63 research outputs found

    Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Breeding Values of Milk Traits for Simmental Cattle in Croatia Using a Lactation Animal Model

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    The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and to predict breeding values for dairy traits in Simmental cattle in Croatia by developing an animal lactation model. Data consisted of 30761 first lactation records of cows born between 1985 and 2001. By including the pedigree there was a total of 48748 animals. The following effects were analyzed: age, season and year at first calving, days open, breeding organization, farm, animal, and genetic group. Adequacy of the models was tested by using F tests for fixed effects, and REML functions and ‘Mendelian sampling’ for the whole models. The best fit model was determined to have the following effects: age at first calving, days open, year x season interaction and breeding organization x year interaction as fixed, and animal and farm x year as random effects. By including genetic group the model was further improved. From this model, the following heritabilites were estimated: 0.34 ± 0.02, 0.30 ± 0.02, 0.29 ± 0.03 for milk, milk fat and protein yield, respectively. Further, phenotypic and genetic trends were analyzed. The genetic gain in milk traits has been low so far, but by using an appropriate animal model, the breeding value prediction is expected to be improved in terms of accuracy and precision

    Analiza vjerojatnosti pokrivanja Waldovih pouzdanih intervala za regresijske koeficijente u logističkoj regresijskoj analizi

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    U ovom radu bavili smo se modelom logističke regresije, koja pripada široj klasi modela pod imenom generalizirani linearni modeli. Koristi se u analizi binarnih podataka, a može biti multinomna - u slučaju da varijabla odaziva poprima vrijednosti koje se mogu rasporediti u više od dvije kategorije te dihotomna, ako varijabla odaziva poprima samo dvije vrijednosti. Fokusirali smo se na dihotomnu logističku regresiju pri čemu smo prisustvo i odsustvo promatranog svojstva interpretirali jedinicom i nulom. Opisali smo način postavljanja modela te objasnili interpretaciju parametara, kao i metodu dobivanja procjene parametara. Koliko dobro model opisuje podatke te kako tumačimo određena svojstva pokazali smo na primjeru. Također, proveli smo analizu vjerojatnosti pokrivanja Waldovih pouzdanih intervala za regresijske koeficijente i iz rezultata zaključili da je primjena logističke regresije upitna za male uzorke (do duljine 200) i jednostavne modele s jednom do dvije prediktorske varijable zbog mogućeg problema s potpunom separacijom koji se često javlja pri izvođenju programa u SAS-u.In this paper, we are dealing with a model of logistic regression, which belongs to a wider model class called generalized linear models. It is used in binary data analysis, and can be multinational - in case the dependent variable is taking values that can be deployed in more than two categories and dichotomous, if the responding variable getting only two values. We focused on the dichotomous logistic regression in which the presence and absence of the observed property interpreted by one and zero. We described the fitting model and explained the interpretation of parameters as well as the method of parameter estimation. How good a model describes the data and how we interpret some of the properties we showed in the example. Also, conducted an analysis of the coverage probability of Wald’s confidence intervals for regression coefficients and concluded that the application of logistic regression is questionable for small samples (to length 200) and simple models with one to two prediction variables due to a potential problem with complete separation often occurring when doing the program in SAS

    Analiza vjerojatnosti pokrivanja Waldovih pouzdanih intervala za regresijske koeficijente u logističkoj regresijskoj analizi

