84 research outputs found

    Zemské velitelství odbojové organizace Obrana národa na Moravě v letech 1939 a 1940

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    Studie se zabývá působením zemského velitelství protinacistické odbojové organizace Obrana národa na Moravě v čele s brigádním generálem Bohuslavem Všetičkou v letech 1939–1940. Pozornost je věnována také rozbití tohoto velitelství gestapem a soudnímu procesu s jeho příslušníky před Lidovým soudem v Berlíně roku 1941.The study deals with the activities of the regional headquarters of the anti-Nazi resistance group Obrana národa (Defence of the Nation, ON) in Moravia, led by brigadier general Bohuslav Všetička in 1939–1940. Attention is also paid to the destruction of the headquarters by the Gestapo and the trial of its members before the People’s Court in Berlin in 1941

    Computed tomography in tissue characterization of the myocardium.

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    Úvod: Zlatý standard v zobrazování myokardu a hodnocení jeho tkáňové charakteristiky představuje magnetická rezonance (MR). V literatuře se však objevují studie, z nichž vyplývá, že lze získat validní informace o myokardu i z vyšetření výpočetní tomografií (CT) a CT může být alternativou u pacientů, u nichž je MR vyšetření kontraindikováno. Cíle: Sledovali jsme dva cíle. Cíl číslo 1: Analyzovat možnosti CT v detekci pozdního postkontrastního sycení (DCE) u pacientů s dilatační kardiomyopatií. Cíl číslo 2: Zhodnotit možnosti tkáňové charakteristiky myokardu na CT provedeném z jiné indikace. Metodika: V první části práce jsme prospektivně hodnotili soubor 17 pacientů s dilatační kardiomyopatií, kteří podstoupili jak CT srdce, tak MR srdce. Srovnávali jsme nálezy DCE na CT s nálezy DCE na MR. V druhé části práce jsme retrospektivně hodnotili soubor 96 pacientů, kteří podstoupili CT z jakékoliv indikace a MR srdce. Srovnávali jsme nálezy hypodenzního okrsku myokardu na CT s nálezy DCE na MR. Výsledky: V první části práce: CT detekovalo DCE u 3 pacientů, MR detekovalo DCE u 6 pacientů. Shoda mezi oběma metodami byla v 82 % případů (kappa 0,56). Senzitivita CT v detekci DCE byla 50 %, specificita 100 %, pozitivní prediktivní hodnota 100 %. U pacientů s pozitivním nálezem na CT byla lokalizace DCE téměř...Introduction: Magnetic resonance (MR) represents still the gold standard in myocardial imaging. There are some studies suggesting that the computed tomography (CT) might be a valid alternative for some patients (especially the ones who are unable to undergo MR). Aims: We had two aims. Aim number 1: To evaluate the ability of CT in the evaluation of delayed contrast enhancement (DCE) in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Aim number 2: To assess the possibilities of CT originally performed for a different indication in myocardial tissue characterization. Methods: Part 1: We prospectively enrolled 17 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. All the patients underwent both cardiac CT and cardiac MR. We compared the findings of DCE on CT with the findings of DCE on MR. Part 2: We retrospectively evaluated 96 patients who underwent both CT for any indication and cardiac MR. We compared the findings of a hypodense area in the myocardium with the findings of DCE on MR. Results: Part 1: CT detected DCE in 3 patients and MR detected DCE in 6 patients. The agreement between both modalities was in v 82% cases (kappa 0.56). The sensitivity and specificity of CT were 50% and 100%, respectively and the positive predictive value was 100%. In patients with positive findings on CT, the localization of DCE was almost...Radiodiagnostická klinika 1. LF UK a VFNDepartment of Radiology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin


