17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of software development success considering the impact of organizational characteristics

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    In the software development process, there are delays, failures, rejections and abandoned projects, so there is a clear need for the improvement of this process. The models for assessing the success of software development focus primarily on technical aspects of quality, which is not sufficient for comprehensive insight. The goal of the master's thesis is to fill the gap in the field of software development methodologies evaluation with the model that in performance assessment considers also the organizational characteristics of the company. The model was tested with an empirical study resulting in the confirmation of the basic hypothesis regarding the impact of organizational characteristics on the software development process. The findings and key suggestions for improving the fit between organizational characteristics and the work process were presented to the management of the companies involved in the study. Their responses have confirmed the usefulness of the developed model

    Teaching children how to program using Raspberry Pi

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    Raspberry Pi is a lightweight and inexpensive computer the size of a credit card. It is an excellent tool for encouraging computer curiosity in children and teaching them to program. We have created educational activities using Raspberry Pi aimed for learning the basics of programming for children aged between 8 and 13. We used the programming language and environment ScratchGPIO that is based on the programming language and environment Scratch created for teaching programming to elementary school children. Scratch uses blocks that eliminate unnecessary difficulties encountered by novice programmers, while the interactivity and appearance of the environment attracts the children. Prepared activities stimulate logical thinking, teach basic programming constructs and encourage creativity

    Training at the Police Directorate Maribor

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    Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je predstaviti organiziranost usposabljanja slovenskih policistov in podati rezultate raziskave o ustreznosti usposabljanja ter o prilagojenosti usposabljanj razmeram in spremembam v družbi. V prispevku je prikazano, kako se usposabljanja izvajajo v praksi in kakšno je mnenje zaposlenih na Policijski upravi Maribor o sistemu usposabljanja. Na koncu so podani tudi predlogi izboljšav obstoječega stanja. Metode: Empirična raziskava o mnenju policistov o sistemu usposabljanja je bila opravljena v letu 2014 na vzorcu 328 policistov Policijske uprave Maribor. Kvantitativna analiza pridobljenih podatkov je bila izvedena s pomočjo programskega paketa SPSS. Na koncu so bili podani odgovori na raziskovalna vprašanja. Ugotovitve: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so policisti motivirani za usposabljanja, da si želijo več usposabljanj in da menijo, da jim usposabljanja pomagajo pri opravljanju dela. Potrjena je bila domneva, da se policisti določenih usposabljanj ne morejo udeležiti, kljub želji, kar nakazuje, da usposabljanja v policiji niso najbolj ustrezno načrtovana. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Raziskava je bila opravljena na dovolj velikem in reprezentativnem vzorcu policistov, da lahko rezultate posplošimo na celotno populacijo Policijske uprave Maribor. Da bi dobili pregled nad problematiko za celo Slovenijo, bi bilo smiselno raziskavo opraviti na več policijskih upravah v Sloveniji. Praktična uporabnost: Ugotovitve raziskave so uporabne pri načrtovanju usposabljanj v policiji. Na podlagi podanih ugotovitev bi bilo smiselno prilagoditi sistem usposabljanja. Več pozornosti bi bilo potrebno posvetiti tako ugotavljanju potreb po usposabljanjih kot tudi sami izvedbi usposabljanj. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Prispevek predstavlja ugotovitve raziskave o zadovoljstvu policistov s sistemom usposabljanja in njihovem mnenju o uporabnosti v praksi in s tem nadgrajuje dosedanja znanja s tega področja.Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to present the organization of training methods in the Slovenian police force as well as to display the results of research on the adequacy and adaptation of training conditions, which consequently bring changes in society. The paper reveals the transition from training to practice and the opinion of staff at the Police Directorate Maribor on the training system. The improvements to this issue are proposed at the end of the study. Design/Methods/Approach: An empirical research on the opinion of the police training system was conducted in 2014 on a sample of 328 police officers of the Police Directorate Maribor. Quantitative analysis of the obtained data was performed using SPSS. In the end, answers to the research questions were given. Findings: The results reveal that the police officers are motivated and want more training. Furthermore, they believe that training lessons contribute to their work performance. The presumption, that certain police officers can not attend the training despite the wishes, was confirmed and that shows that the trainings in the police are not appropriated planned. Research Limitations / Implications: The survey conducted on a sufficiently large sample of police officers, indicates the results can be generalized to the entire population of the Police Directorate Maribor. To get an overview of the problem in the entire country, it would be reasonable to carry out a research in several police departments in Slovenia. Practical Implications: The research findings are useful in designing of police training policies/ schedules. Based on the results of the conducted research it would be reasonable to adjust the training system. More attention should be paid to identifying training needs as well as to the implementation of training itself. Originality/Value: This paper presents the conclusions of a survey on police officers’ satisfaction with police training systems and their opinion about its practical efficiency/ applicability in practice and thus contributes to the already existing knowledge in this field

