30 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic status of species of the subtribe Monoctonina (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae)

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    Podtribus Monoctonina, sa rodovima Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus, Harkeria i Quadrictonus, predstavlja jednu od slabije istraţenih grupa u okviru potfamilije Aphidiinae. Vrste podtribusa Monoctonina se od ostalih pripadnika potfamilije morfološki razlikuju po ventralnom membranoznom proširenju legalice. Identifikacija vrsta je oteţana zbog njihovih malih dimenzija tela i nedostatka adekvatnih ključeva za identifikaciju. U okviru podtribusa je do sada opisano 26 vrsta, od čega je 14 zabeleţeno u Evropi. Pored toga što se uglavnom nalaze u malim populacijama, pripadnici Monoctonina su većinom visokoplaninske vrste i naseljavaju staništa listopadnih šuma. Za razliku od većine pripadnika potfamilije, vrste Monoctonina nisu parazitoidi ekonomski značajnih štetočina i ne koriste se u biološkoj kontroli biljnih vaši. U ovoj studiji su analizirani filogenetski odnosi izmeĎu rodova i vrsta podtribusa Monoctonina, kao i status taksona u okviru podtribusa, korišćenjem morfoloških karaktera za identifikaciju vrsta i dva molekularna markera. U analizu su uključeni rodovi Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus i Harkeria. Za molekularne analize su korišćeni mitohondrijalni gen za citohrom c oksidazu subjedinicu I (COI) i jedarni gen za veliku ribozomalnu subjedinicu 28S (28S rDNK). Morfološkim analizama je utvrĎeno da su najvaţniji karakteri za razlikovanje vrsta unutar podtribusa oblik legalice, oblik pterostigme i duţina metakarpalnog nerva prednjeg krila i broj palpomera labijalnih palpusa. U odreĎenim slučajevima za identifikaciju su značajni i broj flagelomera u antenama, odnos duţine i širine prve flagelomere i prisustvo i oblik petougaone areole na propodeumu. Kombinacijom svih korišćenih metoda utvrĎeno je da rodovi Falciconus i Monoctonia predstavljaju bazalne linije u okviru Monoctonina, koje su se najranije u evoluciji grupe odvojile od ostalih rodova. Rodovi Monoctonus i Harkeria predstavljaju filogenetski vrlo bliske grupe i analizirana vrsta roda Harkeria, H. angustivalva, verovatno pripada rodu Monoctonus. Na osnovu morfoloških i molekularnih analiza opisano je šest novih vrsta, a molekularni podaci ukazuju na postojanje još četiri potencijalno nove vrste ovog podtribusa...Monoctonina, comprising genera Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus, Harkeria and Falciconus, is one of the least studied groups of the Aphidiinae subfamily. Monoctonina species are morphologically distinguished from other species of Aphidiinae by ventrally widened ovipositor sheaths. Still, species identification is difficult due to small body size and lack of identification keys. There are currently 26 species described within Monoctonina, with 14 of those recorded in Europe. Monoctonina species are most often found in small populations, and inhabit deciduous forest habitats in high mountains. Since aphid hosts of Monoctonina species are not economically important pests, these parasitoids are not usually employed in biological control programs. In this study, we analysed phylogenetic relationships and status of genera and species within the subtribe, using morphological characters and two molecular markers – mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) and nuclear large subunit 28S rDNA. Species from genera Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus and Harkeria were used in the analysis. Morphological analysis showed that the most relevant character for species identification within Monoctonina are shape of ovipositor, shape of forewing pterostigma and metacarpal vein and number of labial palpomeres. In some cases, number of antennal flagellomeres, length/width ratio of first flagellomere and presence and shape of propodeal areola can be useful. Combination of used methods showed that Falciconus and Monoctonia represent basal lines within the subtribe, which separated early in the evolution of the group. Genera Monoctonus and Harkeria are closely related, and H. angustivalva should probably be moved to Monoctonus. Based on morphological and molecular data, six new species are described, while four potentially new species are uncovered..

    Phylogeny of the Subtribe Monoctonina (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae)

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    Abstract: Members of the Monoctonina subtribe have long been neglected in applied studies of the subfamily Aphidiinae, due to their low economic importance, as they do not parasitize pests of cultivated plants. Consequently, data about this group are scarce, including its taxonomy and phylogeny. In the present study, we explore inter- and intraspecific genetic variation of Monoctonina species, including genera Monoctonus Haliday 1833, Monoctonia Starý 1962, Falciconus Mackauer 1959 and Harkeria Cameron 1900. We employ two molecular markers, the barcode region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the D2 region of the 28S nuclear gene (28S rDNA), to analyze genetic structuring and phylogeny of all available Monoctonina species, and combine them with morphological data for an integrative approach. We report one new species, and three potentially new species which can be formally described when further specimens are available. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships within the subtribe shows a basal position for the genera Falciconus and Monoctonia, and the close relatedness of Harkeria and Monoctonus