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    Field experiments were conducted at the medium heavy luvisol under the unirrigated conditions at the locality with continental climate in the years 2002 and 2003. Foliar preparations ´Avit 35´ and ´Humix univerzál plus´ were sprayed at the sugar beet leaves during the vegetation. These liquid foliar preparations contain growth stimulators (humates, ethanolamine, ureasalicylate) enriched by macroelements and microelements. Two sugar beet varieties (STRUBEDIECKMANN) were involved in the experiment: a rhizomania sensitive one (´Swing´) and a rhizomania tolerant one (´Takt´). The experimental locality was without BNYVV infection. Infl uence of foliar preparations in interaction with other factors (weather conditions, variety) on sugar beet yield and quality parameters (root yield, digestion, molasses forming substances, refi ned sugar yield) was evaluated in the experiment. Foliar preparations high signifi cantly increased the root yield and digestion in the year with suffi cient rainfalls and decreased molasses substances content in roots in both experimental years. There were high signifi cant differences in digestion between the varieties. Rhizomania tolerant variety (´Takt´) reached better yield and quality parameters than the rhizomania sensitive variety (´Swing´) in conditions without rhizomania infection.V rokoch 2002 a 2003 boli na stredne ťažkej hnedozemi v bezzávlahových podmienkach, na lokalite s kontinentálnym vplyvom počasia založené poľné pokusy s cukrovou repou. Na porast cukrovej repy boli počas vegetácie aplikované (postrekom na list) preparáty ´Avit 35´ a ´Humix univerzál plus´. Sú to tekuté listové prípravky na báze bioaktívnych látok (humáty, etanolamín, ureasalicylát) so stimulačnými účinkami a s relatívne nízkym obsahom makroelementov a mikroelementov. Do pokusu boli zaradené dve odrody cukrovej repy (STRUBE-DIECKMANN), pričom jedna bola citlivá na rizomániu (´Swing´) druhá bola BNYVV tolerantná (´Takt´). Pokusná lokalita patrí medzi oblasti bez výskytu rizománie. V pokuse bol hodnotený vplyv aplikácie listových preparátov v interakcii s ďalšími faktormi (poveternostné podmienky, odroda) na parametre úrody a kvality cukrovej repy (úroda buliev, cukornatosť, obsah melasotvorných látok, úroda rafi nády). Listové preparáty zvýšili úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu rafi nády iba v roku s dostatočnými zrážkami. V suchom roku neovplyvnili úrodu buliev a znížili cukornatosť. V oboch experimentálnych rokoch listové preparáty znížili obsah K+ a Na+ v buľvách a neovplyvnili obsah αN. Listové preparáty významnejšie vplývali na úrodu cukrovej repy než na jej kvalitu. Odroda ´Takt´ tolerantná voči rizománie dosiahla vyššiu úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu polarizačného cukru než citlivá odroda ´Swing´. Medzi odrodami neboli zistené žiadne rozdiely v reakcii na listové preparáty pri žiadnom zo sledovaných parametrov


