22 research outputs found

    The correlation of ultrasound characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis and the presence of cardiometabolic risk factors in the patients with ischemic stroke

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    UVOD: Ateroskleroza je najčešća bolest karotidnih arterija i uzrok je oko 20% svih ishemijskih moždanih udara (IMU). Osim stepena stenoze i određene karakteristike karotidnog plaka označavaju povišen rizik za IMU. Ultrazvukom je moguće pouzdano evaluirati aterosklerotske promene na karotidnim arterijama. Iako su faktori rizika (FR) za aterosklerozu istovremeno i FR za IMU, prisustvo identičnih FR kod pacijenata sa IMU, ne znači i prisustvo istog stepena ateroskleroze na karotidnim arterijama. CILJ: Utvrđivanje povezanosti pojedinih ultrazvučnih karakteristika karotidne ateroskleroze, sa prisustvom različitih kardiometaboličkih FR i njihovih biomarkera, kod pacijenata sa IMU. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 120 pacijenata sa nekardioembolijskim IMU u karotidnom slivu koji su podeljeni u dve grupe; 60 sa lakunarnim i 60 sa nelakunarnim infarktom mozga. Svim pacijentima je određivano prisustvo FR, kao što su hipertenzija, dijabetes, hiperlipoproteinemija, pušenje, gojaznost, metabolički sindrom, hiperhomocisteinemija i inflamacija. Beležene su vrednosti krvnog pritiska, glikemije, glikoliziranog hemoglobina, parametara lipidskog statusa, apolipoproteina (Apo) A-I i B, lipoproteina a, indeksa telesne mase (BMI), homocisteina, C reaktivnog proteina (CRP). Pomoću karotidnog dupleks ultrazvuka određivane su vrednosti intima-medijalnog zadebljanja (IMT), morfologija plaka, površina plaka, stepen stenoze. Demografske karakteristike, FR i njihovi biomarkeri, te ultrazvučne karakteristike karotidne ateroskleroze, poređene su između dve grupe pacijenata. Korišćeni su hi-kvadrat test i t-test. Korelacije FR i vrednosti njihovih biomarkera sa različitim karakteristikama karotidnog plaka, određivane su upotrebom Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije r i Kramerovog V. Upotrebom regresionih analiza ispitivan je prediktivni značaj određenih FR i njihovih biomarkera u pojavi pojedinih karakteristika karotidnog plaka. REZULTATI: Više pacijenata sa lakunarnim infarktom je imalo hipertenziju (98.3% naspram 85%; p=0.021). Pacijenti sa lakunarnim infarktom imali su veće vrednosti BMI (27.6 kg/m2 naspram 25.9 kg/m2; p=0.029), dok su pacijenti sa nelakunarnim infarktom imali veće vrednosti CRP (16.4 mg/l naspram 6.8 mg/l; p=0.001). Demografske karakteristike, ostali FR i njihovi biomarkeri, kao i vrednosti karotidnog IMT se nisu značajno razlikovali između dve grupe pacijenata. Pacijenti sa nelakunarnim infarktom su imali veći stepen karotidne stenoze (79.7% naspram 33.2%; p=0,0001), kao i češće prisustvo heterogenog plaka (73.3% naspram 35%; p<0,001), hipoehogenog plaka (51.7% naspram 16.7%; p<0.001) i neravnog plaka (81.7% naspram 21.7%; p<0,001). Sa vrednostima IMT značajno (p<0.05) su korelirali životna dob pacijenata (r=0.276), dijabetes (Cramerovo V=0.236), metabolički sindrom (Cramerovo V=0.247), HDL holesterol (r=-0.254), LDL/HDL (r=0.306), ApoA-I (r=-0.386) i ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.359). Sa prisustvom heterogenog plaka su korelirali metabolički sindrom (Cramerovo V=0.246), ApoB (r=0.213), ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.207) i povišen CRP (Cramerovo V=0.266). Sa neravnom površinom plaka značajno je korelirao povišen CRP (Cramerovo V=0.283). Sa stepenom stenoze značajno su korelirali BMI (r=-0.180) i povišen CRP (Cramerovo V=0.301). Nezavisni prediktori povišenih vrednosti IMT bili su starija životna dob pacijenata (β=0.230; p=0.006), ApoA-I (β=-0.244; p=0.008) i ApoB/ApoA-I (β=0.247; p=0.007). Prediktori prisustva heterogenog plaka bili su muški pol (p=0.011; OR=3.425), ApoB (p=0.007; OR=8.972), BMI (p=0.0001; OR=0.380), metabolički sindrom (p=0.003; OR=4.555) i povišen CRP (p=0.018; OR=2.800). Prediktori prisustva hipoehogenog plaka bili su ApoB (p<0.001; OR=29.2), BMI (p=0.02; OR=0.514), metabolički sindrom (p<0.001; OR=9.224) i povišen CRP (p=0.046; OR=2.659). Povišen CRP bio je jedini prediktor prisustva neravnog plaka (p=0.002; OR=3.203), kao i prisustva većeg stepene karotidne stenoze (β=0.270; p=0.002). ZAKLJUČAK: Iako je karotidna stenoza znatno zastupljenija među pacijenatima sa nelakunarnim nego lakunarnim nekardioembolijskim IMU, prisustvo kardiometaboličkih FR, njihovih biomarkera i vrednosti IMT se bitno ne razlikuje između ove dve grupe pacijenata. Osim stenoze i prisustvo heterogenog, hipoehogenog i neravnog karotidnog plaka nosi povišen rizik za IMU. Među FR i njihovim biomarkerima ApoA-I i ApoB su najbolji prediktori karotidne ateroskleroze. Apolipoprotein B i metabolički sindrom su najjače povezani sa prisustvom heterogenog i hipoehogenog plaka. Povišen CRP kod pacijenata sa akutnim IMU može biti znak destabilizacije plaka i ukazivati na prisustvo signifikantne karotidne stenoze.INTRODUCTION: Atherosclerosis is the most common disease of carotid arteries, causing 20% of all