Anthropology and National Studies


国学已经成为国内学术界关注的热点;孔子学院在各国的建立,也使世界把眼光投向中国“国学”。国学如何在全球化背景下,在中国和平崛起中重建,是人们关注国学的焦点。为此,《光明日报》国学版主编梁枢专门组织了由中南民族大学人类学研究所所长徐杰舜教授组织的座谈会,参加座谈会的有中国社会科学院文学研究所叶舒宪教授、北京大学王铭铭教授、厦门大学彭兆荣教授、四川大学徐新建教授、中国社会科学院历史研究所郑仁钊博士等。在座谈会上,人类学家们发出了自己的声音,就国学与人类学的关系畅谈了自己的看法,颇为别开生面,另有洞天。本刊特全文发表座谈会录音稿全文,以飨读者。National Studies has become a heated topic in the academic circle in China. The establishments of Confucius Institutes in many countries draw the world's attention to China's "National Studies". The focus is how the national studies can be reconstructed in the global background and the peaceful context of China. For this,the chief editor of the national studies edition of Guangming Daily organized a forum, which was hosted by Professor XU Jie-shun, director of Institute of Anthropological Research, South-Central University for Nationalities. Many famous professors attended the forum, such as YE Shu-xian from Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;WANG Ming-ming from Beijing University; PENG Zhao-rong from Xiamen University; XU Xin-jian from Sichuan University and ZHEN Ren-zhao from Institute of Historical Research,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The anthropologists aired their views about the relationship between National Studies and Anthropology. This journal presents the recording transcript of the forum to benefit the readers

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