31 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis in cattle (M. caprae) in the years 2009-2014

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    Tuberculosis in cattle (M. caprae) in the years 2009-2014

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    Evaluation of Platelet Indices and Complete Blood Count in Canine Mammary Tumors

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    Background: Malignant mammary tumors in humans and bitches cause hematological disorders such as anemia, erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis, hyperproteinemia, and leucopenia. Novel studies have been conducted on the predictive and prognostic values of platelet (PLT) indices in human breast cancer (HBC). However, there is little information about the alterations in hematological parameters in canine mammary tumors (CMTs). The aims of this study were to evaluate the platelet indices and complete blood count (CBC) parameters in bitches with and without mammary tumor and to assess the above mentioned parameters with regard to histological tumor types and grades.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 71 bitches were enrolled in this study. The bitches in the study group were divided into 2 groups which consisted of malignant epithelial mammary tumors (group EMT; n = 43) and malignant mixed mammary tumors (group MMT; n = 12). Control group (group C) consisted of clinically and gynaecologically healthy 16 bitches. Blood samples were obtained to perform the CBC and PLT indices analysis. Histopathological examinations were carried out under a light microscope. Histological tumor types and malignancy grades were classified. The bitches with mammary tumor showed significantly increased PLT values and decreased hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin (HGB) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) values versus the healthy ones, regardless of the tumor type. However, in comparisons with the group C, mean platelet volume (MPV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) values were different only in the group MMT, while plateletcrit (PCT) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) values were different only in the group EMT. Also white blood cell (WBC), PLT and PCT values were higher than the referenced laboratory ranges in grade 3 tumors. In the presented study, MPV was considerably correlated with PLT, platelet distribution width (PDW) and PCT. Also, PCT and PLT had high sensitivity and specificity to distinct EMT and MMT from the healthy bitches.Discussion: Microcytic and hypochromic anemia occurs due to the decrease in the amount of HGB. Levels of MCV, MCH, and MCHC in the HBC group were reported to be significantly lower than in humans without breast cancer. Although anemia did not occur in EMT and MMT groups, obtained significances in the HCT, HGB, MCV, MCH, and MCHC levels between the bitches with and without mammary tumor were in line with the previous reports. In this study, WBC levels in grade 3 tumors were significantly higher than grade1 tumors (P < 0.05). Whereas levels of WBC in grade 1 and grade 2 tumors were in referenced laboratory ranges, it was higher in grade 3. Increased level of WBC in grade 3 was supposed to be due to the rise in malignancy as previously reported. Thrombocytosis was detected in 48.83% and 41.66% of the bitches in EMT and MMT groups, respectively. The higher percentage of CMTs with thrombocytosis in this study might be due to the difference in referenced upper limit of PLT in previous studies. The elapsed time between tumor formation and clinical presentation could be another influencing factor. Although PLT and PCT values were not significant according to the histological grading in this study, both parameters were found to be higher in grade 3 than the normal reference values. Further studies conducted with higher populations may lead the differences in these parameters to significance. With the support of further studies, alterations in the above mentioned parameters in bitches may contribute in the diagnosis process, management of treatment and may constitute an easy way to have an idea about the prognosis of mammary tumors

    New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition and disorder causing psychological deterioration triggered by terrifying events or traumatic experiences either by experiencing or by witnessing it. Though many people have common feelings, PTSD symptoms vary from one person to another. So it is strongly recommended to focus on new diagnostic and therapeutic methods relying and structured on a neurobiological dimension by collecting and processing neuroimaging data. It is crucial to make a profound analysis of PTSD in terms of its ontological, biological, developmental, psychological, and sociological aspects. Both with the new treatment opportunities and involvement of in silico-based artificial intelligence applications, new psychotherapy techniques and new discourses in digital media will be possible. Within the scope of the study, ontological discussions are followed and juxtaposed by Neuro-Biological Perspectives on Genomics and Epigenomics as well as the clinical and neuro-imaginative perspectives and clinical overviews of PTSD. Besides, the neuro-developmental views in the context of children along with adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and their relation to PTSD are analyzed by emphasizing the significance of brain development. Sociological aspects of PTSD in the digital habitus are collocated to develop unique therapy approaches that embrace sociological perspectives of Information Society


