11 research outputs found

    Utjecaj umjetnosti i kulturnog obrazovanja na mišljenja učenika o glazbenoj kulturi - interdisciplinarni projekt

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    In contemporary education, the arts and cultural education provide the possibilities for the development of pupils\u27 creativity, critical thinking and critical attitude towards art and culture. In this respect, we present an interdisciplinary project, based on the implementation of arts and cultural education objectives in didactic units of music education and history, and cooperation between music and history teachers and the composer. The experimental programme was performed in four classes of two Slovenian primary schools. The results of the research confirmed positive effects of the implementation of arts and cultural education regarding the pupils\u27 opinions of musical culture (classical music, musicians, consumerism, musical education and classical music of the 20th century) and the overall popularity of the subjects connected. The example of the designed interdisciplinary project can serve as the guideline for systematic implementation of the arts and culture education in the learning process as well as contribution to raising awareness about the importance of collaboration between schools and artistsU suvremenom obrazovanju umjetnost i kulturno obrazovanje pružaju mogućnost razvoja kreativnosti učenika, kritičkog mišljenja i kritičkog stava prema umjetnosti i kulturi. U tom smislu predstavljamo interdisciplinarni projekt koji se temelji na ostvarivanju ciljeva umjetničkog i kulturnog odgoja u didaktičkim jedinicama glazbenog obrazovanja i povijesti te suradnji između učitelja glazbe i povijesti i skladatelja. Eksperimentalni program izveden je u četiri razreda dviju slovenskih osnovnih škola. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su pozitivne učinke primjene umjetničkog i kulturnog obrazovanja na mišljenje učenika o glazbenoj kulturi (klasična glazba, glazbenici, konzumerizam, glazbeno obrazovanje i klasična glazba 20. stoljeća) i ukupnu popularnost povezanih osoba. Primjer dizajniranog interdisciplinarnog projekta može poslužiti kao smjernica za sustavnu primjenu umjetničkog i kulturnog obrazovanja u procesu učenja te doprinos podizanju svijesti o važnosti suradnje između škola i umjetnika

    Odgojitelji i glazbeno nadarena djeca u slovenskim vrtićima

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    The aim of the present study, which involved preschool teachers, was to explore the area of working with musically gifted children. In particular, we focused on the identification of musically gifted children and monitoring of their musical development, preschool teachers’ competence for working with children, and evaluation of factors important for the development of musically gifted children. Research results showed that the majority of preschool teachers: were able to identify musically gifted children; rarely monitored and documented children’s musical development systematically and did not acquire enough knowledge for working with musically gifted children during their formal and informal education. Among the important factors influencing the development of musically gifted children, preschool teachers pointed out motivation to work with musically gifted children, identification of musically gifted children, cooperation with music experts and parents, and implementation of additional musical activities.Cilj ovog istraživanja, koje je uključivalo odgojitelje u vrtiću, bio je istražiti područje rada s glazbeno nadarenom djecom. Posebno smo se usredotočili na otkrivanje glazbeno nadarene djece i praćenje njihovog glazbenog napretka, kompetencije odgojitelja za rad s djecom i procjenom čimbenika važnih za razvoj glazbeno nadarene djece. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je većina odgojitelja: uspjela otkriti glazbeno nadarenu djecu; rijetko su sustavno pratili i dokumentirali glazbeni napredak djece i nisu stekli dovoljno znanja za rad s glazbeno nadarenom djecom tijekom svog formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja. Među važnim čimbenicima koji utječu na razvoj glazbeno nadarene djece odgojitelji su istaknuli motivaciju za rad s glazbeno nadarenom djecom, otkrivanje glazbeno nadarene djece, suradnju s glazbenim stručnjacima i roditeljima te provedbu dodatnih glazbenih aktivnosti

