32 research outputs found

    Obiekty turystyki kulturowej w kontekście zwiększonego ryzyka terrorystycznego: młodzi turyści z Litwy wobec środków bezpieczeństwa

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    Ataki terrorystyczne w popularnych destynacjach turystycznych spowodowały pojawienie się istotnego dylematu, jakim jest znalezienie sposobów ochrony turystów i zapewnienie im odpowiedniej jakości odpoczynku. W artykule została przeprowadzona analiza ważności „miękkich” i „twardych” środków bezpieczeństwa, stosowanych w obiektach turystyki kulturowej, na podstawie przeprowadzonych wśród młodych turystów z Litwy badań ankietowych. Ich wyniki pokazały, że młodzi turyści znają środki bezpieczeństwa, stosowane w miejscach zagrożenia terroryzmem, chcą jednak podróżować bez ograniczeń, w poczuciu wolności, ale także z pewnością, że podróżują bezpiecznie

    Cultural tourism facilities in the context of the increased risk of terrorism: Young tourists from Lithuania and security measures

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    In view of the events that have been taking place in recent years, tourism security issues have become a popular subject in academic research. Terrorism attacks in trendy tourism destinations have raised a significant question: how can the tourist be protected and provided with quality? The article presents an evaluation of the significance of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ security measures used in cultural tourism facilities by young tourists from Lithuania. The research showed that young tourists belong to the group of ‘courageous’ travellers, but their bravery has a limit. Young people want to travel ‘without restrictions’, feeling free, but they also want to know that someone has taken care of their safety

    CEE Millenial Travellers\u27 Attitude Towards Security Measures Applied in Tourism Infrastructure

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    The aim of the paper is to assess the level of Millennial travellers\u27 from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) safety estimated by the importance of the security measures implemented in tourism infrastructure (accommodation facilities and tourist attractions) as a way to provide a safer leisure environment. In addition, the paper examines whether tourists\u27 gender and economic stimulus in the form of reduced travel costs are among the factors which influence the evaluation of the significance of safety measures and the perception of risk. The objective is accomplished through a critical analysis of literature and the survey conducted by the authors among Millennials from Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia. The findings indicate that security measures improve the safety and quality of the tourist experience in respondents from the countries focused on in the survey; however, there are differences in the type of security measures accepted by tourists from individual countries. To have lower travel expenses, they are more willing to accept a lower level of safety during an outbound trip. The research has also revealed that the assessment of security measures varies depending on tourists\u27 gender

    „Wilno – Europejska Stolica Kultury 2009”. Cienie i blaski tytułu

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    Turizmo vadyba: tarptautinio turizmo administravimo įvadas

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    Mykolo Romerio universiteto Politikos ir vadybos fakulteto Strateginio valdymo katedros dėstytojų parengtame mokomajame leidinyje apžvelgti tarptautinio turizmo administravimo pagrindai: pasaulio turizmo raida; turizmo samprata, formos ir rūšys; jo funkcijos ir kultūra; pateikiama turisto samprata; aptarti turizmo ištekliai; turizmo produktai ir paslaugos; turizmo regionai; turizmo administravimas; turizmo praktika

    Security Measures as a Factor in the Competitiveness of Accommodation Facilities

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    The main aim of this article was to assess whether the level of competitiveness of accommodation facilities results from the level of safety and security provided to consumers of these services, measured by the number of security measures applied in them. The authors’ task was to examine the level of concentration of security measures in the accommodation facilities and to assess whether the quality of services measured by the star-rating system provided a higher level of safety and security for customers of the accommodation facilities, measured by the number of security measures applied in them. It was decided to examine whether the level of concentration of security measures at the accommodation facilities was treated by these entities as a factor of their competitiveness.Two locations in Central and Eastern Europe, one in Poland and one in Lithuania, were analyzed.The article calculated the frequency of these measures at the accommodation facilities by type of facility (according to the star-rating system) and type of security measure (as a weighted average) and their concentration using the Herfindahl–Hirscham Index. The results showed that the higher the quality of services provided (more stars), the higher the level of safety and security is ensured. It was also found that a higher level of security was not reflected in the prices of accommodation services