ischemic strokes. Besides the degree of stenosis, certain characteristics of carotid plaques indicate an increased risk for stroke. Carotid ultrasound can reliably evaluate atherosclerotic changes in carotid arteries. Although the risk factors for atherosclerosis are the same as the risk factors for stroke, the presence of identical risk factors in patients with stroke does not necessarily mean the presence of the same degree of carotid atherosclerosis. AIM: To determine correlation of certain characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis detected by ultrasound with the presence of various cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with ischemic stroke. METHODS: The study included 120 patients with noncardioembolic ischemic stroke in the anterior circulation, who were divided into two groups; 60 with lacunar and 60 with nonlacunar brain infarction. The presence of cardiometabolic risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipoproteinemia, smoking, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hyperhomocysteinemia, and inflammation, was evaluated in all patients. Data regarding blood pressure, glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, lipid status parameters, apolipoprotein (ApoAI and ApoB), lipoprotein a, body mass index (BMI), homocysteine, and C-reactive protein (CRP) were collected. Intima-media thickness (IMT), carotid plaque characteristics (morphology, surface) and the degree of stenosis were determined by carotid duplex ultrasound. Demographic characteristics, risk factors, biomarkers, as well as ultrasound characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis, were compared between patients with lacunar and nonlacunar stroke. Two-sample student t-test and χ2 test were used for comparisons. In order to assess the correlation of various risk factors and their biomarkers with different characteristics of carotid plaques, we used the Pearson correlation coefficient r and Cramer's V. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the association of risk factors and their biomarkers with various carotid atherosclerosis characteristics. RESULTS: More patients with lacunar stroke had hypertension (98.3% vs. 85%; p=0.021). Patients with lacunar stroke had higher BMI values (27.6 kg/m2 vs. 25.9 kg/m2; p=0.029), while patients with nonlacunar stroke had higher CRP values (16.4 mg/l vs. 6.8 mg/l; p=0.001). Demographic characteristics, other risk factors and their biomarkers, as well as carotid IMT were not significantly different between the two groups of patients. Patients with nonlacunar stroke had a higher degree of carotid stenosis (79.7% vs. 33.2%; p=0.0001) and a higher prevalence of heterogeneous plaques (73.3% vs. 35%; p<0.001), hypoechogenic plaques (51.7% vs. 16.7%; p<0.001), and plaques with irregular surface (81.7% vs. 21.7%; p<0,001). IMT was significantly (p<0.05) correlated with the age of patients (r=0.276), diabetes (Cramer’s V=0.236), metabolic syndrome (Cramer’s V=0.247), HDL cholesterol (r=-0.254), LDL/HDL (r=0.306), ApoA-I (r=-0.386) and ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.359). The presence of a heterogeneous plaque was correlated with metabolic syndrome (Cramer’s V=0.246) ApoB (r=0.213), ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.207) and elevated CRP (Cramer’s V=0.266). A plaque with irregular surface was correlated with elevated CRP (Cramer’s V=0.283). The degree of carotid stenosis was correlated with BMI (r=-0.180) and elevated CRP (Cramer’s V=0.301). The independent predictors of higher values of IMT were older age (β=0.230; p=0.006), ApoA-I (β=-0.244; p=0.008), and ApoB/ApoA-I (β=0.247; p=0.007). The predictors of the presence of a heterogeneous plaque were male gender (p=0.011; OR=3.425), ApoB (p=0.007; OR=8.972), BMI (p=0.0001; OR=0.380), metabolic syndrome (p=0.003; OR=4.555) and elevated CRP (p=0.018; OR=2.800). The predictors of the presence of a hypoechogenic plaque were ApoB (p<0.001; OR=29.2), BMI (p=0.02; OR=0.514), metabolic syndrome (p<0.001; OR=9.224) and elevated CRP (p=0.046; OR=2.659). Elevated CRP was the only independent predictor of a plaque with irregular surface (p=0.002; OR=3.203) and of a higher degree of carotid stenosis (β=0.270; p=0.002). CONCULSIONS: Although carotid stenosis is significantly more pronounced in patients with nonlacunar than those with lacunar noncardioembolic ischemic stroke, cardiometabolic risk factors, their biomarkers and carotid IMT do not differ significantly between the two groups of patients. In addition to stenosis, a presence of heterogeneous, hypoechogenic and irregular-surface carotid plaques indicates an increased risk for ischemic nonlacunar stroke. Among the cardiometabolic risk factors and their biomarkers, ApoAI and ApoB have the strongest association with carotid atherosclerosis. Apolipoprotein B and metabolic syndrome have the strongest association with a heterogeneous and hypoechogenic carotid plaque. Elevated CRP in patients with acute ischemic stroke may be a sign of carotid plaque destabilization and can indicate a significant carotid stenosis

