23 research outputs found

    Study on Mechanism of Venture Capital Reputation: Perspective from VCs and Entrepreneurial Enterprises

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    风险投资作为国家创新战略的重要载体,在培育孵化创新型中小企业、解决就业问题、推动高新科技产业、拉动新的经济增长点等方面逐渐发挥出巨大作用,成为一个国家的创新经济发展的重要推动力量。我国从20世纪80年代中期开始引入风险投资,20多年来风险投资取得了长足的发展,并发挥了一定作用。随着我国经济的持续增长及风险投资业相关政策的逐步完善,当前我国的风险投资呈现出良好的发展态势,并在近几年掀起了一轮上市热潮。然而在这个IPO热潮中,证券市场上“破发”、“业绩变脸”、包装上市等问题层出不穷,风险投资行业也存在突击入股、密集减持等广受诟病的现象,这严重影响了证券市场的健康发展以及广大中小投资者的信心。如何解...As an important carrier of national innovation strategy, venture capital, which has been a driving force for innovative economic development of a country, plays a huge role in fostering innovative small and medium enterprises, solving the employment problems, promoting high-tech industries, stimulating new economic growth points. In the mid-1980s, our country introduced venture capital which had a...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_财务学学号:3212010015353

    Venture Capital Reputation,Syndication and Successful Exit

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    选取我国2002~2009年间5 780个风险投资机构的投资案例作为样本,检验了风险投资机构声誉、联合投资对其成功退出的影响,实证结果表明,2002~2009年间我国风险投资机构的成功退出率(即投资项目最终IPO的比率)为23.44%,风险投资机构的声誉越高,则其成功退出的可能性越大。进一步研究还发现,联合投资会降低风险投资机构声誉和成功退出关系的敏感性,这可能是因为联合投资的风险投资机构具有更多的机制来影响其投资绩效。This paper examines the effect of venture capital reputation and syndication on its investment performance.Empirical results show that successful exit rate of venture capital in China(the ratio of investment projects being IPO finally)is 23.44% during 2002~2009, the higher the reputation of the venture, the more likely it would be successful exit.Further studies show that the syndication between venture capitals will reduce the sensitivity between the VC reputation and successful exit.Maybe there are more mechanisms(i.e.network connection)in syndication between VCs that influence investment performance.国家自然科学基金项目“风险投资支持的企业IPO折价、择机与后管理问题研究”(71172052


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    Effect of Refractive Index of Substrate on Fabrication and Optical Properties of Hybrid Au-Ag Triangular Nanoparticle Arrays

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    以石英和不同型号的玻片为基底,系统研究了基底折射率对周期性金银复合纳米阵列的制备及其光学性能的影响。采用离散偶极子近似(ddA)数值方法研究了复合阵列的局部表面等离子共振(lSPr)光谱特性,计算结果表明,当基底折射率为1.43和1.68时,纳米阵列的折射率灵敏度(rIS)和品质因子(fOM)比较优异。利用纳米球刻蚀法(nSl)制备了二维周期性复合纳米点阵结构,实验结果表明,当基底折射率为1.43和1.68时,基底与贵金属纳米颗粒有较好的粘合度,纳米阵列结构形貌比较规则清晰。Based on the substrate of silica and different types of slides, the effect of refractive index of substrate on fabrication and optical properties of hybrid Au- Ag triangular periodic nanoparticle arrays is systematically investigated.The optical spectrum of localized surface plasmon resonance(LSPR) simulated by discrete dipole approximation(DDA) numerical method shows that the nanoparticle arrays can obtain better refractive index sensitivity(RIS) and figure of merit(FOM), when refractive index of substrate is 1.43 and 1.68, respectively.The nanosphere lithography(NSL) is used to fabricate the periodic nanostructure arrays.The experimental results demonstrate that when refractive index of substrate is 1.43 and 1.68, nanoparticles and substrate have better adhesive ability.Meanwhile, the nanoparticles both form a large-scale monolayer array with the hexagonally close-packed structure.国家自然科学基金(11074207); 厦门科技项目(3502Z20143020;2012S0484); 福建省教育厅科技项目(JA11157;12200); 集美大学潘金龙基金(C512038

    Marketization,Independence of Independent Directors and Firm Value——Evidence from the Resignation Announcement of Independent Directors

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    本文以独立董事辞职公告为切入点,实证检验市场化程度、独立董事独立性与公司价值的关系。实证结果表明,独立董事的独立性有助于提升公司价值。如果独立董事的任职时间早于现任董事长,则辞职公告的市场反应较差;独立董事的任期越短,则辞职公告的市场反应越差。进一步的研究发现,市场化程度越高的地区,独立董事独立性与辞职公告市场反应之间的负相关关系越弱,这表明,独立董事的监督作用与市场化程度具有某种程度的替代性。The original intention of independent director system is to solve the principal-agent problem between shareholders and managers.However,whether independent director really play the monitoring role,and provide a valuable service to shareholders? Whether independent directors enhance the value of the company? The existing literature conclusions are quite different,even conflicting.There may be two reasons that lead the arguments,on the one hand,the board of directors is endogenously determined mechanism,the poor performance of the company will lead the board of directors to increase the independent directors(Hermalin and Weisbach,2003);on the other hand,not all of the independent directors can effectively supervise the management,because the CEO may intervene in the hiring of independent directors(Shivdasani and Yermack,1999).The same problem also exists in China;consequently the effectiveness of the system of independent directors is doubtful.In order to solve the above problems,the scholars have adopted the event study methodology to research the problem(Nguyen and Nielsen,2010).Based on previous studies,this paper firstly explorers the market reaction to the independent director's resignation announcement,then examines the relationship between independence of independent directors and firm value,and analyzes how external governance environment(the degree of regional markets) affecting this relationship.We manually collect independent director resignation announcement between 2004 and 2010 from Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges websites.We construct two variables to measure independence of independent directors,that is relative tenure of independent directors(Indep1) and absolute tenure of independent directors(Indep2).The empirical results show that,the independence of independent directors is helpful for improving firm value.If independent directors entered the board earlier than the current chairman of the board,then stock price will fall down after the announcement of independent director resignation.There exists a positive relationship between tenure of independent director and market reaction of resignation announcement.Further research finds that,the marketization will weaken the relationship between independence of independent directors and market reaction of independent director resignation.This indicates that the marketization has some degree of alternative on supervisory role of independent directors.The conclusions of this study is similar to Zhang and Zeng(2010),indicates that independent directors resignation announcement does have information content.On the other hand,this paper has deepened previous research,which is reflected in two aspects: First,we integrate market reaction to announcement of the resignation of independent directors with independent directors background characteristics,and adopt two indicators to measure independence of independent directors,then examines the relationship of the independent directors' independence and firm value.Second,our study further discuss external governance environment(that is the degree of regional markets),and conclude the supervisory role of the independent directors and the degree of marketization is alternative in some degree,which enrich research of the relationship between of internal and external governance mechanisms.According to the paper,we propose two policy recommendations.First,regulators should consider limiting the number of independent directors in the nomination of large shareholders and management,and increasing the number of independent directors which behave minority shareholders.Second,it is necessary stipulate independent directors to serve only two consecutive terms.国家自然科学基金面上项目“风险投资支持的企业IPO折价、择机与后管理问题研究”(71172052


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