51 research outputs found

    The comparisons between trade benefits and environment costs of China and America’s exports in global value chains

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    国际分工体系的发展促使国际贸易呈现新特征,在此背景下,对比全球价值链视角下各国国际贸易的获益,探讨每个国家付出的碳排放成本是否匹配,成为落实巴黎气候协定需要思考的重要议题。与发达国家相比,尤其是同样作为“贸易大国”的美国,中国出口品隐含了大量碳排放,而美国凭借领先的碳排放效率,创造着更多的增加值却承担更少的碳排放成本。为了定量研究上述议题,本文以中国和美国各自的出口贸易作为研究对象,并试图回答:中国和美国参与国际分工的贸易利得和碳排放成本是否对等?如果不对等,存在差异的增加值与碳排放关键部门和路径分别是哪些? 为此,本文基于WIOD数据库构建MRIO模型,通过前后向产业关联分解方法和多区域投...This paper constructs Multi-Region Input-Output model among 41 economies in 35 sectors from 1995 to 2009 based on World Input-Output Database and makes a thorough comparison between both China and the US’s value-added and carbon emissions by applying the forward and backward industry-linkage-based decomposition method as well as the structure path analysis method (MRIO-SPA), so as to address that:...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572014115193

    The Distribution of ATPase During the Anther Development of ALLIUM CEPA L.

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    ATPase是分解ATP、提供能量的代谢酶,它在细胞中分布的部位与多少和细胞的特殊功能有密切联系。不同部位聚集的ATPase多寡可反映出该部位的生理活动的强弱,从而推断出细胞中特异功能的状况。本论文用磷酸铅沉淀法对洋葱(AlliumcepaL.)花药发育过程中的ATPase分布变化作了详细观察,将花药发育的生物学事件与其细胞中ATPase的分布特征相结合分析洋葱花药的发育规律。结论如下:在洋葱花粉母细胞以前的幼小花药中,各组成细胞中的ATPase反应颗粒都很少。在减数分裂时期,小孢子母细胞的一些细胞器中呈现出了ATPase反应颗粒,但所有细胞器都特异性地分布在细胞质的周缘区域,细胞的中央区域被...ATPase is a kind of metabolic enzyme that decomposes ATP to provide energy. ATPase distribution is closely related to the cell special function which needs some energy. Therefore, the amount of ATPase accumulated in different parts of a cell can display the amount of ATP in this part, which can also reflect this metabolic strength occurring in the place. In this study, we investigated the dynamic ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_发育生物学学号:20042605

    A Research on Innovation Construction of Silver Spot Trading Business Model of Company A

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    随着中国经济的持续增长,贵金属白银在国民经济很多行业中扮演越来越重要的角色,甚至发挥不可替代的作用。由于白银业务具有环境影响因素复杂,交易金额巨大,价格波动激烈,决策时效性强,对交易对手资质要求高等特点,如何应对并有效驾驭白银业务正常运行,对经营者来说是巨大的挑战。同时,传统的白银现货交易模式已经不能适应未来国内内需市场不断成长及内外竞争逐步加剧的变化,如何科学地找出及形成有效适合的商业模式对于企业来说是迫切需要深入探讨的问题。 本文运用翁君奕教授(2004)“介观”商业模式理论对贵金属白银现货贸易的内外环境进行分析剖析,并通过对客户界面、内部构造、伙伴界面等企业基本经营活动的交互界面进行价...With China's sustained economic growth, silver precious metal plays increasingly important role in the national economy, even plays an irreplaceable role, but silver precious metal is flexible and rare productive, and its market environment is complex, with a huge amount of the transaction, price intense fluctuations , quicker decision making strongly required , higher grade counterpart y qualific...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X200815618


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    Application of Metabonomics in Research essence of TCM Syndrome

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    代谢组学是继基因组学、转录组学和蛋白组学之后新近发展起来的一种组学方法。代谢组学通过对体液中小分子代谢产物的检测反映人体的生理或病理状态,而中医的“证“是对疾病过程中某一阶段病因、病位、病性及病势等的病理概括。显而易见,代谢组学的出现,为中医证候实质的研究带来新的思路。Metabonomics is a new developing omics after genomics,transcriptomics and proteomics.It can detect small molecular metabolite profiling in the human body fluid to reflect human physiological and pathological state.and TCM syndrome is a pathologic generalization in a stage in the progress of the disease of cause,location,nature and trend of disease.Obviously,it brings a new idea for using metabonomics to study the essence of TCM syndrome

    Mechanical features of endothelium regulate cell adhesive molecule-induced calcium response in neutrophils

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    Atherosclerosis is caused by chronic inflammation associated with the adhesion of neutrophils and endothelial cells (ECs) that is mediated by their respective cellular adhesive molecules to stiffened blood vessel walls. However, the stiffness dependence of calcium flux on neutrophils remains unclear yet. Here, the effect of substrate stiffness by ECs on neutrophils' calcium spike was quantified when the individual neutrophils that adhered to the human umbilical vascular endothelial cell (HUVEC) monolayer were pre-placed onto a stiffness-varied polyacrylamide substrate (5 or 34.88 kPa) or glass surface. Our data indicated that E-/P-selectins and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) on HUVECs and beta(2)-integrins, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1), and CD44s on neutrophils were all involved in mediating neutrophil calcium spike in a stiffness-dependent manner, in which the increase in substrate stiffness enhanced the calcium intensity and the oscillation frequency (spike number). Such stiffness-dependent calcium response is associated with the induced selectin related to beta(2)-integrin activation through the Syk/Src signaling pathway, and F-actin/myosin II are also involved in this. Moreover, tension-activated calcium ion channels displayed critical roles in initiating stiffness-dependent calcium spike. These results provide an insight into understanding how the stiffening of vascular walls could regulate the calcium flux of adhered neutrophils, and thus the immune responses in atherosclerosis. (C) 2019 Author(s)


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