    Tourism in the Era of Covid-19 and Its Impact on the Environment

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all areas of socio-economic life around the world. Its impact concerns not only the health system and the health of the population, but also the economy. Tourism is one of the sectors hardest hit by the restrictions imposed by governments in the wake of the pandemic. The pandemic has resulted in restrictions and limitations on movement and travel, covering both domestic and international tourism, which raises the question of have these restrictions imposed on tourist activities also caused an environmental impact? The aim of this article is to examine what impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the environmental issues within the tourism sector in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. The research task is to investigate whether this impact has changed in the pandemic era compared to previous years, and whether it has been positive or negative. The research method is multiple regression analysis. The results of the study indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions from tourism in all CEE countries. Such decreases are both relative to 2019 and the estimated level of emissions that would be achieved if the countries surveyed achieved economic growth in 2020 consistent with the European Commission's projections for that year. The scale of the impact varies from country to country, while the relationship between tourism development and pollution levels is positive

    Incomes and the Willingness of Students in Poland and Lithuania to Participate in Charitable Activities

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    The article studied the willingness of students in both Poland and Lithuania to participate in charitable activities, ie. the way in which they could help third parties, the frequency of participation in charity events and the reasons for why support for charities is given. The entity of the research, were first-year students studying at Faculty of Economics and Management University of Szczecin in Poland and at the Faculty of Politics and Management at the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius in Lithuania. The aim of the article was to evaluate the willingness of students in Poland and Lithuania to participate in charitable activities, and to examine, using statistical analysis, what the average monthly household income per capita had on their impact to participate. The analysis indicated, that from both countries surveyed the respondents were reluctant to help a third party, and if they did do it, they did it mainly as a result of recommendations by a trusted entity. Besides, it has been indicated that other factors influence the willingness to participate in charitable activities in Poland and Lithuania, and that it is not income

    The Impact of Terrorism on the Tourism Sector of Lithuania

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    Practically every day there are terrorist attacks executed somewhere. For this reason, the need to reveal the impact of terrorism on tourism sector of Lithuania and how well it is ready for this challenge occurs. The analysis of scientific literature and secondary data was used as well as two surveys (qualitative and quantitative) were carried out. Since the possibility of a terrorist attack in Lithuania is trivial, the research focuses on the Lithuanian outbound tourism sector. The survey of interaction between terrorism and tourism and impact of terrorism to tourism in different countries is provided. It is worth emphasising that tourists become the victims of not only preplanned but also of individual terrorist attacks. Events of recent several years have caused the emergence of the terrorist tourism, when people with radical attitudes travel to, e.g., Syria. Despite the various attacks and subsequent dips in tourism the world of travel and hospitality has entered a new era of growth and transformation. The purpose of the research was to identify how Lithuanian tourists and experts perceive dangers and whether this affect their choice of trips and what measures can reduce the impact of terrorist attacks on tourism. Both the Lithuanian tourists and experts understand that the threat from terrorism has been growing, nevertheless the comparison with other surveys can lead to the statement that there is a specific tourist market in Lithuania which is characteristic of courage, inflexibility in terms of price and poor perception of possible threats

    Veiksmingos vadybos gairės: teorinės įžvalgos ir Lietuvos organizacijų atvejai

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    Šiuolaikinės organizacijos patiria nuolatinius iššūkius dėl ekonominės, technologinės, demografinės kaitos pasaulyje. Organizacijos privalo atsižvelgti į daugybę kintamųjų, jei nori sėkmingai plėtoti savo veiklą ilgą laiką. Kuo remdamosi organizacijos fiksuoja valdymo pokyčių būtinybę? Kokie sprendimai leidžia vienoms organizacijoms teigiama prasme išsiskirti kitų tarpe? Kodėl kai kurios organizacijos išlieka avangarde, o pokyčius įgyvendina sėkmingiau nei kitos? Kokios prielaidos ir vadybiniai sprendimai leidžia pasiekti organizacijos tvarumo? Kokius kintamuosius organizacijos laiko svarbiausiais savo veiklos sėkmės veiksniais? Mokslo studijoje „Veiksmingos vadybos gairės: teorinės įžvalgos ir Lietuvos organizacijų atvejai“ ieškoma atsakymų į šiuos klausimus, o atsakymai iliustruojami išplėtotais Lietuvos organizacijų pavyzdžiais. Knyga skirta aukštųjų mokyklų dėstytojams, aukštesniųjų pakopų studentams, įmonių vadovams ir konsultantams. Mokslo studijoje pristatyti realių organizacijų vadybos atvejai leidžia pagilinti ir padeda susisteminti žinias apie organizacijų valdymą