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    BULAŞICI VENEREAL T&Uuml;M&Ouml;RL&Uuml; BİR K&Ouml;PEKTE KLİNİK VE PATOLOJİK BULGULARIN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Hazal &Ouml;ZT&Uuml;RK1, Evrim EGEDEN2*, G&uuml;lbin ŞENNAZLI1 1İstanbul &Uuml;niversitesi, Veteriner Fak&uuml;ltesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Avcılar Kamp&uuml;s&uuml;, İstanbul 2*Ada Veteriner Polikliniği S&uuml;l&uuml;n Sokak No: 14 1. Levent 34330 Beşiktaş, İstanbul. Tlf: +90.212.3246732. E-posta: [email protected] Canine venereal t&uuml;m&ouml;r, k&ouml;peklerin bulaşıcı seyreden başlıca genital b&ouml;lge olmakla beraber, derinin diğer b&ouml;l&uuml;mlerinde de g&ouml;zlenebilen, h&uuml;cresel orijini bilinmeyen t&uuml;m&ouml;ral bir hastalığıdır. N&ouml;bet, kaşeksi, iştahsızlık ve purulent deri lezyonları şik&acirc;yeti ile 12 yaşında, melez, erkek k&ouml;pek kliniğe getirilmiştir. Klinik muayenede generalize lenfadenopati ve mukozalarında solgunluk, abdominal ultrasonografik muayenede dalakta multinod&uuml;ler odaklar, kan biyokimya testlerinde orta d&uuml;zeyde anemi, hiperglobulinemi ve hipoalbuminemi tespit edildi. SNAP4xPlus ve SNAP- Leishmania testlerinde Ehrlichia pozitif ve Leishmania negatif olarak izlendi. Dalak ve deriden ince iğne aspirasyon y&ouml;ntemi ile yapılan sitolojik yaymalarda; deride: uniform, yuvarlak morfolojiye sahip, mavimtrak sitoplazmalı neoplastik h&uuml;creler izlendi. Dalakta: atipik &ouml;zelliklerde lenfositik seriden h&uuml;creler izlendi. Deriden alınan deri kazıntı &ouml;rneklerinde demodeks etkenlerine rastlanıldı. Daha sonra deride d&uuml;zensiz dağılım g&ouml;steren, 0,3-1 cm &ccedil;aplarındaki nod&uuml;ler lezyonlardan alınan punch biyopsi &ouml;rneklerinde histopatolojik olarak epidermisten subkutise kadar yayılım g&ouml;steren: dizi kordonlar şeklinde sıralanmış, uniform, yuvarlak morfolojili, b&uuml;y&uuml;k &ccedil;ekirdekli ve h&uuml;cre-sınırları belirgin olmayan neoplastik h&uuml;crelerden oluşan t&uuml;m&ouml;r alanları izlendi. Sitolojik ve histopatolojik neticesinde deri lezyonlarına bulaşıcı venereal t&uuml;m&ouml;r teşhisi konuldu. &Ccedil;alışmanın amacı bulaşıcı venereal t&uuml;m&ouml;r teşhis edilen k&ouml;pekteki klinik ve patolojik bulguları tartışmak ve prognostik a&ccedil;ıdan değerlendirmektir. Anahtar kelimeler: bulaşıcı venereal t&uuml;m&ouml;r, k&ouml;pek, der

    Kedi ve Köpek Dokularının Dört Farklı Çözelti ile Tespiti ve Bu Çözeltilerin Histopatolojik Görünümlerine Etkileri Açısından Karşılaştırılması

