除了二维定位误差对测量精度的影响,提高了非圆齿轮的测量精度

    Simplified Model of Average-bond Energy Method in Calculating Band Offset of Strained-layer Heterojunction

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    将平均键能方法推广应用于应变层异质结的价带和导带阶研究。通过平均带阶参数形变势amv来研究带阶参数Emv随应变状态的变化关系 ,发现平均带阶参数Emv .av=Em-Ev .av在不同应变状态下基本上保持不变。因此 ,在应变层带阶参数Emv的计算中 ,只需计算其发生应变前体材料的带阶参数Emv .0 值并引用形变势b和SO裂距Δ0 的实验值 ,通过简便的代数运算即可得到应变层的Emv值 ,从而方便地预言不同应变层异质结的价带带阶。本文引入带隙形变势aGap来描述带隙改变量ΔEg 随应变状态的变化。由导带带阶和价带带阶的关系ΔEc=ΔEg+ΔEv 可以求出不同应变情况下的导带带阶。福建省自然科学基金资助项目 (E990 0 0 5


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    先天性免疫是生物体第一道免疫防线,存在于各种多细胞生物中。Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)是介导机体对病原体相关的分子模式(Pathogen-associated molecular patterns,PAMPs)识别的一类模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors,PPRs),在先天性免疫中发挥重要作用。TLR4是toll家族成员之一,哺乳类中主要负责识别细菌的脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)。文章就TLR4的发现历史,TLR4在鱼类和哺乳类中的结构特点,TLR4的分布特征,鱼类和哺乳类中TLR4识别配体的差异,TLR4的信号传导以及TLR4的进化进行了综述。综述将对TLR相关研究提供借鉴和参考。</p