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    U ovom radu bavili smo se modelom logističke regresije, koja pripada široj klasi modela pod imenom generalizirani linearni modeli. Koristi se u analizi binarnih podataka, a može biti multinomna - u slučaju da varijabla odaziva poprima vrijednosti koje se mogu rasporediti u više od dvije kategorije te dihotomna, ako varijabla odaziva poprima samo dvije vrijednosti. Fokusirali smo se na dihotomnu logističku regresiju pri čemu smo prisustvo i odsustvo promatranog svojstva interpretirali jedinicom i nulom. Opisali smo način postavljanja modela te objasnili interpretaciju parametara, kao i metodu dobivanja procjene parametara. Koliko dobro model opisuje podatke te kako tumačimo određena svojstva pokazali smo na primjeru. Također, proveli smo analizu vjerojatnosti pokrivanja Waldovih pouzdanih intervala za regresijske koeficijente i iz rezultata zaključili da je primjena logističke regresije upitna za male uzorke (do duljine 200) i jednostavne modele s jednom do dvije prediktorske varijable zbog mogućeg problema s potpunom separacijom koji se često javlja pri izvođenju programa u SAS-u.In this paper, we are dealing with a model of logistic regression, which belongs to a wider model class called generalized linear models. It is used in binary data analysis, and can be multinational - in case the dependent variable is taking values that can be deployed in more than two categories and dichotomous, if the responding variable getting only two values. We focused on the dichotomous logistic regression in which the presence and absence of the observed property interpreted by one and zero. We described the fitting model and explained the interpretation of parameters as well as the method of parameter estimation. How good a model describes the data and how we interpret some of the properties we showed in the example. Also, conducted an analysis of the coverage probability of Wald’s confidence intervals for regression coefficients and concluded that the application of logistic regression is questionable for small samples (to length 200) and simple models with one to two prediction variables due to a potential problem with complete separation often occurring when doing the program in SAS

    Utjecaj promjena u hormonskom statusu štitnjače na nastanak alopecie areate

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    Alopecia areata (AA) je autoimuna bolest koju obilježava potpun gubitak kose ili dlaka u arealima okruglastog ili ovalnog oblika. U autoimunoj bolesti štitnjače se zbivaju promjene na razini humoralne i stanične imunosti, a alteracije u obje vrste imunosti ujedno sudjeluju i u nastanku AA-e. Liječenje AA-u zahtjevno pa stoga postoje različiti pristupi liječenju, koji podrazumijevaju lokalnu primjenu minoksidila i lokalnu terapiju kortikosteroidima, a u sustavnoj se terapiji koriste sustavni kortikosteroidi, biološka terapija i imunomodulatori. Brojne studije istražuju povezanost AA-e i poremećaja štitnjače, zbog čega se ističe potreba za screeningom tiroidne funkcije u pacijenata s AA-om. Pacijenti s težom kliničkom slikom AA-e pripadaju rizičnoj skupini za razvoj autoimunih tiroidnih bolesti, a rutinski screening testovi tiroidne funkcije čine dio dijagnostičke obrade pacijenta s AA-om

    Utjecaj uzgoja u srodstvu na porodnu masu jaradi sanske pasmine

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    The study aimed to examine the effect of inbreeding on the birth weight (BW) of Saanen goat kids under the framework of the genetic animal model for maternal traits. The BW of the kids was analyzed as the inherent phenotypic trait of the kid, and not of their mothers (does) which means that the impact of the direct inbreeding (not maternal) was examined. The estimated ratios of variance components for direct genetic, indirect maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental, and herd effects were 0.127, 0.026, 0.163, and 0.373, respectively. The average coefficient of inbreeding (F) was 2.5%, and 4.2% among the inbreds. The results of the preliminary conducted glm ANCOVA analysis implicated statistically significant inbreeding depression for BW (βF=-0.0076, P0.05).Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj uzgoja u srodstvu na porodnu masu jaradi sanske pasmine koza genetskim “animal” modelom za materinska svojstva. Pritom je svojstvo porodne mase promatrano kao inherentno svojstvo jaradi, a ne njihovih majki (koza) što znači da je analiziran utjecaj direktnog, a ne maternalnog uzgoja u srodstvu. Procijenjeni udjeli komponenti varijance za direktne genske učinke, indirektne materinske genske učinke, trajne materinske učinke te učinke stada bili su redom 0,127, 0,026, 0,163 i 0,373. Prosječni utvrđeni koeficijent uzgoja u srodstvu (F) bio je 2.5%, a inbirdiranih jedinki 4.2%. Rezultati preliminarno provedene glm ANCOVA analize upućivali su na postojanje statistički značajne inbriding depresije za porodnu masu jaradi (βF=-0,0076, P 0,05)