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    KEDİ VE K&Ouml;PEK DOKULARININ D&Ouml;RT FARKLI &Ccedil;&Ouml;ZELTİ İLE TESPİTİ VE BU &Ccedil;&Ouml;ZELTİLERİN HİSTOPATOLOJİK G&Ouml;R&Uuml;N&Uuml;MLERE ETKİLERİ A&Ccedil;ISINDAN KARŞILASTIRILMASI Merve MORAL1, Hazal &Ouml;ZT&Uuml;RK2, Funda YILDIRIM2 1İstanbul &Uuml;niversitesi Veteriner Fak&uuml;ltesi, 5. Sınıf Lisans &Ouml;ğrencisi 2İstanbul &Uuml;niversitesi Veteriner Fak&uuml;ltesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dalı Tespit işlemi, histopatolojik olarak incelenmek istenen doku &ouml;rneklerini stabilize ederek o anki durumlarının g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;lenmesini sağlar. Aynı zamanda; dokunun otolitik enzimler ve mikroorganizmalar aracılığı ile bozulmasını ve morfolojik &ouml;zelliklerini kaybetmesini &ouml;nler, şekil ve hacim a&ccedil;ısından dokuyu sabitler ve daha sonraki s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerde gerekecek başka inceleme y&ouml;ntemleri i&ccedil;in dokuyu muhafaza eder. Bu &ccedil;alışmada farklı fiksatif &ccedil;&ouml;zeltilerin doku tespitindeki g&uuml;venilirliklerini ve aralarındaki farklılıkları ortaya koymak ama&ccedil;landı. Bunun i&ccedil;in; %4&rsquo;l&uuml;k Formaldehit, %10&rsquo;luk Formaldehit, Hollande ve Carnoy sol&uuml;syonları olmak &uuml;zere 4 farklı fiksatif tercih edildi. &Ccedil;alışmada, kedi ve k&ouml;pek nekropsilerinden alınan 10`ar dalak ve b&ouml;brek doku &ouml;rnekleri her sol&uuml;syon i&ccedil;in belirtilen bekleme s&uuml;resi dikkate alınarak bu 4 farklı sol&uuml;syonda tespit edildi. Ardından doku &ouml;rnekleri rutin doku takip işlemlerinden ge&ccedil;irildi ve parafin bloklara g&ouml;m&uuml;ld&uuml;. Parafin bloklardan 3-4 m kalınlığında kesitler alındı. Kesitler h&uuml;crelerin sitoplazmik sınırları, boyanma yetenekleri, n&uuml;kleer ve n&uuml;kleolar detayları a&ccedil;ısından ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Anahtar s&ouml;zc&uuml;kler: Doku Tespiti, Formaldehit, Hollande &Ccedil;&ouml;zeltisi, Carnoy &Ccedil;&ouml;zeltisi, kedi, k&ouml;pe

