8 research outputs found

    A case of ruptured hydatid cyst with upper lobe localization that imitated active lung tuberculosis

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    Kist hidatik, Echinococcus granulosus'un neden olduğu sıklıkla karaciğerde olmakla birlikte %1030 olguda akciğerde de görülebilen paraziter bir hastalıktır. Akciğerlerde daha çok alt loblarda yerleşmektedir. Akciğer grafisinde sağ akciğer üst lob posterior segmentte kavitesi olan 49 yaşında bir erkek hasta akciğer tüberkülozu (TB) ön tanısı ile tüberküloz servisine yatırılarak ampirik olarak antiTB tedavi başlandı. Balgam incelemelerinde aside dirençli basil (ADB) üç kez negatif olarak saptanan hastaya bronkoskopi yapıldı. Bronş lavajında da ADB'nin negatif olması üzerine yapılan yüksek rezolüsyonlu bilgisayarlı tomografide akciğer TB ile ilgili bulguları değil rüptüre olmuş kist hidatik ile uyumlu olabilecek bulgular görüldü. Kist hidatik için indirekt hemaglutinasyon testi negatif olan bu hastada kistotomi uygulandıHydatid cyst is a parasitic infestation caused by Echinococcus granulosus. Although liver is the most common site of infection, lungs may also be affected in 10 to 30 % of cases. The cyst is usually located in the lower lobes of the lungs. A 49-year-old male patient with a cavitary lesion in the posterior segment of the right upper lobe, was admitted to the tuberculosis ward with a preliminary diagnosis of lung tuberculosis (TB), and anti-TB treatment was started empirically. Bronchoscopy was performed after three different sputum examinations with negative results for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Bronchoalveolar lavage examination was also negative for AFB. High resolution computed tomography showed findings of a ruptured hydatid cyst, rather than TB. A cysctotomy was performed to the patient whose indirect hemagglutination test result was negatıve for hydatid cyst

    Socioeconomic features and predisposing factors in patients with bronchiectasis

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada bronşektazili olguların sosyoekonomik özelliklerini ve bronşektazi gelişiminde rol oynayabilecek faktörleri belirlemek amaçlandı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Altmış dokuz bronşektazi olgusu (43 erkek, 26 kadın; ort. yaş 53.7±15.6) geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Tüm hastaların bronşektazi gelişiminde rol oynayabilecek faktörler, eğitim düzeyleri, sigara, alkol kullanım öyküleri ve aylık gelir düzeyleri kaydedildi. Bulgular: Olguların çoğunda bronşektazi gelişiminde rol oynayan birden fazla risk faktörü vardı. Pnömoni (%68), kızamık (%32), tüberküloz (%18) en sık nedenlerdi. Olguların %42'si ilkokul mezunu olup, %20'si hiç okula gitmemişti. Olguların %55'inde sigara, %19'unda alkol öyküsü vardı. Aylık gelir düzeyleri ise ortalama 438.2±363 YTL olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak bronşektazi sosyoekonomik düzeyi düşük olan bireylerin bir hastalığı olarak düşünüldü.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine socioeconomic features of cases with bronchiectasis and to determine predisposing factors which might play a role in the development of this condition. Patients and Methods: A total of 69 cases with bronchiectasis (43 males, 26 females; mean age 53.7±15.6 years) were retrospectively evaluated. Patients, totally in whom the was, predisposing factors for bronchiectasis, cigarette and alcohol consumptions, education and and monthly income levels were recorded. Results: Most of the cases multiple predisposing factors for bronchiectasis. Pneumonia (68%), measles (32%), and tuberculosis (18%) were the most common causes. Forty-two percent of the cases were primary school graduates and 20% never attended school. Fifty-five percent of the cases smoked cigarettes and 19% of the cases used alcohol. The mean monthly income was found to be 438.2±363 YTL. Conclusion: We concluded that bronchiectasis is prominent among individuals with low socioeconomic level

    Nasal Natural Killer/T-Cell Lymphoma With Skin, Eye, And Peroneal Nerve Involvement

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    Nasal-type natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma (NKTL) is a rare disease strongly associated with Epstein-Barr virus and is often localized to the upper aerodigestive tract at presentation. Extranodal NKTL may involve any extranodal site and disease beyond the nasal cavity is highly aggressive, with short survival time and poor response to therapy. Herein we present a 57-year-old male that had been treated with systemic chemotherapy and cranial radiotherapy for nasaltype NKTL in the palate with skin, right eye, and right peroneal nerve involvement. He was given salvage chemotherapy consisting of 3 cycles of ICE and his response to the therapy was satisfactory, except for persistent right drop foot. About 6 weeks later, the patient presented with bilateral total loss of vision and proptosis; therefore, DHAP chemotherapy was started. Unfortunately, after 1 cycle of the second salvage chemotherapy, he died due to severe fungal infection of the hard palate. , Despite the fact that involvement of any extranodal site is possible, concurrent involvement of many systems in NKTL patients is unusual. Nasal-type NKTL has a poor prognosis, despite local radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy. Physicians should be aware of this rare disorder than can only be diagnosed after extensive immunohistochemical studies., Conflict of interest:None declared.PubMedWoSScopu

    The Effect of Alendronate in Male Osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis in men is increasingly recognized as an important public health issue because of mortality and disability. Approximately 25-30% of all hip fractures occur in men and men are over 3 times more likely to die following a hip fracture than women. Nowadays, the importance of treatment in male osteoporosis is increasing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alendronate treatment on idiopathic male osteoporosis. Thirty-one male patients with idiopathic osteoporosis were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 63,32±10,26 . All patients were treated with Alendronate 10 mgr/daily and calcium 500 mgr/daily. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured at baseline and at 1 and 2 years by using Dual Energy X Ray Absorbtiometry at the lumbar spine(L1-4 ) and proximal femur. There was a significant increase from baseline at lumbar spine and femoral BMD after 1 year and 2 years (p< 0,01). Lumbar spine BMD increased by 6% and 11% after 1 and 2 years respectively. Total femur BMD increased by 2.9% after 1 year and 5.1% after 2 years. No significant side effects occured during the study. In summary, alendronate increased lumbar spine and femoral bone mineral density, and was found to be an effective and well-tolerated drug in men with idiopathic osteoporosis

    The Transcription Factor Elf3 Is Essential for a Successful Mesenchymal to Epithelial Transition

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    The epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) are two critical biological processes that are involved in both physiological events such as embryogenesis and development and also pathological events such as tumorigenesis. They present with dramatic changes in cellular morphology and gene expression exhibiting acute changes in E-cadherin expression. Despite the comprehensive understanding of EMT, the regulation of MET is far from being understood. To find novel regulators of MET, we hypothesized that such factors would correlate with Cdh1 expression. Bioinformatics examination of several expression profiles suggested Elf3 as a strong candidate. Depletion of Elf3 at the onset of MET severely impaired the progression to the epithelial state. This MET defect was explained, in part, by the absence of E-cadherin at the plasma membrane. Moreover, during MET, ELF3 interacts with the Grhl3 promoter and activates its expression. Our findings present novel insights into the regulation of MET and reveal ELF3 as an indispensable guardian of the epithelial state. A better understanding of MET will, eventually, lead to better management of metastatic cancers