    Prescribing antibiotics to preschool children in primary health care in Croatia

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    The use of antibiotics depends on cultural and socioeconomic factors, physician's characteristics as well as on microbiological considerations. Aim of our study was to asses antibiotic prescription among preschool children in primary health care in Croatia in relation to socioeconomic factors, symptoms and diagnoses, and type of health care provider. Retrospective longitudinal survey was conducted in 7 teaching primary health care offices in the Croatian capital of Zagreb during 2004, among 1700 preschool children. Antibiotics were prescribed to 611 (46%) children. Significantly more antibiotics were prescribed to boys (66.7%, P = 0.024) and to children whose parents had lower educational level. Most frequently antibiotics were prescribed for the symptoms such as fever (32%), cough (32.5%), nasal discharge (12%), and for the diagnoses such as respiratory diseases (J00-J99) (40%), infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-A99) (31%), and diseases of the middle ear and mastoid (H60-H95) (15%). Logistic regression analyses also predicted correlation of antibiotic prescriptions with socioeconomic factors, symptoms and diagnoses and health care of pediatrician. Prescription of antibiotics for preschool children in primary health care in Croatia related to socioeconomic factors, type of health care provider, certain symptoms and diagnosis groups which should be taken into account when assessing and planning primary health care for preschool children

    Crkveno brdo near Szenta – Preliminary Results of Research Carried Out In 2019

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    Приликом заштитних ископавања, спроведених 2019. године, на траси гасовода на локалитету Црквено брдо, истражени су остаци средњовековног насеља на површини од око 1250 м2. Том приликом је испод слоја оранице констатован културни слој дебљине 0,70 – 1,00 м, који је налегао на ниво леса, у који је било укопано 69 целина различитог карактера и димензија. Откривено је пет кућа, од којих су четири биле земунице, док је једна кућа, нешто већих димензија, била полуукопана. Осим тога, откривено је и девет пећи, бунар, као и 41 јама различитог облика, пресека и димензија, које су имале функцију трапа или су служиле као депонија. Такође је истражено и 13 ровова различитих димензија и дубина, који су представљали део ограде или су имали функцију дренажних канала. Сакупљени археолошки материјал, пре свега керамичке посуде, указују да је насеље коришћено од 11. до 15. века. Овакво хронолошко опредељење потврђено је и ¹⁴С датовањима археозоолошког материјала. Ипак, највећи део датованих покретних налаза, попут керамичких котлова, указује да је истражени део насеља најинтензивније коришћен у периоду од 11. до 13. века. Житељи овог насеља првенствено су се бавили пољопривредом, и то сточарством, на шта упућују скромни покретни налази, као и анализа животињских остатака. Приликом истраживања уочени су у отпадним јамама комади опеке, као и пећњаци, што указује на објекте од чврстог материјала, какви за сада нису констатовани. Може се претпоставити да су они истовремни цркви која се налази на греди удаљеној око 200 ‒ 250 м од насеља у правцу запада, а чије постојање је потврђено геофизичким снимањима


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    Mekoća je bez sumnje najvažniji pokazatelj kakvoće goveđeg mesa. Oscilacija mekoće goveđeg mesa glavni je čimbenik nezadovoljstva potrošača. Da bi se poboljšalo zadovoljstvo potrošača, taj se čimbenik mora kontrolirati. Moguće je da do oscilacije mekoće govedine dolazi zbog pasmine/genetike, sastavu trupa (mramoriranosti) i okolišnih čimbenika (kronološka dob, vrijeme hranjenja, implanti i stres prije klanja). Mnogi postupci nakon klanja životinja, kao što su; starenje, elektro-stimulacija, stupanj hladnoće i tehnologije postizanja mekoće, također utječu na mekoću. Udio masnoće u trupu, posebno intramuskularna masnoća (mramoriranost), igra važnu ulogu u senzorskim svojstvima mesa. Razvoj kvalitetnijih metodologija kojima bi se predvidjela mekoća mesa na živoj životinji ili u klaonici, imala bi važnu ulogu u zadovoljstvu potrošača. Drugi, još jedan važni način poboljšanja kakvoće mesa, je selekcija. Među različitim pasminama razvijeni su programi genetskog vrednovanja, a trenutna istraživanja su usredotočena na gene koji najviše utječu na mekoću i mramoriranost mesa.Tenderness is, undoubtedly, the most important single meat quality trait. Variation in meat tenderness is the main factor for consumer dissatisfaction; hence this trait must be controlled in order to improve customer satisfaction and decision to repurchase. Variation in beef tenderness may be attributed to breed (genetic status), carcass composition, and environmental factors (chronological age, time on feed, implants and ante-mortem stress). Many post-mortem treatments like ageing, electrical stimulation, chilling rate, and post-mortem tenderization technologies also affect tenderness. Carcass fat proportion, especially intramuscular fat (marbling), plays an important role in the meat sensory characteristics, since it contributes directly to its sensory proprieties. Expedite methodologies to predict meat tenderness on the live animal or at slaughterhouses level have been developed to satisfy the consumer demands. Variation in meat tenderness is also greatly affected by the selection. Among different breeds, genetic evaluation programs are being developed, and the current research is focused on genes with major effects on meat tenderness and marbling