    Morfološke karakteristike interspecies hibrida sirka i sudanske trave u uslovima intenzivne ishrane azotom

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    The object of this study was a two-year trial (2009 and 2010) regarding variability of morphological characteristics of species belonging to Sorghum genus, more specifically interspecies hybrid between sorghum and Sudan grass Siloking as affected by different applications of nitrogen. The following morphological characteristics were analysed: plant height, number of leaves, leaf ratio, stem ratio, and number of shoots. Samples were taken from the first cut when the effect of the applied nitrogen doses was the strongest. The results showed that increasing nitrogen quantities significantly affected the tested morphological characteristics, especially the intensity of tillering (increased number of secondary stems), number of the formed leaves, and ratio of leaf weight in the total above-ground biomass. The effect of applied nitrogen depended on the weather conditions, i.e. distribution of precipitation, so that plants reached maximum height when 105 kg N ha-1 was applied in the dry year and 180 kg N ha-1 in the wet year.Predmet ove studije su dvogodišnja istraživanja (2009. i 2010.) varijabilnosti morfoloških osobina vrste roda Sorghum interspecies hibrida sirka i sudanske trave Siloking zavisno od upotrebljenih količina azota. Analizirane su morfološke osobine: visina biljka, broj listova, udeo lista, udeo stabla, broj izdanaka, a uzorci su uzimani iz prvog otkosa kada je i efekat upotrebljenih azotnih hraniva bio najveći. Rezultati su pokazali da rastuće količine azota značajno utiču na ispitivane morfološke osobine posebno na intenzitet bokorenja (povećanje broja sekundarnih stabala), broj formiranih listova, kao i udeo lisne mase u ukupnoj nadzemnoj biomasi. Efekat upotrebljenog azota zavisio je od vremenskih uslova, odnosno od rasporeda padavina, te su biljke dostigle najveću visinu u varijanti sa primenjenih 105 kg ha-1 azota u sušnoj, a u varijanti sa 180 kg ha-1 u vlažnoj godini

