90 research outputs found

    Study on polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and organochlorine insecticides in Daya Bay

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    1999年 8月 4日采集了大亚湾次表层水、悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物并用气相色谱 (电子捕集检测器 )分析了其中 12个多氯联苯 (PCBs)和 18个有机氯农药样品。总PCBs含量 ,水体中介于 91.1~ 135 5 .3ng/L ,沉积物中为 (0 .85~ 2 7.37)× 10 -9;总HCHs含量水体中介于 35 .5~ 12 2 8.6ng/L ,沉积物中则为 (0 .32~ 4 .16 )×10 -9;总DDTs含量在水体中介于 2 6 .8~ 975 .9ng/L ,沉积物中为 (0 .14~ 2 0 .2 7)× 10 -9;而在悬浮颗粒物中均未检出。水体和沉积物中DDT/(DDE +DDD)比值较大 ,表明近期仍有此类化学物质输入大亚湾海域。本研究为大亚湾养殖海区提供难降解有机污染物的现状资料。Samples at sub surface water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediment collected from Daya Bay in Aug.4, 1999 have been analysed for 12 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 18 organochlorine insecticides, using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Total PCBs levels varied from 91.1 ng/L to 1 355.3 ng/L in water and from 0.85×10 -9 to 27.37×10 -9 (dry weight) in sediment. The levels of total hexachlorocyclohexanes in water varied from 35.5 ng/L to 1 228.6 ng/L, whilst in sediment they ranged from 0.32×10 -9 to 4.16×10 -9 (dry weight). None of the target compounds were detected in SPM. For the sum of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), their levels were in the range 26.8~975.9 ng/L water, and (0.14~20.17)×10 -9 (dry weight) in sediment. The higher ratios of DDT/(DDE+DDD) in water and sediment in showed such chemicals will influx into the bay. Current contamination status of persistent organic pollutants was offered in the aquacultural area of Daya Bay.中国科学院大亚湾海洋生物综合实验站基金资助项目 (S96 0 9);; 广东省创新百项资助项目 (2KB0 6 70 1S

    Evaluation and Fate of the Organic Chlorine Pesticides at the Waters in Jiulong River Estuary

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    1999 0 6,对九龙江口 1 5个站位的表层水 ,1 3个站位的间隙水进行了 1 8种有机氯农药的测定结果表明 ,有机氯农药总含量在表层水中的浓度范围为 51 3~ 2 4 79ng L ;在间隙水中的浓度范围是 2 66~ 33355ng L .对不同有机氯的含量在各站位的分布特征进行了探讨 ,发现Methoxychlor(甲氧滴涕 ) ,EndosulfanSulfate(硫酸硫丹 ) ,Endrinaldehyde(乙醛异狄氏剂 )以及EndosulfanII(硫丹 ) ,Dieldrin(狄氏剂 ) ,Deta HCH和Beta HCH 7种有机氯农药在 1 8种有机氯农药中都占主要部分 ;九龙江口的六六六的含量顺序 :β >δ α >γ ;对于滴滴涕 ,表层水中的含量 :DDE DDD >DDT ;间隙水中的含量 :DDE DDT >DDD ,二者DDE的含量都在总DDTs的 50 %以上 ,说明环境中的DDTs主要降解为DDE ;九龙江口有机氯农药随着盐度梯度 ,在河口中呈去除趋势 ;且间隙水中有机氯农药比表层水中的浓度高 ,说明其倾向于吸附在沉积物颗粒上 ,其浓度差使得有机污染物可能通过再悬浮等过程从底层向上层迁移 .九龙江口的有机氯农药污染与其他港湾相比 ,污染水平相当 ,部分站位水质有机氯农药 (HCHs和DDTs)超过国家一类水质的标准 .Organochlorine Pesticides at the water(surface water and porewater) in Jiulong River Estuary were determined. The range of organochlorine pesticides at surface water was 51.3~2479ng/L, and the concentration in porewater was 266~33355ng/L. The results showed that the organochlorine pesticides were removed in the estuary and the sediments were the reservior of the organochlorine pesticides. Compared with the results of other harbor and estuaries , it showed that the contamination for organic chlorine pollutants in Jiulong River Estuary was similar to those of others. At the same time,the risk of organochlorine pesticides in the estuary was evaluated.1998年教育部重点项目、基金委资助留学人员短期回国工作讲学专项基金!项目联合资助 (4 9910 76 0 74

    The trends and characteristics of organochlorines pollution in surface sediments of Xiamen Western Bay

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    利用GC ECD对厦门西港 1 998年 7月取得的 8个站位表层沉积物中的 1 8种有机氯农药 (HCHs,DDTs)等和 1 2种多氯联苯 (PCBs)进行分析 .其中有机氯农药的浓度范围ND(未检测出 )— 0 58ng/g(其中HCHs和DDTs的含量分别为ND—0 1 4ng/g与ND— 0 0 6ng/g) ,多氯联苯的浓度为ND— 0 32ng/g ,与 1 986、1 993年的厦门西港的分析结果相比较 ,污染程度明显降低 ;说明近年来的厦门的有机污染得到逐步控制 ,也与有机物随时间推移逐渐详解有关 ,分析表明多氯联苯和有机氯农药在厦门西港有着相似的分布特征 .The contents of 18 organochlorine pesticedes and 12 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) in suface sediments from Xiamen Western Bay were analyzed by GC\|ECD. The range of organochlorine pesticides was ND—0 58?ng/g,and the PCBs were ND—0 32?ng/g.Compared with the results of Xiamen Harbor in 1986 and 1993, it showed that the pollution of organochlorines decreased gradually along the time, in Xiamen Harbor became and the contamination was more slightly than that of other Harbors or Estuaries. At the same time, it was found that the geological distributions of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs, also the HCHs and DDTs were similar to each other, which indicated that the polltion was cansed by a same source