    The effect of breeding area, stage of lactation and herd on milk yield traits of Pag sheep

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj uzgojnog područja (jugozapadni i sjeveroistočni dio otoka), stadija laktacije i stada na dnevnu proizvodnju mlijeka, mliječne masti i bjelančevina paških ovaca. Istraživanja su obuhvatila ukupno 32 stada (23 sa jugozapadnog i 9 sa sjeveroistočnog dijela otoka Paga). Korišteni su zapisi za ukupno 21.033 dnevne kontrole mliječnosti prikupljene od 2332 ovce. Utvrđivanja mliječnosti obavljena su redovitim mjesečnim kontrolama mliječnosti AT4 metodom za vremensko razdoblje od 2004. do 2008. godine. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj uzgojnog područja (P<0,001) na dnevnu količinu proizvedenoga mlijeka, mliječne masti i bjelančevina. Ovce uzgajane na jugozapadu otoka imale su veću prosječnu dnevnu proizvodnju mlijeka, mliječne masti i bjelančevina u odnosu na ovce uzgajane na sjeveroistoku otoka Paga. Stadij laktacije opisan Ali-Schaefferovom laktacijskom krivuljom ugniježđenom unutar uzgojnog područja statistički je značajno (P<0,0001) utjecao na istraživane odlike mliječnosti paških ovaca. Vrh laktacijske proizvodnje postignut je oko dvadesetog dana laktacije na oba uzgojna područja. Utvrđen je statistički značajan (P<0,0001) utjecaj stada ugniježđen unutar uzgojnog područja na dnevnu količinu proizvedenoga mlijeka, mliječne masti i bjelančevina. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnosti uzgajivača da svakodnevnim upravljanjem farmskom proizvodnjom djeluju na proizvodne, a onda i na ekonomske pokazatelje proizvodnje mlijeka paških ovaca.The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different breeding areas (south-west and north-east part of the island of Pag) on daily milk, fat and protein yield in Pag sheep. The aim of this study was also to determine the shape of lactation curves as well as the herd effect on Pag sheep milk traits. Research was conducted on 32 herds reared in the south-western (23) and north-eastern (9) part of the island of Pag. Data included 21.033 test-day records of 2.332 ewes. Daily milk yield and milk components were recorded using AT4 method for the period from 2004 to 2008. The rearing area had statistically significant effect on the daily milk yield (P<0.001), daily fat and protein yield. Ewes reared on the south-western part of the island had larger average daily production than ewes reared on its north-eastern part. The stage of lactation, described by Ali and Schaeffer lactation curve nested within rearing area, had significant effect (P<0.0001) on all milk traits. The peak of lactation production was achieved around the 20th day of lactation in both areas and was somewhat higher for ewes kept in the south-western compared to the north-eastern part of the island. Flock nested within rearing area had statistically significant effect on all milk traits (P<0.0001). Results obtained in the study showed potential possibilities for breeders to enlarge milk production and consequently economically benefit through improved herd management of Pag sheep