    Prediktori ranog nastupa depresije nakon moždanog udara

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    Post-stroke depression (PSD) is a severe and frequent stroke complication and one of the crucial factors for the outcome of rehabilitation and life quality after stroke. However, mood disorders frequently remain unnoticed and therefore untreated. The aim of the study was to examine all the potential risk factors and determine the independent predictors of early-onset depression after first-ever stroke, which would help identify high-risk patients, establish early diagnosis and timely treatment that would improve the course and prognosis of this disorder. This prospective study included 60 patients treated for their first-ever stroke; there were 30 patients diagnosed with depression and 30 patients without depression. The study included collection and analysis of all socio-demographic and clinical risk factors for PSD. Testing was performed two weeks after stroke. Depression was diagnosed according to the Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview, DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, and depression severity was quantified by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Cognitive impairment was assessed by the Mini Mental State Examination. Neurological deficit was assessed by the US National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Our results showed that the independent predictors of early-onset depression after stroke were previous depressive episodes, cognitive dysfunction, and more severe neurological deficit.Depresija nakon moždanog udara je teška i česta komplikacija moždanog udara i jedan od ključnih čimbenika za ishod rehabilitacije i kvalitetu života nakon moždanog udara. Međutim, poremećaji raspoloženja ostaju najčešće neprepoznati, a samim tim i neliječeni. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati sve potencijalne čimbenike rizika i utvrditi nezavisne prediktore depresije koja se javlja rano nakon moždanog udara, a koji bi omogućili identifikaciju visokorizičnih bolesnika, postavljanje rane dijagnoze i pravodobno liječenje, što bi unaprijedilo tijek i prognozu ove bolesti. Prospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 60 bolesnika liječenih zbog klinički prvog moždanog udara, od toga 30 bolesnika s dijagnosticiranom depresijom i 30 bolesnika bez depresije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo podatke o svim socio-demografskim i kliničkim čimbenicima rizika za nastanak depresije nakon moždanog udara. Testiranja su provedena dva tjedna nakon moždanog udara. Depresija je dijagnosticirana prema Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview, DSM-IV dijagnostičkim kriterijima, težina depresije kvantificirana je Hamiltonovom ljestvicom za procjenu depresivnosti (HDRS). Kognitivni status procjenjivao se pomoću Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Neurološki status se procjenjivao pomoću Ljestvice za moždani udar Nacionalnog instituta za zdravlje, SAD (NIHSS). Rezultati našega istraživanja ukazuju na to da su nezavisni prediktori ranog nastupa depresije nakon moždanog udara ranije depresivne epizode, kognitivne disfunkcije i teži neurološki deficit

    Glavobolja i afazija u mlade žene s nedostatkom proteina S i nefrotskim sindromom

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    We present sequential brain imaging findings in a young woman who while being evaluated for a newly discovered nephrotic syndrome developed headache followed by aphasia. The patient’s symptoms were due to cerebral venous thrombosis in the setting of protein S deficiency and oral contraception.Predstavljamo sekvencijski nalaz slikovnog prikaza mozga mlade žene kod koje je tijekom kliničke evaluacije novootkrivenog nefrotskog sindroma došlo do pojave glavobolje praćene afazijom. Simptomi su bili uzrokovani cerebralnom venskom trombozom koja se razvila uslijed nedostatka proteina S i uporabe oralnih kontraceptiva