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    Field experiments were conducted at the medium heavy luvisol under the unirrigated conditions at the locality with continental climate in the years 2002 and 2003. Foliar preparations ´Avit 35´ and ´Humix univerzál plus´ were sprayed at the sugar beet leaves during the vegetation. These liquid foliar preparations contain growth stimulators (humates, ethanolamine, ureasalicylate) enriched by macroelements and microelements. Two sugar beet varieties (STRUBEDIECKMANN) were involved in the experiment: a rhizomania sensitive one (´Swing´) and a rhizomania tolerant one (´Takt´). The experimental locality was without BNYVV infection. Infl uence of foliar preparations in interaction with other factors (weather conditions, variety) on sugar beet yield and quality parameters (root yield, digestion, molasses forming substances, refi ned sugar yield) was evaluated in the experiment. Foliar preparations high signifi cantly increased the root yield and digestion in the year with suffi cient rainfalls and decreased molasses substances content in roots in both experimental years. There were high signifi cant differences in digestion between the varieties. Rhizomania tolerant variety (´Takt´) reached better yield and quality parameters than the rhizomania sensitive variety (´Swing´) in conditions without rhizomania infection.V rokoch 2002 a 2003 boli na stredne ťažkej hnedozemi v bezzávlahových podmienkach, na lokalite s kontinentálnym vplyvom počasia založené poľné pokusy s cukrovou repou. Na porast cukrovej repy boli počas vegetácie aplikované (postrekom na list) preparáty ´Avit 35´ a ´Humix univerzál plus´. Sú to tekuté listové prípravky na báze bioaktívnych látok (humáty, etanolamín, ureasalicylát) so stimulačnými účinkami a s relatívne nízkym obsahom makroelementov a mikroelementov. Do pokusu boli zaradené dve odrody cukrovej repy (STRUBE-DIECKMANN), pričom jedna bola citlivá na rizomániu (´Swing´) druhá bola BNYVV tolerantná (´Takt´). Pokusná lokalita patrí medzi oblasti bez výskytu rizománie. V pokuse bol hodnotený vplyv aplikácie listových preparátov v interakcii s ďalšími faktormi (poveternostné podmienky, odroda) na parametre úrody a kvality cukrovej repy (úroda buliev, cukornatosť, obsah melasotvorných látok, úroda rafi nády). Listové preparáty zvýšili úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu rafi nády iba v roku s dostatočnými zrážkami. V suchom roku neovplyvnili úrodu buliev a znížili cukornatosť. V oboch experimentálnych rokoch listové preparáty znížili obsah K+ a Na+ v buľvách a neovplyvnili obsah αN. Listové preparáty významnejšie vplývali na úrodu cukrovej repy než na jej kvalitu. Odroda ´Takt´ tolerantná voči rizománie dosiahla vyššiu úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu polarizačného cukru než citlivá odroda ´Swing´. Medzi odrodami neboli zistené žiadne rozdiely v reakcii na listové preparáty pri žiadnom zo sledovaných parametrov


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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a severe lung disease defined by the presence of chronic blood clots in the pulmonary arteries accompanied by severe health complications. It is necessary to go through a large set of axial sections from Computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) for diagnosing the disease, which is difficult and time consuming for the radiologist. The radiologist's experience plays a significant role, same as subjective factors such as attention and fatigue. In this work we pursued the design and development of the algorithm for semiautomatic detection of pulmonary artery stenoses and clots for diagnosing CTEPH, which is based on the implementation of semantic segmentation using deep convolutional neural networks. Specifically, it is about the use of the DeepLab V3 + model embedded in the Xception architecture. Within this work we focused on stenoses and clots located in larger pulmonary arteries. Anonymized data of patients diagnosed with CTEPH and one healthy patient in the term of the presence of the disease were used for realization of this work. Statistical analysis of the results is divided into two parts: analysis of the created algorithm based on comparison of outputs with ground truth data (manually marked references) and analysis of pathology detection on new data based on comparison of predictions with reference images from the radiologist. The proposed algorithm correctly detects present vascular pathology in 83% of cases (sensitivity) and precisely selects cases where the investigated pathology does not occur in 72% of cases (specificity). The calculated Matthews correlation coefficient is 0.53. This means that the predictive ability of the algorithm is moderate positive. The designed and developed image analysis algorithm offers the radiologist a "second opinion" and it also could enable to increase the sensitivity of CTEPH diagnostics in cooperation with a radiologist.

    Xylogenesis and phloemogenesis of Norway spruce in different ages stands at middle altitudinal zone

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    This study aimed to determine the influence of the stand age and selected weather conditions on the cambial activity, xylem and phloem formation and their development. For the analysis, microcores were taken weekly from two corresponding stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) with various ages (35- and 106-years-old) during the growing season 2012 in the Czech Republic. Young specimens were characterised by higher cambium activity; however, more considerable variation and imbalance were found there. In old trees, delayed processes during the development of the xylem and phloem at the cell level were proved. The cambium activity started in March till mid-April, and it lasted for 22 weeks in both cases. The commencement of xylogenesis was established in the first half of May. In both investigated stands, the fully lignified ring was observed at the end of October. For the creation of most xylem cells, it was required 124 and 121 days in the young and old stands, respectively. Daily increment of 0.57 (young) and 0.49 (old) cells on average was observed during the active xylem growth. The relationship between air temperature and wood cell formation for both age groups was recorded. The precipitation influenced wood development just in the case of the young trees. Phloem formation was resistant to external influence according to the Pearson correlation coefficient.O