    Hipertrofik Osteodistrofili Bir Köpekte Gözlenen Patolojik Bulgular

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    HI·PERTROFI·K OSTEODI·STROFI·LI· BI·R KO¨PEKTE GO¨ZLENEN PATOLOJI·K BULGULAR Burcu Karabina1, Hazal O¨ztu¨rk Gu¨rgen1, Ahmet Gu¨lc¸ubuk1, Lu¨tfiye O¨ksu¨z2 1Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Veteriner Faku¨ltesi, I·stanbul U¨niversitesi-Cerrahpas¸a, Avcılar Kampu¨su¨, I·stanbul, Tu¨rkiye 2Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Tıp Faku¨ltesi, I·stanbul U¨niversitesi, C¸apa Kampu¨su¨, I·stanbul, Tu¨rkiye Mallory&#39;nin u¨c¸lu¨ boyama teknigˆi kullanılarak boyandı ve ıs¸ık mikroskobunda degˆerlendirildi. Mikrobiyolojik inceleme ic¸in alınan kemik o¨rnekleri 88 Olguda bir ko¨pekte saptanan hipertrofik osteodistrofinin patolojik ve mikrobiyolojik bulgularının sunulması amac¸landı. Faku¨ltemiz Patoloji Anabilim Dalına nekropsi amacıyla getirilen 6 aylık, Kangal ırkı, dis¸i ko¨pegˆin makroskobik incelemesinde bu¨tu¨n ekstremite eklemlerinde s¸is¸likler saptandı. Nekropsi o¨ncesinde eklem ve kemiklerin durumunu tam tespit etmek amacıyla kadavranın ro¨ntgeni c¸ekildi ve sonrasında sistemik nekropsi prosedu¨ru¨ uygulandı. Nekropsi esnasında histopatolojik inceleme ic¸in alınan doku o¨rnekleri %10&rsquo;luk formaldehit solu¨syonuna konuldu, ayrıca kemik ve eklem dokuları fiksasyon sonrasında dekalsifikasyon is¸lemlerinden gec¸irilerek parafin bloklara go¨mu¨ldu¨. Rotary mikrotomuyla 5 &mu;m inceligˆinde alınan kesitler hematoksilen &amp; eozin (H&amp;E) ve anaerobik ve aerobik besiyerlerinde 37&deg;C&rsquo;de inku¨be edildi. I·nku¨basyon su¨resi sonunda ekim yapılan besi yerleri degˆerlendirildi. Nekropside tu¨m ekstremite, kosta, mandibula ve maksilla kemiklerinin metafiz ve diafiz bo¨lgelerinde belirgin periosteal ossifikasyon go¨ru¨ldu¨. Bunun yanı sıra, koms¸u kas dokuda belirgin o¨dem, atrofi ve nekroz alanları izlendi. Histopatolojik incelemede etkilenen kemiklerdeki trabeku¨llerde ileri du¨zeyli yıkımlanma, fibro¨z bagˆ doku artıs¸ı, periosteal bo¨lgede belirgin fibrozis ve ossifikasyon tespit edildi. Bununla birlikte ileri du¨zeyli osteomiyelit go¨zlendi. Radyografik go¨ru¨ntu¨leme yaygın periosteal proliferasyon izlendi. Mikrobiyolojik inku¨basyon su¨resi sonunda ekim yapılan besiyerlerinde Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli ve Proteus mirabilis cinsi bakterilerin u¨redigˆi go¨zlenmis¸tir. Bu vakada izlenen makroskobik ve histopatolojik bulgular sonucunda hastaya hipertrofik osteodistrofi tes¸hisi konuldu. Hastalıgˆın olus¸masında enfeksiyo¨z etkenlerin rol oynadıgˆı du¨s¸u¨nu¨lmektedir. Anahtar so¨zcu¨kler: Escherichia coli, hipertrofik osteodistrofi, Klebsiella pneumoniae, ko¨pek, Proteus mirabilis

    Clinicopathologic evaluation of oral squamous cell carcinoma in a young dog

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    Canine oral papilloma is a benign tumor of young dogs and caused by papillomavirus. The possible role of papillomavirus infection in the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma has recently been studied, but it has not been elucidated in veterinary medicine yet. A one-year-old, mixed, spayed, female dog was presented with severely disseminated oral lesions, lethargy, and weight loss. Physical examination of the patient revealed severely disseminated oral papillomatous lesions in the entire oral cavity and the complete blood test showed mild non-regenerative anemia and pancytopenia. In addition, the patient was found seropositive by the SNAP 4Dx Plus test for Ehrlichia canis. Histopathologic examination of oral lesions was performed using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry for p16, antibody which increases in infections caused by papillomavirus. Histopathology revealed the histologic features of oral papilloma in association with squamous cell carcinoma. Cytoplasmic and nuclear positive reactions for p16 protein were observed within the neoplastic cells in the immunohistochemical examination. Thereafter, the dog was treated with combined therapy of vincristine, antibiotic, radiotherapy, and high doses of vitamin C. After long-term treatment, the dog completely recovered from the lesions. In this report, it was aimed to present a possible role of papilloma in the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma with the clinical, histopathological, immunohistochemical findings and treatment procedure