    The Effect of Bowl-In-Piston Geometry Layout on Fluid Flow Pattern

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    In this paper some results concerning the evolution of 3-D fluid flow pattern through all four strokes in combustion chambers with entirely different bowl-in-piston geometry layouts ranging from omega to simple cylinder were presented. All combustion chambers i. e. those with omega bowls, with different profiles, and those with cylinder bowls, with different squish area ranging from 44% to 62%, were with flat head, vertical valves, and identical elevation of intake and exhaust ports. A bunch of results emerged by dint of multidimensional modeling of non-reactive fluid flow in arbitrary geometry with moving objects and boundaries. The fluid flow pattern during induction and compression in all cases was extremely complicated and entirely 3-D. It should be noted that significant differences due to geometry of the bowl were encountered only in the vicinity of top dead centre. Namely, in the case of omega bowl all three types of organized macro flows were observed while in the case of cylinder bowl no circumferential velocity was registered at all. On the contrary, in the case of cylinder bowl some interesting results concerning reverse tumble and its center of rotation shifting from exhaust valve zone to intake valve zone during induction stroke and vice-verse from intake valve zone to exhaust valve zone during compression were observed while in the case of omega bowl no such a displacement was legible. During expansion the fluid flow pattern is fully controlled by piston motion and during exhaust it is mainly 1-D, except in the close proximity of exhaust valve. For that reason it is not affected by the geometry of the bowl

    Uticaj pojačane ishrane azotom na produkciju nekih biljnih vrsta roda Sorghum

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    This paper presents the variability of morphological traits of three genotypes: NS Džin (forage sorghum), Zora (Sudan grass) and Siloking (interspecies hybrid) depending on the nitrogen rates used for supplementary plant nutrition in 2007 and 2008. The following parameters were observed: plant height, leaf weight, stem weight, as well as, the proportion of leaves. The obtained results show significant variations in observed traits among genotypes. Nitrogen used in plant nutrition positively affected the increase in total biomass and leaf participation in it. This parameter is of interest to manufacturers of animal feed. Sorghums are plants with a good root system, strong suction power and plants that well adopt unused nitrogen salts that are used for crop nutrition. The increase in the effect of nitrogen rates is mainly affected by the precipitation sum and distribution. According to the two-year averages, Siloking genotype gave the highest total green biomass, leaf weight was greatest in the genotype NS Džin, while the leaf proportion of a genotype Zora was greatest. The effect of nitrogen depended on the weather conditions, or the precipitation distribution, so the optimum nitrogen rate in both years was 105 kg N ha-1. .U radu su proučavane varijabilnosti morfoloških osobina tri genotipa NS-džin (krmni sirak), zora (sudanska trava) i siloking (interspecijes hibrid) u zavisnosti od upotrebljenih količina azota za dopunsku ishranu biljaka tokom 2007. i 2008. godine. Ispitivani su sledeći parametri: visina biljaka, masa lista, masa stabla, kao i udeo listova u ukupnoj biomasi. Rezultati su pokazali da između genotipova postoje značajna variranja u ispitivanim svojstvima. Azot upotrebljen u ishrani biljaka je pozitivno uticao na povećanje ukupne biomase i učešća listova u njoj. Ovaj parametar je od interesa za proizvođače stočne hrane. Sirak je biljka snažnog korenovog sistema dobre usisne moći i koja dobro usvaja neiskorišćene azotne soli koje su upotrebljene za ishranu preduseva. Na povećanje efekta upotrebljenog azota veliki uticaj imaju količine i raspored padavina. U dvogodišnjem proseku genotip siloking je dao najveću ukupnu zelenu biomasu, najveća masa listova bila je kod genotipa NS džin, dok je kod genotipa zora udeo lisne mase bio najveći. Efekat upotrebljenog azota zavisio je od vremenskih uslova, odnosno od rasporeda padavina, tako da je u obe godine optimalna količina bila 105 kg ha-1.

