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    Cultural Performances as Treatment

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    章米力,上海交通大学人文学院博士研究生;叶舒宪,上海交通大学人文学院教授、博士生导师。【中文摘要】在文学人类学的研究视野中,人类自古以来的治疗行为是造就文学发生的重要驱动力之一。随着文明的发展,治疗仪式被大大简化,但仪式基因却牢牢存在于文化的表现形式中。 对于治疗过程中的文化表演方面,可以引入文化表演理论观点和方法进行研究,以此分析文化表演的特点及其与治疗的关系。医者作为表演者,建立了调整秩序的权威框架,表演本身作为一种言说形式,体现的是“元交流”所规定的各类文化信息。现代医学依旧以隐匿的方式对应着文化符码,医患之间所进行的是有限定的、协商性的表演。 【Abstract】In the vision of literary anthropology research,the treatment behavior since ancient time has been one of the important driving forces to bring about literature. With the development of the civilization,treatment ceremonies have been simplified when the ritual genetic factor is always involved. This text will mainly refer to the theory and method of cultural performance to project the performance factors in the process of treatment. As a performer,the healer sets up the authorized framework for ordering. As a speaking form, performance embodies all kinds of cultural information which are contracted by metacommunication. Modern medicines are still corresponding to the cultural codes by a hiding way. The performance between patients and doctors is prescriptive and negotiated

    Chinese Tradition Confronting the World --Casual Talks on Anthropology and Chinese Tradition

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    在2007年10月27日"人类学与中国传统"圆桌论坛的大会中,徐杰舜教授提出"人类学的中国话语",引起了各方的激烈论争。这是一个关系到中国人类学学科发展未来走向的命题。同时,问题也不止于此。在"中国话语"论争的表征背后所触及到的,应该是一个更为坚实和更为深刻的基底——中国传统。人类学如何面对多元一体的中国传统?这关涉到中国人类学研究的理论诉求、方法范式,以及现实关怀等一系列值得我们共同思考的问题。因此,作为对圆桌论坛的"人类学的中国话语"学术论争的一种回应和延伸,人类学与中国传统的圆桌座谈会的意义就显得格外重要。本刊将陆续发表由徐杰舜教授策划、主持的"人类学与中国传统"圆桌系列座谈会的纪实,以飨读者。In the conference of round table iorum, whose theme is " Anthropology and Chinese Tradition", which was held on October 27,2007, Professor Xu Jie-shun put forward the term of "Chinese Discourse of Anthropology" and it evoked heated controversy. This will influence the development orientation of Chinese anthropology in the future. Furthermore, the involved arguments touch a profounder and deeper theory - Chinese tradition. How to cope with the diverse Integral Chinese tradition involves a series of problems such as the theoretical pursuit,method paradigms and practical concerns,which call for our thinking. As a respond and extension to the academic controversy of "Chinese Discourse of Anthropology" , the conference of round table forum is of great signifieance. "This journal will issue the documentary series of "Anthropology and Chinese Tradition", which was projected and hosted by professor Xu Jie-shun,to benefit the readers

    Anthropology and National Studies

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    国学已经成为国内学术界关注的热点;孔子学院在各国的建立,也使世界把眼光投向中国“国学”。国学如何在全球化背景下,在中国和平崛起中重建,是人们关注国学的焦点。为此,《光明日报》国学版主编梁枢专门组织了由中南民族大学人类学研究所所长徐杰舜教授组织的座谈会,参加座谈会的有中国社会科学院文学研究所叶舒宪教授、北京大学王铭铭教授、厦门大学彭兆荣教授、四川大学徐新建教授、中国社会科学院历史研究所郑仁钊博士等。在座谈会上,人类学家们发出了自己的声音,就国学与人类学的关系畅谈了自己的看法,颇为别开生面,另有洞天。本刊特全文发表座谈会录音稿全文,以飨读者。National Studies has become a heated topic in the academic circle in China. The establishments of Confucius Institutes in many countries draw the world's attention to China's "National Studies". The focus is how the national studies can be reconstructed in the global background and the peaceful context of China. For this,the chief editor of the national studies edition of Guangming Daily organized a forum, which was hosted by Professor XU Jie-shun, director of Institute of Anthropological Research, South-Central University for Nationalities. Many famous professors attended the forum, such as YE Shu-xian from Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;WANG Ming-ming from Beijing University; PENG Zhao-rong from Xiamen University; XU Xin-jian from Sichuan University and ZHEN Ren-zhao from Institute of Historical Research,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The anthropologists aired their views about the relationship between National Studies and Anthropology. This journal presents the recording transcript of the forum to benefit the readers


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    第九届人类学高级论坛于2010年6月23~25日在贵州省凯里学院举行。会议期间,《光明日报》国学版主编梁枢先生组织了一个关于"原生态文化与中国传统"的小型座谈会,会议由广西民族大学徐杰舜教授主持,参加人员有中国人民大学郑杭生教授、中国社会科学院叶舒宪研究员、四川大学徐新建教授、厦门大学彭兆荣教授、中国人民大学陆益龙副教授、浙江师范大学林敏霞博士等。座谈会就原生态文化与中国传统文化尤其是国学的关系展开了深入探讨。The 9th Forum on Anthropology was held in Kaili University in Guizhou Province on June 23-25,2010.During the meeting,Mr Liang Shu of Guangming Daily organized a seminar on the topic of "primitive culture and Chinese tradition",which was chaired by Prof.Xu Jie-shun and attended by Prof.Zheng Hang-sheng,Prof.Ye Shu-xian,Prof.Xu Xin-jian,Prof.Peng Zhao-rong,Prof.Lu Yi-long,and Prof.Lin Min-xia.They had an in-depth discussion on the relationship between primitive culture and Chinese tradition (especially studies of Chinese ancient civilization)