615 research outputs found


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    ミヤマシジミ Lycaeides argyrognomon は本州の特産種であり,関東,中部地方を中心に分布している。近 年個体数が減少しており,環境省レッドデータリストでは絶滅危惧Ⅱ類に指定されている。本研究はミヤマ シジミの個体群を回復するために,野外において人工的に定着させる技術の確立を目的として,成虫産卵に よる個体群回復実験を行った。実験は2004年までミヤマシジミが生息していた信州大学農学部構内のコマツ ナギ群落において,2010年に2回実施された。1回目は6月1~4日に産卵ケージを保護区のコマツナギに セットし,第1世代メス成虫に産卵させた。確認された産卵数は176個で,そのうちオス3個体,メス1個体 の計4個体の成虫発生が確認された。卵が産卵された部位は,葉が55.1%,枝が5.7%,側枝が15.3%,芽が 23.9%であった。ついで2回目は7月30日から8月16日の間に第2世代メス成虫に合計702卵をコマツナギに 産卵させた。そのうち発生成虫数は12頭のオスと8頭のメスであった。卵から成虫までの生存率は2.8%で あった。また卵期の死亡要因を調査した結果,60%がタマゴバチTrichograma spp.によって寄生されている ことが分かった。 An endangered butterfly, Lycaeides argyrognomon is a species endemic to Honshu in Japan and is distributed in Kanto and Chubu District.The objective of this study was the establishment of a technique to settle this butterfly in the field conditions artificially.Experiments were carried out twice to reestablish the population of L. argyrognomon at the preservation areas in the campus of Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University where this butterfly had inhabited till 2004. First, adult females laid 176 eggs on the host plants, Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria, from June 1 to 4 in 2010. Out of them, 4 adults (3 males and 1 female)were observed to grow up and to emerge.The survival rate from egg to adult was 2.3 percent.The percentage of eggs laid on leaves,twigs,sprays and buds were 55.1%,5.7%,15.3% and 23.9%,respectively. Second,adult females laid 702 eggs on the host plants from June 30 to August 16 in 2010.Out of them,20 adults (12 males and 8 female)were observed to grow up and to emerge. The survival rate from egg to adult was 2.8 percent. Sixty percent of mortality in the egg stage was caused by egg parasitoid wasps, Trichograma spp.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 9: 39-48(2011)departmental bulletin pape


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    Article環境科学年報34:17-24(2012)research repor


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     We examined the effectiveness of near-infrared spectrophotometry for the nutrient analysis of foods. The energy contents of 18 commercial confectionery products measured by near-infrared spectrophotometry were highly correlated with the values printed on the labels (r=0.9712), suggesting that this method can be used to rapidly determine the energy content of confectionery items. Regarding the nutrient contents of these samples, a high correlation between the measured values and those printed on the labels was observed for fat and carbohydrate, but a large discrepancy was found for protein. The energy and nutrient contents of “kasutera-imo” samples prepared using three different heating methods were determined by near-infrared spectrophotometry, and the values were compared with those obtained using the standard chemical analysis methods. The results showed that the near-infrared spectrophotometric values were within the specified tolerance ranges. These findings suggest that the energy content of confectionery products can be rapidly determined using near-infrared spectrophotometry

    Mount Fuji and the Japanese Mind

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