    Vitamin D3 Stimulates Proliferation Capacity, Expression of Pluripotency Markers, and Osteogenesis of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells, Partly through SIRT1 Signaling

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    The biology of vitamin D3 is well defined, as are the effects of its active metabolites on various cells, including mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs). However, the biological potential of its precursor, cholecalciferol (VD3), has not been sufficiently investigated, although its significance in regenerative medicine—mainly in combination with various biomaterial matrices—has been recognized. Given that VD3 preconditioning might also contribute to the improvement of cellular regenerative potential, the aim of this study was to investigate its effects on bone marrow (BM) MSC functions and the signaling pathways involved. For that purpose, the influence of VD3 on BM-MSCs obtained from young human donors was determined via MTT test, flow cytometric analysis, immunocytochemistry, and qRT-PCR. Our results revealed that VD3, following a 5-day treatment, stimulated proliferation, expression of pluripotency markers (NANOG, SOX2, and Oct4), and osteogenic differentiation potential in BM-MSCs, while it reduced their senescence. Moreover, increased sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expression was detected upon treatment with VD3, which mediated VD3-promoted osteogenesis and, partially, the stemness features through NANOG and SOX2 upregulation. In contrast, the effects of VD3 on proliferation, Oct4 expression, and senescence were SIRT1-independent. Altogether, these data indicate that VD3 has strong potential to modulate BM-MSCs’ features, partially through SIRT1 signaling, although the precise mechanisms merit further investigation

    Suša - limitirajući faktoru proizvodnji soje; efekat navodnjavanja na prinos soje - Glycine max

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    Stress caused by the drought is the most serious limiting factor in soybean production. Abiotic stress in soybeans cause: water deficit and nutrition and high temperature. The effects of adverse climatic factors, temperature extremes and deficit of precipitation on crop production can be reduced by selecting tolerant varieties, early planting and proper production technology. In the experimental study, the soybean grain yield and protein yield and oil cultivars Galina were examined, in an organic cropping system, the natural water regime and irrigation conditions. Average yields of soybeans ranged from 3,560 kg ha-1 (natural water regime) up to 4502 kg ha-1 (irrigation). In irrigated conditions, grain yield and protein yield was significantly higher than in the variant without irrigation. Research shows that the average increase in grain yield (26.46%) and protein yield (26.18%) in the variant with irrigation were achieved. Oil yield was higher in varieties with irrigation compared to natural water regime but the difference was not significant. Irrigation is desirable effective measure in soybean production in drought years and is a prerequisite for economically profitable soybean production.Stres izazvan sušom je najozbiljniji limitirajući faktor u proizvodnji soje. Abiotički stres kod soje izazivaju: deficit vode i ishrane i visoke temperature. Efekti nepovoljnih klimatskih faktora, temperatura i njenih ekstrema i deficit padavina, na biljnu proizvodnju mogu se ublažiti izborom tolerantnih sorti, ranijom setvom i pravilnom tehnologijom proizvodnje. U eksperimentalnim istraživanjima ispitivan je prinosi zrna soje i prinosi proteina i ulja, NS sorte Galina, u organskom sistemu gajenja, u prirodnom vodnom režimu i u uslovima navodnjavanja. Prosečni prinosi zrna soje varirali su od 3.560 kg ha-1 (prirodni vodni režim) do 4.502 kg ha-1 (u navodnjavanju). U uslovima navodnjavanja, prinos zrna i prinos proteina bio je signifikantno viši u odnosu na varijantu bez navodnjavanja. Istraživanja pokazuju da je ostvareno prosečno povećanje prinosa zrna od 26,46 % i prinosa proteina od 26,18 % u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem. Prinos ulja bio viši u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem u odnosu na prirodni vodni režim ali razlika nije bila signifikantna. Navodnjavanje je poželjna agrotehnička mera u proizvodnji soje u sušnoj godini i preduslov je za ekonomski isplativu proizvodnju soje