    building in the goals of culture and arts education

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    V nenehno spreminjajoči se družbi moramo v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja iskati nove poti, ki bodo mladim omogočale graditev kakovostnega znanja. Ena izmed težav, s katerimi se danes spoprijema osnovnošolsko izobraževanje, je nepovezano znanje, ki ga učenci pridobijo na podlagi tradicionalno ločenih šolskih predmetov. S primernim načrtovanjem in z izvedbo didaktičnega pristopa medpredmetnega povezovanja lahko učencem pomagamo pri odkrivanju smiselnih povezav med predmeti, kar omogoča poglobljeno in trajnejše znanje. Pri tem se je treba zavedati, da moramo v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu zagotavljati tudi pristope, ki bodo mladim nudili pomoč pri osebnostni rasti, pri čemer bodo imeli možnost odkrivati svoje lastne ustvarjalne potenciale. Te lahko razvijamo skozi kulturno-umetnostno vzgojo, katere bistvo se odraža prav v njeni interdisciplinarnosti. Namen doktorske disertacije je bil zasnovati in preizkusiti učinke eksperimentalnega programa, ki temelji na medpredmetnem povezovanju glasbene vzgoje in zgodovine ter vključuje cilje in načela kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 76 učencev 9. razreda osnovne šole, ki so bili del primerjalnih skupin. V kontrolni skupini je pouk potekal na podlagi tradicionalnega pristopa, v eksperimentalni skupini pa na didaktičnem pristopu medpredmetnega povezovanja. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili eksperimentalno metodo empirično-analitičnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Izsledki raziskave so potrdili pozitivne učinke programa na stopnjo interesa do klasične glasbe, samoiniciativnost poslušanja klasične glasbe, pomembnost izbranih vrednot (kultura, umetnost, ustvarjalnost, znanje), priljubljenost predmetov glasbena vzgoja in zgodovina, uspešnost učencev pri preizkusih znanj iz glasbene vzgoje in zgodovine ter na mnenje učencev o koristnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja in sodelovanju s skladateljico. Pozitivni učinki programa se prav tako odražajo v izraženih stališčih do glasbene kulture. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine so glede na učence kontrolne skupine višje soglašali s trditvami, da jih klasična glasba sproščada glasbena industrija spodbuja množično porabništvoda iskanje finančnega dobička v glasbi hromi kulturo in umetnostda naj bo glasbenik glasbeno izobraženda glasbena izobrazba poslušalca pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju glasbe in da jim je klasična glasba 20. stoletja všeč. Nižjo stopnjo soglašanja pa so učenci eksperimentalne skupine izrazili do trditev, da naj bo glasbenik tisti, ki rad poje, pleše in je privlačen ter da je klasično glasbo 20. stoletja težko razumeti.In a constantly changing society, the education process must seek new ways to enable young people to build quality knowledge. One of the challenges that primary school education is faced with, is unconnected knowledge which is a result of the traditional division between school subjects. Appropriate planning and implementation of cross-curricular approach to teaching can help students discover meaningful connections between subjects, which enables a more in-depth and long-lasting knowledge. Also, it is necessary to provide approaches within the education process that will help young people in their personal growth and exploitation of their creative potentials. The latter can be developed in arts and cultural education which is interdisciplinary in its essence. The purpose of the doctoral thesis was to design and test the effects of an experimental programme based on interdisciplinarity of music education and history which includes goals and principles of culture and arts education. The study involved 76 ninth class primary school students which formed comparator groups. The lessons in the control group were based on the traditional approach to teaching, while in the experimental group, the interdisciplinary approach was adopted. The research method used was the experimental method of empirical-analytical research. The research results confirmed positive effects of the programme on the level of interest in classical music, self-initiative in listening to classical music, importance of selected values (culture, arts, creativity, knowledge), popularity of music education and history, students’ performance in music education and history examinations, and their opinion about usefulness of interdisciplinarity and cooperation with a composer. Positive effects of the programme are also reflected in the opinions expressed about musical culture. Compared to the students of the control group, students in the experimental group agreed to a higher extent with the following statements: that classical music relaxes them, that musical industry encourages mass consumptionthat the strive for financial profit in music paralyses culture and artsthat a musician should have a certain musical trainingthat musical training of a listener enables a better understanding of musicand that they liked 20th century classical music. The students of the experimental group expressed less agreement with the statements that a musician should be somebody who likes to sing and dance and is attractive, and that 20th century classical music is difficult to understand

    Interdisciplinary approach to music education and history; building in the goals of culture and arts education

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    In a constantly changing society, the education process must seek new ways to enable young people to build quality knowledge. One of the challenges that primary school education is faced with, is unconnected knowledge which is a result of the traditional division between school subjects. Appropriate planning and implementation of cross-curricular approach to teaching can help students discover meaningful connections between subjects, which enables a more in-depth and long-lasting knowledge. Also, it is necessary to provide approaches within the education process that will help young people in their personal growth and exploitation of their creative potentials. The latter can be developed in arts and cultural education which is interdisciplinary in its essence. The purpose of the doctoral thesis was to design and test the effects of an experimental programme based on interdisciplinarity of music education and history which includes goals and principles of culture and arts education. The study involved 76 ninth class primary school students which formed comparator groups. The lessons in the control group were based on the traditional approach to teaching, while in the experimental group, the interdisciplinary approach was adopted. The research method used was the experimental method of empirical-analytical research. The research results confirmed positive effects of the programme on the level of interest in classical music, self-initiative in listening to classical music, importance of selected values (culture, arts, creativity, knowledge), popularity of music education and history, students’ performance in music education and history examinations, and their opinion about usefulness of interdisciplinarity and cooperation with a composer. Positive effects of the programme are also reflected in the opinions expressed about musical culture. Compared to the students of the control group, students in the experimental group agreed to a higher extent with the following statements: that classical music relaxes them, that musical industry encourages mass consumption; that the strive for financial profit in music paralyses culture and arts; that a musician should have a certain musical training; that musical training of a listener enables a better understanding of music; and that they liked 20th century classical music. The students of the experimental group expressed less agreement with the statements that a musician should be somebody who likes to sing and dance and is attractive, and that 20th century classical music is difficult to understand

    Interest of Slovene Students in Listening to Various Musical Genres

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    The aim of the study was to find out which musical genres are young people’s favourite, why they listen to those specific genres and which genres they used to listen to in their childhood together with their parents. The results show that most students‘s favourite genres are pop, rock, RnB and popular folk music. The results confirm that the choice of genres listened to together with parents during childhood affects musical preferences of students

    Načrtovanje ciljev glasbene vzgoje na učnih področjih

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    V sodobni družbi smo vedno bolj izpostavljeni vprašanjem, kako se orientirati v mnoštvu informacij, katere vrednote in kakšno znanje omogočajo preživetje in višjo kakovost življenja ter kako to dosegati. Namesto vprašanja, kaj poučevati, se zato danes pogosteje sprašujemo, kakšno znanje in čemu

    Arts and cultural education in Slovenian primary schools

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    Arts and cultural education in Slovenian primary school