    Bus route design in small demand areas

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    The paper deals with the situation when a low populated area is in need of public transport service. It is necessary to design a bus route, passing through the area and meeting the accessibility and efficiency requirements. The article presents a mathematical formulation of the problem in terms of the network theory together with two exact and several heuristic methods for finding a solution. The paper describes that the problem is NP-hard, and therefore computing experience is outlined


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    The influence of variety and foliar applications of Atonik and Polybor 150 on root yield and inulin content in root of chicory (Cichorium Intybus L.) plant were observed in field polyfactorial experiment. The field trials were established on experimental station Dolná Malanta in warm maize production area in 2005 and 2006 years. The root yield and inulin content were statistically high significantly influenced by year’s weather conditions. In term of obtained root yield and inulin content in root the combination of foliar preparations on variant B (Atonik: 0.4 l ha-1 in 2nd post-emergence herbicide application; Atonik + Polybor 150: 0.6 + 2.5 l ha-1 in 3rd post-emergence herbicide application; Polybor 150: 2.5 l ha-1 in 1st fungicide treatment) was shown to be optimal in given agri-ecological conditions. Biological material affected the formation of yield parameters very differently. The highest yield of root was observed at variety Fredonia Nova and inulin content in root at variety Maurane (both statistically significant).V poľných polyfaktorových experimentoch bol sledovaný vplyv odrody a foliárnej aplikácie Atoniku a Polyboru 150 na úrodu koreňa a obsah inulínu v koreni čakanky. Poľný experiment bol uskutočnený v rokoch 2005 a 2006 na experimentálnej stanici Dolná Malanta v teplej kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti na stredne ťažkej hnedozemi. Poveternostné podmienkami stanovišťa ovplyvnili výšku úrody koreňa, ako aj obsah inulínu v koreni štatisticky vysoko preukazne. V daných agroekologických podmienkach bol vplyv termínu foliárnej aplikácie Atoniku a Polyboru 150 na úrodu koreňa a obsah inulínu v koreni najvýznamnejší v experimentálnom variante B (Atonik 0,4 l.ha-1 - druhá postemergentná aplikácia herbicídu; Atonik + Polybor 150: 0,6 + 2.5 l.ha-1 - tretia postemergentná aplikácia herbicídu; Polybor 150: 2,5 l.ha-1 - prvé fungicídne ošetrenie). Biologický materiál ovplyvňoval formovanie úrodových parametrov rozdielne. Vplyv odrody na úrodu koreňa bol štatisticky signifikantný. Najvyššia úroda bola zaznamenaná pri odrode Fredonia Nova a najvyšší obsah inulínu v koreni bol pri odrode Maurane

    Torricelli's law, Pythagoras and Tantalus cup, DC motor

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    Dostupnost FFF/FDM 3D tiskáren umožňuje snadno vytvářet z plastů pomůcky s různými mechanickými či optickými vlastnostmi. V příspěvku jsou diskutovány modely, které by jinak nešly vyrobit, či by jejich cena byla řádově vyšší a jsou pro výuku fyziky přínosné. Válcová nádoba s tryskami je osvědčenou pomůckou pro demonstraci závislosti hydrostatického tlaku na výšce vodního sloupce. Téma hydrostatický tlak a jeho důsledky spojuje i pomůcka Pythagorův a Tantalův pohár. Vymodelovaný a vytisknutý řez pohárem je vizuální pomůcka jasně demonstrující chování kapaliny uvnitř nasávací soustavy. Posledním modelem doplněným o 3D výtisky je stejnosměrný elektromotor.FFF/FDM 3D printers are useful for making instruments with various mechanical or optical properties. In the article, there are discussed models which cannot be produced in another way or are too expensive. The cylinder with nozzles is a typical instrument for demonstration of hydrostatic pressure. The Pythagorean and the Tantalus cup are also an ideal instrument for demonstration of the application of hydrostatic pressure. These cups simulate properties of liquid in the intake water system. The last model with 3D printing accessories is a DC electric motor