    Resolving the taxonomic status of potential biocontrol agents belonging to the neglected genus lipolexis Förster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) with descriptions of six new species

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    Lipolexis is a small genus in the subfamily Aphidiinae represented by one species in Europe (Lipolexis gracilis Förster) and by four in Asia (Lipolexis wuyiensis Chen, L. oregmae Gahan, L. myzakkaiae Pramanik and Raychaudhuri and L. pseudoscutellaris Pramanik and Raychaudhuri). Although L. oregmae is employed in biological control programs against pest aphids, the last morphological study on the genus was completed over 50 years ago. This study employs an integrative approach (morphology and molecular analysis (COI barcode region)), to examine Lipolexis specimens that were sampled worldwide, including specimens from BOLD database. These results establish that two currently recognized species of Lipolexis (L. gracilis, L. oregmae) are actually a species complex and also reveal phylogenetic relationships within the genus. Six new species are described and a global key for the identification of Lipolexis species is provided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic status of species of the subtribe Monoctonina (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae)

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    Podtribus Monoctonina, sa rodovima Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus, Harkeria i Quadrictonus, predstavlja jednu od slabije istraţenih grupa u okviru potfamilije Aphidiinae. Vrste podtribusa Monoctonina se od ostalih pripadnika potfamilije morfološki razlikuju po ventralnom membranoznom proširenju legalice. Identifikacija vrsta je oteţana zbog njihovih malih dimenzija tela i nedostatka adekvatnih ključeva za identifikaciju. U okviru podtribusa je do sada opisano 26 vrsta, od čega je 14 zabeleţeno u Evropi. Pored toga što se uglavnom nalaze u malim populacijama, pripadnici Monoctonina su većinom visokoplaninske vrste i naseljavaju staništa listopadnih šuma. Za razliku od većine pripadnika potfamilije, vrste Monoctonina nisu parazitoidi ekonomski značajnih štetočina i ne koriste se u biološkoj kontroli biljnih vaši. U ovoj studiji su analizirani filogenetski odnosi izmeĎu rodova i vrsta podtribusa Monoctonina, kao i status taksona u okviru podtribusa, korišćenjem morfoloških karaktera za identifikaciju vrsta i dva molekularna markera. U analizu su uključeni rodovi Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus i Harkeria. Za molekularne analize su korišćeni mitohondrijalni gen za citohrom c oksidazu subjedinicu I (COI) i jedarni gen za veliku ribozomalnu subjedinicu 28S (28S rDNK). Morfološkim analizama je utvrĎeno da su najvaţniji karakteri za razlikovanje vrsta unutar podtribusa oblik legalice, oblik pterostigme i duţina metakarpalnog nerva prednjeg krila i broj palpomera labijalnih palpusa. U odreĎenim slučajevima za identifikaciju su značajni i broj flagelomera u antenama, odnos duţine i širine prve flagelomere i prisustvo i oblik petougaone areole na propodeumu. Kombinacijom svih korišćenih metoda utvrĎeno je da rodovi Falciconus i Monoctonia predstavljaju bazalne linije u okviru Monoctonina, koje su se najranije u evoluciji grupe odvojile od ostalih rodova. Rodovi Monoctonus i Harkeria predstavljaju filogenetski vrlo bliske grupe i analizirana vrsta roda Harkeria, H. angustivalva, verovatno pripada rodu Monoctonus. Na osnovu morfoloških i molekularnih analiza opisano je šest novih vrsta, a molekularni podaci ukazuju na postojanje još četiri potencijalno nove vrste ovog podtribusa...Monoctonina, comprising genera Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus, Harkeria and Falciconus, is one of the least studied groups of the Aphidiinae subfamily. Monoctonina species are morphologically distinguished from other species of Aphidiinae by ventrally widened ovipositor sheaths. Still, species identification is difficult due to small body size and lack of identification keys. There are currently 26 species described within Monoctonina, with 14 of those recorded in Europe. Monoctonina species are most often found in small populations, and inhabit deciduous forest habitats in high mountains. Since aphid hosts of Monoctonina species are not economically important pests, these parasitoids are not usually employed in biological control programs. In this study, we analysed phylogenetic relationships and status of genera and species within the subtribe, using morphological characters and two molecular markers – mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) and nuclear large subunit 28S rDNA. Species from genera Monoctonus, Monoctonia, Falciconus and Harkeria were used in the analysis. Morphological analysis showed that the most relevant character for species identification within Monoctonina are shape of ovipositor, shape of forewing pterostigma and metacarpal vein and number of labial palpomeres. In some cases, number of antennal flagellomeres, length/width ratio of first flagellomere and presence and shape of propodeal areola can be useful. Combination of used methods showed that Falciconus and Monoctonia represent basal lines within the subtribe, which separated early in the evolution of the group. Genera Monoctonus and Harkeria are closely related, and H. angustivalva should probably be moved to Monoctonus. Based on morphological and molecular data, six new species are described, while four potentially new species are uncovered..