    Inovacije in vseživljenjsko učenje v trajnostni organizaciji

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    Innovation and knowledge are two of key factors for sustainable development of company or organization. Particularly in the current period of economic crisis it is crucial to promote lifelong learning and creativity to contribute innovative solutions to various problems. Lifelong learning makes a significant contribution to awareness of the importance of innovation and creativity for sustainable development of organization. In this paper we explore if respondents from Slovenian companies think that innovation and lifelong learning is important for sustainable development of company. Presented are the results of a survey conducted in 67 large and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia where we upon respondents\u27 judgment examine the correlation between the innovativeness level and lifelong learning, investing in innovativeness and competitive advantage and the promotion of lifelong learning and competitive advantage of the organization. Also the answers to the questions if lifelong learning contributes to the sustainable development of organization and if more the organization takes care of sustainable development the bigger is its competitive advantage before equal bidders are given.Inovativnost in znanje sta dva izmed ključnih elementov za napredek podjetja ali organizacije. Še posebej v trenutnem obdobju gospodarske krize je ključno, da se spodbujata ustvarjalnost in inovativnost, saj prispevata k inovativnim rešitvam različnih problemov. H krepitvi zavedanja o pomenu inovacij in ustvarjalnosti pri trajnostnem razvoju organizacije pomembno prispeva vseživljenjsko učenje. V tem prispevku sva raziskali kakšno pomembnost zaposleni iz slovenskih podjetij pripisujejo inovacijam in vseživljenjskemu učenju za trajnostni razvoj podjetja. V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, izvedene v 67 velikih in srednje velikih podjetij v Sloveniji, s katero sva na podlagi ocen anketirancev preučili povezavo med stopnjo inovativnosti in vseživljenjskega učenja, vlaganjem v inovativnost in konkurenčno prednostjo podjetja ter spodbujanjem vseživljenjskega učenja in konkurenčne prednosti organizacije. Predstavljeni so tudi odgovori na vprašanja, ali vseživljenjsko učenje prispeva k trajnostnemu razvoju organizacije in ali večja skrb organizacije za njen trajnostni razvoj vpliva na njeno konkurenčno prednost v primerjavi z enakimi ponudniki na trgu

    The function of humor in fine arts

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    There are many functions of humour in visual art. Humour affacts the way we perceive an artwork and makes us think. When it empowers the members of the audience and connects them we are talking about relational art. Humour can establish the distance that enables us to see a certain problem from a different perspective. Art critics often disregard and not aknowledge the humorous side of an artwork, describing it instead. Humour in relation with satire is the key for social criticism. With recognition of different functions of humour, we can better understand its power and use it more effectively in visual art. Only quality humour can overpower the widespread entertainment of western culture and add a special value to an artwork

    Teaching children how to program using Raspberry Pi

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    Raspberry Pi is a lightweight and inexpensive computer the size of a credit card. It is an excellent tool for encouraging computer curiosity in children and teaching them to program. We have created educational activities using Raspberry Pi aimed for learning the basics of programming for children aged between 8 and 13. We used the programming language and environment ScratchGPIO that is based on the programming language and environment Scratch created for teaching programming to elementary school children. Scratch uses blocks that eliminate unnecessary difficulties encountered by novice programmers, while the interactivity and appearance of the environment attracts the children. Prepared activities stimulate logical thinking, teach basic programming constructs and encourage creativity

    Evaluation of software development success considering the impact of organizational characteristics

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    Pri razvoju programske opreme prihaja do zamud, neuspehov, zavrnitev in opuščanja projektov, zato se poraja težnja po izboljšanju tega procesa. V strokovni literaturi se modeli ocenjevanja uspešnosti razvoja programske opreme večinoma osredotočajo na tehnične vidike kakovosti, kar za celosten vpogled ne zadostuje. Cilj magistrskega dela je zapolniti vrzel na področju vrednotenja metodologij razvoja programske opreme z modelom, ki pri ocenjevanju uspešnosti vključuje tudi skladnost z organizacijskimi karakteristikami podjetja. Definirali smo ključne organizacijske karakteristike in razvili model, ki celostno ocenjuje uspešnost razvoja. Model smo preizkusili z empirično študijo in na podlagi analize rezultatov potrdili osnovno hipotezo vpliva organizacijskih karakteristik na proces razvoja programske opreme. Ugotovitve in ključne predloge za izboljšavo skladnosti organizacijskih karakteristik in procesa dela smo predstavili vodstvu podjetij, vključenih v študijo, in na podlagi njihovih odzivov potrdili koristnost razvitega modela.In the software development process, there are delays, failures, rejections and abandoned projects, so there is a clear need for the improvement of this process. The models for assessing the success of software development focus primarily on technical aspects of quality, which is not sufficient for comprehensive insight. The goal of the master\u27s thesis is to fill the gap in the field of software development methodologies evaluation with the model that in performance assessment considers also the organizational characteristics of the company. The model was tested with an empirical study resulting in the confirmation of the basic hypothesis regarding the impact of organizational characteristics on the software development process. The findings and key suggestions for improving the fit between organizational characteristics and the work process were presented to the management of the companies involved in the study. Their responses have confirmed the usefulness of the developed model

    Teaching children how to program using Raspberry Pi

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    Raspberry Pi je lahek in poceni računalnik v velikosti kreditne kartice. Je odličen pripomoček za spodbujanje računalniške radovednosti pri otrocih in učenje programiranja. Naredili smo poučne naloge z Raspberry Pijem, namenjene učenju osnov programiranja za otroke stare med 8 in 13 let. Uporabili smo programski jezik in okolje ScratchGPIO, ki temelji na programskem jeziku in okolju Scratch, ustvarjenemu za učenje programiranja osnovnošolskih otrok. Scratchevo blokovno programiranje odpravlja nepotrebne težave, s katerimi se srečajo programerji začetniki, hkrati pa je interaktivnost in izgled okolja otrokom zelo všeč. Pripravljene aktivnosti razvijajo logično razmišljanje, spoznajo otroke z osnovnimi konstrukti programiranja in spodbujajo kreativnost.Raspberry Pi is a lightweight and inexpensive computer the size of a credit card. It is an excellent tool for encouraging computer curiosity in children and teaching them to program. We have created educational activities using Raspberry Pi aimed for learning the basics of programming for children aged between 8 and 13. We used the programming language and environment ScratchGPIO that is based on the programming language and environment Scratch created for teaching programming to elementary school children. Scratch uses blocks that eliminate unnecessary difficulties encountered by novice programmers, while the interactivity and appearance of the environment attracts the children. Prepared activities stimulate logical thinking, teach basic programming constructs and encourage creativity