132 research outputs found


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    Cilj ovoga rada je usporediti dvije kolorimetrijske metode određivanja koncentracije proteina: metode po Bradford-u i metode po Lowry-ju. Uzorak iz kojeg su proteini izolirani je crveni mulj koji nastaje kao jalovina nakon što se iz boksita ukloni aluminijev oksid, Al2O3 Bayerovim postupkom. Prisutnost proteina bi ukazala na mikrobiološku aktivnost što ukazuje na mogućnost bioremedijacije kontaminiranoga okoliša.Goal of this thesis is to compare two colorimetric assays for protein detectionand quantification: Bradford and Lowry assays. Protein extraction sample was red mud,which is waste after Bayer process, bauxite refining process to produce alumina, Al2O3.Presence of proteins is indicator for possible microbial activity in red mud, which is important part of bioremediation of contaminated environment


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    Štetni učinci pesticida na okoliš i neciljne organizme dobro su poznati. Kako bi se smanjio štetan utjecaj pesticida pojavljivale su se različite metode kojima je cilj smanjiti njihovu uporabu. Jedan od načina smanjenja pesticida je primjena nanočestica kao pesticida ili primjena istih kao nosača pesticida. Cilj ovog rada je bilo utvrditi pojedinačne i kombinirane učinke cinkovog oksida (ZnO) u nano i ne nano obliku te propikonazola (PCZ) na reprodukcijski uspjeh te biokemijske markere (acetilkolinesteraza (AChE), katalaza (CAT), glutation S-transferaza (GST) i reaktivne supstance tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBARS)) enhitreida (Enchytraeus albidus). Izračunata je manja EC50 vrijednost za ne nano čestice nego za nanočestice cinkovog oksida (ZnO). Rezultati eksperimenta pokazuju kako PCZ uzrokuje lipidnu peroksidaciju kod kombiniranog izlaganja. Kombinirano izlaganje nije utjecalo na povećanje oksidativnog stresa u usporedbi s pojedinačnim izlaganjem.The adverse effects of pesticides on the environment and non-taget organisms are well known. To reduce that influence many alternative methods have been proposed, and one of those is a usage of nanoparticles as pesticides or as pesticide carriers. This study investigated single and combined effect of nano and bulk particles of zinc oxide (ZnO) and propiconazole (PCZ) on reproduction and biochemical markers (acetylcholine-esterase (AChE), catalase (CAT), gluthation S-transferase (GST), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)) of enchytraeids (Enchytraeus albidus). Calculated EC50 value of bulk ZnO particles is lower than EC50 value of ZnO nanoparticles. Results of the experiment show that PCZ causes lipid peroxidation in a binary exposure, although binary exposure did not increase oxidative stress in comparison with a single exposure


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    Cilj ovoga rada je usporediti dvije kolorimetrijske metode određivanja koncentracije proteina: metode po Bradford-u i metode po Lowry-ju. Uzorak iz kojeg su proteini izolirani je crveni mulj koji nastaje kao jalovina nakon što se iz boksita ukloni aluminijev oksid, Al2O3 Bayerovim postupkom. Prisutnost proteina bi ukazala na mikrobiološku aktivnost što ukazuje na mogućnost bioremedijacije kontaminiranoga okoliša.Goal of this thesis is to compare two colorimetric assays for protein detectionand quantification: Bradford and Lowry assays. Protein extraction sample was red mud,which is waste after Bayer process, bauxite refining process to produce alumina, Al2O3.Presence of proteins is indicator for possible microbial activity in red mud, which is important part of bioremediation of contaminated environment


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    Štetni učinci pesticida na okoliš i neciljne organizme dobro su poznati. Kako bi se smanjio štetan utjecaj pesticida pojavljivale su se različite metode kojima je cilj smanjiti njihovu uporabu. Jedan od načina smanjenja pesticida je primjena nanočestica kao pesticida ili primjena istih kao nosača pesticida. Cilj ovog rada je bilo utvrditi pojedinačne i kombinirane učinke cinkovog oksida (ZnO) u nano i ne nano obliku te propikonazola (PCZ) na reprodukcijski uspjeh te biokemijske markere (acetilkolinesteraza (AChE), katalaza (CAT), glutation S-transferaza (GST) i reaktivne supstance tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBARS)) enhitreida (Enchytraeus albidus). Izračunata je manja EC50 vrijednost za ne nano čestice nego za nanočestice cinkovog oksida (ZnO). Rezultati eksperimenta pokazuju kako PCZ uzrokuje lipidnu peroksidaciju kod kombiniranog izlaganja. Kombinirano izlaganje nije utjecalo na povećanje oksidativnog stresa u usporedbi s pojedinačnim izlaganjem.The adverse effects of pesticides on the environment and non-taget organisms are well known. To reduce that influence many alternative methods have been proposed, and one of those is a usage of nanoparticles as pesticides or as pesticide carriers. This study investigated single and combined effect of nano and bulk particles of zinc oxide (ZnO) and propiconazole (PCZ) on reproduction and biochemical markers (acetylcholine-esterase (AChE), catalase (CAT), gluthation S-transferase (GST), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)) of enchytraeids (Enchytraeus albidus). Calculated EC50 value of bulk ZnO particles is lower than EC50 value of ZnO nanoparticles. Results of the experiment show that PCZ causes lipid peroxidation in a binary exposure, although binary exposure did not increase oxidative stress in comparison with a single exposure

