8 research outputs found
Examining Motion of a Robot End-effector Using CurvatureTheory of Dual LorentzianUnitSphericalTimelikeCurves
Inthispaper, motion of a robot end-effectorwhichmoves in Lorentzianspace is examinedusingthecurvaturetheory of dualLorentzianunitsphericaltimelikecurveswhichcorrespondsto a spacelikeruledsurfacegeneratedby a linefixed in the robot end-effector. Inthisway, time dependentlinearandangularvelocitiesandaccelerationswhichplayimportantroles in robot
trajectoryplanning.Bu çalışmada, Lorentziyen uzayda hareket eden bir robot uç-işlevcinin hareketi, robot uç-işlevciye sabitlenmiş bir doğru tarafından oluşturulan spacelike regle yüzeye dual uzayda karşılık gelen dualLorentziyen birim küresel timelike eğrilerin eğrilik teorisi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme ile robot yörünge planlamasında önemli rol oynayan robot uç-işlevcinin zamana bağlı lineer ve açısal hızı ile lineer ve açısal ivmesi belirlenmiştir
On the curvature theory of non-null cylindrical surfaces in Minkowski 3-space
This paper presents the curvature theory of non-null cylindrical surfaces in Minkowski 3-space. The definition of the line of striction and generator trihedron for cylindrical surfaces in Minkowski 3-space are given. The derivation formulae and Darboux instantaneous rotation vectors of generator trihedrons which play important role in robot kinematics are found. Moreover, curvature theory of a Lorentzian circular cylinder is given as an example.Publisher's Versio
Bazı Özel Dual Doğrultu Eğrileri
In this paper, some special associated dual curves called dual involute-evolute-direction curves, dual Bertranddirection
curves, and dual Mannheim-direction curves are defined. Some relations between dual Frenet vectors
and dual curvatures of these dual associated curves are given. Furthermore, useful methods to construct unit
speed dual slant helices from unit speed dual helices by using dual involute-evolute-direction curves and dual
Mannheim-direction curves are presented.Bu çalışmada, dual involüt-evolüt-doğrultu eğrileri, dual Bertrand-doğrultu eğrileri ve dual Mannheim-doğrultu
eğrileri denilen bazı özel bağlantılı eğriler tanımlanmıştır. Bu bağlantılı dual eğrilerin dual Frenet vektörleri ve
dual eğrilikleri arasında bazı bağıntılar verilmiştir. Ayrıca, dual involüt-evolüt-doğrultu eğrileri ve dual
Mannheim-doğrultu eğrileri kullanarak birim hızlı dual helislerden birim hızlı dual slant helisler üretmek için
kullanışlı yöntemler sunulmuştur
Automatic analysis of hands clapping in severe Alzheimer patient via computer vision techniques
Background: In this work, we present a hands clapping rhythm analysis module of a video analytics framework, which monitors elderly patients and automatically collect statistical data about patient activities. Hands clapping activity is analyzed in terms of frequency of clapping, extent of clapping, and direction change. A severe level Alzheimer patient was chosen from an elderly house. Methods: The main idea makes use of optical flow vectors which represent themotion change of image features in consecutive frames. The algorithm steps are composed of detecting optical flow vectors in skin regions, clustering based on the direction, calculating the average flow vector in each cluster and observing these vectors over time. The magnitude of the average flow represents the speed of motion