    Trioxys ulmi Ckrkic & Tomanovic 2021, n. sp.

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    <p> <i>Trioxys ulmi</i> Čkrkić & Tomanović, n. sp.</p> <p>(Figs 2; 3)</p> <p>urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: A6C5F36F-5CC4-4188-A5A9-1EC300CC562B</p> <p>TYPE LOCALITY. — Serbia, Belgrade, New Belgrade (44°28’47”N, 20°12’55”E).</p> <p> TYPE MATERIAL. — <b>Holotype</b>. <b>Serbia</b> • 1 ♀; Belgrade, New Belgrade 44°28’47”N, 20°12’55”E; 22.VI.2017; Korana Kocić leg.; reared from <i>T. takachihoensis</i> on <i>Ulmus</i> x <i>hollandica</i>, slide mounted; FBUB. <b>Paratypes</b>. <b>Serbia</b> • 21 ♀, 14 ♂; same data as holotype; preserved in alcohol and slide mounted (2 ♀, 2 ♂); FBUB (17 ♀, 9 ♂); MNHN (5 ♀, 5 ♂).</p> <p> DISTRIBUTION. — The current known distribution of the new species is Serbia, although we suspect a much broader distribution of this species in association with <i>T. takachihoensis</i> / <i>Ulmus</i> spp. Sequences of the COI gene identical to those from Serbian specimens are also registered in Canada and Germany.</p> <p> ETYMOLOGY. — The name of the new species is derived from the most common host of <i>T. takachihoensis</i>, <i>Ulmus</i> spp.</p> <p> DIAGNOSIS. — Morphologically most similar to <i>T. complanatus</i> (Tomanović & Kavallieratos 2002). Transverse carinae present on dorsal surface of propodeum (Fig. 2E), irregular postmedian carinae and the beginning of a closed central areola present in some specimens (in <i>T. complanatus</i> transverse carinae sometimes present, but discontinuous; no signs of a central pentagonal areola). Petiole with a slight constriction behind spiracular tubercles (almost parallelsided in <i>T. complanatus</i>).</p> <p> HOST. — <i>Tinocallis takachihoensis.</i></p> <p>REMARK</p> <p> Since the main diagnostic character, the sculpturing of the dorsal surface of the propodeum, varies to some extent in <i>T. ulmi</i> Čkrkić & Tomanović, n. sp., it is advisable to take aphid hosts (<i>T. ulmi</i> Čkrkić &Tomanović, n. sp. is a parasitoid of <i>Tinocallis takachihoensis</i> while <i>T. complanatus</i> mainly parasitizes aphids from the genus <i>Therioaphis</i> Walker, 1870 on legumes) and DNA data into account when identifying this new species.</p> <p>DESCRIPTION</p> <p> <i>Female</i></p> <p> <b>Head (Fig. 2A)</b>. Eyes oval, medium sized, sparsely setose. Malar space equal to 0.14-0.15 of longitudinal eye diameter, tentorial index 0.25. Clypeus oval with 4-5 setae. Maxillary palps with 4 palpomeres, labial palps with 2 palpomeres. Antenna with 11 antennomeres, filiform, setae on flagellomeres semierect, subequal to flagellomere diameter (Fig 2B). Flagellomere 1 (F1) 3.6 times as long as wide, with 0-1 longitudinal placodes. F2 2.6 times as long as wide, with 1-2 longitudinal placodes (Fig 2C). F1 1.2 times longer than F2. F3, F4 and F5 with 1-2, 0-3 and 0-4 longitudinal placodes, respectively.</p> <p> <b>Mesosoma.</b> Mesoscutum without notaulices, dorsal surface smooth (Fig. 2D). Head width/mesoscutum width ratio 1.2. Propodeum without closed central pentagonal areola (Fig. 2E). Antemedian carina very short; transverse carinae present, sometimes irregular. Postmedian carinae present and irregular in some paratypes.</p> <p> <b>Fore wing (Fig. 2F)</b>. Wing length 1 mm, width 0.4 mm. Stigma triangular, 2.6 times as long as wide and 1.7 times as long as distal abscissa of R1. Wing venation reduced, fused r and RS (r&RS) visible, reaching distally as far as R1 or shorter.</p> <p> <b>Metasoma.</b> Petiole 1.45 times as long as wide at spiracles. Dorsal disc smooth, with 2-3 long setae on each side (Fig. 2G). Ovipositor sheath slightly curved downwards, length/width ratio 2.6. Prongs straight, length 0.16 mm, with 2 dorsal hairs and one claw-like apical bristle (Fig. 2H).</p> <p> <b>Colour.</b> Head brown, eyes black, mouthparts yellow. Scapus, pedicel, F1 and F2 light brown, remainder of antenna brown. Mesonotum brown, propodeum and legs light brown. Wings hyaline with brown venation. Petiole light brown, rest of metasoma, including ovipositor sheaths, brown.</p> <p> <b>Body length.</b> 1.6 mm.</p> <p> <i>Male (Paratype)</i></p> <p> <b>Head (Fig. 3A)</b>. Eyes oval, medium sized, sparsely setose. Malar space equal to 0.2 of longitudinal eye diameter, tentorial index 0.3. Clypeus oval with 2-3 setae. Maxillary palps with 4 palpomeres, labial palps with 2 palpomeres. Antenna with 13 antennomeres, filiform, setae on flagellomeres semierect, subequal to half of flagellomere diameter (Fig. 3B). Flagellomere 1 (F1) 2.3 times as long as wide, with 2-4 longitudinal placodes (Fig. 3C). F2 2.2 times as long as wide, with 1-4 longitudinal placodes. F1 subequal to F2.</p> <p> <b>Mesosoma.</b> Mesoscutum without notaulices, dorsal surface smooth (Fig. 3D). Head width/mesoscutum width ratio 1.2. Propodeum in most specimens with closed central pentagonal areola (Fig. 3E), but some rare specimens lack the areola and have irregular transverse carinae.</p> <p> <b>Fore wing (Fig. 3F)</b>. Wing length 1 mm, width 0.4 mm. Stigma triangular, 2.6 times as long as wide and 2.1 times as long as distal abscissa of R1. Wing venation reduced, fused r and RS (r&RS) visible, reaching distally as far as R1 or shorter.</p> <p> <b>Metasoma.</b> Petiole with prominent spiracles, 1.5 times as long as wide at spiracles. Dorsal disc smooth, with 2 long setae on each side (Fig. 3G).</p> <p> <b>Colour.</b> Head brown, eyes black, mouthparts yellow. Scapus, pedicel, F1 and F2 light brown, remainder of antenna brown. Mesonotum and propodeum brown, legs light brown. Wings hyaline with brown venation. Petiole light brown, rest of metasoma brown (Fig. 3H).</p> <p> <b>Body length.</b> 1.5 mm.</p>Published as part of <i>Čkrkić, Jelisaveta, Petrović, Andjeljko, Kocić, Korana & Tomanović, Željko, 2021, Insights into phylogenetic relationships between Trioxys Haliday, 1833 and Binodoxys Mackauer, 1960 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae), with a description of a new species of the genus Trioxys, pp. 145-154 in Zoosystema 43 (8)</i> on pages 147-151, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2021v43a8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4630671">http://zenodo.org/record/4630671</a&gt

