586 research outputs found

    A study on the characteristics and diagnostic value of eye movement patterns in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    孤独症(自闭症)谱系障碍(AutismSpectrumDisorder,ASD)是一种以社交障碍和重复的行为、局限兴趣为主要核心症状,起始于婴幼儿早期的神经发育障碍性疾病,严重损害了儿童的身心健康。然而,目前现有研究对早期识别和诊断ASD的客观指标还未见突破。因此,在前人对ASD儿童社会认知心理学众多研究基础上,本研究通过使用眼动技术,设计以ASD疾病两大主要症状为诊断方向的眼动实验获取客观的眼动数据,对ASD儿童的眼动特征及早期诊断价值进行初步的探究。 本研究选择2~7岁的ASD儿童作为ASD儿童组,以及与其年龄、性别比例匹配的正常发育儿童作为正常对照组,考察ASD儿童与正常儿童之间是否存...Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are a type of impairments in social communication where limited and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviors were found in the patient, and limitation of interests were shown as a major symptom. It started in early childhood as neurodevelopmental disorders and could cause serious damage to the children's physical and mental health. However, there is no breakthrou...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_临床医学硕士学号:2452014115351

    Tianyou Dairy’s Marketing Strategy Research

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    中国乳业目前面临国外企业压力,消费者需求也发生了很大变化。本文研究对象重庆天友乳业就是面临同样问题的典型乳制品企业。本文首先阐述了定位理论、3C模型、产品生命周期理论等营销战略理论。通过理论与重庆天友乳业实际相结合,重点分析了国际乳制品行业对于中国的影响和中国乳制品行业营销环境的变化。结合天友乳业的竞争对手分析,运用定位理论,研究了天友乳业的STP策略,内容包括顾客行为调查、市场细分和目标市场选择、市场定位。最后针对天友乳业的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略提出了自己的建议。China's dairy industry is currently facing pressure abroad.And chinese consumer demand has changed a lot now. In this paper,Chongqing TianYou Dairy is facing the same problem typical dairy enterprise. Firstly, this paper describes the positioning theory, 3C model, brand assets, customer value, product life cycle theory and other marketing strategy theory. Through the combination of theory and Chon...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315629

    Portable and Digital Analysis based on Nano-catalytic Gas Generation and Droplet Microfluidics

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    体外诊断是当前医学领域发展最为活跃的部分之一,从技术层面上来讲,体外诊断正在朝着两极发展。一种是简单、快速便于普及的即时检测方向,以满足门急诊、社区保健站范围内的现场快速检测以及家庭慢性病持续监测等需求,可大大简化医疗保健中所花费的人力物力,改善病人的生活质量。鉴于生物样品存在成分复杂,靶标浓度低,时效性强等特点,在无法采用大型仪器情况下,如何建立特异、灵敏、简单、便携的检测方法依然是即时检测领域面临的主要科学问题。体外诊断的另一个重要方向是发展高度集成、自动化的仪器诊断,大大提高诊断检测的工作效率和灵敏度,实现疾病的精准诊断,其中单分子数字化检测技术将引领未来精准诊断超痕量分析领域的发展。由...In vitro diagnostics (IVDs) technology is active and important in the medical field and is developing towards two different technical directions. One is fast, accurate and simple point-of-care (POC) testing to meet the clinical rapid detection needs and chronic disease monitoring. Due to complex biological samples, low target concentration, and strong timeliness, the development of simple, afforda...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学生物学学号:2052014015396

    Are Female Independent Directors Less Likely to Veto?

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    独立董事,作为董事会中有着“特殊身份”的群体,以外部独立且专业人士的视角,在完善当代企业的公司治理中发挥着不容忽视的作用。参与董事会重大事项议案的决策是独立董事履行其职能的主要方式,而最终的投票结果除议案本身外,也与独立董事自身特征有关,比如独立董事的性别。随着思想潮流的开放,女性凭借自身的特质,在世界各领域的领导力日益凸显,越来越多的女性进入上市公司的董事会参与公司决策。那么,女性独立董事在参与重大事项决策时,是否会有一定的性别倾向呢?女性独立董事的存在,对独立董事整个团队的投票结果又会有怎样的影响?这正是本文欲探讨的话题。 本文在梳理前人关于独立董事及女性董事相关文献的基础上,从心理学、...Independent directors,who have the "special identities" in the board of directors, are playing important roles in improving corporate governance of contemporary corporations,with the perspectives of independence and profession. Participation in the voting of corporate events is the main way for them to perform their functions. And the final voting results are not only related to the board motions,...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562014115201

    The Historical and Legal Status of Pre-modern Ryukyu and the Sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands

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    刘丹,法学博士,上海交通大学凯原法学院海洋法治研究中心副研究员。【中文摘要】:中日钓鱼岛争端中,日方极力撇开《马关条约》和其取得钓鱼岛所谓“主权”之间的关联,并认为钓鱼岛列屿的行政编制隶属琉球、琉球是日本的领土,所以钓鱼岛的主权应归日本,即日方主张包含着“钓鱼岛属于琉球、琉球属于日本,所以钓鱼岛属于日本”的荒谬逻辑。本文着重对琉球地位问题“去伪”,即通过探究近世琉球(1609-1879)在历史和国际法上的地位、中琉历史上的海上自然疆界,从而进一步印证钓鱼岛属于中国,为我国钓鱼岛主权主张提供有力论据。 【Abstract】In the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, Japan, on the one hand, strives to evade the relations of its acquisition of “sovereignty” over these islands with the Treaty of Shimonoseki; on the other hand, it assumes that the Diaoyu Islands is a part of Ryukyu under its administrative system, and Ryukyu constitutes a part of Japanese territory, therefore, Japan has the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. In this regard, Japan's absurd logic lies in that “the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Ryukyu, and the latter belongs to Japan, hence the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Japan”. This paper attempts to eliminate the misstatements about the status of Ryukyu, by examining the status of pre-modern Ryukyu (1609-1879) in history and international law, and the marine boundaries between China and Ryukyu in history. In doing so, the paper further demonstrates that the Diaoyu Islands is an inherent part of China, thereby providing compelling evidences to support China's claim to the sovereignty of these islands.本研究为刘丹副研究员主持的国家社科基金青年项目《钓鱼岛争端视角下琉球法律地位问题研究》(13CFX123)、上海交通大学文理交叉海洋专项基金项目《以国际法为中心的南海法律战研究》(16JCHY09)的阶段性成果,本文也受到中国海洋发展研究会重大项目《中国在推进海洋战略过程中的法制完善研究》(CAMAZDA201501)的资助

    Clinical study on the myocardial reperfusion after PCI using intravenous myocardial contrast echocardiography in coronary diseases

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    目的探讨经外周静脉进行心肌超声造影对冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后心肌血流再灌注定量分析的价值。方法对15例冠心病患者分别于PCI术前及PCI术后经外周静脉注射造影剂,在对比脉冲序列成像(CPS)条件下行心肌超声造影(MCE)检查,采用自动追踪增强定量分析(ACQ)软件进行分析,得出造影剂强度A值及斜率β值以及A×β值、造影剂到达时间AT值及达峰时间TTP值。结果经外周静脉注入造影剂后能够获得清晰心肌显影,所有患者均获得较满意的左心室及心肌显影。异常灌注区域(N=60)的造影剂AT、TTP均较正常灌注区域(N=28)延长,两者比较差异均具有显著性(P0.05);而冠脉狭窄>70%的心肌节段(N...Objective To study the quantitative analysis of myocardial reperfusion after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using intravenous myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) in patients with coronary diseases.Methods Performed the contrast agent of SonoVue via vein route using contrast pulse sequencing (CPS) MCE in 15 patients with coronary diseases before and after the PCI.The intensity of...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院临床医学系_内科学学号:2452007115253


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    作为人类知识智慧结晶的储存库图书馆 ,怎样向人们提供广、快、精、准的知识情报信息 ,图书馆员是否具有能及时地掌握信息、传递信息 ,利用信息提高工作效率的能力 ,在确立了经济运行中知识的地位与作用的今天 ,对新时期人的素质有了更高的要求 ,特别是对处在知识宝库前沿阵地的图书馆员提出了挑战。本文就高等学校的图书馆员应具备的素质以及如何进行图书馆员队伍的建设 ,网络化在图书馆中的广泛应用以及图书馆的建设改革 ,阐述了高校馆员的素质问题


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    Improvement of Health Care Quality of A Hospital in FuZhou

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    论文摘要在当今竞争日益激烈的医疗市场环境下,越来越多的医疗机构开始通过实施国际医疗质量管理标准,建立现代医疗质量管理体系,提高医疗护理服务水平,进而提高客户的忠诚度和满意度,减少医疗风险,促进自身发展。在这种形势下,A医院通过实施JCI医院评审标准认证来加强医疗质量管理,提高医院核心竞争力是必然的趋势。全文共分为四章:第一章对福州医疗行业情况进行分析。首先对福州医疗行业的波特竞争模型作简要说明,然后对福州医疗行业竞争现状作具体分析,着重论述了在目前医疗服务行业的发展及变化趋势。最后讲述了在当前的市场竞争环境下,A医院应如何获取竞争优势。第二章阐述了A医院医疗服务质量现状并进行分析。首先重点介绍...Abstract Because of the increasing competition, more and more hospitals start to put the international control standards of medical quality into practice in order to set up the modern control system of medical quality .They hope to increase the faithfulness and satisfaction of customers and reduce the cost of the hospitals. In this position, it is necessary for A Hospital to enhance the co...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031513

    The Design and Implementation on the System of Risk Model Laboratory in Commercial Banks

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    随着2004年新巴塞尔协议的出台及银行风险管理水平的日益提高,如何有效的设计、开发风险模型来识别和控制风险成为我国商业银行风险管理所关注的主要问题。与国际先进银行相比,国内商业银行风险建模还处于人工搜集数据的阶段,这就带来了时效性差、准确率不高和数据孤立的弊端。因此建立一个高效、统一的集“模型开发和验证服务”于一体的企业级决策分析支撑环境成为风险管理的当务之急。 本文参考了IBM的咨询文档以及国外相关行业的先进经验,首先分析了业务部门对风险模型实验室系统的整体需求,根据需求实现的时效性与风险管理部门现实需求的急迫性确定实验室功能范围与数据范围,从而确定了模型实验室的功能需求与数据需求,并识别...With the introduction of Basel II and the increasing of bank risk management, how to design and develop risk models to identify and control risk effectively becomes a major concern in China commercial banks’ risk management. Compared with advanced international banks, domestic commercial bank risk modeling is still in the stage of manual data collection, which brings poor timeliness and accuracy ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200723003