    Suša - limitirajući faktoru proizvodnji soje; efekat navodnjavanja na prinos soje - Glycine max

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    Stress caused by the drought is the most serious limiting factor in soybean production. Abiotic stress in soybeans cause: water deficit and nutrition and high temperature. The effects of adverse climatic factors, temperature extremes and deficit of precipitation on crop production can be reduced by selecting tolerant varieties, early planting and proper production technology. In the experimental study, the soybean grain yield and protein yield and oil cultivars Galina were examined, in an organic cropping system, the natural water regime and irrigation conditions. Average yields of soybeans ranged from 3,560 kg ha-1 (natural water regime) up to 4502 kg ha-1 (irrigation). In irrigated conditions, grain yield and protein yield was significantly higher than in the variant without irrigation. Research shows that the average increase in grain yield (26.46%) and protein yield (26.18%) in the variant with irrigation were achieved. Oil yield was higher in varieties with irrigation compared to natural water regime but the difference was not significant. Irrigation is desirable effective measure in soybean production in drought years and is a prerequisite for economically profitable soybean production.Stres izazvan sušom je najozbiljniji limitirajući faktor u proizvodnji soje. Abiotički stres kod soje izazivaju: deficit vode i ishrane i visoke temperature. Efekti nepovoljnih klimatskih faktora, temperatura i njenih ekstrema i deficit padavina, na biljnu proizvodnju mogu se ublažiti izborom tolerantnih sorti, ranijom setvom i pravilnom tehnologijom proizvodnje. U eksperimentalnim istraživanjima ispitivan je prinosi zrna soje i prinosi proteina i ulja, NS sorte Galina, u organskom sistemu gajenja, u prirodnom vodnom režimu i u uslovima navodnjavanja. Prosečni prinosi zrna soje varirali su od 3.560 kg ha-1 (prirodni vodni režim) do 4.502 kg ha-1 (u navodnjavanju). U uslovima navodnjavanja, prinos zrna i prinos proteina bio je signifikantno viši u odnosu na varijantu bez navodnjavanja. Istraživanja pokazuju da je ostvareno prosečno povećanje prinosa zrna od 26,46 % i prinosa proteina od 26,18 % u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem. Prinos ulja bio viši u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem u odnosu na prirodni vodni režim ali razlika nije bila signifikantna. Navodnjavanje je poželjna agrotehnička mera u proizvodnji soje u sušnoj godini i preduslov je za ekonomski isplativu proizvodnju soje

    Determination of systemic inflammatory biomarkers in multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system. We aimed to investigate serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels of different laboratory inflammatory biomarkers in patients with MS. Methods: A total of 120 subjects participated in the study, 60 of whom were diagnosed with MS, 30 with the final diagnosis of non-inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), and 30 healthy subjects representing the control group. Regarding the progression of radiological findings after 2 years from the initial diagnosis, the MS group was divided into stationary radiological findings (n=30) and radiologically proven disease progression (n=30). In all patients, we analyzed levels of laboratory inflammatory biomarkers: C reactive protein (CRP), Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) in serum samples, and neurofilaments (NFs) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). NFs and GDF15 were analyzed initially, while CRP and NLR values were analyzed initially and after two years. Results: We found statistically lower GDF15 values and initial CRP values in the MS group regarding the group with non-inflammatory diseases of the CNS (p<0.0001). On the other side, we determined a significant elevation of laboratory markers CRP and NLR, initially and after a two-year period, in the MS subgroup with the progression of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (p<0.0001 and p=0.050, respectively). Also, we found a positive correlation between CRP and NFs (r=0.243, p=0.04), as well as a positive correlation between CRP and GDF15 in patients with MS (r=0.769, p<0.0001). Conclusions: We found a significant elevation of laboratory markers of systemic inflammation, CRP, and NLR in MS patients who developed disease progression based on MRI findings. There is a need for further studies to validate current parameters to be considered as useful markers of MS activity and disability