108 research outputs found

    <Short Article> River water quality in Shanghai, China

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    目的通过Meta分析研究脑室下区(subventricular zone,SVZ)胶质瘤病人的生存状况。方法检索关于SVZ胶质瘤病人生存状况相关的文献,并按特定纳入标准与排除标准进行筛选。采用纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表对所选文献进行质量评价。使用随机效应模型或固定效应模型Meta分析比较SVZ胶质瘤和非SVZ胶质瘤病人中位生存期(overal survival,OS)和中位无进展生存期(progression free survival,PFS)的差异。结果本研究共纳入相关文献16篇。SVZ胶质瘤病人和非SVZ胶质瘤病人的中位OS分别为12.95个月和16.58个月,中位PFS分别为4.54个月和6.25个月。Meta分析结果显示:SVZ胶质瘤病人中位OS (OR=1.59,95%CI:1.35~1.87,P=0.036)及中位PFS (OR=1.44,95%CI:1.25~1.65,P <0.0001),均明显小于非SVZ胶质瘤。对选用多因素回归分析方法的文献进行亚组分析,亦发现SVZ胶质瘤病人中位OS明显小于非SVZ胶质瘤(OR=1.26,95%CI:1.12~1.42,P <0.0001)。结论 SVZ胶质瘤病人预后明显差于非SVZ胶质瘤病人。SVZ胶质瘤是影响胶质瘤病人预后的重要因素之一

    Intratumoral Delivery of a PD-1-blocking scFv encoded in Oncolytic HSV-1 Promotes Antitumor Immunity and Synergizes with TIGIT Blockade

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    恶性肿瘤已严重威胁人类健康和生命,现有的治疗手段远远未能满足临床需求。厦门大学研究团队联合浙江养生堂生物科技有限公司、养生堂有限公司进行协同攻关,研制出新一代肿瘤免疫治疗药物——“注射用重组人PD-1抗体单纯疱疹病毒”。研究发现,重组表达PD-1单链抗体的溶瘤病毒具有“双药合一”抗肿瘤的突出优势,提高肿瘤治愈率。相关成果于2020年3月3日以研究论文形式在线发表于Cancer Immunology Research(《癌症免疫学研究》)期刊,为指导新型溶瘤病毒的升级改造和突破肿瘤免疫耐受提供了新的思路,为重组表达PD-1单链抗体的溶瘤病毒药物运用于肿瘤临床治疗奠定了坚实的理论基础。 厦门大学公共卫生学院夏宁邵教授和黄承浩助理教授为该论文的共同通讯作者,博士生林超龙和任文峰为该论文的共同第一作者。【Abstract】Oncolytic virotherapy can lead to systemic antitumor immunity, but the therapeutic potential of oncolytic viruses (OVs) in humans is limited due to their insufficient ability to overcome the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME). Here, we showed that locoregional oncolytic virotherapy upregulated the expression of PD-L1 in the TME, which was mediated by virus-induced type I and type II interferons (IFNs). To explore PD-1/PD-L1 signaling as a direct target in tumor tissue, we developed a novel immunotherapeutic herpes simplex virus (HSV), OVH-aMPD-1, that expressed a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) against PD-1 (aMPD-1 scFv). The virus was designed to locally deliver aMPD-1 scFv in the TME to achieve enhanced antitumor effects. This virus effectively modified the TME by releasing damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), promoting antigen cross-presentation by dendritic cells, and enhancing the infiltration of activated T cells; these alterations resulted antitumor T cell activity which led to reduced tumor burdens in a liver cancer model. Compared with OVH, OVH-aMPD-1 promoted the infiltration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs),resulting in significantly higher percentages of CD155+ G-MDSCs and M-MDSCs in tumors. In combination with TIGIT blockade, this virus enhanced tumor-specific immune responses in mice with implanted subcutaneous tumors or invasive tumors. These findings highlighted that intratumoral immunomodulation with an OV expressing aMPD-1 scFv could be an effective standalone strategy to treat cancers or drive maximal efficacy of a combination therapy with other immune checkpoint inhibitors.This work was supported by grant 2018ZX10301404-001-002 from the National Science and Technology Major Project and grant 81571990 from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.该研究获得了国家自然科学基金、国家科技重大专项的资助

    辦理IEA第三屆國際研究研討會(IRC 2008)

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    [[abstract]]The IRC-2008 Conference, which will run on 18-20, Sep., 2008, aims to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on important educational issues investigated through IEA research. With its objective to foster creative dialogue among researchers, it aims to provide greater understanding of the numerous roles that education plays in the development of nations and in shaping individuals. On the other hand, the local researchers involved in IEA international studies (i.e. PIRLS, TIMSS and SITES) might be encouraged to present their findings in this conference. A two-day pre-conference workshop about secondary analysis of IEA international study databases will be conducted by Data Processing Center of IEA. The number of participants designated for this conference is 250 and 100 is reserved for local researchers.


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    A Color Digital Watermark Based on Spatial Domain

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    [[abstract]]在科技技術一日千里的今天,隨著許多科技產品之軟硬體價格的平民化,以及網際網路之普及,彩色數位影像作品隨處可得,以致數位版權難以分辨。而浮水印技術就是眾所周知,用來解決數位版權之爭的一個解決方案。但大多數的浮水印技術都是使用灰階影像來嵌入二元浮水印,在色彩繽紛的多媒體世界裡,這樣的顏色數實在是太少了。因此本論文提出一個可以使用較少計算量之演算法來嵌入彩色浮水印於彩色影像之中,且無需原始影像資料之佐證,即可萃取出所嵌入之彩色浮水印技術。 首先將欲藏入之彩色浮水印利用統計的方法取出色彩最多的前24色,以此24色為彩色浮水印之代表色,並且將此彩色浮水印之表代色以一個亂數種子所產生的亂數序列來進行攪亂,而此亂數種子可視為一個秘密金鑰。接著我們以被嵌入之彩色影像在RGB色彩空間中之B-Channel為對象,利用相鄰像素間俱有相仿灰階值之關係,以2x2區塊像素間大小順序不同的排列組合,來代表24種不同的色彩,並且可藉由一個參數d來加大像素間彼此的距離,以增加其浮水印之強韌性。在取出浮水印時將從受測影像中取出2x2區塊像素間大小順序排列組合與之對照,此時不須參考原始影像資料即可取出浮水印。實驗證明我們所提出的方法比已經提出之方法優良