    Impact of Tourism on Roundabout of Economic Process

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    The relation between of production and consumption units, market mechanisms, and the behaviour of economic subjects in the market are aspects that enable an understanding of tourism in the economic process. Two basic factors of tourism “free time and free money” as the goal of creation of each individual, striving to meet the needs for luxury, rest, rehabilitation and recreation, are directly linked to the basic economic relationship, the relationship between limited resources and unlimited needs. Not respecting the principles and rules of the socio-economic sphere, by the dynamics of the development of techno-economic sphere, the increasing difference between the poor majority and rich minority in the world, causing many economic and social problems. Given the economic problems on a global level, further directions of development of tourism should be sought through the analysis of the relationship, or better to say, interdependence of development of techno-economic and socio-economic spheres. This paper seeks to determine and clarify the importance of tourism as a factor stimulating circular flow of economic processes


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    Here we present new findings of the hymenopteran Diphyus quadripunctorius (Müller, 1776) from three cave localities in Serbia. We examined a total of five overwintering female specimens collected during 2016, 2019 and 2020 in caves – Devojačka Pećina Cave, Sisevačka Pećina Cave in eastern Serbia and Ogorelička Pećina Cave in southeastern Serbia. Additionally, a short description of D. quadripunctorius females is provided. Its phenology, tentative host association and adaptations to cave life are also discussed

    Quantifying extreme market risk in the selected Western Balkan countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of unconditional and conditional Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) models based on EVT. The application of one unconditional VaR and ES model based on EVT and three variants of conditional models of VaR and ES based on EVT in the capital markets of the selected WBC was tested in the paper. To test the VaR model, a conditional and unconditional cover test was used, with the note that their results were subject to verification using the Monte Carlo test procedure. The obtained results suggests that these models can be successfully used to quantify extreme market risk in selected markets, in the context of Basel standards. ES models have been tested and ranked using loss function. By using the Bootstrap simulation, these results are subject to verification. The obtained results does not reveal which model is most suitable for the selected markets, since they are differently ranked in different markets

    Current and predicted distribution of the rare and threatened beetle Bolbelasmus (Bolbelasmus) unicornis (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) in Serbia

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    Bolbelasmus (Bolbelasmus) unicornis (Schrank, 1789) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) is a rare and threatened beetle distributed mostly in Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe. As a species of special conservation significance it is included in Annexes II and IV of the Habitat Directive of the European Union. Several new records of this species documented using light traps and soil sampling were recently reported in Serbia (the central part of the Balkan Peninsula). In this paper we present and discuss the current distribution of this species in the region studied based on GIS occurrence data. The distribution is mapped and values of environmental variables within this beetle's range are quantified using GIS technology. In addition, we predict its potential range in Serbia using a model based on the current distribution of this beetle, environmental variables and distribution of its food source

    Consumer behavior related to buying wines on the retail market in the City of Niš

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    The subject matter of the paper is research in consumer behavior in connection with the purchase of wines of both domestic and foreign brands on the market of the City of Niš. The paper is structured so as to perceive the issue from several aspects. In the first place, our wish was to determine whether the respondents are regular wine consumers, and which sorts of wine they consume, and how many of them are not wine regular consumers. An effort was made to determine consumer habits via survey research. The examination method that implied personal examination using a questionnaire was applied. The suitable sample included 230 respondents from the territory of the City of Niš. The research was conducted in November 2019. While processing the data, it was noticed that a larger number of the respondents were regular wine consumers, namely consuming specific brands. The respondents mainly preferred domestic producers’ wines. The results obtained can be observed at the level of the strategic marketing of the offering companies. The research study provides an insight in connection with the different aspects of the consumer behavior of those who consume wine, both at the general level and in connection with the choice of brands

    A new species of Leonhardia Reitter, 1901 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leptodirini) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a key to species of the genus

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    A new leptodirine leiodid beetle species belonging to the genus Leonhardia Reitter, 1901, L. solaki sp. nov., from a pit in Bosnia and Herzegovina (western Balkan Peninsula) is described and diagnosed. Important morphological features of the new species are listed and photographed. The new species is endemic to the Dinarides of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A key for identification of species and subspecies of the genus Leonhardia is also provided