34 research outputs found

    Production of working replacement part for atypical fan on 3D FDM printer

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    Hlavním tématem této bakalářské práce je výroba náhradního dílu atypického větráku, který je vytvořen metodou FDM tisku. Součástí práce je i otestování funkčnosti a měření hlučnosti tohoto dílu. Celý proces probíhá v několika fázích, a to od vlastního proměření, přes návrh a tvorbu v 3D vizualizačním softwaru, až po návrh výsledného způsobu výroby a samotnou výrobu. Závěr práce bude zaměřen na shrnutí vlastního procesu výroby.The main topic of this bachelor thesis is production of a spare part of an atypical fan, which is created by FDM. The thesis includes a functional testing and noise measurement. The whole process is running in several stages. From the measurement, design, production in a 3D visualization system to the method of production and manufacturing. The thesis conclusion will be focused on a summary of its own production process.

    Efficiency Improvement Proposal of Production of Machined Front Part

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    Hlavním tématem této diplomové práce je návrh na zefektivnění výroby obráběného dílu předpažbí. Cílem práce je zhodnocení současného obráběcího procesu, návrh možné inovace, volba nejlepší cesty a výroba součásti. Závěr bude věnován technicko-ekonomickému zhodnocení z pohledu času, ceny a spotřeby materiálu.The main topic of this Master thesis is proposal of the streamline the production of the machined part of a handguard. The aim of the work is to evaluate the current machining process, to design possible innovation, to select the best way of construction of a design part. The conclusion will be devoted technical and economic evaluation in terms of time, cost and material consumption.

    Mapping of traditional and regional varieties of apple trees and pear trees in Kroměříž area

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    In the present work, the current state and representation of traditional and regional fruit varieties of apple trees and pear trees in the form of high-trunk were surveyed in the territory of southeastern Kroměříž district in the region of the Litenčice Hills. The research was carried out during the years 2009 - 2013. The variety, the age of the tree, the growth characteristics (tree height, trunk thickness, crown diameter and dryness) and health status were evaluated. The record of 972 old fruit trees of apple and pear trees were registered in selected municipalities. Pomological determination was made on 840 trees, of which 700 were apple trees and 140 were pear trees. In total, 104 varieties of apples and 44 varieties of pears were found. The most common apple varieties were 'Baumannova reneta and 'Panenské české and the most common pear varieties were 'Boscova and 'Hardy. Out of the total number of fruit trees recorded, 274 were nominated for conservation in respective genepools, of which 57 were pear trees and 217 were apple trees. The main criteria for this selection were the overall condition of the tree and its perspective, the quality of the fruit, the variety and its importance. The results of this work will be used to restore and settle the existing orchards and alley in the region. The identified species and variety composition will be used for newly established thickets in the extensive farming system and involvement in the territorial system of ecological stability of the studied area.O

    Mechanical properties of injection molded and compression molded samples from nature-butadiene rubber

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    The aim of this paper is to show what extent there is an impact on the mechanical properties (tensile strength and tear strength) of a standardized testing sample made of rubber compound based on nature rubber and butadiene rubber produced by injection molding in comparison with a sample produced by classic preparation (cutting out a compression molded plate) according to the standard ISO 23529. For realization of this study it was necessary to design and produce an injection mold for all types testing samples. Subsequently, mechanical properties such as the tensile stress-strain and tear strenght of compression molded samples and injection molded samples were studied, compared and discussed.TBU in Zlin [IGA/FT/2016/010]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089

    The influence of the injection molding on mechanical properties of EPDM rubber testing samples

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    The paper deals with the impact of the production process on mechanical properties (tensile strength and tear strength) of a standardized testing sample made of rubber compound based on ethylene propylene diene rubber produced by injection molding in comparison with a sample produced by classic preparation (cutting out a compression molded plate) according to the standard ISO 23529

    The influence of the production process on mechanical properties of rubber testing samples

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    The article deals with the influence of production technology on mechanical properties of rubber testing samples. In practice, rubber testing samples are cut out from a compression molded sheet, also in case of testing of rubber compounds appointed for injection molding. However, the different way of the preparation of testing samples and the production itself may have a negative effect on the mechanical properties of the final product. Thus the article judges, to what extent the mechanical properties (tensile strength, extension, tear strength and microhardness) of testing samples from selected rubber materials are influenced by injection molding, and evaluates the possible divergence

    Antioxidant properties of European cranberrybush fruit (Viburnum opulus var. edule)

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    V literatuře je jen málo informací a jedlých kalinách (Viburnum opulus var. edule). Toto ovoce může být kultivováno i v drsnějších klimatických podmínkách a dokonce sbíráno pod sněhovou pokrývkou. Cílem práce bylo stanovit množství fenolů, antioxidační aktivitu, flavonoidy a vitamin C u odrůd ´Leningradskaya otbornaya´, ´Souzga´ a ´Taezny rubiny´. U polyfenolů byl zjištěn vysoký obsah (až do 8.29 g kyseliny galové/kg čerstvé hmoty). 1,1´-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) a 2,2´-azinobis-3-ethylbenzthiazino-6-sulphonová kyselina (ABTS) testy byly použity pro stanovení antioxidační účinnosti, přitom korelace u DPPH testu byla r2 = 0,88 a ABTS testu r2 = 0,98. Pro srovnání byla provedena úbytková aktivita 25 % extraktu plodů. Obsah flavonoidů a vitaminu C byl na úrovni 4,89 g/kg a 1,64 g/kg čerstvé hmoty. Práce slouží k popularizaci tohoto ovocného druhu a jeho využití v lidské výživě.In literature there is little information available on European cranberrybush fruit (Viburnum opulus var. edule). This fruit plant can be cultivated even in harsh climatic conditions because of low requirements for the environment. It is possible to harvest the fruit even in the snow cover. The aim of this study was to determine the content of polyphenolics, antioxidant activity, flavonoids and vitamin C in the fruit of three cultivars ´Leningradskaya otbornaya´, ´Souzga´ and ´Taezny rubiny´. In case of polyphenolics high contents were observed (up to 8.29 g of gallic acid/kg of fresh mass (FM)). The 1,1´-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2´-azinobis-3-ethylbenzthiazino-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) tests were applied to determine antioxidant activity which was also high in comparison with other fruit species. The correlation between the polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity was in case of the DPPH test r2 = 0.88 and the ABTS test r2 = 0.98. For comparison, scavenging activity of reactive oxygen species (superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical and nitric oxide) was determined by using a 25% fruit extract of particular cultivars. Antioxidant efficiency was also assessed using the rat liver slice model. Furthermore, the contents of flavonoids and vitamin C were assayed with the values of 4.89 g/kg and 1.64 g/kg FM, respectively. The work should contribute to the popularization of this species as a promising crop plant in human nutrition

    Creep test evalutation

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    Many methods of result interpretation were developed while testing materials. We can often see evaluation using graphs, tables, numerical expression with effort to present the results of research as clearly as possible to the reader. One of the factors that can negatively affect this interpretation is the number of tested samples. With sufficient number of samples, ordinary arithmetic average is used and standard deviation is used to express uncertainty of measurement. But what to do when we only have small number of measurements? Can big deviation affect the results of the experiment? This article will try to answer this question