    Water Resources and Environment Assessment in River Basin based on Hydro-BEAM

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    本年度はHydro-BEAM に付加するモジュール及び評価の側面についていくつか検討している。主なものは,水量・水質・生態環境を組み入れた流域水環境モデル,侵食・堆積環境と魚類の生息場,ダム下流流程と浮遊有機物動態,地表面条件とそれが積雲・降雨に及ぼす影響,地球温暖化と流域水資源環境への影響評価,である。In this fiscal year (FY2005), some modules to be added to Hydro-BEAM and some aspects of evaluation have been discussed. Following items are the main topics and included in this report. 1) Regional water circulation processes with water quantity, quality, and ecosystem 2) Difference in habitat preference of Rhinogobius flumineus among erosional and depositional reaches 3) Variation in drift distance of suspended POM in relation to flow regimes and channel geomorphology 4) Effect of land surface condition on convective precipitation over the mountainous region in Lake Biwa during the summer season 5) Impact assessment on water resources environment in river basin due to global warming本年度はHydro-BEAM に付加するモジュール及び評価の側面についていくつか検討している。主なものは,水量・水質・生態環境を組み入れた流域水環境モデル,侵食・堆積環境と魚類の生息場,ダム下流流程と浮遊有機物動態,地表面条件とそれが積雲・降雨に及ぼす影響,地球温暖化と流域水資源環境への影響評価,である。In this fiscal year (FY2005), some modules to be added to Hydro-BEAM and some aspects of evaluation have been discussed. Following items are the main topics and included in this report. 1) Regional water circulation processes with water quantity, quality, and ecosystem 2) Difference in habitat preference of Rhinogobius flumineus among erosional and depositional reaches 3) Variation in drift distance of suspended POM in relation to flow regimes and channel geomorphology 4) Effect of land surface condition on convective precipitation over the mountainous region in Lake Biwa during the summer season 5) Impact assessment on water resources environment in river basin due to global warmin

    Study on organochlorine pesticide and PCBs at surface water in Xiamen Harbour

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    利用GC -ECD对厦门西港 1998年 7月取得的 9个站位表层水体中的 18种有机氯农药 (HCHs ,DDTs等 )和 12种多氯联苯 (PCBs)进行分析。其中有机氯农药的浓度范围 6 .6 0~ 32 .6ng/L(其中HCHs:3.5 1~ 2 7.8ng/L ,均值 8.5 7ng/L ;DDTs:0 .95~ 2 .2 5ng/L ,均值 1.45ng/L) ,多氯联苯的浓度为 0 .0 8~ 1.6 9ng/L ,同国内外其他港口海区相比较 ,其污染程度相对较低。同时 ,对有机氯污染的分析表明 ,发现近年来仍有有机氯的污染输入 ,其农药的使用主要集中在六六六和滴滴涕上 ;多氯联苯和有机氯农药在厦门西港有着相似的分布及来源特征。organochlorine pesticides and 12 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) at the sruface water in Xiamen Harbour were determined. The range of organochlorine pesticides was 6.60~32.60 ng/L, and the PCBs concentrations were 0.08~1.69 ng/L. Compared with the results of other harbor and estuaries, it showed that the contamination for organic chlorine pollutants was more slight than those of others. At the same time, it was found that organochlorine pesticides and PCBs have the similar geological destribution and resources.福建省自然科学基金!项目 (D9810 0 0 3


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    本報告は、長崎国際大学にて開講された2020(令和2)年度前期科目『ジョギング・ウォーキング』の実践記録である。本報告の目的は新型コロナウイルス感染症の発症が日常的になることが予測される中で、これからの実技系科目のより良い実践方法の創出に寄与することである。本報告では、授業方法の詳細と受講生の感想を分析した結果を掲載する。分析方法は、KH Coder によるテキストマイニングを用いている。受講生の取り組み意欲を促進させたと考えられるのが、スマートフォンアプリでの運動実践記録、記録を写真として編集し SNS に投稿できる機能の活用であろう。ほとんどの学生がスマートフォンを所有し、SNS もまたほとんどの学生が利用している中で、身近なものを教材化して利用したことが、今回の遠隔授業を展開する上での鍵であった。新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行によりオンライン授業となった『ジョギング・ウォーキング』の実践を通して学習効果を高める3つの特性が浮かび上がった。すなわち、即時的なフィードバック、相互的なやり取り、そして共有することであった。それらを踏まえることが、オンライン授業における学生の学習意欲の促進や満足度の向上に繋がると考えられる

    中学校武道領域における空手道授業に関する研究 ―教員養成課程の模擬授業の検討を通して―

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a Karate trial teaching class in an initialteacher training course, through the student's formative assessment. It involved two case studies of trial teaching classes of Karate and that of two other activities, taught by the students of an initial teacher training course. The results were assessed using the Student's Formative Assessment of Physical Education Classes scale developed by Takahashi et.al(1994). Results of the study indicate that the students' formative assessment shows were significantly different (“new discovery”: p<.05) and show a trend toward statistical significance (‘Skill growth': p<.10, ‘Fun Exercise': p<.10, ‘Learning friendly': p<.10) based on the classes provided by Karate and other teaching materials. This implies that Karate might have different effects on the learning of students compared to other activities as teaching materials in school-level physical education


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