    Additional data on Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) fauna of Kyrgyzstan, with description of a new species

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    Here we present additional data on the Aphidiinae fauna of Kyrgyzstan. We identified 18 Aphidiinae species. One species new to science (Trioxys depressus sp. nov.) is described, while 11 species are reported for the first time: Aphidius avenae Haliday, A. ervi Haliday, A. matricariae Haliday, A. salicis Haliday, A. urticae Haliday, Ephedrus cerasicola Starý, E. niger Gautier, Bonnamour & Gaumont, Lysiphlebus cardui (Marshall), L. confusus Tremblay & Eady, Monoctonus crepidis (Haliday), and Praon yomenae Takada. Current knowledge of Kyrgyz Aphidiinae is summarized and discussed

    Dyscritulus europaeus sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): description of a new aphid parasitoid species with an identification key for species of the genus

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    The braconid genus Dyscritulus Hincks is a small member of the subfamily Aphidiinae, distributed in Europe and Central Asia. All its species are highly specialized parasitoids of aphids of the genera Drepanosiphum Koch and, probably, Periphyllus van der Hoeven which are mostly associated with maple and sycamore trees (genus Acer). Upon examination of specimens from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, we unexpectedly noted unusual variability in morphological characters compared to other known Dyscritulus species. Further inspection of other material previously identified as Dyscritulus planiceps Marshall, 1896 revealed additional specimens with the same morphological variability. Here we describe a new species of the genus, Dyscritulus europaeus sp. nov., associated with Drepanosiphum aphids on Acer

    Two new morphologically interesting species of the genus Ephedrus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae)

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    Here we describe two new Ephedrus species from the Biologiezentrum Linz´s collection: Ephedrus antennalis sp. nov., which possesses 12-segmented antennae, a unique character within the genus Ephedrus; and E. carinatus sp. nov., which represents an additional member of the root aphid parasitoid group within the genus Ephedrus